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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Report back after you've had some fun so we have a record of what the fix was. Enjoy!!
  2. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job done completely and correctly. Edit: Just saw the posts entered while I looked that up. I'm lead to think that you have UAC turned off in that case.
  3. You do know that when you install Oblivion to the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\...) the Microsoft security feature UAC will cause lots of problems once you start using mods. It won't interfere until you try to run with mods. The best spot for games is C:\Games\Oblivion etc as it brings them outside the directory that UAC defends.
  4. Companion Share and Recruit (you can thank Yamcakes for this ... just read about it in a post made earlier).
  5. Is the bsa in the proper folder. Your mod will look for it using the path used when creating it. It should be the same as the extracted archive (if you extracted the archive into a temporary folder to check out it's contents before installing ... always a good troubleshooting tool).
  6. That sounds like resources (textures etc.) are missing or in the wrong folders. When you extract the downloaded archive (most commonly used here is .7z) examine the structure and contents of the mod. If you copy and paste correctly those same files should be now also located in your Oblivion install directory, in the same directory structure as the download. Example, if I download and extract a non-replacer armor mod (one that leaves all the original armor the same) it will have a Data\meshes\MyNewArmor\... and a Data\Textures\MyNewArmor\... as well as folders and files for menus etc. I'll also find an .esp file for the mod. When I copy and paste into my Oblivion install all those same directories and files must be in the exact same relationship to the Data folder in my C:\Games\Oblivion. If I pasted into my C:\Games\Oblivion\Data folder I would get an extra Data folder showing (e.g. C:\Games\Oblivion\Data\Data\meshes\MyNewArmor\...). The mod won't find the resources and the game displays the error with the purple texture or yellow exclamation. Always paste one level higher than you copied. If you copied Data you paste into Oblivion. If you copied meshes you paste into Data. Another dead give-away is if you're pasting into the wrong folder you won't get the OK to overwrite dialog.
  7. I think GIMP requires a plug-in to recognize .dds files. The free program Paint.NET available at MajorGeeks opens them natively (no plug-in required). I have to ask though, what is it you're trying to do with the .dds files?
  8. I don't think XP will allow you the flexibility to specify cores to processes. I run on a Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz (haven't ever tried it on my 3.2 GHz Northwood) running XP. Using the tweaks suggested in Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide I've enable multi-core support for Havok but I'm not sure how big an effect that has. If you're just cobbling something together from an existing stockpile of parts you could try one and then the other ... not efficient from a time and effort management standpoint but you'd become the definitive source for the answer to that question.
  9. You can use FormID Finder to identify what mod is the culprit and then troubleshoot from there.
  10. I would tend towards the P4 except for one consideration. When you play games do you disable all background processes (anti-virus etc). If you don't the quad core with one or two cores dedicated to Oblivion might be better than raw speed (the unused cores can keep Vista or Win 7 happy in the background).
  11. Here's a UESP article on the Cosole. They mention that some situations don't allow the console key tilde (~) e.g. Vista. There's a link to a Ring of Console you can download to get it working.
  12. Try turning anti-aliasing off. Edit: Or maybe that was to get screenshots working.
  13. Try deleting your Oblivion.ini file located in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion (NOT the one located in your Oblivion install directory). Start the game and then exit using the menus (not qqq from the console). Oblivion will redetect your hardware and set you up with a new Oblivion.ini. If all is well in-game then change your settings, edit your ini etc to get things set back to your preferences.
  14. 7-Zip is the native program for your .7z files ... easy to use and available her.
  15. You may want to post this question in the Oblivion Mod Detectives thread (pinned at the top of Oblivion Mod Talk).
  16. Here's a link to the Construction Set Wiki page for Texturing.
  17. Haven't you ever felt sorry for one of those poor unfortunates you find laying dead as a door-nail beside the road? You do know that if you hadn't been close by no bad things would have happened to them. Most of the time I give them a little console lovin' ... open the console, click on their corpse and enter "resurrect 1" (without the quotation marks). This revives them and they'll stand up and usually head off to where ever they were headed before their unfortunate accident. For effect you can shout "CLEAR" just before hitting the enter key. After they get on their way I usually switch hats again and put on my "Defender of Cyrodiilic Travelers" hat and make sure they make it home. All just part of the job. :tongue:
  18. You would probably be farther ahead in the long run to do a complete uninstall and then start out fresh in C:\Games\Oblivion\... and avoid any problems associated with the Microsoft security feature UAC.
  19. You don't need a mod ... a simple tweak of Oblivion.ini located in C:\My Documents\My Games is all that's required. Find the entry bHealthBarShowing and change the default bHealthBarShowing=0 to bHealthBarShowing=1 (which will put a small yellow health bar above the enemy instead of the curved one in the center of the screen).
  20. Alval Uvani ... one of my 'roadside victims of circumstance'. I'd forgotten how refreshingly abrasive he is ... perhaps a job for the 'Paramedics of Cyrodiil'.
  21. Just so you know (and I believe it may now be a moot point judging from your latest post) Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) stores your OMODs in Oblivion\obmm\mods, which is outside the Data folder (Oblivion\Data\). If you followed bben46's guide the obmm\mods folder should have been deleted (not sure on BOSS ... no experience using it here).
  22. Probably added by the mod author ... non-respawning? When I'm checking out whether or not a container's safe I like to put a few arrows in and then check after 73 hours. If they're still there it's safe.
  23. The tutorial that Telyn linked for you has instructions on backing up your saves. They aren't located in the directory that Oblivion itself is installed in.
  24. If you have installed any mods which replace faces and\or eye textures you need to have archive invalidation enabled (most easily done using OBMM). Perhaps one machine has archive invalidation enabled and the other doesn't.
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