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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Stardock (who have the Impulse version of Oblivion, also DRM encrypted) were at the forefront of the anti-DRM movement at the developer level. Even they have needed to kow tow to the publishers to make the selection of games at Impulse viable from a business standpoint. At the risk of offending the accountants in the crowd, the obsession with measurable lost sales loses sight of the sales they lose to people like me. The only way we could swing the pendulum in our favour is a successful mass email campaign explaining why each of us has decided not to buy their latest release. If all subject lines in the emails contained an easily searchable phrase our numbers could be counted. The true pro-DRM crowd would undoubtedly find some justification to sell their products regardless. As long as the developers/publishers of DRM software can make money we'll have DRM.
  2. Ahhh ... the eternal dream. As long as game publishers control distribution we'll have DRM. It's hard to quantify lost sales vs much easier to do so with pirated vs sales figures. I look at it this way. I save money by not needed to buy the game. I save money by not needing to build a new machine to run that game (and poor Bill Gates gets no loving from me either). I win, they lose. If they ever figure out how modding keeps old titles like Oblivion alive I'll probably be in trouble.
  3. If you're at the limit you'd need to replace one of the current textures with the one you'd want. Here's a CS Wiki tutorial that may help.
  4. The shader change was from going from HDR to Bloom. For some reason the Bloom shader doesn't look like it used to though ... more experimentation required.
  5. Could the 'missing' chapel now be part of the savegame, so that deactivating the offending mod doesn't restore it?
  6. Similar test results to what I found when I was messing around with it. The thing I've learned here is what you pointed out ... two lefts works, two rights are a no go. Makes you wonder if Bethesda did that on purpose or was it just another random oversight.
  7. Look for an extra meshes folder inside you meshes folder and/or an extra textures inside your textures ... easy mistake to make. Always paste one level higher than you copied. If you copied meshes you paste into Data.
  8. Good to know whalecakes. I don't know if I ever tried two lefts when I was working it out myself. Just had another look through the rings in the CS and it seems that the Grand rings are all rights, while some of the named rings (e.g. Ring of Perfection and Ring of Stamina) are left slot. I was likely trying two Grands.
  9. Notice that there is a left and a right ring slot. Two lefts or two rights won't equip two rings, you need one of each.
  10. Did a search for "Seraphim Armor" and KORE - KotN Armor Replacer is the only result that came up here. Is this the armor you're referring to or is it the Robes of the Seraphim that has it's link in the KORE page mod description? If it is the KORE version you will need to have Knights of the Nine installed and activated. If it's the Robes version did you look here: Oops ... missed seeing the link in the OP. :wacko:
  11. I haven't used the OMOD version myself, so I'm not sure if it includes a script to prompt for the options. I would think that it does, but don't know for certain. When you install other OMODs that allow selecting options does that feature work alright for you? Edit: Just had a look and I see that the 2048x2048 download is not available as a premade OMOD. When you build your own OMOD you need to select the correct textures and build the directory structure and then create your OMOD. The install tool really is easy to use (even includes examples when you are deciding, the same ones as shown on the mod download page). Edit 2: Did you use the install tool to create your source for the OMOD? Here's a copy and paste of the steps I'm referring to: .
  12. Looks like parts of the skeleton sticking through from the wings. Are you certain that everything, including clothing, is matched (i.e. all is Roberts body or whichever body the wings require ... a search here didn't turn up a page for me to check).
  13. The Ivy Armor BBBed is nice, but as I said above only the black variants are BBBed. I would still advise taking a 'pack mule' companion along when you pick it up ... lots to carry. Another one I forgot I had installed is Dark Mistress by Bronson, BBBed by irakika (I have stuff tucked away in chests I've forgotten I had ... time for a spring cleaning, maybe a yard sale if the weather improves). :biggrin: Edit: Finally tracked down where I left the Dark Mistress ... it's a good one too, comes in clothes and armor version of each variant.
  14. Reset my shaders (somehow changed following NVIDIA driver update and downgrade from SLI to use shader 004 from 013) and re-enabled anisotropic filtering in the NVIDIA control panel ... looks quite a bit better now.
  15. Oh it's working ... just doesn't look as pretty as in the past (so now I find out I'm an SLI addict too ... oh, the withdrawls.
  16. The UESP Wiki walkthroughs for Lipsand Tarn and Ceyatatar make no mention of a key for access. Have you checked the mod comments for clues (as I can only assume some mod has altered the vanilla ruins).
  17. They aren't BBBed as far as I know (but I haven't searched for BBBed updates for it yet) but I just got the complete Ivy Armor by Ozmo. You think dragging all the loot from a large Oblivion plane is heavy, or Rockmilk Cave. There are so many colour and style variants I won't ever get around to every last one. If I can find a BBB update it will be very close to the top of my favs list. Ambassador of Darkness by Eyren and GrimReaperCalls has BBBed versions available (linked, you need the original as well which is linked on the link), but I have to admit that's one of my 'downloaded but didn't get around to installing yets'. There are a number of 'armors' that have all the appearance of clothing (as you probably saw going through Saaya's compilation). I've a few of them but they don't get much use. I will admit that in most of my houses and towns a lot of the girls seem to have misplaced a lot of their inventory (no idea how that could have happened :whistling: ) so sometimes 'downloaded and installed' doesn't mean getting used. I wondered if you'd notice the Iron armor on Saaya's page ... thought I'd leave you to find it, or I'd chide you on your eyesight. :biggrin: Edit: Consistent with my 'download and not install' I ran across GrimReaperCalls BBB For Ivy Armor already sitting on my HD. Only two of the black variants are done ... I don't blame him for not doing all of them (would take a year). Installing and testing now!
  18. If you do uninstall/re-install don't neglect the CCleaner registry cleanup step ... it helps prevent problems when re-installing (with the Oblivion installer finding old references to your past installation).
  19. Turning UAC off isn't the best way of dealing with it. That works, but moving your Oblivion install to a location outside of Program Files is the best way to deal with it. That means completely uninstalling and then re-installing the game to a directory such as C:\Games\Oblivion. If you decide to go that route, one of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job done correctly and completely.
  20. When Microsoft introduced Vista they came up with a security feature called User Account Control (which was slightly modified and carried over into Windows 7). It works to protect programs that are installed in Program Files or Program Files (x86) from 'unauthorized' changes (by malware and viruses for example). Unfortunately that also includes mods and utilities for Oblivion if it's installed in a subdirectory off Program Files. If you've used mods on this installation in the past you must have taken some steps to avoid problems with UAC. If you were just running vanilla Oblivion in the past, and have just started to add mods you are running up against UAC's 'protection'. UAC will not interfere with a vanilla (unmodded) installation.
  21. I see you're installed in Program Files (x86) ... is UAC turned off then?
  22. If I recall correctly the getting them to repair is dependent on Shivering Isles or something. I found using your solution (doing their repairs for them) worked best for me too (plus my guy is master in repair so I buff their stuff better than they can). Edit: It might be the Partners Warp ring I was thinking of ... can't seem to find the exact reference in the readme or FAQs that I recall. Could be me just bouncing off walls again too.
  23. Did you add any mods lately ... maybe a missing master?
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