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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. So if life ain't pretty how did he expect death to be anything other than "not pretty"?? I think some people lead an awfully sheltered existence. Good to see you pop in Mk ... was starting to wonder about you (you are after all not living in some COVID free zone). In WWII Fighters if you crashed into the ground at a fairly steep angle the model of your destroyed plane displayed fuselage and tail but no wings attached, and the nose was partially buried in the ground. Looked just like a lawn dart so the name stuck. And for the record I didn't specialise in being the lawn dart ... well except when the target drone gig was "going well". If you needed the grass trimmed I could accomodate though. If your friend was paid by the pound he'd learn to either live on not much or grow a stiffer spine.
  2. I flew in an online squadron for Janes WWII Fighters for a while, until they shut the server down. Was a lot of fun. It had a chat window you could talk smack in and set up furballs. The squadrons regularly set up squadron vs squadron matches. When I wasn't serving as a target drone I demonstrated how to fly very close to the ground and through towns. I was "blessed" with painfully slow internet back then so to shoot down another plane I really had to be good at guessing where he'd warp to next time his plane showed on my monitor. Most of my kills were of the "lawn dart" variety.
  3. Two can play that game Paga ... - Edit - The weather man said I had no chores today, so does that mean now I win??
  4. Well played Geepus ... I just hope that there wasn't a black stationwagon looking vehicle waiting outside, just past all the hand shaking.
  5. Do you (or did you) have any interface mods installed, or installed and then uninstalled? Oblivion Reloaded and UI mods have particular details that need to be addressed to work together (I don't use either so I'm not able to offer details). Best place to look is the Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics mod comments. Use the forum interface (button at the top of the comments) and the forum interface's search function to help zero in on pertinent comment threads. Another possibility may be a conflict between your FOV Zoom settings and the zoom settings in OR.
  6. If you look at the vanilla Legion Foresters they have their Find package for Venison and then their default Wander package (using one of the large radius aaaDefaultExplores). If you watch them they mostly just wander around and it's only when they spot a deer that they go into combat mode. It's always a good idea to have a default package for your NPCs to execute. Put that package at the very bottom of their list and set time, day etc to Any. When all of their other package don't satisfy conditions (time of day, condition checks for raining or in interior etc) then they will execute their default package (normally a wander but it doesn't absolutely have to be a wander package). In the case of your hunter I'd either give him a large radius Current Location wander for the times you want him hunting or a wander package set to a marker with a large radius (close to a spawn point for deer for instance). His default wander can then be an Editor Location package which will bring him back to a known location when his other packages aren't executing.
  7. Cool ... I didn't even know that there was two types of deer until looking into this problem. You may need to beef him up some before tackling the bears!! So was the root of the problem he didn't have any deer within his radius before?
  8. If I had my way I'd be using a 64bit version of WinXP, but all of the copies of XP that I have are 32bit. After installing and using Win 7 64bit I won't go back to XP 32bit but XP (i.e. before UAC and all that it "brings" to getting games and mods to work) was a good gaming OS. The perfect world would be WinXP 64bit but that's not to be so I've done my best learning how to neuter the parts of Win 7 that get in the way. I've never used Win 10 for anything except some printing at the local library, but all of the troubles I've helped troubleshoot on here have a Win 10 thread running through them in the past few years. Nothing I've learned about Win 10 has had me saying "Ya, I'd like to try that out". As I said, just the opposite.
  9. Hmm ... just gave it another try and the same. I don't recall ever doing a survey that used GoogleDocs before ... maybe it doesn't like my Chrome settings or something (I do have as many of their data mining options turned off as I can find).
  10. What ... I can't bounce off walls and roll in the dirt while I smell anything that happens to be within "nose-shot". Where's the fun in that?? Did you listen to the Mac interview about Elvis that was down below on the good old YouTube list to the right? Of course now when I went back to find the link it's not on the list anymore. - Edit - You just need to not take no for an answer ... YouTube finally caved and showed the video in the list ...
  11. I'm a poor one to come to for advice on games. The list of "only a little bit old" games I'd recommend is very short ... Oblivion. Yup, that's the whole list. Now if we want to talk ancient games there is Privateer (search for it here on Nexus, it's a port onto a new engine so there are minor differences to how the original was) or Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (fun fact he was born in the town I've lived in for the last 40 some odd years). Privateer is much like Oblivion (open world RPG, you can play the missions and main quest or ignore them ... not much dialogue though). Alpha Centauri is turn based strategy. You misunderstood what I meant about Win 10 ... I will never have a machine with Win 10 on it. If my only choice is one with Win 10 then I'll build a Linux machine.
  12. AppDat may be a hidden by default folder ... can't say for certain as one of the first things I do when building and setting up a new machine is turn off all of Microsoft's idiot proofing. I have no experience with Morrowind's file/folder structure as I've never installed it. - Edit - I'm on Win 7 myself ... I will switch to Linux before I use Microsoft's phone/tablet OS (aka Win 10).
  13. I'm running 157 ESPs + ESMs (158 counting Oblivion.esm). Now granted not a one of those has anything to do with overhauling cities, or overhauling landscapes, or overhauling very last thing in the world. I know the root cause of any instability I have in the game (when setting up a load order I test ... capital T and probably every other letter in the word). I understand to the fullest extent humanly possible how each mod affects the game and how they interact with each other (many of my mod selections are intended to interact with one another). The common thread I have seen over the years with some people's stability/performance problems are those certain better this and unique that and multiple O (or M) type load orders. My question is this ... are those people's problems caused by the number of mods or is it the actual mods themselves that are at the root of their stability/performance problems? Certain load orders require a different play style. With some you can play for hours and then when you are tired and need some sleep you save and shut down the game. Others require you save at each turn (you will learn where the cell boundaries are and you will like learning where the cell boundaries are) and either restart from your last save after you've CTDed or go through a save/shutdown/restart cycle because you just know what is going to come next. Both are valid gameplay styles, whether or not we realise it we are determining that aspect of the game while we're building our load orders.
  14. No offense taken ... but did you not know that the less it covers the more it protects? It follows the inverse square law, so 1/4 the coverage gives 16 times the protection. I'm sure you have seen some armor that has to be close to thousands, if not millions of times the protection. How could you resist that much protection in a dangerous world??
  15. I'm currently using the GotY DVD and in the past I used a DVD version that came bundled along with Bioshock (Oblivion on that disk wasn't version 1.2.0416 so it needed to be updated with the official patch). I checked my archived Oblivion.ini files from both my previous characters (one used the GotY version and one the bundled version) and current character (GotY) and sLevelUp was not in Oblivion.ini for any of those characters (nor was slevelup_default when I just checked for that). If you had that in your Oblivion.ini then either you or some mod added it ... it's not vanilla. - Edit - Maskar did point out that scripting would be the way to go for changing that text at each level up.
  16. Tried doing your survey but the selections don't seem to be accepted (i.e. nothing shows in the tick box when selected).
  17. So are you suggesting that what comes next may not be lounging with gentle repose as mana floats down from above leaving us constantly replenished ... err, oh wait ... isn't that what some people think this life is all about?? - Edit - There we go, Striker got in his one allotted "stirage of the pot" for today. What's next on the schedule ...
  18. If I've understood the Oblivion question correctly yes if you installed Oblivion on two different machines you could transfer your character, saves and mods from one to the other using your flashdrive. In addition to the game's Data folder (so all the mods) and Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder (save files) you will need the Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder (Oblivion.ini etc) and the Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Oblivion folder (Plugins.txt etc).
  19. Frankly, the way you are arguing just makes you look selfish and immature. You were going so well. This reminds me of a little story someone once told me. Not quite a story actually, more of a fact. Say you're staying in a room full of people for an hour. During that whole hour you behave well, speak politely and even start making some friends. All's going well, but at the very last minute, at the very last second, you trip someone over and they fall flat on their face. Well, no one's gonna remember you for the hour you spent being polite, everyone will remember only you being an ass in the end. It's just like what happens when you slide in a little personal attack in the middle of an otherwise very civil and researched post. Anyway I'm far too outnumbered to keep going on here, can't convince a mob alone. See you 'round! May want to edit that first post of yours then. Sure maybe you didn't slam dunk the site as hard as you could have (I have seen worse) but you were definity being a whiner (or at the very least nothing close to my idea of what polite looks and sounds like).
  20. The vanilla package you referenced for the Legion Foresters has Venison for the Object ID. Make sure you have Target ticked ... I believe that Any Object must be slected for the option Object ID to be available for selection. That's most of why I was going on about package order in his list, because from your description I couldn't think of anything else that may be the problem (of course other than him having the tools to kill deer). Make sure the radius is the same as the vanilla package too, and for testing purposes you may want to console spawn some deer that will be within that radius (don't think he'll go looking for them outside the radius that is set). In the console "player.placeatme 31550 5" (without the quote marks) should give you five (you could also try player.placeatme 61440 5). The only difference is the first is CreatureDeerDoe and the second is LegionForesterDoe. If he doesn't go after the 31550 deer but he does go after the 61440 deer then we'll be learning something about that AI package. - Edit - I believe he should automatically harvest the venison, at least that's been my experience with the Legion Foresters. If you don't beat them to their downed deer all that will be left for you is their arrows, the venison will be gone.
  21. In the Construction Set (CS) click on Gameplay select Settings and scroll down to sLevelUp20 (which is the highest level up message available). Click on sLevelUp20 and you'll see the level 20 levelup text "By superhuman effort ..." displayed in the String value box. From what Maskar has said I believe that is the text you'll need to replace.
  22. I have a couple of farmer NPCs who pick their crops. They each have a package that already has them out in the garden area doing some work with a hoe. The actual picking crops package has some conditions (not raining and random percent). The Location is set to Near Reference and I've placed a marker (radius set to 1024), the Target tab is set to Any Object and Object ID is set to CarrotPlant (other packages are set to PotatoPlant, CornStalk and LeekPlant ... I use different percent chance to have them pick different types during the time the package executes). The key thing is to select the correct item for them to pick ... CarrotPlant not Carrot for example. I believe in your case you'll want VipersBuglossLeaves not VipersBugloss. Can't say why your NPC isn't hunting ... does he have the tools for the job (bows and arrows, swords or magic spells up to the job)? The other thing to watch is package order. The game evaluates which package to run from the top of the list to the bottom. It will run the first package that evaluates as true with it's checks (time and conditions). Go down through the NPCs packages and think ... will this package execute (all conditions met), and if the answer is no then go down to the next. You may find he's not hunting because some other package higher in his list gets selected before the game can even get down to his hunting package. Simply reorder the packages so that you achieve your design intent.
  23. In my opinion (because I wasn't at the Bethesda Studios office while the pros and cons of this were being debated) I think the game devs wanted the Defense of Bruma (MQ13) quest to be a challenge. The quest objective is to keep Martin alive until the Great Gate is opened. If all of the allies were uber powerful then as each Dremora/Daedra spawned they would be quickly dispatched and you and Martin could chill and have tea and crumpets while you waited for the Great Gate to appear. On my last Main Quest playthrough I gave all of the city allies a Grand Ring of Health (additem 91c23 to each NPC), a Ring of War (98448) and a Necklace of Swords (98452) (and yes each got an update3d so all item were equipped). I also set each to essential while I was at it. I can tell you one thing ... I will never do that again (unbelieveable how annoying the repeated "so and so is unconscious" messages can get). I also quickly removed the bows from the Bruma soldiers inventory so that they didn't pepper everybody and his brother with arrows (they have swords ... that change will happen before the battle begins next time). The root of the problem is how mindlessly NPCs fight ... enter combat mode -> draw weapon -> carelessly run into battle and start swinging aimlessly (or in the case of archers spam arrows into any and every body). In past playthroughs I have left Martin to his own devices and postioned right next to the gates that open before the Great Gate opens and dispatched as many enemies as possible before they got close enough to trigger the NPCs into combat mode, but one person can only hold back so much water and eventually the fracas gets out of hand. It would help if Martin wasn't just another dumbass NPC when it come to combat mode (thought just came to me for next time ... make Martin essential and then give him a powerful drain health constant effect as soon as he's done his speech ... just kidding, but at least then you'd know where he was while you're busy trying to do your job). The ally soldiers are all leveled, most are the same level as the player with the exception being the Bruma soldiers who are one level lower than the player.
  24. Oblivion_Default.ini comes with every legitimate version of Oblivion, and will be located in the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder. The game uses that file as a stub to create Oblivion.ini any time it can't find one. Never make any changes to Oblivion_Default.ini unless you are prepared to completely reinstall the game. Oblivion.ini will be located in the Users\<YourUserName>\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder on all later versions of Windows (for WinXP it will be Documents and Settings\<YourUserName>\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion and in Vista Users\<YourUserName>\Documents\My Games\Oblivion). I believe what Maskar is pointing out is that the game engine doesn't support levelup messages past level 20, so the only way is to change the level 20 levelup message each time your character achieves the next level (so when you hit level 21 you change the level 20 message to read "Congrats you've reached level 21 ..." and then when you reach level 22 you change the level 20 message to read "Congrat you've reached level 22 ..." etc).
  25. Search for mod author HappySparkles. Almost all of the various bodies have alternative sex options. - Edit - If you are looking for that option to be player only you can use Blockhead to assign any of those bodies to the player only. It's just a matter of creating some folders, copying and renaming some files ... not rocket science.
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