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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Look in the game's Oblivion\Data folder and find Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa and check the date shown. The best way is to right click and select Properties from the right menu. In the Properties dialogue box report both the Created date and the Modified date.
  2. The single Roberts Female download includes the armor and clothing replacer. How are you installing ... using Wrye Bash? Are you using the Steam version of the game?
  3. For Roberts Male the clothing and armor replacer is part of the BAIN download (third download from the top). If you installed the top listed download then you also need to install the second one down named MaleOutfitReplacerV52. I'm unclear from what you posted if you are using Robert Female or a version of HGEC. That detail will change any advice I could possibly give depending on which it is (and if it is HGEC you'll need to specify the exact version ... preferably by giving me a link to the mod page).
  4. Those are using vanilla textures on meshes compatible with the bodies. Did you install the proper armor/clothing replacers when you installed the bodies?
  5. What particular armor/clothes ... mod added or a replacer that came with a body (e.g. EVE for HGEC or Roberts Male)? Invisible is indicating missing normal maps (the _n.dds files).
  6. yes, of course i have considered this, but the way I mod my game is typically with additional difficulty.. additional number of enemies, with additional damage received and given. so that main skills typically need to be leveled to keep up with the hazard of it all Whereas I typically don't quest, have mostly vanilla for enemies, use SPAWN to make it unpredicatable but less likely for enemy spawns. My "Striker's mini-games" occupy most of my time. When I have something I want to do stopping every few minutes to kill the next spawn is just tedious for me. I know where paractically every single spawn point on the major and minor roads are located, so it's not like I get surprised much. MOO will change that for my next character, but who knows when that will come to pass (after all, 5135 hours and I still can say "who knows when that will come to pass" doesn't make it sound like tomorrow is a very likely possibility).
  7. Yes, I have my own way of doing this too. I think you would agree to it being more enjoyable as well. I remove the level training cap on trainers, and also increase the training costs by 3 or 4x.. quite expensive. but also, i reduce the global rate of experience gained, so that it takes longer to level up. i reduce this by about -60% of vanilla. so that training is more viable. but also this actually has its own benefit, because the increased enemy spawns (game feels too primitive and empty without them) also increases the EXP you earn, so slowing down the EXP rate actually works. but also i feel the EXP rate of vanilla is too fast as is. the vanilla EXP rate is not really designed for someone who wants to put several hundred hours into the game by exploring 100% of the map and 100% of indoor locations. its made for a more typical consumer with a 60hr-80hr playthrough. i honestly think it feels much better with the reduced EXP rate, im not always looking for the instant gratification of leveling up like i was in the year 2006. Also, the increased training costs doesnt feel out of place. The cost to level up is not an astronomical amount to where it feels broken. Though it is quite expensive. But this is good as you actually need to make money to buy skills. It's not anywhere as trivial as vanilla. My current character is at 5135 hours of gameplay. My two characters before him were over 1500 hours gametime each. I don't think that many people would accuse me of being anything remotely similar to "typical". I understand your rational on the training subject, but it would have little utility for me as I very seldom use trainers. I use the vanilla leveling system and have skills that are less frequently used in regular gameplay for my major skills (so this slows down leveling on those skills I do use automatically). I'll use a trainer on one of my major skills on the rare occassion that I've earned enough points in the minors I've been using to get my +5s and have neglected to keep my majors in step to be ready for the level up. I enjoy thinking about the big picture while I'm playing, sort of the antithesis of how "typical" players wish to play. It's not an onerous task for me, as the majors I've picked are for the most part skills that I could use, they just aren't my primary tool for job (e.g. Conjuration is a major, Destruction a minor). Most of the time Destruction magic is the "go to", but I'll use Conjuration during a fight with a Conjurer, not so much to balance the fight as to gain some points in my major, but doing so is totally optional for me. In the same way, in light of more thought, I'm not so sure how much use I would get out of a crafting system. When my current guy wears armor it is still the same quality leather armor he acquired way back at level 1 outside of Anvil (alternate start). Yes it has enchantments these days (after completing the Main quest and closing 61 gates ... thanks to Arthmoor's Vergayun I got one more than the usual 60 gates). I use a mod that ensures that lower level gear never disappears as you level higher so it's not hard to find a replacement set when it gets destroyed (Maskar's Unequip Broken Armor). My houses are all the vanilla game houses plus a few from Emma. There are plenty of campsites in the wilderness, so I'd have little incentive to build remote cabins. I do plan on using Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul in my next character's load order, so that may change the dynamic when sleeping rough in the wilderness ... maybe I'll start sleeping with a sword close at hand rather than just the Dark Brotherhood Blade of Woe (only in inventory when sleeping because it is still a quest item). I still think that even if MOO generated enemies jumped me while sleeping I'd more likely toast them than start slashing (early game MOO makes the wilderness too much of an adventure for sleeping rough from what I have learned about the mod). So much of making this game "your own" depends on your own individual peculiarities.
  8. Mod authors are often devious like that ... hiding information on using their mod in mod descriptions and readmes. Another primary source of information for me is mod comments. A lot more than just how to use the mod can be learned. I do a lot of "reading between the lines" and get a pretty good idea of how competent a mod author is by reading their answers regarding problems mod users are having. And of course, as was the case in your Unleveled mod, you can also look at how many problems are reported vs downloads. For me 2076 downloads and not a single problem reported is waving a green flag, not a red one.
  9. Wooaaahh, okay. I really want to release it. Im totally not being sarcastic right now. ...And here I am foolishly believing that people care about playing a decent game. Woooahhhhh. Such a stupid pathetic response. Very similar to what a coward would say. Totally clueless. Actually the misunderstanding may be on your end. If there was such a mod I would try it. I agree that making gold in the game becomes a pointless enterprise very quickly. With my current character I tried to counter the gold falling like mana from heaven aspect of the game by using Enhanced Economy and Basic Primary Needs (so you need some gold to eat ... don't eat you die, and EE makes it somewhat harder to "make ends meet" early in the game). By the time my guy was level 5 or 6 he started stashing all armor and weapons in various non-spawning chests found in various locations through the game world. My point is I enjoy having a challenge. I do have some misgivings regarding editing so much of the vanilla game from a compatibility aspect, and that I would need to test thoroughly before committing such a mod to my load order (I am one picky player when it comes to what goes into my load order and what doesn't).
  10. I'm waiting for when you release this mod.
  11. There we go ... sometimes looking in the wrong spot is what turns the trick.
  12. What that says to me is that something below UnleveledQuestRewardsDLCFilter.esp in your load order is overwriting changes that UnleveledQuestRewardsDLCFilter.esp needs to make with a different version of whatever it is that UnleveledQuestRewardsDLCFilter.esp is expecting (or possibly above it in your load order and bash tags are doing the damage). I find it unlikely that any of the DLC unofficial patches would be at fault (but that does remain a remote possibility). The ones that I would check first are the two OOO patches ... I would start with OOOShiveringIsles.esp as my first choice. Disable it, rebuild your bashed patch without it and see what is the result of the test. If the problem remains then do the same with OOO-Rebalance.esp and test.
  13. Way back in your original post you have a Wrye Bash Mods tab screenshot posted. It shows a plus sign (+) shown beside UnleveledQuestRewardsDLCFilter.esp which indicates that the mod has been disabled by Wrye Bash and the green coloured text indicates that it has been incorporated into the bashed patch. Now one piece of information that I asked you to clarify for me is the yellow colour of the box that contains the plus sign (+) ... but you ignored that request for information. The yellow colour is Wrye Bash trying to tell us information (well in this case I suppose just me). My own version of Wrye Bash does not use the colour yellow in any documented way for the colours in that particular box in the Wrye Bash interface. I asked you to look in the documentation that comes with your version of Wrye Bash and tell me exactly what it says about the colour yellow in that box (as in copy and paste the exact words from the Wrye Bash General Readme.html that came with your version of Wrye Bash). Until I get that information from you we are just tossing chicken bones on the ground and making up stories about what that may or may not that may foretell about the fate of your game.
  14. I was under the impression you had resolved it when you said "I just restored Oblivion Mod and now it works perfectly fine". That isn't true?
  15. Just as a FYI ... coc enter is not a valid use of the coc command. The command coc requires a valid location as a target (the center part of getting you to that place outside of the game world or the ICArcaneUniversityArchMagesTowerLobby part of bringing you back to the Imperial City Arcane University Arch-Mage's Tower Lobby as shown in the list of valid location codes found in the top right corner of that UESP Wiki page I linked for you). The Enter part is the Enter key on your keyboard, not a valid location code in the game.
  16. Is that report from LOOT by any chance? It's just that it looks like a copy/paste from some software's report, yet I don't recall seeing that ability in Wrye Bash (admittedly I also haven't looked for it in Wrye Bash ... just looking to learn something here). So the bash tag have been assigned according to the mod authors wishes (from Plugin Description) while both the BOSS and LOOT masterlists only see need for Delev and Relev. This brings me back to my previous observation that the mod comments don't indicate a problem with the mod (which is supported by the number of unique downloads ... 2076 "beta testers" is a sizeable pool of testers compared to most programs when it comes to mods). If even 1 in a 100 of those ran into the problem you have found and only 1 in 100 of those took the time to seek help in the mod comments we should have at least two data points to consider. Which then brings us back to the mysterious being just that ... mysterious.
  17. Try the "coc center" trick. In the console type in coc center and then hit Enter. You will transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance that is outside of the game world. Using the in-game wait menu wait 3 days plus a bit for good measure (so 72 hours plus a few). Open the console again and coc ICArcaneUniversityArchMagesTowerLobby (or another location code from the list on this UESP Wiki page). If your crash was due to a script or something that would reset on a cell reset it should be resolved.
  18. Not the DLC filter patch ... UnleveledQuestRewards.esp
  19. Did you read the warning box in that Steam page I linked? Before you do anything read over everything on that Steam page. Even though I'm a non-Steam person myself I should be able to give some guidance if there is something in those step by steps you don't understand. Do not start something you don't understand. Ask first is a golden rule.
  20. I don't see any reports of problems in the mod comments (however there are zero comments in six years) ... you would think that with 2076 unique downloads somebody would have run into your problem in that time. I do agree however ... sometimes you just need to move on and let mysteries remain mysterious.
  21. Program FIles (x86) I have the 2004 version of Windows 10 I believe we will continue banging our heads against the wall on this as long as you have Steam (and thus Oblivion) installed in any UAC protected folder. Yes there are ways that you can subvert UAC's interference by turning off various things that then hobble UAC's ability to interfere (but also protect) you and your computer. I do not advocate those methods. Create a folder C:\Games or C:\Steam and then reinstall/move Steam to that folder (use this Steam page as a guide). I personally would prefer to suggest that after moving Steam out of a UAC protected folder you start with a brand new Steam installation of Oblivion, but that is because I'm unaware of all the possible things that are present in your current UAC affected Oblivion install ... a clean piece of paper is easier to use to get a fresh start in my opinion. Once you have done that start the game and confirm that the base vanilla game (absolutely nothing else installed) works correctly. Then install OBSE ... just OBSE, nothing else, and start the game. Make a save and then exit. Look in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder and see if you see a single save file (e.g. MySave09.ess) or if you see two save files with the same base name but different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you do not see two save files there is absolutely no reason to go any further.
  22. Where do you have Steam (and thus Oblivion) installed (meaning the exact folder path to Oblivion.exe in it's entirety, starting at the hard drive letter).? What version of Windows are you running?
  23. Are you using BOSS to sort your load order? In Wrye Bash Mods tab single left click on UnleveledQuestRewards.esp and then look in the Bash Tags window to the bottom right. According to the BOSS masterlist you should see the following bash tags: Delev Relev Do you see those?
  24. If you were to have an OBSE.log it would be in the game's Oblivion folder. If it is not there then OBSE is not working.
  25. After uninstalling Cyrodiil Rebuild you rebuilt your bashed pach before testing ... correct? In what way are you determining that Blockhead is not working?
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