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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. If you don't use a registry cleaner (such as CCleaner) the leftovers from your previous install can cause problems when you re-install Oblivion (i.e. the installer doesn't prompt for disk 2 because it finds registry entries indicating that SI has already been installed). One of the moderators here, bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get a complete and correct job done.
  2. The only things that come to mind are 1) Did you rebuild your bashed patch? 2) Does one of your mods require Growlf's skeleton?
  3. When you installed the game did you install using both disks? When your game is at the menu screen does it say version 1.2.0416? When you fully install the GotY using both disks Shivering Isles is installed and the game is patched up to the latest version.
  4. As far as I know the Steam version of OBSE doesn't use a launcher, the obse_steam_loader.dll is loaded along with the obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll that are common with the non-Steam version by running the normal OblivionLoader.exe. If you are running Steam have you tried copying obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll along with obse_steam_loader.dll into the Nehrim directory and then start Nehrim normally? The OBSE readme also says: Not sure if this needs to be done for the Nehrim install as well or not.
  5. As you are finding, you've landed on one of the less popular size variants of the HGEC body. My meager search skills only turned up two. Birdy Armor BBB Gloria Armor (which will require Gloria and Trish Armor installed first ... not sure of sizes in the non-BBBed version) The other thing you may not know is that because the armor or clothes you put on a body actually become the body part they're covering, if you install any other sizes of armor for HGEC they will still work, just not look the size you're after.
  6. You do know that Wrye Python 03a needs to be installed before Wrye Bash. You may also have found the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide. It has an installation guide along with some other resources. If you downloaded the .exe version of the Wrye Bash (aka Wrye Bash 291 Installer Version) also download the archive version. Unfortunately the installation info included with the exe version isn't available until after you've run the exe and installed it. If you have the archive version, extract it and then delete all but the readme and any other info resources you wish to keep. Once you're up to speed on installing use the exe version to install Wrye Bash (after Python of course).
  7. In the CS edit dialog for the piece just single left click and take the highlight off the lower body in Biped Object.
  8. Have you seen the CS Wiki Scripting Portal page?
  9. I'd look into a second HD before I did that myself. Even laptops often have a spot for a second drive. When you look in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder do you have a lot of files? Are you saving often in these gaming sessions (quicksave and autosave just overwrite so they shouldn't take up appreciably more space as far as I know). Take a look at the file size difference between older saves and these most recent ones (thinking save file bloat here). Compressing a drive uses extra resources whenever you access a file and you already have Oblivion decompressing it's bsa files in the background when you play. You may just add to the stutter problem.
  10. You shouldn't need to wrestle UAC to the ground once you get your Steam folder and games out of Program Files. That's the only folder that UAC defends.
  11. From the UESP Wiki walkthrough: Have you talked to her?
  12. If moving the Steam folder is the option you choose, here's a link on how to do it without re-installing.
  13. If that's true (and it very well may be) what if you opened Anthro-Dragon in the CS, make it active and then save (not changing anything). Should give it today's date.
  14. For a while Canada Computers had ASUS laptops without CPU GPU and HD so you could make some customization but I don't see them listed anymore ... probably not enough demand.
  15. I find that when I'm following one of my NPCs on the routines I've assigned using their AI packages that they'll completely disappear instantly to their destination if it passes through an intermediary cell (i.e. if their destination is cell C and to get from cell A to cell C they need to pass through cell B). I'm right behind them as they go through the door but they're already in the destination cell. If I'm in that intermediary cell when their AI package takes them from cell A to cell C I see them walk through cell B. In your case I think you need to find out what the destination is, and you'll find them there.
  16. If you are having trouble starting the Main Quest (in other words the Emperor and guards don't come to your cell) you need to go close to the cell bars and let your neighbor across the hall talk to you. If he doesn't talk to you it could be that you are using a custom race for your character. If you install the Unofficial Oblivion patch it will fix this and many other problems in the game. Make sure your game version is 1.2.0416 before installing the Unofficial patch. You can see the version at the menu screen down at the bottom left.
  17. Are you looking to be the bounty hunter or the one hunted? Going Rogue lets you play as a badguy. The Golden Crest - A Major Pirate Quest has a bounty hunter faction you can join.
  18. The other source that comes to mind is the Deluxe version from Steam (but it means paying for the whole shebang when you only need the DLC).
  19. The size of the grin varies with their disposition towards you. You can use the console command moddisposition to lower it. First while you're in 3rd person view open the console (use the tilde key by default ... the ~ right below the Tab key) and then click on your character. This will put your refID at the top of the screen. Write it down and close the console. When you run across an NPC you want to change open the console, click on them to get their refID at the top of the screen. Then enter (without the quotes) "moddisposition your_refID -1". This will only lower it by one but you will see what their disposition is currently at. Decide how low you want the final value (I generally don't go much below 60, 70 is usually fine), do the math and use that number instead of -1. If you want you can use the disposition mini-game to get the starting value and then do the change all at once. Often the disposition values get 'wound up' way past 100. It's common with friendlies to have that initial moddisposition -1 still return 100. Give it a big value (say -50) and then use a positive value to get it back where you want it. If you drive the value too low and close the console be prepared for a possible fight!
  20. On the subject of converting clothes to armor I'll refer you to this thread.
  21. I had a look at the mod download page and checked out the readme ... not a lot to go on from that angle either. From comments that I read (only the first few pages) it seems like some people had issues with the mod. All I can suggest is try the wings while wearing different armor and see if it makes any difference. You could also try other body type, but if you don't I understand ... that's a big step just for troubleshooting. Sorry I can't be of more help.
  22. @ HaVoK142 Asking that question will not lead to much more than a banning from the site I'm afraid. One of the legitimate sources for the Horse Armor is to purchase the Knights of the Nine expansion, if you can locate it in a store. Here in Canada I was able to find it at Staples.
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