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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I haven't done any changing aggression via script (scripting is stuff above my pay grade) but I have learned that sometimes a more cautious approach is warranted when toying with settings like aggression. One of my favourite bandits (BanditMeleeFemale3B) has her aggression permanently at 256 now. I believe it happened when I was learning the ins and outs of changing an individual NPC's aggression using the console ... I now only use modav aggression X but early on I was using setav aggression X. Using setav in the console is not something I recommend. When I check her aggression in the CS she is still aggression 100 (the vanilla value) but when checked in game via the console all references that are spawned from her baseID are at aggression 256, so something must have got "baked into" the save files. I no longer try to lower aggression to zero. I have found that aggression 1 is sufficient to keep even the most aggressive from attacking. My console routine is first to getav aggression and then I modav aggression the returned value minus 1 (not all enemies have aggression 100, so you can't just assume modav aggression -99).
  2. I use No persistant enchantment glow fix but there are other mods doing the same thing. It works well for anything vanilla or the few mods that I use that add weapons (the particular mod you had the issue with is not in my load order however).
  3. That percent box is very easily misinterpreted. Look at the wording ... it's % Chance None. That means at zero percent chance for getting none you have a 100% chance of getting an item (conversely if you put it at 100% chance of getting none you would have a zero percent chance of getting anything). My one and only foray into leveled lists involved the Intruders at the Gates of Madness (part of the SE14 ongoing quest after you've finished the Shivering Isles main quest). In that case there is a quest script that gets 5 NPCs from the SE14AdventurerAttackList (so the script retrieves the 5 NPCs using the list ... in other words the list doesn't generate 5 NPCs on it's own). This has me thinking that you may require some scripting (another subject that I am by far no expert on).
  4. The way you've done it would have a 16.67 chance of spawning both a black hood and black robe and the same chance for spawning both of the blue (and that is if your LLRobes is the only leveled clothing in an NPC's inventory). At those small percentages it will possibly take quite a while before you run into an NPC with both hood and robe. I would increase the odds (at least while doing your testing) by dropping the LLBlackHood and LLBlueHood from LLRobes ... which should increase the chance of a spawn of either black hood plus black robe or the blue option to 25% each (so a 50% chance of seeing one or the other vs a 33.3% chance). The other consideration that comes to mind with your LLBlackHood and LLBlueHood lists is they would give a chance of an NPC with only a hood to wear (again unless they have other leveled lists with clothing/armor).
  5. OK so go to LeveledItem in the Object Window left hand pane and left click. The list of all of the game's leveled lists will now appear in the Object Window's right hand pane. Right click in that list of all of the game's leveled list and select New. A dialogue box will open and at the top you will see a field named ID ... give your list a unique name (so not the same as any of the other lists). Next scroll to the Clothing section of the Object Window left pane and select RobeMCBlack. Now in the right pane you will see BlackHood and BlackRobe in the Editor ID column. Position your new LeveledItem dialogue so that you can still see the part that has the columns Level, Count and Form Editor ID and then drag BlackHood from the Object Window right pane and drop it into the area with those columns. Do the same with BlackRobe. In the LeveledItem dialogue leave Chance None at zero and you can change the level the items will appear by using the field in the right side of the dialogue box (you'll need to do the same for each item). I would leave the count at 1 unless you want the NPCs to have multiple copies when you loot them. Put ticks next to the Calculate for all items and Calculate for each item and then click OK to close your new LeveledItem dialogue. Finish up by opening the vanilla game (or otherwise) leveled list you want to add your leveled list to (example LL0NPCClothingRobeMiddle) and then drag and drop your new leveled list from the Object Window right pane into the LL0NPCClothingRobeMiddle (same way you did with the robe and hood). Click OK and then save your ESP. What you should now have is a one in three chance that NPCs using that LL0NPCClothingRobeMiddle list will have both a black robe and black hood.
  6. I'm by far not an expert on all things leveled list but what I'd suggest is using nested leveled lists. So the black robe and matching hood are added to leveled list A, and the blue robe and matching hood are added to leveled list B. You then add leveled list A and leveled list B to whatever leveled list you want the game to use (for example one of the vanilla game leveled lists like LL0NPCClothingRobeMiddle). The game parses the leveled list looking for an item for the NPC and when it decides to use for example the leveled list A entry the NPC will get both a black robe and a black hood. The downside to using this method is there is also a chance the game will select one of the other entries in LL0NPCClothingMiddle, so the NPC could also just get a black robe (or any of the other entries in that list).
  7. I don't think you'll be able to get him to fight with zero Aggression, maybe if he's attacked first. The game uses Aggression and Disposition to determine whether or not to initiate combat. If Aggression is higher that Disposition the NPC will start combat ... otherwise they'll wait for another trigger (like being attacked).
  8. I'm a dinosaur ... download, extract with 7 Zip and manually install (i.e. copy and paste). Much of what I know about installing and using mods has come from helping others with their own problems ... the rest I learned by hanging onto my dinosaur ways. Yup, Wrye Bash is the only source for a bashed patch (and I use it for that) but when using a mod manager what you learn about is how to use the mod manager, not how to install mods. Knowing how to use the mod manager goesn't help you much when things go astray.
  9. Just had a look ... it's not available in my good old trusty version 1.0.22 of NifSkope but is there in version 2.0.dev7 (which I have but seldom use).
  10. What archiving program are you using to compress the download?
  11. Make sure your user is running the latest version of 7 Zip (version 19.00) ... older versions of 7 Zip sometimes have trouble extracting.
  12. Extract the vanilla mesh from Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and use NifSkope to find the texture path used. Extract the texture file from Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa and edit it in the program of you choice (GIMP or whatever).
  13. In Oblivion - Meshes.bsa click on Sort with Folder name selected in the dropdown box and then scroll down to meshes\clothes\robemcblack\hood.egm (as well as \hood.nif and \hood_gnd.nif).
  14. No ... but you can use the CS to give you clues on where to find the assets in the vanilla game BSAs (e.g. the Black Hood is found in a folder structure in the BSA of Clothes\MCBlack\... ). Look up top in the screenshot at the icon and ground model paths.
  15. Invisible (or flat non-reflective black) is an indication of missing Normal Maps (the _n.dds files). - Edit - The normal map file name must match the correspeonding colour map file name ... so MyTexure.dds will have a normal map file named MyTexture_n.dds in the same folder path.
  16. Or use BSA Unpacker ... same tool just without all the other OBMM stuff.
  17. Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa (for vanilla assets ... meshes of course are in Oblivion - Meshes.bsa). - Edit - If you have "hide file extensions for known file types" turned on the Windows Explorer you won't see the .bsa part of the file name. Right click on any file and select Properties and you will see the full file name including extension shown in the Properties dialogue.
  18. Assign the new texture files to it in NifSkope (the little purple flower icon in the left hand panel, once you've expanded the nodes).
  19. 5th Element ... I have had my Milla fix.
  20. Haven't tried it myself yet, but there are some well known names associated with it (shadeMe is one I'm familiar with). I have it downloaded, and when I'm beginning preparations (i.e. testing) for my next build it is on the "to do" list.
  21. Wally Does Three Jobs ... I'm a retired guy, but what can I say, Wally is my hero!
  22. Start a topic in the Feedback Suggestions and Questions forum.
  23. LL used to be on the Verboten list here, but I think it was primarily because back then they didn't have any age checks for an account or something like that (which has been since cleared up).
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