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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. No my basically vanilla (no interface mods) Oblivion still has the same look as it did before updating to version 1.2.0416 (I have the old DVD version that came bundled with Bioshock). When I installed the GotY version on my daughter's machine it was version 1.2.0416 right off the initial install. Look down in the lower left corner when you start or load a game and you should see the version number, or follow the right click on Oblivion.exe instructions ... either will show your current version number. If you are already at version 1.2.0416 then follow the steps I outlined previously for getting OBSE installed. The most important and easily overlooked part is updating your shortcut to use obse_loader.exe instead of Oblivion.exe ... OBSE won't work without that step and any mod requiring OBSE will appear to not work. Edit: Looking over the thread I see no one has asked what directory your Oblivion is installed in. If you are running either Windows 7 or Vista the Microsoft security feature UAC will give you problems if Oblivion is installed in the default location. If Oblivion is in either C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... you would be best off to unistall and then re-install in C:\Games\Oblivion (or the directory of your choice OUTSIDE Program Files). One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this unistall/re-install guide to help get the job done completely and correctly.
  2. When you reinstalled Oblivion did it work before you installed any mods (just vanilla patched to 1.2.0416)?
  3. Looking at the other thread I see you must have the DVD version. Is it the Game of the Year version? The GotY version patches up to 1.2.0416 when you install it. Other DVD versions need the correct patch, so make sure you're using the patch intended for your version. You can get your current version number by looking at the bottom left of the game menu screen (if you can load the game to that point) or by right clicking Oblivion.exe in Windows Explorer and selecting Properties (it will be shown on the Version tab).
  4. So what you are saying is one of two things: 1) I am using the Steam or DVD version of Oblivion but I am unwilling to try to get OBSE working by following the advice offered. 2) I am using the D2D or Impulse version of Oblivion but want someone to have the fabric of the universe twisted in my favour by having the laws of gravity repealed. Sorry ... you fall down, you get skinned knees. Yes it sucks ... same for the rest of us (I have the scabby scars to prove it). Get used to it.
  5. My answer was meant as a troubleshooting tool. I personally don't have any experience with that mod, but when I'm having trouble with installing or uninstalling a mod I always refer to the extracted contents of the download and compare to what is either installed or has been left when I tried to uninstall (depending on which way I was going). Before I even install a mod for the first time I look over what it comes with and what I already have installed looking for stuff that might get overwritten (mod conflicts). What I was suggesting was since you've already uninstalled all or part of the mod you could try looking for what's been left over that's causing your problem. To do that you need to know what the mod originally installed, hence why I wondered if you could extract the .exe to a temporary location. From my limited understanding of the Francescos mods there are likely quite a few files that will hopefully be organized in their own folders. If you've uninstalled and some are still there move them to a different temporary folder that you create and see if your problem persists
  6. You could also post your question on the Oblivion Mod Detectives thread.
  7. From the mod description: Having Oblivion Script Extender is NOT optional. You can download OBSE from here. I would suggest the Current Stable Version: v0019b (direct download link). If you have the Direct 2 Drive or Impulse versions of Oblivion you WILL NOT be able to use OBSE as those are encrypted versions of the game and cannot be altered by OBSE. If that is the case you are out of luck for any mods requiring OBSE ... you see that in the mod requirements and you can just move on to the next mod, there are plenty that don't require OBSE. If you have the DVD or Steam version of Oblivion you extract obse_0019b.zip to a temporary folder (or your desktop) and then simply copy obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll to your Oblivion folder (the same one you'll find Oblivion.exe in, one level higher than your Data folder). If you are using the Steam version of Oblivion then copy obse_steam_loader.dll to your Oblivion folder (which will be a subdirectory off your Steam folder) ... if you are using the DVD version of Oblivion you will copy obse_loader.exe to your Oblivion directory (same place as obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll). If you have Steam AND plan on making mods using the Construction Set see the obse_readme.txt for more info. Also if you have the Steam version you should now be able to start Oblivion and OBSE will load automatically. If you are running the DVD version of Oblivion you will need to edit your current Oblivion desktop shortcut. Right click the shortcut and select Properties from the right click menu. In the Target field of the properties menu change the Oblivion.exe to obse_loader.exe, making sure you leave the quote mark ( " ) at the end of the line. The only other thing to remember is if you manually install any mods after this and want to activate them from the Oblivion Launcher menu Data Files you will need to start Oblivion using the Oblivion.exe (either by double clicking it in a Windows Explorer window or by selecting Oblivion from the Start menu). After you have activated your mod close the Oblivion Launcher and start Oblivion from your desktop shortcut (this also applies to launching Oblivion using OBMM ... activate your OMOD then close OBMM and start Oblivion using your desktop shortcut).
  8. Have you been following this thread?
  9. I saw that the downloads were .exe files. When you run the .exe (self extracting archives I assume) where does it extract the mod, your Oblivion install or does it give the option to extract to another directory? If it allows you to change directory, create two temporary directories and extract the main .exe into one and the optional .exe into the other. You can then look at what files and folders the main and optional adds and then compare to your Oblivion install (looking for files the optional .exe added that weren't removed when you uninstalled it).
  10. You may want to post this question in the Oblivion Mod Detectives thread pinned at the top of Oblivion Mod Talk.
  11. Here's a UESP Wiki link to where you can get Restore Health spells (you'll want the on target variety).
  12. In that case perhaps you should post it in Oblivion Mod Requests
  13. I get the impression that you extracted the archive to a temporary folder prior to creating your omod. When you compare the extracted .kf files to your installed .kf files are you not seeing one missing or in the wrong folder?
  14. Was it Francescos leveled creatures items mod multilanguage that you tried to install and then uninstall? If so did you install the main file AND the add-on file from Planet Elder Scrolls?
  15. You need to find the missing meshes and textures. I always download mods to a subfolder of the OblivionDownloads folder I've created. When I extract the archive I can examine the directory structure and contents in that subfolder of OblivionDownloads. If I have problems after installing the mod it makes tracking down the missing files as simple as looking at the extracted archive.
  16. Excellent bryman1970 and a perfect example of the benefits we all get when looking for help from the mod author where possible. Your problem is resolved and a mod bug is found and squashed. Thanks and kudos. :thumbsup:
  17. Yes they do. The stand-alone companions (e.g. Companion Vilja by Emma and CDCooley) will often have functionality that doesn't extent universally (e.g. Vilja has additional dialog topics with some other stand-alone companions but not with the companions added by CM Companions). I believe you will still run into the 'number of followers limit' even though they come from different sources (e. g. one Knights of the Nine follower plus the Adoring Fan plus Vilja plus six CM Partners would put you over the limit). Here's a UESP Wiki link for followers.
  18. Browsing through the bsa files the only other thing I could see was in the Oblivion - Misc.bsa where there is a menus\main\player_model.xml. I don't know what the xml may point to, perhaps the .kf files for the main menu?
  19. Perhaps Lucien won't visit while you have 'issues' with the guards.
  20. I see you posted a question in the mod comments. :thumbsup: The mod author firespark appears to be actively supporting the mod so chances are that you'll find out there. Please post back here with the answer.
  21. If you can click them in the console you could disable them ... not sure how that would affect their mod but they'd be gone.
  22. I'm afraid I can't offer anything for your problem but I do have one bit of advice. When it seems Task Manager has not started after you Ctrl + Alt + Del (i.e. the Task Manager screen doesn't come to the foreground) you can close Windows by hitting Alt then u and finally u once more. Much better than the reset button.
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