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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I see at least a couple of EngineBugFixes fixes that seem to be related to similar to what you describe Pekka. That has me wondering what (if any) effect the xOBSE team's fixes will have on EBF (if there is in fact any overlap between the root case of the EBF fixed problems and the one that you're mentioning here).
  2. I see at least a couple of EngineBugFixes fixes that seem to be related to similar to what you describe Pekka. That has me wondering what (if any) effect the xOBSE team's fixes will have on EBF (if there is in fact any overlap between the root case of the EBF fixed problems and the one that you're mentioning here). I'll post in your new thread too, just in case you're right and only Drake, OA and me are readers of this thread. :tongue:
  3. Both of the Alluring mods (Potions and Wine Bottles) come as BSAs. Now that should not be an issue ... the BSAs are correctly named and should be loaded by the game by the Alluring ESPs. I had trouble with icons sometimes going MIA until I extracted those icons from the BSA and installed them as loose file replacers. If you don't have any other mesh replacers touching wine etc it would be worth exploring the loose file replacer vs BSA replacer angle.
  4. OK ... I've never looked into any of that sort of stuff so really all I was grasping at is "low hanging fruit" (mod de-isolation ... i.e. how an ESP can't be a master to another ESP in the vanilla CS).
  5. EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp enables female versions of armor that have no female version in vanilla (e.g. steel armor).
  6. Yes I have xOBSE v0021.8 (and 0021.5) downloaded (though I'm not using either yet). I think it's best to make sure to use the "xOBSE" moniker when referring to it and "OBSE" when referring to the Silverlock v0021 version. I've never played Skyrim myself, but Oblivion uses the gold value of your worn items to identify "naked" vs "dressed". Mods like Companion Vilja get plenty of comments with people complaining about Vilja telling their character to "put on some clothes" when the player is wearing mod added clothes (which are often zero gold in value ... thus the game registers the player as naked). The advice was always the same ... put on a ring or amulet worth at least one gold and you can run around buck naked to the eye and nobody cares in the slightest.
  7. No that folder isn't created by OBSE or xOBSE but if you install many OBSE plugins they will create that folder (providing you do a manual copy/paste install ... as I outline in the second down from the top sticky post in the Blockhead mod comments). - Edit - Oops ... I see that I'm wrong about xOBSE and it does create that folder during install. All the more reason to use xOBSE rather than OBSE v0021 I guess.
  8. Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\Blockhead.dll (and if the Plugins folder doesn't already exist then create it).
  9. Nexus Site Forums ... hit Ctrl + f and then type in the name of the game and you'll see it highlighted (and the list should scroll).
  10. A tip for anybody who wants compatibility with any armor mods (so those that have BBB and those that don't) is to install the BBB compatible skeleton.nif but don't install any BBB animation replacer. What you'll then have is no bouncing boobs, and no "boobs to infinity".
  11. I agree that the best plan would be to not change horses until "the race" is over. Get your mod finished, then you can do some exploring in safety.
  12. Construction Set Extender ... it's an OBSE plugin so you still need to have the Official Construction Set installed. It has a few extra requirements, and will require some setting up to get it to play nice with some other common game utilities like ENB. I'm still using the vanilla CS myself (in keeping with my dinosaur ways) ... Pekka will be a good source for tips if you do try it and need some help.
  13. Add that same key to your character's inventory and see if the door unlocks without bringing up the lockpick menu. If it doesn't then that key isn't linked to unlock that door.
  14. - Edit - Not sure how I managed to double post, but it seems I have been :ninja: 'ed by the pair of you (which would make me well and fully ninjaed at this point).
  15. As Pekka pointed out originally, there are two ways to replace that sound. The more complicated way uses the Construction Set, as outlined in the resources linked above. The simpler way just involves extracting a file from the vanilla game Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, renaming the file to match the file you want to replace and then placing that renamed file in the correct folder path in your game (NOT in the vanilla game Oblivion - Sounds.bsa). BSA Unpacker is the very same tool that comes in Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) ... you just don't need to start all of OBMM just to extract a file. Sounds to me like you got that far in any case (extracted the file you want from Oblivion - Sounds.bsa) ... now all you need to do is rename it to match the one you want to replace and then create the proper folder path in your game's Data folder (it will probably not already have those folders because the vanilla game uses the sounds from Oblivion - Sounds.bsa). The last part to getting this "replacer" method to work is archive invalidation (something you can do in OBMM). Open OBMM and click Utilities and select Archive Invalidation. In the Archive Invalidation dialogue select BSA Redirection and if you use the Steam version of the game click on Reset BSA Timestamps. Finish by clicking on Update Now and close OBMM. If you put you renamed the replacement file correctly and placed it in the correct folder path you should now here it in game.
  16. Yup. In my case the CS doesn't so much crash as lock up if I don't click Preview first (requiring at trip to Task Manager to close it).
  17. A trick when editing NPCs in the CS (not sure if this is needed for CSE) is to first hit the Preview button before moving to any of the Face tabs.
  18. I've used 7-Zip since arriving here over a decade ago. Updated to the latest verion of it a couple of years back when it started having problems with extracting downloads that had been created with it's newest version, but other than that it's been flawless at extracting anything downloaded from here. Once installed it will offer to be the default for opening archives ... I have it doing all except ZIPs myself. The extraction process is a simple double left click on the downloaded archive and hit the extract button if you are doing a normal extraction. Actually the step by step I did up further up was the first time I tried extracting just certain files, and it was as dead simple as you could get. Where did you find this BSA version of Crown Jewels? All I see on the Oblivion Nexus page is a download for just the ESP (top listed download) and the one that downloads all of the resources (meshes and textures) archived in a RAR download (the Re Uploaded - 16426.rar download).
  19. The icons aren't in a BSA Pekka ... they're just in the Crown Jewels download (the Re Uploaded one, second down from the top of the Files tab). As I outlined above you can just select those three files if you only wanted to extract the icons from the Re Uploaded - 16426.rar download.
  20. IF (notice that you could say that as "big if" even though in my mind it comes out as "in the unlikey event") I ever tried Oblivion Reloaded it would be Oblivion Reloaded Lite. Even then I would turn off everything possible before I started testing and only turn on single options before starting the next test session.
  21. My guess would be that your probem stems from Oblivion Reloaded, but that is just a guess based on things I've read about other people's troubles with OR (and the lack of stuff I've read about other people's problems with Qarls). The advantage of installing one thing and testing thoroughly before installing anything else is that when you run into problems you can make a post like "I installed XYZ mod and now my game is doing this". People looking to help aren't faced with working out what might be at the root of the problem from a list of possibles, they can start right into specifics (looking at your load order for known incompatibilities with mod XYZ for example). If you did any research on OR beforehand you'd see that installing it is a minefield. Yes plenty of people navigate that minefield and have both feet at the end ... perhaps those people are good at avoiding the common "gotcha's" that are included with OR (Equipment Mode is a common theme I read about as one to avoid for example).
  22. Now this is very very good info Mixxa ... +1 :thumbsup: - Edit - Would have given you a hug, but it seems I already gave you one some time in the past and they are a "one per customer" commodity.
  23. I agree that at times NPCs seem to ignore everything "they know" which leads them to getting nothing done. One celled organisms are complex compared to NPCs though. NPCs have a one, or they have a zero (repeat until they are "complete") ... at least our DNA based life gets to scramble up four letters (A, C, T and G with a sugar and a phosphate stirred in for flavour). Another trick I've found that does the same as EVP is to just go up to them so they notice the player (which I believe interrupts whatever they were unsuccessfully trying to do) and generally they'll get back on track. Good thing my goal is always increased variety.
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