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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. But remember, even though it came out at the time of Core 2, it was close to when Core 2 was first released. The game had been in development for quite some time prior to that. Even if they decided to recompile with up-to-date optimizations at release time it would still be behind the times with games you're comparing it to today. There were games released that brought Core 2 to it's knees (I'm thinking Far Cry here) that have been patched for performance since and still don't take full advantage of today's multicores. I'd love for all my old favourite titles to be updated to modern standards. Just because I want something doesn't make it likely.
  2. Occasionaly when I need to use Task Manager to get me out of a frozen Oblivion it seems to not start. In actual fact Task Manager has started but is unable to regain control of the screen, so you can't see that it's running. The following keypress sequence will get Task Manager to shut Windows down (as David has said, much safer than reset or power off): Ctrl + Alt + Del (to get Task Manager started) Alt (to move the focus to the menus ... File will initially be selected) u (to open the Shutdown menu item) u (to select Turn Off from the Shutdown menu) I prefer Turn Off to Restart so that memory is reinitialized by the reboot ... restart doesn't clear your memory's contents, it just performs a warm boot.
  3. Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide has some normal vs bloom vs HDR comparison shots on this page. HDR and antialiasing are two different aspects of ways to improve image quality. Each comes at a cost to frames per second, which may limit using both at the same time.
  4. @ LHammonds Two questions stemming from that excellent Blender Installation link: 1) Does the example path C:\Apps\... just need to be consistent between the different modules (Blender, PyFFI etc) and outside C:\Program Files\... or does it need to be that exactly (e.g. could I go with G:\OblivionApps\Blender etc)? 2) Does the Python-2.6.5.msi install the correct version and location for Wrye Bash to use as well or will a separate Python installation be needed for Wrye Bash?
  5. I hear you. Sometimes we just can't avoid fate. The only reason I have Vista at all is because of a problem I had with my desktop that was going to take a while to resolve (and I wanted a laptop for travelling). It hasn't been my favourite, that's for sure. My personal stockpile of OEM Windows XP is down to three uninstalled copies ... not sure where I'll go after they're gone. If game support was better I'd dump Mr Gates for Linux. Maybe WINE on a fast machine and stay away from the latest and greatest games. The EOL for support on XP will likely be the point at which I'll need to decide. Perhaps one of these days I'll be in a Canada Computers store with an extra $70 bucks in my pocket and walk out with a nice new WD Scorpio Black 500GB hard drive. I'd be down to two copies of XP and one faster booting laptop, not an unattractive concept.
  6. Are you launching the game using the obse_loader.exe?
  7. Here's an excerpt from the bugs section of the UESP Wiki article on Fathis Ules: If he doesn't show in Chorrol you won't find him at his house in the IC. Did you get the quest completion journal update for Legacy Lost? Check your completed quests for this entry: Legacy Lost must be completed before Sin of the Father can begin. Was it the Dwemer Forge that you didn't get for Battlehorn? You can't purchase that until after you've purchased at least one upgrade for the Castle. Go back and see Nilphas Omellian and he should offer it to you.
  8. Thanks for the update vilontano. That link leads to a Microsoft + SUN generated horror story. Gave me a real appreciation for wanting to be the LAST kid on the block with a 64bit operating system. Sometimes my dinosaur ways have some value. I'll just learn to be satisfied with 3.5 GB of Windows memory (2 GB has served me OK so far).
  9. The CM Partners document CM Partners Creating Custom Partners (included with the CM Partners Basic download) would be a good start. Edit: Here's a link to a tutorial for transferring faces from a save game.
  10. Are you getting that error when you're trying to update Java? You should get an administrator prompt for permission if you're updating Java from a non-administrative account (at least that's how it works on my Vista laptop ... all my other machines are Windows XP) and a UAC prompt. You could also try uninstalling Java from the control panel then re-install it. I'm not sure if this has been changed in Vista 64bit (unlikely) ... on my laptop it's Control Panel (from the Start menu) ... Programs and Features ... scroll down to the Java updates and single click and pick uninstall from the selections at the top of the window.
  11. Updates to Java from the SUN site do not remove the old versions, just adds the latest version. Considering that many Java updates include security bug fixes this doesn't make a lot of sense. Newer versions of Java are supposed to be backwards compatible with applets developed for the older versions, but SUN probably leaves the old version when you update to cut down on service related problems (i.e. the update 'breaks' your applet). Here's a MajorGeeks link to the latest Java update (notice that there is a link to the 64bit version). Also here's a link to JavaRA (also hosted on MajorGeeks) which is a utility that can be used to get rid of the old Java versions and keep your Java updated. I'm not sure if it works with 64bit (I'm a 32bit dinosaur myself).
  12. If you use "resurrect" yes it will. When you want the resurrected NPC to retain their inventory you append "1" (number "one") to the end (e.g. resurrect 1). They will stand up, retaining anything they're wearing (or containing in this example).
  13. Another method that I don't see mentioned in the article Hickory linked is to use a clone you create using the console code "createfullactorcopy" (without the quotes) on an NPC. Once you have the clone use "kill" with the clones refID at the top of your screen (single click on the clone with the console open). Close the console and load the body up with the item(s) you wish to copy. Again using the console, "resurrect 1" the clone. Createfullactorcopy the clone until you have as many items you wish (say you put 10 black soul gems in the dead body and you wanted 100 ... 9 copies of the clone would do it). Kill the additional clones and the original clone and empty the bodies. In the console click each of the emptied clone bodies and "deletefullactorcopy". The only caveat with this method is that it won't work for items you can't place into containers (e.g. quest items).
  14. Known bug. This excerpted from the UESP walkthrough:
  15. Tree Stump Cave isn't from the vanilla game. Compared your mod list to the one that Lardtree3 posted, maybe you can find some the same.
  16. A further suggestion for you to consider VGI. This UESP Wiki page is the main page for vanilla game quests. It's just a list of places and categories of quests, no spoilers from checking it out. From each of the links it provides a page of quest names and short descriptions opens. For example, the Unfriendly Competition quest you've just completed in the Imperial city has this description showing on the page that lists all quests starting in the IC: Each link provided on this second page leads to the actual walkthrough for that quest. Any quests that have bugs, have them described in a separate section at the bottom of the walkthrough. For example here's the bugs section for Unfriendly Competition excerpted: The bugs section is always located near the bottom of the page, just above the table that shows the quest stages and journal entries. When you do something in-game that starts a quest you'll get the quest start dialog and journal entry (unless it's a miscellaneous non-journal quest). By looking at your journal for the quest name (e.g. Unfriendly Competition) and your location (e.g. Imperial City) you could navigate to the quest walkthrough and then immediately scroll to the bottom of the page. All you would see is the quest stage table and bugs section. That would give you a bit of a leg up on pitfalls to avoid. There are some pitfalls that you may have not known about prior to the quest starting (e.g. if you are ever near a place called the Temple of the Ancestor Moths don't explore inside ... I won't say any more but you will have occasion to thank me if you avoid this pitfall), no way of avoiding that. I'm only offering an alternative here ... you decide if the suggestion has any merit for you. Again ... have fun.
  17. Try this ... in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder rename Oblivion.ini to Oblivionini.old (right click Oblivion.ini and select rename from the right click menu, with Oblivion not running of course). Start Oblivion using OblivionLauncher.exe (this should be the default for your desktop shortcut unless you've altered it after installing OBSE ... in that case start Oblivion from the Start menu). Open a save and then exit the game using Exit from the game menu (not 'qqq' from the console). This will allow Oblivion to re-detect your hardware and create a new Oblivion.ini in your My Documents.
  18. If Oblivion is installed in the default location C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... the Microsoft security feature called UAC will interfere once you start using mods. It doesn't cause trouble beforehand, only once you want to make changes to Oblivion (or any program inside Program Files that isn't specifically designed to work with UAC). To use mods you will need to uninstall Oblivion and re-install in C:\Games\Oblivion (or the directory of your choice, as long as it is not a subdirectory of Program Files). One of the moderators here, bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job done completely and correctly, if you need help.
  19. You may want to ask this question in the Oblivion Mod Detectives thread, pinned at the top of Oblivion Mod Talk.
  20. I'm headed outside what I know here Telyn, into the area of speculation ... just a warning. On this page of Script Functions which is a list of functions and console commands extracted from Oblivion.exe I see this function which is identified as a console command: ToggleCellNode (tcn) - Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor 1-Marker 2-Land 3-Water 4-Static 5-Active Similarly to tcl (ToggleCollision) the short name tcn can be used or the long name. Statics in the game world don't interact with the physics as far as I know (you've probably noticed that some clutter items can't be picked up or manipulated for example). My guess is you'd place the item where you wanted it, open the console and click it to get the refID at the top of the screen. Enter the command "tcn 4" (without the quotes). The item's properties should now be changed to static. The possible fly in this ointment is that the CS has a separate category for static objects rather than offer a selection option to toggle an item as a static or not. This may have been done so that fewer mistakes were made when placing non-static objects (an inadvertent tick changing an item to a static for example) or there may be further reasons beyond my ken. Turning tableware static would be a plus if you have companions or NPCs you've added to your abodes. In my guys world, Mazoga just loves wiping the table clean with her sword in White Stallion Lodge. Gives me something to do, picking up after her though ... which makes her kind of lovable, in an oversized grandchild kind of way.
  21. At least you could find it. I've lost staffs the same way. They drop through the floor (some weird collision glitch) and I've console 'tcl'ed through the murk looking for them. Disappeared into 'Oblivion'.
  22. I'm also on my first go round with an Elder Scrolls game. Through my lack of lore knowledge 'my guy' has been saddled with my old standard no imagination handle (starts with a capital 'S'). Once I started learning more of the lore I started to feel his discomfort (imagine a proud Dunmer saddled with such a name). I wanted a great name for my next guy. Read books looking for an uncommon name suitable for a Dark Elf in exile. Thought I'd found the perfect one in an obscure rare book. Then, while perusing some old posts here, what do I find ... 'my' name, appropriated by another (well I guess he could have said the same about me, it was an old post). Yes lore is important to me, and by the time I find that unique name I hope to know a lot more.
  23. Ah yes ... and so you like your bookshelves nice and full too. :tongue: Sometime I can get them just right, then next time I drop around for a visit ... like you said ... BOOOM. That wonderful Havok physics. Similar thing happens to my 'gem collections'. You get a half dozen or more nicely displayed on a silver plate, next time you check there's one or two missing. Surprising how far those pearls can roll (and the stuff they can hide under).
  24. The things you find out trying to answer questions ... whew!!! Would you believe 1098 files using 3.55GB of disk space (and I've deleted a lot of old saves). Obviously I'm not hard pressed for hard drive space. To find out your situation right click your Saves folder in My Documents\My Games\Obilivion. Then select Properties from the right click menu ... your size, size on disk (actual space used to store the files) and number of files will be listed. Time for me to get pruning again.
  25. Another alternative is Khettienna's Horse Management
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