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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Funny, my youngest grandson (15 ... where does it go, this time thing??) and I were just talking about that. You'll need to allow for some expenses Hey (the building, heat/hydro, security etc). Of course don't neglect the "babies" either ... does 'em good to go for a little snort once in a while. Lookin' for an extra driver by any chance?? I know a good wheel man ... can also drive stick!!
  2. On the Nexus site interface (so one of the game pages, not this forum interface) you'll see an "Upload" button at the very top towards the right side when you are logged in. Click that and you can choose "Upload an Image".
  3. Actually computers (even your Macs) are a digital interface over top of an analogue machine. The "blood" coursing through your computer's veins and arteries (circuit board/motherboard tracings) is electricity, and it has the techology to be infinitely variable as well ("Would you like a little more voltage with that sir?" says your local power plant). Took me quite a while to learn how to buy a power supply (cheapest ... no, most expensive ... ahh not really, let me have a look at those spec sheets again). A top notch power supply is your best friend buffer between the yahoos running your local power plant and that wounderful "digital world" that is promised in the PC advertising. I "roadie" for one of the other boaters at the marina where I keep my boat when they put on their annual show. Over the years I've showed competence and gained some trust ("Ya, you can carry that Striker ... you know how to be careful") but there are still certain tasks that I am not allowed to do. Their equipment has to survive a trip north from Florida and if something like an "Oops" happens there no way to make the trip home for the replacement in time for the show.
  4. Yes that is exactly the reason I'm not the "go to guy" I once was on the latest and greatest hardware. When I retired and it became obvious that building new machines would become only as absolutely necessary (as opposed to because I can and that's what I want), the reasons for staying up to date vanished. Plus I had disappeared down this rabbit hole, and as I said, I've never been one to walk and chew gum at the same time. Back when I first joined here I could spend 12 - 18 hours a day learning new stuff/helping solve problems/consulting with my mentors. Those were heady times!!
  5. I spent a very significant amount of the time that I now spend on here or gaming just staying abreast of the latest, greatest and most stable hardware back when I worked (i.e. had more disposable income). When specing components for a build everything needs to stay in sync ... real world facts get in the way though, so in practice there will always be a bottleneck. The trick is controlling the size of that bottleneck. In a way my move from WinXP to Win 7 was exactly what you describe ... software driven. It was tax time and the TurboTax I'd been using for years (which had said on the tin that WinXP wasn't supported for a few years ... but it worked) finally didn't work on WinXP. So I cracked open the wallet, allowed a few moths to escape and bought what hardware I needed to change over to Win 7 (I will never use an upgrade path, plus I already had one OEM copy of Win 7 64 bit sitting there, never even unwrapped). Following the hardware replacements and Win 7 install I install TurboTax and get all the way through my return almost to the final stages. One part for trying to get a credit for my property tax (Canada remember) requires the municipal roll number for my property tax. TurboTax on Win 7 wouldn't accept it. So now I'm into email support tag with TurboTax and of course the person on the other end has no clue. So while I'm waiting for them to find somebody with an answer I happen to look through a copy of the previous year's tax booklet (which includes the paper forms for filing your taxes old school method). That same page that TurboTax was choking itself on had no field for roll number on the paper form. So TurboTax finally gets back to me with the keyboard codes to override the error and finish filing my taxes. That was also the last time TurboTax received a penny for tax software from me. So when I'm gaming on my 64 bit OS I guess I really need to give a nod to TurboTax ... they're the ones to blame. And while I was at it buying the hardware for the Win 7 migration I picked up another OEM copy of Win 7 64 bit. Always nice to have backup.
  6. Now you are circling some of the points I have for sticking with Win 7. I consider Win 7 to be the final PC operating system Microsoft has released. Win 8.0 and up are what I like to call Phone/Tablet OS's. The other thing I deplore is the "business model" used by MS for those later OSes ... data mining. Why do you think they have gone to great lengths to prevent you from turning stuff off. Inhibits their revenue stream. I still stick with my recommendation for the Hardware and Software Discussion thread. Especially after all this time since you started this thread, the only way HeyYou might see your queries concerning Win 10 is a new thread, and if you look through that forum you'll see he's active in helping out there (and Hey has far more current hands on dealing with Windows issues than I have these days). On Win 7 it's Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Storage -> Disk Management -> right hand panel More Actions -> All Tasks -> Format...
  7. You don't remember what the deal of the day was for MARS???!!! What pill did you take to forget? I want some! The people to test the Starship are all are civilian workers and volunteers. The first to go to MARS signed up YEARS AGO from the college volunteers board and online bulletin board. Which, only one of them, who dropped a hard boil egg on Elon's plans, was kicked off the Volunteer's list. All of them from RICH families and are the Universities top college members of the Smarty pants families children who will be in their 30's soon. So they will be too old to go if they don't lift off before 2021. Let me do the math. 18 + 10 = 28 They posted and got all the volunteers from colleges in the last 10 years, 18 to 30 year of age. NOW OLD! By 2021 the 30 year olds will be washed out, and the ones reaching 30 will be filtered out, for newer, younger, volunteers who have at least studied at home enough to pass the exam on, How to stay calm when the air in your suit is all that you have left until the return flight ship comes back to get you in 6 months. :laugh: Beta testers ... dime a dozen at best. Trust me, Elon's business plan isn't transporting volunteers to hither and yon. He also has a list of deposit paid customers, and they aren't living in discarded fridge boxes under some freeway overpass. Now me?? Yup the adventurer side of me would have loved it, but Elon's people will need to spin up the propellers on their hats a bit more to get me. Using your math we'll need a few more "plus 10's" added to the equation (well alright ... quite a few). I believe I'll need to wait for Elon's crew to fab up a time machine. This is getting so I can't have a near death experience, revive, and not find that someone has brought up Time Travel. Not one of the long near death experiences. A pause in time. Pondered as I wondered what I ate that gave me the desire to sleep when I wanted energy to raise me up and get me moving like I was 18 again. Coffee isn't strong enough to keep me awake some times and I can only imagine I ate a bad grain of oat meal steamed, maybe the milk was sour, and/or the brown sugar was older than me. But I digress. Back to the thinking that I found when my body was roused again. The Time Machine. H. G. Wells wrote an extraordinary book on the subject. Touted as a Science Fiction. Details in the work suggested he had a vivid imagination that turned history around so the usual crowd of readers of old text found his style unusual and also drew the attention of people who seldom lifted a book on dusty old tomes for their style was so monotonous. Still seen from the work of his "The Outline of History" my copy was the Fourth Edition Revised in 1903. He wrote it comparing his time in history to the past history of others, items, and places as they changed over time. He made history interesting while he made his way along the paths of the past, present, and future. THE BIG QUESTION IS; What would you use a time machine for? Since you raised the banner, would you mind starting a thread and given the question I gave; answer it in your opening statements. Paga ... I think you dropped this.
  8. First off, this wasn't my idea, but something you should know about me is that if I run across something laying on the ground I'm quite likely to pick it up and try to find somewhere to put it. Over in the Last Movie You Watched thread I was doing my Strikerized best to stir the pot ... not to the point of getting stuff all over the stove mind you, but stirring does come like second nature to me. Anyway Paga dropped something Paga, is this your glove?? So I don't get to do this very often (start a thread), so I think it's only fair that I get to set the framework (I hestitate to call them rules for the simple reason that then I'd be compelled to bend them, and there are some who consider a "Striker bend" awful darned close to a break). Let's say one of your favourite ultra rich guys (for some reason Elon Musk has been my "go to" guy of late ... so I'm going with Elon) out of the clear blue announces that his secret research into time travel has come to fruition, and he has a machine that will send one person back in time. Elon is looking for that one person who has the perfect reason for travelling back in time, and is asking for a short essay explaining that reason. He also wants to be sure we aren't going to upset the balance of our time/space continuum, so he wants to know what you plan to do while in the past (we all know how it would turn out if you wanted to go back to kill your parents ... in which case you wouldn't exist now to be able to go back to kill them ... that "Arrow of Time" either nails you right between the lookers or the whole Universe blows up, or both). The idea of time travel is a paradoxical conundrum looking for a place to happen. So now it's time for me first: In that same thread where Paga dropped his glove there was some discussion regarding another of Elon's little "quests" ... something to do with volunteers for a little side trip to Mars. As I alluded to in that Movies thread, I'd be up for a road trip like that but I've got a bit of a problem. I've exceeded the age bracket by quite a few decades. My proposal is to send me back in time 49 years. I can still remember the address I lived at no problem. I go and talk to my younger self and convince him to take my seat in the Time Machine back to today (important to maintain "the balance"). He gets to go on the Mars road trip and I get at least part of a "do over" (somehow I really don't think I have another 49 years in me). I didn't have a clue which end was used for what back then, but I've got some pretty creative ideas now!! Elon's going to love it. He gets another Mars candidate plus proof positive that his new machine works (I could show him pictures of who would be coming back) and I get another go round at the 70's. What's not to love about that, everybody gets cake and gets to eat it too!! Only problem I need to figure a way around is me ... not this me, but the younger me. Trust me , I know how that me thinks. Typical 18 year old male, has it all figured out and don't be trying to tell me otherwise. Might be that younger me will be sporting a goose egg on the back of his head when he arrives to his future/our present. Probably be the only way to get him into the Machine for the trip back. OK Paga, may not be what you were lookin' fer, but this is what you've got to deal with ...
  9. To use one of my favourite words yet again ... a dinosaur. From DOS all the way to WinXP I'm not only pretty darned good (if I do say so myself) but I also have at least one of those horkin' big thick "everything you wanted to know but didn't know to even ask" books (the only 4 Dummies books you'll find in the Striker Manor are C++ and Visual C++ books from back when I still hadn't faced reality). I'm stumbling along pretty good these days in Win 7 without one of those "Inside Out" books, but I also don't mess with the OS as much anymore. Install it, tweak it using Koroush Ghazi's Tweak Guides Tweaking Companion as a rough guide, and pretty much leave well enough alone. Back when I worked and spent more time and money building machines (WinXP) I'd use my annoted printed off copy of the WinXP guide (highlighted, notes in the margin ... whole nine yards). For the Win 7 replacement install on this machine I just had the Win 7 guide up on my tablet while setting up Win 7 on this box. Mellowing?? If you have a specific question ask. If I don't know I'm well known for saying "I don't know" but if you were to ask that same question on the Hardware and Software Discussion forum HeyYou is pretty regular for checking in and pretty knowledgeable on hardware and OS matters. I've watched a number of RDR2 videos, and it does look like an interesting game. I'm not into that "bullet time" type stuff but it does seem like there is more than just story (i.e. alternative paths that can be taken). I do tend to gravitate towards complicated.
  10. You don't remember what the deal of the day was for MARS???!!! What pill did you take to forget? I want some! The people to test the Starship are all are civilian workers and volunteers. The first to go to MARS signed up YEARS AGO from the college volunteers board and online bulletin board. Which, only one of them, who dropped a hard boil egg on Elon's plans, was kicked off the Volunteer's list. All of them from RICH families and are the Universities top college members of the Smarty pants families children who will be in their 30's soon. So they will be too old to go if they don't lift off before 2021. Let me do the math. 18 + 10 = 28 They posted and got all the volunteers from colleges in the last 10 years, 18 to 30 year of age. NOW OLD! By 2021 the 30 year olds will be washed out, and the ones reaching 30 will be filtered out, for newer, younger, volunteers who have at least studied at home enough to pass the exam on, How to stay calm when the air in your suit is all that you have left until the return flight ship comes back to get you in 6 months. :laugh: Beta testers ... dime a dozen at best. Trust me, Elon's business plan isn't transporting volunteers to hither and yon. He also has a list of deposit paid customers, and they aren't living in discarded fridge boxes under some freeway overpass. Now me?? Yup the adventurer side of me would have loved it, but Elon's people will need to spin up the propellers on their hats a bit more to get me. Using your math we'll need a few more "plus 10's" added to the equation (well alright ... quite a few). I believe I'll need to wait for Elon's crew to fab up a time machine.
  11. If you put your cursor on an item (outside of your inventory of course) then clck and hold the z key you grab it and can move it around in the game world. KingTitan is absolutely right about the Havok physics engine though. If you put stuff on the shelf it will often go ricochetting around when you open the closet doors (not to mention how frustrating it is trying to move one thing without knocking everything else off while trying ... books are one of the worst). If you wanted you could just use the console to disable the shelf. Open the console (default is the tilde (~) key just below the Esc key on standard keyboards ... it works as a toggle so one press of ~ opens the console and the next closes it again) and click on the shelf. Take the time to write down the reference ID (refID) of the shelf (all of the hexadecimal digits, including the first two which are the mod index of the ESP in your load order). With the refID displayed at the top of the screen type "disable" (no quote marks) and hit Enter. The shelf will no longer be there. If you ever wanted it back then just open the console use the following console commands (no need to click on anything first): prid <refID number you wrote down> Enter enable Enter The shelf will now be right back where it was.
  12. Look on the bright side Paga ... Elon isn't expecting any of us common folk to be anything but hired help (and for most of us we still get to pick and choose who we'll work for, at least to some extent). So it'll be the 0.1 Percenters ponying up the big bucks deluxe for "the trip of a lifetime". With any sort of luck maybe Elon can help us winnow them down to 0.05 percent, or at least 0.075 ... err, but wait ... Elon will have his big bucks deluxe ticket fees, but the passengers will be leaving behind their planet sized piles of cash. Somebody will get their grubby paws on that for certain and then we'll be back up to 0.1 percent. Could be one of those "you can't get there from here" things.
  13. What about if you do good things for bad reasons ... i.e. do Striker mini-games fill the bill?? I'll keep your "role play" Morrowind idea in mind, but I'm pretty sure that when/if that comes to pass it will be Morroblivion (there is no way I'm a chance based type ... too far gone in the timed block/wait for the opening to strike camp for that). That way I can role play being me in a different location. Not too dissimilar to that Strange Door I went through a while back. How are you and MO2 getting along so far?
  14. Looking through the other end of the telescope ... I do find good value in other's views and opinions. Doesn't matter which way I crane my head or twist around, the only view I can get is from the inside looking out. Somebody else's inside out view offers a different perspective, and though I may be an old stick in the mud curmudgeon of sorts I like to think of myself as an enlightened old stick in the mud curmudgeon. Those three mods (RF, BPN and BPA) all came to my attention through somebody else's views. Be it whether they were expressing gratitude or looking for help, their eyes landed on them before mine ever did. Heck, using my inside out view I'd maybe still be just running around chasing the bouncing boobies (as opposed to figuring out how to run around fast enough to chase the bouncing boobies ... and then chasing after the bouncing boobies). Striker's mini-games ... I should write a book.
  15. There are places in Canada I think you could learn to love to hate then Mk ... though admittedly you are in one pretty fine spot to enjoy them from. Sort of on the other point you allude to (something about a non-living state) I happened across a post in some thread that you'd made whenever in the distant past, and I did my usual mouse hover to see when you were last active. When I saw that it had been the better part of a month I had one of my "Oh oh" moments. I'm not a religious sort myself, but did your ears perhaps feel a bit warm yesterday (maybe a bit past supper time)? Prayers aren't the only thing a person can send (and for the record, your ears wouldn't have gained degrees because of any words I was uttering ... they were all good words). So I guess I'm glad you're having a hate on for the skitters, as odd as that may sound.
  16. That situation has been discussed in Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics mod comments (you'll need to search back some though). I'd suggest using the forum interface (click on Forum Thread button at the top of the Posts tab). You can then use the Search... box (like the one top right on this page) to search for posts with All Natural plus Real Lights.
  17. The third leg of my "core" mods is Basic Primary Needs which affects health, fatigue and magicka. What I like about the three of them is you can tweak on their INIs until you like the result. That may be close to what the mod author liked (i.e. INI defaults) or may be not even close to their sweet spot. Health and fatigue go down as you progress through the day. You get some/most back when you eat and drink ... sleeping tops the tanks back to full (providing you don't go on a fast and wake up hungry and/or parched). For me it's more than simple realism ... there's a strategic aspect to the game. You reconsider entering that dungeon late in the day, or take a supper break before carting the loot out (and by out, I'm personally only carrying it as far as my packdonkeys, who will be chillin' outside the entrance). Need to get someplace and you don't want to dawdle? Best to start off earlier in the day while you're well rested and fed, and you have enough gas in the tank to run at close to full speed (fast travel doesn't exist in my universe). Bottom line is you think about what you're contemplating and deciding go/no go, later/let's get on with it. Beats running around mindlessly in my book. Funny thing in relation to your point about realism vs fun is I always play the same. Here I am playing an RPG and doesn't matter what I do, I play me. Either it's fun for me to be me or I have no imagination.
  18. I agree on the physics aspect ... the two must have, core mods for me are Realistc Fatigue and Basic Physical Activities. Completely change how you play Oblivion. No more do you suddenly get frozen in place when you picked that one more Flax seed (that weighed all of 0.1). But you may be saying to yourself "Maybe I should have sold that extra set of iron armor to Varnado" as you are slowing to a crawl while trying to run up the hill past Fort Nikel on the Black Road towards Chorrol. Took modders to fix an Bethesda decision that has absolutely no "suspension of disbelief" pathway around it.
  19. Striker879


    To look at him you'd never in a million years guess that he had such a mean streak, would you?
  20. As I said, pretty graphics. If they ported Oblivion to it I could be tempted, but graphics alone have little sway over me. At the end of my time in TFC the Striker team flag was seldom in jeopardy ... the other team was too busy being all snipery and demo-man-y to worry about anything as stoopid as actually playing the game map. There would one single player on the entire map doing that, and I always knew exactly where that guy was (just needed to look at my screen). I watched my grandson playing Fortnite for a while ... notice you don't see me quipping in on any of my experiences playing Fortnite. If I were designing a game like that I'd have a simple solution to gameplay balance (and you would be able to turn off your bunny hopping cheats) ... each team gets exactly one sniper. Sniper deployment and protection becomes an integral part of gameplay ... finding 'em and protecting them. But then again, not suitable for that lowest common denominator that the accountants in the game companies (who are the chief game designers these days) target ... you would need to actually engage that gray lump sitting on your shoulders periodically. On the upside, I know where they'd be able to sell ONE copy of the game.
  21. Ya I've been familiar with Unreal and Unreal engined games since the very first Unreal (which predated Unreal Tournament if memory serves). UT is what I migrated to after I tired of Team Fortress Classic and all the bunny hopping/demo-man spamming\sniper stuff. You always knew what Striker was going to be doing ... going for the flag, trying to get it back, calling out for backup with info on where it was when I got capped. Then it became that the only player on the map who was actually trying to play was Striker, dodging bunny hopping or grenade spamming weirdos and trying to figure out where the 4.5 billion snipers were hiding so I could get to the flag. That was back in the early days of the decline, before the crowd I refer to as the "lowest common denominator" completely took over the planet. Gameplay and story are the only hooks that have any chance of catching a Striker Bass ... I'm for the most part unaware of graphics if you do those right. The other lure that may have a chance (if you have it handy in the tackle box) is tools that I can use to tweak and twiddle around with my own ideas. Bethesda comes pretty close to my sweet spot in Oblivion, not perfect by any means but certainly on target on each point. Way back at the dawn of time Origin Systems' Privateer had me, but today I realise they weren't that much on target so much as I was a wide eyed with wonder newbie to RPG. Oblivion reawakened the wonder that had been sucked out of me by online gaming and repetittious first person shooters (and I even lump DOOM and Quake into that basket). Then when I discovered the Construction Set I was gone for good. Like I said, I'm a decade into the trip and unsure whether or not I'm even close to the halfway point yet. - Edit - Ya ... parkour games + Striker = the center point of that triangle I was telling you about. Nice graphics, and I would certainly consider buying an Oblivion port to that engine. Fortunately I won't need to budget any Strker gold to that end, as I know the chances of Bethesda doing that are also at the center of my fabled traingle.
  22. The devil is usually hiding in some small detail, and is thus easily missed. Confirm you have the following: Oblivion\OblivionModManager.exe Oblivion\IronMath.dll Oblivion\IronPython.dll Oblivion\obmm\7za.exe Oblivion\obmm\NifScanner.dll Oblivion\obmm\NifViewer.exe Oblivion\obmm\NifViewer.fx Oblivion\obmm\NifViewer.ini Oblivion\obmm\obmm.chm Oblivion\obmm\unrar.dll Oblivion\obmm\UI\arrow.x Oblivion\obmm\UI\dxutcontrols.dds Oblivion\obmm\UI\DXUTShared.fx OBMM will run without the obmm.chm file (it's the help file that uses the same interface as standard Windows help). Run OBMM by double left clicking OblivionModManager.exe or setting up a desktop shortcut that does the same.
  23. Striker879


    LOL ... I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream!! - Edit - Spelling is such a tasking task some days.
  24. Striker879


    We haven't gotten to that point yet. We are merely at the 'civil unrest' stage. Currently, it is open to question whether it will be a political war, or a race war........ It does seem to have some of the earmarks of a "shooting war" though Hey ... keep your head down, powder dry and flints at hand. I live out in the sticks, so, not really in a target area. But, I DO have several weapons, including a couple so-called "assault rifles", and around a 1000 rounds of ammo for them. :smile: I am more worried about the waves of refugees I will likely see coming from detroit. :D I hear ya ... won't be zombies behind them either, eh? Ya just never know. :D LOL ... at least if they're zombies you won't find yourself with any moral/ethical/should I go left or should I go right issues clouding your aim ... start a bit low and to the right of center, squeeze and release once off target (assuming full auto and right handed shooter of course). Rinse and repeat as necessary. Still rather difficult to acquire fully automatic weapons here in the US. :smile: Much as the left leaning press would like you to think that every gun nut has two or three of 'em. :D I DO have large capacity magazines though. Oh the HORROR! :D Well ... you do have that look about you ... LOL :laugh: I am 110% onboard with you in the other debate topic. Change always comes from within. Don't like what's happening? Remember where the other fingers are pointing while your index is busy ... they do indicate the starting point.
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