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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Windows 7 and Vista have a Microsoft security feature User Account Control (UAC). It attempts to stop your machine from being infected with malware by preventing programs installed in C:\Program Files\ and C:\Prgram Files (x86) from being altered. Some programs are designed to work with UAC (e.g. Adobe Reader) and can be altered via updates etc. Oblivion (and many games) are not. If the game is installed in a subdirectory of Program Files UAC prevents any changes (and that's exactly what mods need to do). Moving your games to C:\Games\... and or C:\Games\Steam\... will eliminate this problem with UAC.
  2. I'm not sure if you are hitting the UAC hurtle or not. I imagine Steam is located in the default C:\Program Files (x86)\... directory. It is possible to move Steam outside Program Files (x86) ... here's a link to instructions for doing that.
  3. Shouldn't need to Alt + Tab with two monitors ... sounds like a sweet setup to me (drool).
  4. Well I'm a Wrye Bash and FCOM noob myself but my read on the errors follows: http://i55.tinypic.com/2i12zgl.jpg All mods for Oblivion that require an esp file also need to have a master file (esm). Most simpler mods use Oblivion.esm that is part of the unmodded game as a master. More complex mods, like FCOM have their own master files that must be present in the Data folder along with the corresponding esp file. http://i54.tinypic.com/eki1wl.jpg Not all mods are compatible with one another. Here an alternative to use instead of the conflicting mod is being suggested. http://i51.tinypic.com/29y1f8m.jpg Sometimes there are no suggestions for conflicting mods but suggestions to make a 'bashed patch' are provided.
  5. Have you looked through this excellent guide that Talonvore posted?
  6. Oops ... thanks once again whalecakes for helping with my mistakes. OblivionLauncher.exe is correct ... kudos for having my back.
  7. Determining the right question has always been more important to me than the right answer (answers will present themselves to the right question). So my question is ... what is your value for x. Find that and you will land happily on the curve. Your place on the curve will not be my place, but as the line has infinite points we can all find our own comfy spot (and tangents to our points will intersect at some point near or far, but that's OK too).
  8. If you want to change your old Oblivion shortcut to start using obse_loader.exe instead you just right click the shortcut and select Properties from the right click menu. On the Target tab you'll see the top field has your current OblivionLauncher.exe at the end of the path (if you are installed to the default location it will be "C:\Program Files|Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\OblivionLauncher.exe"). You want to change the OblivionLauncher.exe part with obse_loader.exe and leave the quote mark at the end. Leave the Start In field alone. Click Apply and then OK and you'll be good to go. The only thing to remember is if you install a mod manually you will need to start Oblivion from either the Start Menu or from Windows Explorer and double click OblivionLauncher.exe to get the Oblivion Data Files menu (where you click your esp to get the black X). Close the Oblivion luancher menu and then start Oblivion using your edited shortcut. Edit: Corrections per whalecakes helpful suggestions below.
  9. Here's the UESP Wiki for Restore Health.
  10. The files OBSE needs (obse_loader.exe, obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll) should be in your Oblivion folder NOT your Data folder. You don't click a check mark like a mod, you need to either edit your Oblivion shortcut to run OBSE or create a new shortcut that runs OBSE.
  11. I've not run into any problems using OAF myself. It doesn't do anything to fix corrupted saves though. As far as OAF causing save corruption I wonder if that may be related to the issue I see reported of quick save and auto save caused corruption. I've also seen overwriting a save being implicated in corruption (not sure about the validity of that claim). When I'm going to use OAF to clear the A-Bomb I always start from a clean save (a new save from the menu and not overwriting an older save). I run OAF on that save and then after I've loaded the OAF fixed save I create another new save. I keep a large supply of backups myself, and try to remember to make a save before starting anything of importance. Hard drive space is cheap nowadays.
  12. Hmmm ... and I'm that 'other guy' who seems to find that all the clothes/armor I find interesting is for C or D cup (obviously I'm belong to the 'more full figured' camp). The world will always have glasses that are half full or half empty ... at least we won't die of thirst.
  13. I've no experience adding that many mods to the game but I have been following this forum and the problems reported closely for a while. If you add all your mods and then have a game breaking problem (which is very likely with that many mods) you will have no idea which mod or mods are causing the problem (outside the troubleshooting help provided by Wrye Bash and OBMM). If you install the mods in small groups at the most AND play test between batches you'll have a much smaller list of mods to troubleshoot when problems arise. Hopefully you are starting out with Oblivion installed outside of C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... if you are running Windows 7 or Vista.
  14. No problem. Like it says in the mod description I need to run it again every now and then. I can tell well in advance of the A-Bomb causing problems by the weird flames on the Legion and courier torches.
  15. If you're not a Wrye Bash user the Oblivion Animation Fixer works for me.
  16. In real life that small handle is only actually used when the scythe is used to cut grain or long grass. It's held with the blade low and swung parallel to the ground in a sweeping motion with your right hand on the small handle and left up higher on the main shaft (yes I've actually used one ... don't ask why, I still get nightmares :tongue: ). The scythe could be used to swing up high in the same manner I suppose, and having the two handed grip would make using it to block also possible. The power swing would be using hand holds like your pic shows.
  17. Although I'm not the 'mod list sorting' kinda' guy (Hickory's the big dog around here for that) I suggest you post a mod list. Here's a guide if you need help. The other info that may or may not be pertinent is where you have Oblivion installed. If it's installed in the default location (C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\...) AND you are are running either Windows 7 or Vista the Microsoft security feature UAC could be interfering with your game. It won't affect anything until you start installing mods.
  18. Have you enabled ArchiveInvalidation, either through Oblivion Mod Manager or Wrye Bash?
  19. Thanks for the question. Got me thinking along lines that hadn't occurred to me. In many ways, yes my Oblivion habits mirror my real life habits (sleep only when I must, travel solo regardless of the neighborhood, stuff like that). I started thinking about how that works into my planned next play-thru. You see my first play-thru was pretty well vanilla except for a few armor/clothes/body/animation replacers. I was thinking of using some realism mods for my next time around (you know economy, eating/fatigue mods and the like). The problem I might run into doing that is around the eating part. My current guy has eaten maybe a dozen times in hundreds of hours game play (which somewhat mirrors what happens to me when I get on a roll with the game, just a bit more extreme for my game guy). If I go the realism route we both will need to change our ways ... trouble is he won't gain weight the same as me!!
  20. The other consideration is whether your CPU can handle the two foreground tasks. My solution to your exact problem is to have the UESP Wiki up on my laptop beside me when I'm playing, so I know what your wishing for.
  21. I can't find anything documenting the CRC codes and your's isn't mentioned in the readme. Again a quote from the readme: As your game launches without OBSE I think you qualify for the email support. Sorry I can't do more for you. Please report back on the solution if you find one so we can all be a little wiser.
  22. Here's a quote from the obse_readme.txt: The text file obse_loader is actually obse_loader.log (the log file it updates each time you run obse_loader.exe). If nothing it says in the quote above makes any sense (i.e. hacks and no-cd patches may change the checksum of the game) then I would tend to think you may have the "Your Oblivion install may be corrupt" problem. Does Oblivion start and run OK when you try to start it from either your desktop shortcut (providing you haven't made those OBSE related edits to it) or from your Start menu?
  23. I recommend version 0019b (which I linked in that post that fg109 referenced) as that is the latest stable version. Before you do that look in your Oblivion folder and see if you have obse_1_2_416 and obse_editor_1_2 listed (same spot you found the Oblivion file). If they're not there along with obse_loader then all you need to do is copy them there from your previous download (if it was version 0019). Edit: What version of OBSE are you using for that?
  24. When you double click the obse_loader file that should be located in that same directory as Oblivion what happens?
  25. If you installed in the default location it will be in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion. The file may not show the .exe extension but will be named Obilvion and will have an icon beside it like the shortcut on your desktop. The version is shown on the version tab of the right click properties menu.
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