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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. If you are using Wrye Bash to install the mods then be aware that the order from top to bottom shown on the Installers tab is the order in which WB installs the mods (starts at the top and works it's way down). Just noticed something from your original post that I should have addressed sooner. In the vanilla game the female Khajiits are assigned the male Khajiit foot texture. This doesn't cause any issues in the vanilla game as a foot is a foot is a foot in vanilla and covers just that ... a foot. HGEC however uses the foot texture file to cover all of the body excluding the hands. Now a foot is an arm, and a leg, and a torso ... doesn't work out too well to say the least. When we brought Nuska up to speed on "the Khajiit problem" the quick fix (and this wasn't something new ... the same solution has been used by a number of HGEC variants/fixes) was to assign female Khajiit the foot texture found in Data\Textures\Characters\khajiit\female (instead of the male folder) and provide the appropriate files (in the case of OCO v2 for both vanilla Khajiit females and HGEC Khajiit females). This all happened early in the development cycle for OCO v2 and at that time was a separate download (ESP replacer only at that time) and eventually as the scope of the Khajiit problem was realised Nuska incorporated it (and other fixes) in the version 2.03 download. Long story short is if you use version 2.03 you don't need to have the separate Khajiit Fix at all. I'm not sure what in all is included with Slof's Khajiit stuff, but what you want to install will be just textures ... no ESP. Now something else to be aware of is Slof doesn't use or support (in fact forbids) HGEC. If you're going Slof you're also going all in with Roberts (i.e. both male and female). There are ways to stick handle around this, where you have HGEC (including HGEC female Khajiit textures) for all but the player character (Blockhead to the rescue) ... it'll just take some manual copy/paste/renaming after setting up the correct folder structure. Sorry, another lengthy post but this isn't a subject that lends itself to short answers. And another edit before I actually hit the Post button ... And bash tags are a feature that WB provides for load order (different than install order) management to allow a mod higher in your load order to still win the battle of "the Rule of One" in cases of conflicting mods. Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp doesn't seem to have any assigned via the file header (nothing shows in the CS Data dialogue Summary box anyways). The BOSS masterlist assigns the following ... TAG: {{BASH: Eyes, NpcFaces, R.Head, R.Mouth}} ... can't say whether or not LOOT does. If push comes to shove they can be assigned using Wrye Bash.
  2. And now you need to see my edit about you not seeing my edit ... NifSkope is saying I'm barking up the wrong tree. And now you need to see my edit about you not seeing my edit ... NifSkope is saying I'm barking up the wrong tree. Lmao, sorry. What's NifScope saying? -Edit- Man you keep me on my toes. Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's stumped. However, I think I just fixed it? Well, I made a fix? I opened up the BAIN Seamless Archive and removed all the textures for Khajiit and replaced them with the ones I wanted and packed it back up, installed it. And away we go! Thank you for your help and time. :laugh: And now I'm even more left scratching my head ... textures changing displayed head shape. What is the world coming to!! One more "bottom line" ... if it's fixed don't try to "fix" it some more.
  3. Just looked at the base OCO v2 Khajiit head mesh, and compared it to the ones included in Seamless Khats and they are as close to identical as I can tell with my Mark I eyeballs ... without a doubt not even remotely close to the head shape shown in the Seamless Khats screenshot. All I can suggest is to copy/paste the OCO v2 Khajiit head meshes from it's extracted download and overwrite those found in your game's Data\Meshes\Characters\khajiit folder (actually being the type I am I would delete the ones that would be overwritten first, but then again if there's a hard way to do anything I will find it). OK ... something I caught before I hit post ... this time no edit tango ... Even though Blockhead opens up the possibility of different male and female head meshes that possibility isn't explored in OCO v2 for Khajiits or Argonians (it is for the other races ... Nuska had no love for the critter folk I guess). Now Seamless Khats and Args (as well as Seamless OCOv2) does include separate head meshes for male and female (though once again I can't see one lick of difference between them in NifSkope). Maybe the way to go would be to try using Seamless OCOv2 as the source for the copy/paste/overwrite exercise. I use some of the Seamless series stuff in my game but I'm a cherry picker and so I only have the bits I wanted (and for some time now I've had a personalized "install folder" that includes a lot of different Strikerized stuff like my Seamless picks and "NoMaaM for Striker" etc, so I don't have any recollection of what I picked and what I didn't). Bottom line ... the head shape you have in your screenshot starts out as a file named headkhajiit.nif in your game's Data\Meshes\Characters\khajiit folder (and you'll need to be looking for headkhajiit_F.nif and headkhajiit_M.nif as well ... Blockhead will use those if it finds them). Replace those files with alternatives until you arrive somewhere you like.
  4. And now you need to see my edit about you not seeing my edit ... NifSkope is saying I'm barking up the wrong tree.
  5. Hey Striker. I've seen you around on these forums and your responces to other people has actually helped me with a few issues haha. So thank you for that! It does look like the Khats and Args. Pretty much the same head shape. However. I don't have it installed. So how could it be happening? Read my edit ... if you went "For Idiots" on Seamless OCOv2 I'm pretty sure that's what you overwrote the OCO v2 heads with (BAIN install you would get to pick and chose). - Edit - Another edit to keep you wondering ... I just had a look with NifSkope and can't see any shape difference in the Seamless Khats and Args that is even remotely close to what it shows in the mod page screenshots. Now I'm officially mystified.
  6. Looks suspiciously similar to Seamless - Khats and Args to me. - Edit - A little plate of one of my specialties ... copy pasta from mod descriptions (emphasis added): Although these files are included in my Seamless OCOv2, I've made a seperate file for people who don't want OCO, or don't like the presets OCO uses on the headmeshes -- the presets make it look like someone stepped on their heads. For some reason, nuska of OCO fame, pushed their noses in to make Khajiits look like cats and Argonians like geckos.
  7. In my opinion the way out of the morass is to hold each individual who makes a post accountable for the content of that post. Like most all of my ideas, pretty well impossible to accomplish.
  8. The order from top to bottom on your Installers tab determines the "order" that Wrye Bash installs your mods (it starts at the top and works it's way down). That means that if All Natural is lower in the Installer tab list than for example your Imperial Palace texture replacer then any changes that both make to something will be "won" by All Natural.
  9. The Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp is a collection of patches for various things but is bash tagged so that Wrye Bash can still use it with what are technically "missing masters" (plugin's ESPs that it could patch but you don't have installed). It will show up as a pink box with at + sign down fairly low in your load order in WB (indicating that it has missing masters and is merged into the bashed patch and deactivated). If you look at the Summary panel in the Construction Set Data dialogue box will will see ... >>> DO NOT ACTIVATE! <<<Instead, merge into the Bashed Patch. {{BASH: Filter}}Version: 1.53Group: Last -1Adds more foods to the Cobl Dinner Plate. Requires OBSE and Wrye Bash. The {{BASH: Filter}} part is bash tags used to instruct Wrye Bash on what to do with it. I see that the BOSS Masterlist adds to that ... it has {{BASH: Filter, Deactivate}} (so BOSS adds the Deactivate tag). I use BOSS to sort my load order so I can't say for certain whether or not using Wrye Bash and another load order sorting method would still deactivate Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp or not.
  10. Yes I find assigning a follow package works consistently (I use the vanilla 9828a Follow Player myself on occasion on things like dogs, Xivilai etc that Fluffy Follower Frill won't work on). Sleep packages (both vanilla and my own custom packges) are far more tempermental, eating packages as bit less tempermental (after you've gifted some food or a pewtermug01 and some drink to those who don't carry stuff like that). I've even found that some NPCs will get "stuck" on certain packages (especially eat) ... Maglir is still happily drinking at West Weald Inn more than a thousand hours after I gifted him some mead, a pewtermug01 and an eat package (haven't done any Fighters Guild quests on this character).
  11. In my experience (I use AddScriptPackage to add a custom sleeping package to NPCs quite often) if I load a save with them sleeping via AddScriptPackage while my character is in the same cell they will continue with the sleep package. Leave the cell and even if you return immediately and they'll be onto whatever package evalutes true in their list of AI packages assigned via the CS or vanilla game. I also find that most of the time they will be on to their next valid package if my guy is sleeping with them (often they'll be just standing on the bed if their assigned package is a wander) but every now and then the sleep package will still be executing (my custom sleep that I assign via AddScriptPackage has a 6 hour duration). Maybe sometimes my guy is more charismatic than others.
  12. I'll get shot down over this, but in my opinion this is what you get when you pander to people who want everything without any effort on their part. Why do I know as much as I do about modding? Ten years of researching my own and other people's problems has certainly been a huge factor, but I brought something to the game ... a willingness to put something in to get something out. I started out no different than almost every person getting into modding, I knew diddly squat and all the jargon was blinding me to seeing the basics. Yes I am lucky in that I have spent decades building my own computers and troubleshooting their problems (so I brought computer skills to the game), but trust me when I say that of those skills it's the most basic of them that I use for installing and maintaining my modded game. Yet even with my "advantages" I had to use Oblivion Mod Manager to get my first mod installed. There is no shame in that ... we all first learn to roll over, then crawl before we can stand and finally walk on our own. I'll never be of any help to the "one click" wonders as the "product" they desire has less than zero interest for me, so the last thing I'll ever do is learn anything about it. I've been researching the changes I'll make for my next character for at least the past 4 or 5 years (my current guy got his start back in 2014). That is as important a part of modding for me as playing the game.
  13. Won't work Pellape ... the "mod" author has locked the comments. Even though this isn't a "mod pack" by the usual definition, in my opinion this is a good example of what we can expect when/if they do arrive here on Nexus.
  14. Think of it this way ... you've started down a path that doesn't have a destination at the end, in fact it doesn't even have an end to place a destination on. The experience of the journey is the destination, and it has no end because each time you start out with a clean load order it can become a completely different journey than the last or only change in certain ways. Modding is one of those things that teaches you that the more you know only reveals how much you still don't know. As you research for mods to add you'll run across ones that don't seem to have any interest at the moment. Spend enough time reading the mod description to get an idea of what it's about. Next week/month/year you'll be reading up on something else and a little light will go off, and you'll say to yourself "This would go great with that other mod I looked at!!". Next thing you know you'll find yourself on a path you didn't even know existed. That's what modding is like (or at least that's what it's like for me ... YMMV).
  15. I felt that string of cuss words. Every single word. lol LOL ... I do try to be creative in their choice and specific order. Just looking out for those who need to overhear it, wouldn't want it to get old and stale afterall.
  16. Races have textures assigned to them, but what you see in the game is that base texture plus the changes applied via the EGM file. The changes that the EGM file are affected by what you do with the mesh shape sliders.
  17. I do similar to HadTo at the end of typing up a long post (most of the time ... sometimes that little voice in the back of my head that is supposed to tell me to save before going into that dungeon/city gate or copy/paste that long post before hitting the Post button comes up short, and you can probably hear the string of cuss words from your house).
  18. Took me some searching but I found an old resource I downloaded who knows how long ago (so it's probably not even complete for the UL part) ... OB Cyrodiil Cell Grid Map.
  19. True ... once you start editing races you are very near the deepest part of the rabbit hole. It's dark and a lot can go wrong. Unfortunately we don't have a one or two button click and presto out comes a perfect face tool (until you create such a tool that is).
  20. If you mean blotchiness and stuff like that on faces in my experience the smallest change in a face slider (chin, nose, eyebrows etc) can have an affect on things. The game is using the EGM files to attempt to reproduce what your slider adjustments are telling it, and it's doing that by combining a whole bunch of textures. There used to be an excellent illustration of the "problem" on one of the Seamless series pages, but sadly that piece of the Seamless family got deleted. From my trials and tribulations when creating my current character (I was using OCO v2 at the time, but no assets from the Seamless series), which were mostly focused on minimising the neckseam I found you can't change one thing and expect it not to affect three or four other things you didn't want. I became the master of 0.1 moves using the CS slider postion digital readouts. That equates to one hell of a lot of adjust -> save ESP -> load game -> exit sewer and check NPC under various lighting conditions -> rinse and repeat ad nauseum to get a guy who still shows neckseam under some lighting conditions (and this is after I started using Seamless assets, however I've never revisited making adjustments in the CS, so some improvements could probably be had). There are users like Urrl who have made entire careers out of creating faces ... how deep down the rabbit hole are you looking to venture?
  21. I find that it is because the sliders for shape are linked that when you change A and it affects B and C. The thing you need to look out for if you decide to test with link unticked is you can't go very far on any slider before moving to the next (and then the next etc). It is far easier to end up with a totally messed up face than a good one with unlinked sliders. I'm like Pellape in so far as I prefer to start with an vanilla face and then customise from that starting point. I even used the CS to create an NPC which I then used Wrye Bash to transfer the face to my character (at least in the CS you have the digital readouts on the slider positions ... I tend to take notes a lot when I'm doing stuff I have little talent at and they make it somewhat easier to undo something that doesn't work out). Make sure you have Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp ticked when you are creating your own ESP for either your own character or an NPC. Then when you look at a vanilla NPC to see if they'd make a good candidate as a starting point you'll be seeing the OCO v2 head used, which is representative of what you'll see in the game. If you are trying to make a good looking character with vanilla heads I wish you good luck ... all of those various heads (like Head06 etc) were created for a reason. One other thing I've learned that is related to Pellape's comment about hitting the Advanced tab first ... I use the "tick on Preview" method myself. Once you have put the tick there you can use any tab without problems.
  22. Actually in terms of heads, Blockhead just opens up some possibilities that aren't available in vanilla Oblivion. In vanilla males and females of a race use the same head mesh ... Blockhead allows different head meshes for male and for females. Blockhead also allows you to assign head meshes on a PerNPC basis, which allows even more variance between individual NPCs than you could achieve through head shape slider adjustment alone. Oblivion Character Overhaul was developed to use Blockhead's abilities (in fact Nuska and shadeMe worked in tandem during initial development of Blockhead). On it's own Blockhead is just a framework that mods can use (though may of it's abilities don't require more than asset resources to be assigned using it's naming and folder rules).
  23. The general rule of thumb concerning using assets you have not created yourself is ... if you have written permission from the creator of that asset then you can use it (in accordance and within the limitations they specify), or if the asset is free to use (as documented by the asset creator) you can use it. Those are the only two options for using assets you have not created yourself.
  24. Good detective work Pellape. That may explain why my console experiments resulted the way they did (and my bandit girlfriend does always respond properly to modav aggression -255 ... after I have confirmed her current aggression is 256). I see vanilla scripts using setav, but I can't say for certain which actor values are being manipulated (something I be paying closer attention to while I'm trying to figure out this scripting thing). Have you seen the CS Wiki pages SetActorValue and ModActorValue ... some of the info on those pages makes a bit more sense to me now.
  25. Thanks for the advice. Do I need to buy one specifically for my motherboard or are they all the same? I've only needed to replace a CMOS battery 2 or maybe 3 times, but each time all I did was pop the old one out (after taking note of which side was down in the holder) and checking the numbers on it. I seem to recall the last one I did I found the replacement at Crappy Tire (Canadian Tire for those not living in the "Frozen North" ... that is not frozen at all at the moment).
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