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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Loved the clip MarkinMMUK. So now I'm thinking maybe Hadrian's Wall was more of a privacy screen than defensive fortification. :biggrin: I like the encumbrance idea. I've always disliked that "You picked one too many flax seeds" nailed to the floor either. The starting threshold for the sliding scale down in speed and scale up in fatigue would scale along with your strength, so that the start point for the penalty moves higher as you level and perhaps the penalty is reduced in steps as you attain the established threshold points for novice, expert etc. Don't let my girls hear you talking about that ... they'll drive me nuts if they can't get out of the house once in a while (now there's a scripting challenge, realistic nagging ... nah, it wouldn't fly with our fairer members unless we included some typical male scratching etc ... maybe hogging the remote).
  2. Ahh ... the search person of renown strikes again. Tinea Cruris ... just the name makes me want to join my girls and their solution. See, they know what they're doing. Good late night chuckle (the unikini could be a popular choice for those unconcerned about the downsides of damp). Swimming in their armor?? Wouldn't that be more like "Do you think he can walk to the other side of the river"? The knight would like a more modern hard hat diver ... sans petty considerations like air hoses. :tongue:
  3. Another possibility comes to mind. Since you are using an external HD, does it always remain plugged in? The reason I ask is drive letter assignments. If for example, you installed the game while the extHD had E: assigned and then you unplugged it, the next time you plug it in it could be F: if you've plugged in a USB stick and left it in. Changing drive letter assignments don't cause problems when you're just storing files on a portable drive, but could play havok if you're running games from it AND unplugging it or moving it to a different plug between sessions (to a port with a lower assignment priority AND an attached USB storage device has remained plugged in on a now higher priority port).
  4. Since you are using an external HD I'm assuming you are using a physical disk version of the game. The Direct2Drive or Impulse download versions of the game aren't compatible with OBSE (the Steam version is however). Confirm that the files obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll are in your Oblivion folder (not your Data folder) AND either obse_loader.exe (if you are using a physical disk version of the game e.g. Game of the Year version) or obse_steam_loader.dll (only if you are using the Steam version of the game). So three files should be in your Oblivion folder. For the disk version of the game don't start it with your usual OblivionLauncher.exe. You will need to start the game using the obse_loader.exe file. You will probably want to edit your desktop shortcut and use that to start the game (starting the game from your Start button menu will start the game the old way ... leaving that alone gives you an easy way to get access to the old launcher menu when you want to activate a mod using the Data Files option on that loader menu). When you start the game using the obse_loader.exe (either by double clicking it or using your edited desktop icon) you will see two small black windows briefly. If you don't see them all is not right.
  5. Not so much player level as skill level. Here's an excerpt from the UESP Wiki article The Complete Damage Formula (emphasis added): So you see your weapon skill and level in strength or agility factor into the calculation. That said, if your character is level 30 and they are level 20 you shouldn't be seeing what you're seeing (in my opinion). Try dropping the Daedroth down to the default level 12. Pay close attention to the health shown in the edit window and how high the health for your version is vs. the standard you started from (health 280 in the vanilla SummonDaedroth).
  6. Nope ... USB 3.0 device plugged into a USB 3.0 port shouldn't be an issue even if something else is plugged in beside it. One possibility eliminated.
  7. Which of the vanilla Daedroths did you start out with? All of the vanilla ones I see listed are between level 10 and 14. Are you trying to attack them with a low level character (where 1 wack = diddly damage)?
  8. You'll need to find out if it's USB 2.0 or USB 3.0. If it's USB 2.0 and you have two devices using the same data bus all devices will use the speed of the slowest device. In other words if your high speed external hard drive and your mouse are both connected to the same USB 2.0 bus the hard drive will operate at USB 1.1 data rates (if your mouse is USB 1.1). On the back of your computer (assuming your using the rear USB ports for both mouse and extHD) make sure they aren't plugged in side by side (that's not the truly definitive way to make sure they're not on the same bus, but do you want to get into Device Manager and look at bus loads to find all the relationships). If the external HD is USB 3.0 AND you have it plugged into a USB 3.0 port, another USB device plugged into a port on the same bus can be a slower specification without loss of speed on your USB 3.0 device. You'll need to refer to your motherboards manual (if you're lucky enough to have one of those) to determine which USB ports are 3.0 (or use Device Manager).
  9. So you're saying don't go watch the Black Watch Pipe Band on a windy day (unless you don't suffer from 'tender' sensibilities). I just had a flashback visual of the 'Scottish salute' in Braveheart. LOL Honest ... I don't know what they've done with their inventories (sheesh ... just 'cause I forgot to give 'em bathing suits I get birthday suits!!). The mod description on Clothes Get Wet gives permission for use with credit, but I don't see any info for Get Wet. The Action tab leads me to think the uploader is still active here, not sure about the original author though.
  10. Can you provide a link to the version you're trying to install. I use this one (OMOD installation) but there other options, with different installation methods. The mod description and/or readme are the best source for installation info, but some can be a bit hard to get a clear understanding of at first.
  11. I use Xtudo's take on Personality Idles 4, Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions. It's an integral part of my own 'getting it real' experiment. To this point tweaking it has been the base of my effort (along with fore's NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer, but that's more for the eye-candy aspect). I did experiment with the Forcing Idle Animations example script a while back when I first looked at changing idles (an idea introduced to me by a mod that gave you a zero weight book you could reverse pickpocket into an NPC's inventory to get them to do a little dance). I wasn't familiar with the CS to any great extent, and hadn't any experience with AI packages or conditions at the time. The sedance.kf animation I used for the token in the example script didn't do anything different than the book (which is after all just a token you give an NPC to force the idle). Now armed with a bit more experience using conditions in the AI packages and a little more understanding of implementing AI logic from Astymma's explanation I think I'm ready for another stab at the example script. I'm guessing the screenshots on the Get Wet mod page don't do it justice, and you need to see it in action. I've downloaded it and will give it a try. I recall seeing the Clothes Get Wet mod a while back as well. I like the idea of being in wet clothes slowing you down. I'd like to see that extended to reducing your encumbrance for a while until your gear dries out too (and this suggestion is coming from Mr I Must Carry All Those Things Because You Never Know When You'll Need Them Even If I'm Always On The Verge Of Over-encumbrance). If you strip down and drop your loot you don't get nailed by the penalties would be how I'd make it. It would make some of those quick trips across the water a little less appealing (I'm thinking, slip over to Vilverin for a quick bit of gear right after the tutorial type situations). Heck, it would change my whole take on 'fast travel' without using Fast Travel (I swim most of the way and avoid confrontations when I'm 'on a mission'). Clothes Get Wet looks a bit more recently updated than Get Wet, but neither are real current versions. When I get a chance to try out Get Wet I'll post my spin on it, but I warn you, I'll have trouble reporting how it affects clothing ... seems 'my girls' have ... errm ... 'misplaced' some of their inventory.
  12. Telyn, are you using a mod that makes rain give people a wet look?? In my vanilla rain (or swimming for that matter) the invisible layer of teflon on everyone causes water to instantly be shed, without a trace of dampness (now there's something I could use!!).
  13. Using conditions definitely increases realism. I use IsRaining to determine whether my girls sit on the bench outdoors to execute their Use Item book package (reading outdoors in the rain just doesn't look right.). I tried IsPleasant to control when my White Stallion girls would go for a swim, but the results were less dependable than IsRaining so they swim if it's not raining, sunny or partly cloudy or downright overcast (not as real as I'd like but better than almost never seeing them swim ... I'll need to remember to try IsPleasant with my Anvil crew, sun is a bit more reliable in Anvil). I got a bit of info from Astymma that's interesting. It's around how conditions are processed. Let's see if I can get this right ... what my question to him was, how special idles are assigned (I'd created custom classes to assign some special idles and then had seen some regular NPCs doing the idles). The summary of his answer (providing I'm getting my head around it right) is that if the conditions are inclusive (his term, meaning you ascribe a single state to satisfy your condition) then only your defined NPC will get the idle. If your condition is exclusive (again his term, meaning a range of states can satisfy your condition) then if another NPC meets the condition and the idle is available for selection they may get your idle even though your intention was otherwise. Perhaps a quote of his answer will help you either confirm or disprove my take: Astymma also forwarded the following two links from the CS Wiki: Idle Animations and Forcing Idle Animations Whether I got my head around his answer properly or not, my take away is that there are subtleties in implementation of the game mechanics that need to be understood and used to effect where possible. Getting the beggars under shelter is one thing ... getting the shelter to stop the rain coming through is another.
  14. Arx Falalis is one of those titles that made it onto my list but just never seemed to bubble close enough to the top to get purchased (I'm also well known for buying a game and never getting around to installing ... some kind of collectorism disorder probably). Isn't Arx Fatalis one of those games where the users have taken over issuing patches etc. (or am I confusing it with that vampire title that escapes being named at the moment 'cause my brains not firing on all eight today)?
  15. I'm not convinced the goblins don't alert one another once outside the tutorial dungeon. My experience with the buggers is if you get one's attention you've got all the nearby one's attention. Perhaps there is a distance threshold at play here, because there are times, if you're very careful you can get a one on one fight. It's just got to be a quick kill or his buddies will wander into the fray (these are the outdoor lookouts I'm talking about). The interior goblins sometimes have wander/travel AI packages that take them from one cell to the next. I don't often have much luck getting a one on one fight there either. If I don't use a paralyze potion or element in the spell I'm casting their buddies come a runnin'. They do add a whole new meaning to melee.
  16. On the subject of holding off on a mod because it is frequently updated, you can add that file to your tracking center. If you find the current version of the mod acceptable and aren't seeing any big problems in the recent mod comments you can install and then keep up with updates via the tracking center (saves remembering the mod name and finding the link). I haven't seen any way to turn automatic notifications on for files in your tracking center (would be a nice to have, and may be already there and I just can't find it ... been known to happen).
  17. I recall reading that the next Wrye Bash version may support Unicode (as well as offering a Python free installation option).
  18. As always Hickory, you are right on target. PM it is.
  19. Got it ... saved to the RC1 folder!! :thumbsup: Will check it out after I get a couple of chores off my back.
  20. Link is no longer valid or deleted. See this morning's PM for the one that got away on the beta report.
  21. The Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) install will not require any additional folders. The files obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll along with either obse_loader.exe (if your have the non-Steam version of the game) OR obse_steam_loader.dll (if you DO have the Steam version of the game) all go in your Oblivion folder (NOT your Data folder ... the one your Data folder is inside of). Looking at the Fast Exit 2 mod description you will then need to create the folders Oblivion\Data\obse and Oblivion\Data\obse\plugins as subdirectories off your Data directory. Scratch that ... looking at the extracted archive you can just right click the Data folder in the extracted archive and copy and then paste into your Oblivion folder, same as any mod and the right folder structure will be created. When you've done it right the file FastExit2.dll will be located in your Oblivion\Data\obse\plugins folder.
  22. Let me know if a more condensed just the pertinent points version would help and I'll take my smart guy hat off and fab one up for you (like a smart guy hat is going to do anything for me anyway ... sheesh).
  23. @ Nobody09 ... I agree with most of your points, and have noticed many myself. Some are just a little irritating, others prompt a more 'verbal' response, usually including some colourful adjectives. I keep playing the game because, despite it's shortcomings it has so many things to appeal to my inner control freak/micromanager/explorer/murderer/good samaritan ... you get the picture. I try to focus on what I can change/control ... hence my growing interest in modding the game. In a perfect world I think we'd all be a little bored.
  24. Ahhh ... the proverbial rock and a hard place. Console prompt and tcl your troubles away. Open the console with the tilde ( ~ ) key just below the Tab on most keyboards. If that doesn't open the console for you check your Oblivion.ini (located in your Documents\My Game\Oblivion folder for Vista and Win 7 or My Documents\My Games\Oblivion if you're a Win XP type like me). Open it in Notepad and in the Find off the Edit menu search for bAllowConsole and set the value to one (bAllowConsole=1). The console command tcl is a toggle. Make sure you have nothing displayed across the top of your screen (if there is click on something, a door an NPC whatever twice ... not double click, click twice, that will clear the top of your screen). Type tcl then enter and you'll see Collision is off ... tcl again and you'll get Collision is on. In between hit the tilde again to close the console and walk right through whatever your stuck behind. Make sure you're not too high off the ground or stuck up to the waist in the ground before you open the console and tcl things back to normal.
  25. The old missing master story. You have an some_mods_name.esp that depends on some_mods_name.esm as it's master file that is missing in action. Go through your mods and find the one that requires a master that's not there in your Data folder. A BOSS report will help (it will have "Missing master" entries).
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