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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. A couple of questions ... Are you already familiar with working on PC vs Mac, specifically working with PC versions of your software? What does the company you are moving to already have a support system for ... PC or Mac (or both)?
  2. LOL ... did you know you were close to 1000? I got a heads up from Mktavish before I hit 10 grand, even held off posting anywhere except the Forum Games thread so I could pick "the right one" for the milestone. Wound up burning it on YAOIPQ (yet another OBSE install problem question) ... like I've never made a post about that before. It is afterall just another post. Did you see I was wearing my special Striker gear right before you posted ... :ninja: . One of my specialties. - Edit - I notice my fishing success still doesn't extend to the elusive "DarkOnes" ... didn't rise to my bait, didn't even give a hint that it was there.
  3. Related ... New Game Approval. Still no buildup posts, though I did notice Dark0ne was working on something called Test News post earlier ... maybe working the kinks out of the fingers, getting ready for an announcement.
  4. sorry for replying only now, I've been very busy with studies during this quarantine. The oblivion installed in the computer with good sound doesn't have any mods. Ill try the other suggestions too once I get some time. And beware, my load order might have some strange names, its because I made a few mini mods myself That category of mod is generally easy to spot in my own load order ... stuff like MyTweaks.esp, MyTweakedNPCs.esp, MyAdditionalNPCs.esp ... guess it's so I can recall who the mod was made for or something. :laugh:
  5. Often times in Oblivion modders use a nonintuitive body slot to allow items to be displayed on a character without removing some other part (armor/clothes using the amulet or tail slot ... we don't have a lot of them to play with in Oblivion). My guess would be that some aspect of that is in play with your situation (legs attached to some kind of scarf etc). When you have some experience with these sort of things it can sometimes take a moment for the light to go on and you "Ah ... that's what the modeller did". If you are starting out from ground zero some of this stuff would be no different than voodoo or hieroglyphics. Best advice I can offer is learn to crawl, then walk and run before you attempt a marathon ... way less frustrating.
  6. Sometimes the cleaning info and instructions are absolutely essential to a mod working. Case in point ... Unofficial Oblivion Patch Female Dremora Restored and Voiced requires an ITM to function. Without the ITM the mod will do nothing at all if you use the UOP and have no other mod that adds female Dremora. If you clean the mod (and the latest version of TES4Edit does this automatically without any input from the user) the ITM will be removed and you may just as well uninstall the mod and save yourself some room (and ESP space) in your Data folder. If the mod description did not specifically instruct users to "Do not clean" it would be incomplete and would not outline one of the most likely causes for the mod failing. - Edit - From this post by Chambcra follow this link. It's not adding you to the TrustedInstallers group but it may get you looking in the right areas (or perhaps lead to another way around whatever your problem is).
  7. Just to give you a frame of reference ... https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8744958-hello-from-a-student-researcher/page-1
  8. Check your armor tweak ESP for wild edits using TES4Edit.
  9. You get a vacation? Yeah! I take a day and go to take a stroll around the mall. That's a vacation to me. Aren't you worried about getting mauled at the mall Paga? I take a hockey stick along to keep 'em a bay (especially now I have my long locks back ... shades of the 70's). - Edit - Just had a thought ... I wonder if any of my old bell bottoms would fit. Now that would be awesome!!
  10. I mean it's an obvious alt of someone that doesn't have the guts to talk in person. I had the same impression.
  11. Related ... https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8850403-ilovenexussomuch-banned/
  12. LOL ... mine starved to death waiting for me to open my wallet. I think the rest of them are too young to know I exist. Pure freedom!! I just read up on what I need. Nothing but the good life for me! After I eat I might go back to sleep where I find the life I used to have in my dream sleep awaiting me to return home there. Before I go back to the land of Nod, I might spend some time playing a simulator that reminds me how I used to earn a living. Searching for a heart of gold during my off time. Came home baring worthless minerals mostly. I kept at that fun time picking through the rocks though and learned which minerals I could sell to the refiner. Now I just have to decide which vitamins and minerals I would like to get out of the flora, fauna, and mineral pile in my makeshift kitchen cupboards and refrigerator. Yup! Purefreedom. Some may call it "livin' rough" ... I call it livin' right! You do it your way, I do it my way, as long as we get through the day ready for the next, it must be the good way; because your way works for you :happy: and my way works for me. :happy: What, no "my way or the highway" ... Paga I'm disappointed. Where's Mk to rattle my chain when I need it. :laugh: I like it when everyone has their own path, less risk bumping into one another and ruffling feathers. On the other hand, then I need to stir up the pots to see what's cookin'.
  13. LOL ... mine starved to death waiting for me to open my wallet. I think the rest of them are too young to know I exist. Pure freedom!! I just read up on what I need. Nothing but the good life for me! After I eat I might go back to sleep where I find the life I used to have in my dream sleep awaiting me to return home there. Before I go back to the land of Nod, I might spend some time playing a simulator that reminds me how I used to earn a living. Searching for a heart of gold during my off time. Came home baring worthless minerals mostly. I kept at that fun time picking through the rocks though and learned which minerals I could sell to the refiner. Now I just have to decide which vitamins and minerals I would like to get out of the flora, fauna, and mineral pile in my makeshift kitchen cupboards and refrigerator. Yup! Purefreedom. Some may call it "livin' rough" ... I call it livin' right!
  14. LOL ... mine starved to death waiting for me to open my wallet. I think the rest of them are too young to know I exist. Pure freedom!!
  15. Ya ... I've got somebody to do that stuff ... ME!! When I get hungry enough I wash the single plate, fork, knife etc so I can eat (my one pot wonders are perfect right out of the pot ... hmm, minimal cleanup). I like to say that I put the cave in Man Cave. I have an ancestor who lived 50,000 years ago. I like to compare the stuff that people "think" I need today with what he needed back then. If he needed it, then yup I probably need it too. If he didn't need it then it's up to me whether or not it adds value today. I don't need some marketing dweeb to figure that out, I'm old enough to do stuff on my own. I've been on vacation since this time of year in 2008. It's either that or I've been working for the absolute worst boss anyone can possibly have since back then ... me. Most days the glass is half full and I'm on vacation.
  16. A note about using Wrye Bash (WB) and BOSS ... WB no longer supports BOSS, but that doesn't mean you can't use the two together. You won't be able to run BOSS from within WB but BOSS does a fine job sorting all but the more recent mods in Oblivion (I believe that LOOT is getting better at sorting Oblivion mods, but I've never used it myself so I can't say that with any authority). To use BOSS plus WB just turn off Lock Load Order in WB and run BOSS from it's desktop shortcut (the BOSS GUI version). For newer unrecognised mods I just set up a User Rule from the BOSS GUI. If you look at the BOSS Masterlist (which is just a text file that opens in Notepad) you can search for similar mods to the one you're setting up a User Rule for (Notepad's Find off the Edit menu works great ... search for the actual ESP file name of the similar mod). I start out by setting up the User Rule to sort the unrecognised mod after the last mod listed in that section of the BOSS Masterlist and do some testing to look for any anomalies in-game. A good place for info on using WB is the two readmes ... Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html, both found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder.
  17. Ahh ... the pressures of retired life, eh Paga. Somehow we must make our way through!!
  18. I got to work. LUM level oblivion must have done that. Can you add more vars settings? Like 'sLevelUp21=some text'. I have no idea whether or not the game engine would support that. Maybe via some OBSE function but then it's beyond a simply click this, type in that situation ... i.e. scripting or coding a custom DLL (which is in Maskar's wheelhouse but beyond my own paygrade).
  19. Did you by any chance happen to read M48A5's advice to DovakiinV (it is right above your own post)? Doubt. It is usually too much of an inconvenience to read previous posts. Time to visit the wizard??
  20. Did you by any chance happen to read M48A5's advice to DovakiinV (it is right above your own post)?
  21. I reported your post, not because you've done anything at all wrong but becuase this forum may not get visited by any of the site staff (and because I'd like to see what answers may be forthcoming myself).
  22. You will likely get your best advice by asking in the Fallout 3 Forums. If it was Oblivion I'd ask you what form of archive invalidation you are using ... can't say for certain about Fallout 3 as I don't play it. - Edit - Yup ... curiosity got the best of me. Start your adventure by looking through this pinned topic (note the bit in item 3 of the Mod Pre Requisites section).
  23. I need to tread lightly when speaking with people of the vegan persuasion ... conversations can quickly deteriorate if I'm just being me (unfiltered).
  24. Killing is not something to be taken lightly, nor is it something to be avoided. Killing is as necessary to life as breathing. Do you think that carrot really wanted to die ... how often do you see people worried about that? One thing for certain, once swallowed it will not be a carrot again. All you did for that bunny was allowed the flow of life to proceed unhindered. I've hunted, and could again. I've fished and could again. I've harvested carrots, and though I may be scarred I could again. When the need arises those who can will rise to the task. Tasks don't need to be pretty or honorable, just necessary will do for me.
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