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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Mod de-isolation ... basically it boils down to an ESP can't be the master for another ESP in the vanilla Construction Set. When you merge the three mods the assets are no longer separated into three separate ESPs and so de-isolation doesn't come into play. So an option to your merge is to use Wrye Bash to "ESMifiy" your ESP, create your scripts with that ESMified version as a master for your mod with the script, then once all is working you ESPify the one you ESMified and all continues to work. Some caveats concerning this method ... The latest versions of Wrye Bash have removed the ability to ESMify/ESPify ... the last version of WB that I know still has it is version 305. The other thing is more something you always need to keep in mind about your ESP that is using your other now re-ESPified ESP as a master ... you will always need to re-ESMify the master any time you want to edit that ESP that has the script or else you will lose the "connection" (or at least you could, depending on the changes you're now making). The other option, that doesn't involve using depreciated versions of WB is to use Construction Set Extender, which allows the use of ESPs as masters without any fancy stand on one foot, spin around three times and shout "Please" to the four cardinal points shenanigans. CSE will take some setting up though ... Pekka will be your guy for advice there as in keeping with my dinosaur ways I stand on one foot and ... well you get the picture.
  2. I just did a test of extracting only the three crown icon files to a folder using 7-Zip ... they are only 5KB each for the gold ones and 17KB for the crystal one. All I did was navigate to the Textures\menus\Icons\Objects of Desire\Crown Jewels folder in 7-Zip and highlighted those three files and hit Extract ... created a folder to extract to (I already have the download extracted so I created a folder named Test) and 7-Zip extracted the selected files to my Test folder.
  3. I asked because if I remember correctly that was something I had to do to get a couple of NPCs I have use chairs ... and both do use chairs at the same time on occasion (they each have a read package on rainy days) but they wouldn't until I made the chairs persistent (the packages aren't assigned a particular chair ... they use one of the three close to a fireplace). Now eating packages seem to be handled with less need for persistence. Most of the time they'll use one of the chairs at the table, but sometimes one or both of them like to eat by the fireplace. I don't mind because I like to see the variety of behavior.
  4. If the ESPs are also properly edited and are expecting the INIs to be in Russian it shouldn't be a problem (I think ... I have no experience in getting translated mods to work).
  5. The translation is quite possibly the root of the problem. The mod (and it's ESP) is designed to read the INI file ... and it expects that INI file to be in it's original language. Now that said you can still use the translated INI file as a reference for your own edits to values in the original version but that translated INI needs to be renamed so that the mod won't try to read it. If This_Mod.esp uses This_Mod.ini (and that mod is in English) then you could use Russian_Translation_This_Mod.ini as a reference to see what the entries in This_Mod.ini are for ... just be sure to make the changes you want to This_Mod.ini and leave yourself note about what you changed in Russian_Translation_This_Mod.ini (or you could even change a copy of This_Mod.ini to This_Mod.txt and translate that to Russian).
  6. So are you saying I was slamming your AV for no good reason ... or did you have obse_steam_loader.dll installed last night and then somehow deleted it before today's first session? My favourite method for confirming that OBSE is working doesn't involve anything beyond vanilla game mechanics. Start the game and make a save. Exit and look in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder. If you see two save files with the same base name and different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse) then OBSE is working. If you only see a single save file each time you save then OBSE is not working.
  7. I don't see obse_steam_loader.dll listed in your Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder (and that DLL is required for the Steam version of the game). Now that you say that OBSE Tester was reporting OBSE as working last night and not today also nudges me towards a possible culprit ... your anti-virus software. Have a look in it's quarantine folder or check it's activity log and you quite possibly will have your "Paul Harvey" moment (and something to add to it's exclusion/leave alone list).
  8. I use a different mod that will sometimes go from working (and not filling the console screen with error reports) to doing just that ... spamming the console with errors. It's a pain in the backside as I use the console for other stuff quite often and the errors wind up scrolling my last console command off screen if I don't enter them all in a single console session. What Pekka suggests is exactly how I resolve the problem. Deactivate the mod, start the game and make a save, reactivate the mod and all is well again. I've narrowed it down for what causes the problem to start (it's a follower mod, and if the follower dies while following the console spam starts). Now whenever I have a follower die I know to either go back to a previous save and try whatever we were doing again or that I'll need to do the deactivate/save/reactivate thing.
  9. My method for BSA Unpacker is to start it, click Open, select the BSA file I want (e.g. Oblivion - Meshes.bsa), leave the drop down selection box (lower right) on Folder name and then click Sort (which makes finding what I'm looking for easier). Once I find the item I want I single click on it to highlight and then click on Extract. This brings up a standard Windows dialogue where I can select or create a folder to extract the file to. You can use standard Windows selection stuff to extract more than one file at a time. Click on the top file in a group of files you want and then hold Shift and click on the last file in the group and all in between will also get highlighted. Either with or without a block of files highlighted you can also hold Ctrl and click on other files not contiguous with that block (or scattered around the entire list if you don't have a block selected) to highlight individual files. Once you have all that you want highlighted you again just click Extract. If you were working on a big project, that was going to require customising a lot of vanilla game files maybe you'd want to click Extract All, but be prepared for eating up a bunch of hard drive space (the vanilla BSA are also compressed ... well at least the textures are).
  10. This will get me into trouble with some people. I can live with that ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/02/03
  11. This will get me into trouble with some people. I can live with that ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/02/03
  12. This will get me into trouble with some people.
  13. This will get me into trouble with some people.
  14. I probably go too far in the opposite direction in regard to saves (would you believe that my current guy ... played since Apr 11 2014 ... is now up to save number 40234 with 5624 hours playing time). In my defence for how many saves I have I do have some options turned on in a couple of my mods that increases the chances of a CTD under certain circumstances, so I'm not shy about making saves.
  15. Hmm ... cross that off the list of possibles then. Don't know much about Oblivion Reloaded ... I do know it's Equipment mode has a reputation of being very problematic though (can be turned off in the INI).
  16. I have backups of my guy's saves going all the way back to game start (and the guy before him, and the guy before him). I have a 1TB Data drive for backups and downloads etc ... additional storage space is a great investment to have. I'm a disk guy too. If I ever go digital download it will be the Good Old Games (GOG) version. I hardly ever get any "service calls" from GOG users for stuff like getting OBSE to work etc. Can't say that about the Steam crowd though.
  17. My latest playthrough (which has lasted since 2014) uses some mods that restore some idle dialogue (plus I was level 30 some odd before I started the main quest ... alt start mod) so I can't say for certain what their vanilla behaviour may be. I can recall some Blades dialogues, but I don't recall any of the other generic race dialogue for Martin or Jauffre. Maybe you're on to something. I do know that if you have Skip Fallout Behaviour ticked on an AI Package the NPCs won't say any idle dialogues (e.g. Conjurers and Necromancers). Maybe that's another avenue to explore.
  18. Yes I believe you'd need to spend some time redoing things ... wouldn't the custom race use it's own folder for voice files (I don't have anything in my game using custom races, so I can't check to see what others have done as far as naming the voice files themselves).
  19. I'm no dialogue expert ... but yes, that is the only way that comes to mind for me. Is there some specific reason you don't want a custom race?
  20. Yup WB is a very useful tool ... I'm just happier when I'm digging into the guts of things with my bare hands. Read up on the Anneal function ... it'll come in handy sooner or later. Generally topics don't get closed around here (you could contact a moderator to get the topic either locked or topic title changed to include [solved] or something ... it is just extra work for them though).
  21. When you unistall before doing a re-install it's a good idea to run a registry cleaner like CCleaner especially if you are not going to use the same folder paths as previous installations. No uninstall utility that came with a program I have ever used cleaned up it's own registry entries. - Edit - Construction Set Extender (CSE) does have a longer list of requirements than the vanilla CS (Visual C++ runtime libraries and such) ... in addition it requires a working OBSE so I would confirm that firsts. Start the game and make a save. Exit the game and look in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder. If OBSE is working you should see two save files each time you save with the same base name and different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see a single save file each time you save then OBSE is not working.
  22. Hmm ... I'm no expert (we need Drake for this, or maybe Pekka) but looking at rubycrownh.nif and comparing to ocrown.nif the only difference I see is in the NiMaterialProperty fields. In ocrown.nif (which is the more complex of the two) the actual crown parts are set as Material.001 and the gem parts are set as EnvMap2.001 whereas in the rubycrownh.nif the crown part is set as EnvMap2 as well as the gem parts being EnvMap2 (I also see that crystalcrown.nif uses EnvMap2 for NiMaterialProperty but from my understanding that crown is sort of like a glass/partially see through sort of affair, so EnvMap2 may make sense there where gold shouldn't be see through so maybe EnvMap2 is the problem ... we are treading into areas above my pay grade here).
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