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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. When I started out it was the modding acronyms and terminology that threw the biggest curve at me. I came to the party well versed in computer basics (first machine was a dual floppy 8088 and DOS 3, had to create my own boot disk from the DOS floppies). That foundation allowed me to step up the modding curve rapidly but that sure didn't help me out on day one. Can't say my vocabulary expanded, but I sure did practice my three and four letter words frequently. Work dragged me into the world of Mac way back (writing training manuals). I went through a reverse of what you are facing ... how the heck do you do <insert simple PC right click task here> when you're stuck with one bloody mouse button?? I come from the "nothing worth anything is free" camp myself. The one form of coinage we all have in common is time. Granted I'm enjoying the "retired advantage" these days but a second of my time costs me the same as a second of your time costs you ... and that second can never be retrieved or replayed if wasted. As much as possible I look to fill mine with stuff that pays dividends down the road. If you decide to revist Oblivion some time I'll keep an eye open for you.
  2. I would think that the Skyrim Special Edition forum ... maybe the tech support subforum. Don't know if you'll find a "one click and I'm done" solution though. What you are wanting is to run the marathon and win before you have learned to crawl. To use modding tools effectively requires knowledge of how the game plus mods system works, otherwise you run into a ton of details that make no sense but need to be just so or things don't work. I looked but didn't see much in the way of sticky posts on the Skyrim SE forum that are geared to getting newcomers up to speed on the basics (and I'm an Oblivion guy, so no help from this quarter).
  3. So maybe the Caretaker is indentured to the Site Bot. Hmm ... paying for past sins?? That Site Bot does seem to be a harsh task master.
  4. I've enjoyed the whitefish at Craigie's a number of times while waiting for the Chi-Cheemaun. I live at the south end of Lake Huron so the ferry and I are quite well acquainted (the old girl has been sailing out of Gore Bay for nearly 30 years ... that's a lot of trips back and forth, especially back when I still worked).
  5. Perhaps you have seen the post I made regarding my "old girl". She's sitting on the hard on the south shore of the North Channel of Lake Huron, about an eight hour travel from the Striker Manor (go north old man, go north!!). Sadly it seems likely that there will be no boating season for me this summer (unless this COVID19 situation makes an abrupt turn for the better). She's shrinkwrapped (mast down storage for me, so make that properly shrinkwrapped) so a summer spent "sailing the hard" won't hurt her. I have the hatchboards, screens and cockpit seat hatches home with me so by the time the old girl and I are reunited their varnish will be as close to Bristol as they can get (most certainly not Hinckley standards though). My best of all my marina friends live in Port St Lucie and normally make the long drive north each summer, stopping to visit family on the way north. It will be disappointing to not have the chance to see them this summer. Normaly the lawnmower and I only get a passing acquaintance in the spring and fall (the shoulder seasons) ... I have a fellow here that takes over for the summer. Looks like I'll be "available" to chase my own lawnmower around the yard (oh joy, oh joy ... be still my heart). The situation ... a family drive through the COVID19 wilderness. The setup ... the family has pulled out of the driveway and made it almost to the end of the block. From the back seat ... "Are we there yet??" Curious, is the location of your boat (if I read correctly) therefore at the tip of the lower peninsula (Mackinaw Bridge area) ? I'm in SE Michigan, done quite a few trips up there, along with some canoeing here and there. Very pretty area up there. As for my current (and growing) hobbies: I am fortunate enough to live near a nice rail-to-trail trail, and there is some good relaxing biking there. Getting back to doing some more outdoor stuff has been a growing inclination. Lastly on my list, but still good, has been some light Skyrim modding (well actually tutorial stuff right now lol), and hoping to do a little Lotro gaming if the dang interest would return some more. The North Channel. Right now the boat is on the hard in Gore Bay where I would normally sail out of, and primarily for the past ten years I cruise along the north shore of the North Channel. Actually the area of the Mackinaw Straits is the only part of Lake Huron the old girl hasn't taken me. Her first owner sailed Lake Ontario, the next two were both Lake Huron sailers and I've gone from Cedar Point (Sandusky Ohio) to Thunder Bay in the old girl (she's a bit of a "go anywhere" girl).
  6. Have a look at this thread. Now your situation seems different at first glance (you are trying to buy six months not one right?). What I'm going to suggest if that is the case is the opposite of what is suggested in that troubleshooting thread (so where it says 1 month you use six months and then vice versa at step 3).
  7. Hit ... a murder of crows. The next person will know why crows got their reputation.
  8. What?? We're allowed to be on topic in the Off-Topic forum?? What'll they think of next!!
  9. In Sega's offices. Is that in the same building as "Recall" just across the hall? Total recall I love this movie, it brings me some childhood memories. The 6th Day ... another one of my Arnie collection.
  10. Miss ... you really have me Googling today OA. I will keep an eye open at the grocery store and maybe give one a try. The next person to post spends time alone and doesn't mind.
  11. Is there any reason to believe that site bot would not issue that command to Skynet? Can we even know which way autonomous machines might think? I saw something like this in a NCIS episode where someone distributes a lot of video games containing a hacking code and plans to synchronize all the machines and create a gigantic informatic attack. I'm disappointed none didn't react about the nuclear holocaust, plagues of flying rodents and the seas rising up and turning yellow. Did everybody forget pastor Richards? I'm GTA "disadvantaged" OA ... but Google is my friend sometimes. So now are you implying that Nexus is just a construction for world domination?? Hey ... what if Dark0ne is just an avatar for the Site Bot, and it's the Site Bot who is running the show?? Even worse ... maybe Site Bot is just the avatar for SkyNet, and Judgement Day is somewhere just around the corner!! That's it ... I'm headed to Crystal Peak!!
  12. That's only temporary. LOL ... define "temporary" (and please be generous). Well if you want generous, we can go with Methuselah, but I think they counted years differently back then. I hear it was a pretty decent gig though. :geek: Before the 12 month calendar was established those who changed it counted the years with 9 months. There wasn't an October month or an, an... No October?! I would have to recalculate all the cycles and figure out where the stars were and what months had names so I can figure out what month I was born under the sign of and... and... :huh: How old would a person be, using the nine month calendar to count our years? How old we would have been was according to the 9 month cycle calendar and it's three month seasonal changes. Which may be related to how long we took to be created in the womb. 9 months! Wow! I would be a lot older. Yup, I am going back to sleep and nap for this old bodies sake. :yes: You know me Paga ... an alternative theory ... What if Methuselah was born on Feb 29th ... one in four is the way to go!!
  13. Miss ... unless the Striker Manor counts (I do put the "cave" into mancave afterall). The next person to post enjoys fresh air and sunshine.
  14. If we were lucky maybe we'd get an email first instructing us in the proper procedure to get our head between our legs so that we could kiss the rosy one goodbye. Of course, if instead we were unlucky ... well then we'd be unlucky ...
  15. After relooking for what files to download, I noticed that I forgot to put in obse.ini into the Oblivion>Data folder but when I launched the game and saved, i still did not have the .OBSE save files. Ya, a while after version 21 introduced the OBSE.ini I ran a test to see if OBSE still launched without the INI and it launched just fine. I still recommend for everybody to install the Data\OBSE\obse.ini file even though it appears to me that it is unused in version 21 (my own OBSE.ini in my game install is exactly the same as the one included in the OBSE version 21 download).
  16. Wow! :woot: That must have been fun! :laugh: Now all of those who find it amuses them can use it too; to impress those who want to amuse themselves with others when asking the oldest question of all time, "How old are you?" Yes I will admit to a chuckle or two while working out the "math". On the subject ... does this seem at all familiar to you too Paga: https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/07/12 I added :woot: a little more too to it. :laugh: You've come up with a new forum game ... "Help Paga figure out how old he is" (perhaps related to that "Where the heck is Karmen" or whatever the name was that was all the rage back near the dawn of history ... you know when games came on those plastic disk thingies and you knew you were going to have an internet connection soon because of the way the boings and squeebles on the modem sounded). What conversion factor do you use for kiddie years. Must be way more than for dog years or cat years.
  17. Perhaps a Steam user will have some ideas for you ... I truly am out of my element in Steam.
  18. Took the liberty of filling in some numbers (sort of numbers) for you Paga. :laugh: Wow! :woot: That must have been fun! :laugh: Now all of those who find it amuses them can use it too; to impress those who want to amuse themselves with others when asking the oldest question of all time, "How old are you?" Yes I will admit to a chuckle or two while working out the "math". On the subject ... does this seem at all familiar to you too Paga: https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/07/12
  19. I'm at a bit of disadvantage here as I've never used the Steam version of the game, so I have no hands on experience (i.e. all I know about it comes second hand). OBSE hasn't been updated for quite a while so as far as I know the version 21 found on the Silverlock site (the one right under Current Stable Version: v0021) is the one for Steam or disk versions of the game (the one beside Latest loader is meant for the Good Old Games (GOG) version of the game only). Some links to various Steam advice I've run across: Video tutorial - - includes info on giving full control Getting Steam version to work on Win 10: jbvertexx post in this forum thread - https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5794272-enb-wrapper-version-crash/ (take note of the post by jbvertexx on Aug 7 2017)
  20. That's only temporary. LOL ... define "temporary" (and please be generous).
  21. Last week I chased my lawnmover around the yard. Time will tell whether or not that rain has convinced the grass it's OK to turn green ... the weeds don't seem to care much about rainfall, they just grow and grow. I often wonder how many square miles of grass I've cut over the years. I would expect the answer to that question would likely scare you. :D I hear ya on the weeds. I have a FINE crop of thistles.... I need to find out if there is a commercial use for them. I could potentially be sitting on a gold mine. :D LOL ... if you do find a market for them wear gloves while harvesting!!
  22. OK so first confirm the following files are in exactly the indicated folder path: Oblivion\obse_1_2_416.dll Oblivion\obse_editor_1_2.dll Oblivion\obse_steam_loader.dll Oblivion\Data\OBSE\obse.ini For the Steam version of the game just start the game the way you normally would before you installed OBSE. If the game starts then make a save and exit. Next look in your saves folder (by default in Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves for all later versions of Windows) and see if you now see two save files with different file extensions each time you save (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you are only seeing a single save file each time you save then OBSE isn't working. If OBSE is working then Blockhead will need to be exactly in this folder path: Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\Blockhead.dll After you start the game you will then also have: Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\Blockhead.ini First step is always confirm that OBSE is working as no OBSE plugin will work without it.
  23. You never know Hey ... counting the roots on flowers could be fun!!
  24. Took the liberty of filling in some numbers (sort of numbers) for you Paga. :laugh:
  25. Last week I chased my lawnmover around the yard. Time will tell whether or not that rain has convinced the grass it's OK to turn green ... the weeds don't seem to care much about rainfall, they just grow and grow. I often wonder how many square miles of grass I've cut over the years.
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