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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I'd look at whether you have your UI mod (looks like DarN or similar) installed correctly/completely. I know that there are specific steps required to get it working with Oblivion Reloaded and problems if you uninstall one of the two that need specific things to resolve. A good place to look for info is the Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics mod comments. Click on the Forum view button at the top of the comments and then use the Nexus Forums search to help narrow down to find the relevant posts. - Edit - It's not Blockhead.
  2. I have worked in the opposte direction to the one Drake suggested to get my "animation test dummy". I use a modified version of the LencNoPantW.nif (found in the Data\clothes\LenceriaTafa02\White folder ... or LenceriaTafa02\Black) from the mod Apolonia and Atlantes. The mesh was exported without stripping out the skeleton.nif so it can be used right out of the box for testing. I snipped off all the clothing parts so it works more easily as a BBB testing dummy. With NifSkope after you've attached the KF you can pause the animation and use the slider to make details easier to spot.
  3. Ahh ... one third of the way to the century mark. I have a dim memory of that day but the one where I passed the two thirds mark is much fresher (was only a few months ago, as you actually need to get to 66.66 years for that milestone). Enjoy it while it lasts, the half century will be upon you faster than you think possible. They say the second 60 years are the hardest. I'm not an awful long way down that particular part of the trail and I can tell you I already realise it's not going to easier than the first 60, that's for certain. At least my speed is on par with everybody else's ... one day at a time. I hit 70 in Oct. 2019, so not that far out front of you. My biggest real accomplishment in the last year has been some serious weighf loss. Before my birthday last year, I sold my pickup truck and bought an e-bike. Between it and a recently modified diet, I've lost a total of 15 lbs. I'm hoping to get down to 190 by the end of this year, another 18 lbs. That one day at a time has gotten a bit easier. Sadly it hasn't improved my gameplay that much. LOL ... only hope I've found for that is stop killin' and don't be afraid of the console. Of course both those segue into my favourite "Striker mini-game" so I can't say which was the cart and which was the horse, but I seem to be discovering new things and obscure pathways to follow so I'm happy. I don't own a scale (never have) ... notches in the belt or tightness of the elastic are my primary weight approximation tools. Guess it helps that I only buy new clothes on a semi-decadal basis, which keeps the "calibration" of the tool within limits. Less Striker would probably be a good thing, but good things don't always come to pass. I settle for the same amount of Striker and consider that a win.
  4. Well if a tack hammer can drive in a tack wouldn't a sledge hammer drive it in even better?? Hehe Have a kudos for this superb analogy! LOL ... does this mean we're going steady now??
  5. Well if a tack hammer can drive in a tack wouldn't a sledge hammer drive it in even better?? Hehe
  6. Miss ... if I need to use Google to find out what chorizo is it's got to be a miss, right?? Trust me OA, there are far worse things to be addicted to. The next person to post knows the difference between right and wrong, and also knows that there are times for each.
  7. Hit ... I make no secret of it that I enjoy the cut of your jib Paga. To use a different analogy I enjoy the mixture of left handed and right hand threads you employ ... they gently warp me in ways I wouldn't consider without help, and that invariably leads to me seeing wonders I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Hmm ... so who is on the candidate list for the second position. There is OblivionAddicted (how could I not feel kinship for someone with such an addiction??), Mktavish hasn't been about for a bit but he has a knack with my buttons that is hard to replicate. HeyYou doesn't stir the pot here much but he's just a stones throw away from me (across the crick as I say). What say you Paga ... can I have more than just one more?? The next person to post will have my answer (now we find out if I'm psychic, psychotic ... or perhaps a bit of both).
  8. Who is this "WE" you you keep referring to? It costs money to keep a website online, and since there's so many non-paying users they had to resort to using reminders. You've been a members since 2017, so, three years isn't really a long enough time to reminisce about the "Good days" You pay a monthly internet access bill, or do you use the entire internet for free too? The Nexus doesn't "Owe" you anything. There are now around 18 MILLION Users, and of those 18 Million, there's roughly 200,000 that actually are paying members, that's an incredible amount of bandwidth that 200,000 users are paying for and contributing to while you complain about being inconvenienced for 5 seconds on each download because you want to download all those mods for free. Oh, and that "We'll donate to the modders if we so desire" In THREE YEARS, you have given ZERO Endorsements, you can't even be bothered to do that, so I'm questioning the point about Donating. I find it funny that: a) You side with the people whose job is to separate you from your money, b) You and the others who commented thus far (except for the admin) are premium users, which puts you in a pretty bad position to make any kind of comment on this. May want to have a bit closer look at some of the details shown in the Dark0ne's avatar ... little things like Webmaster and Site Owner.
  9. I don't have anything I can offer that is specific to your question, but if you find a mod that does add/change level up messages you can load it in TES4Edit and use it to find where the mod made it's changes. I can't think of a mod to look at, but it seems to me that I recall seeing that type of thing mentioned in mods in the past. - Edit - Just had a quick peek with BSA Unpacker in Oblivion - Misc.bsa and I see a menus\levelup_menu.xml (may give you a starting point).
  10. Miss ... would be a hit if you said has practiced a martial art. Spent a couple of years working on Kung Fu, but that was nearly 40 years ago now. My only hope these days if push came to shove is that maybe some muscle memory remains. On a side note I appreciated your Chinese proverb OA. The next person would travel in space if given the opportunity.
  11. At a discrete social distance. :smile: I'll be glad when this whole covid thing is history. You and more than a few billion others Hey. On the bright side for me I didn't need to downshift or slip into 4 wheel at all ... I started out quite practiced at this social distancing. Maybe lost a bit of traction in a couple of spots, but having that innate ability of "hermitage" did come in handy, and I climbed right over the trickier bits.
  12. Ahh ... one third of the way to the century mark. I have a dim memory of that day but the one where I passed the two thirds mark is much fresher (was only a few months ago, as you actually need to get to 66.66 years for that milestone). Enjoy it while it lasts, the half century will be upon you faster than you think possible. They say the second 60 years are the hardest. I'm not an awful long way down that particular part of the trail and I can tell you I already realise it's not going to easier than the first 60, that's for certain. At least my speed is on par with everybody else's ... one day at a time.
  13. Ahh ... one third of the way to the century mark. I have a dim memory of that day but the one where I passed the two thirds mark is much fresher (was only a few months ago, as you actually need to get to 66.66 years for that milestone). Enjoy it while it lasts, the half century will be upon you faster than you think possible.
  14. LOL ... sad to say I've know my place in the Universe for quite some time. I am an Insect Eradication Unit. I have been programmed to exclude beneficial species with six legs (e.g. damsel and dragon flies), eight get you a Get Out of Jail Free card, redeemable any time you find yourself faced with one of those "phobes" types and I'm in the neighborhood. Know this ... if you are on my list I am a Terminator, and like Arnnie I will never stop. I'll be back!!
  15. True Paga, I never looked at Fox with eyes prefocused in a Paga way before. I spent most of my time in what would be the "nether" regions of said mosquito (using your road map). You'll notice an abundance of little back bays and beaver dams at the west (business) end of the island. Those come into play after the next part. That proboscis you so fondly refer to is indeed a multifunction tool (sort of the Leatherman of the mosquito world). Being female puts our CAF member's minds to a single purpose for that Leatherman though ... "refueling probe". While I'm certain that if the need arose the CAF could in fact achieve proficiency at mid air refueling the tactic I'm most familiar with is the "soft landing at the refueling station" move. Were in not for that fact that they can't help humming while they work their refueling attempts would have a higher success rate. I have a variety of tactics to employ during their "acquisition of target" mission stage, most commonly the "two handed clap mosquito sandwich" while they are on final for the soft landing. If that fails (probably about a 40% success rate, so not uncommon) the CAF shift to stealth mode, which is where my Mark I standard issue eyeballs come into play. I know from long experience with their stealth game the types of places they want to bring that game to. If I don't get my sammich I get to eagle eyeing all their usual hiding spots. When I finally spot them (now up to about 90% ... I am relentless if nothing else) it's a one handed game, either upfront and personal (skin to mosquito) or augmented (fly swatter, rolled up paper, whatever comes to hand). Used to be I had some absolutely awesome battery powered zappers that looked a little like a pint sized tennis racket. Sadly those were "redesigned" by the Cdn Safety Squad and rendered 75% ineffective (thanks all you people who decided the zappers made a better tool to bug your spouse or neighbor by shocking them with a little zap ... good work, well done, the world needs more people like you). When I'm all closed up tight in the boat the mosquitos will sometimes be soo thick on the companionway screen that it's hard to see anything just around twilight. Even the tiniest entry gets sealed up ... rolls of masking tape are an essential piece of boat equipment. In the morning if I spot one on the inside of the screen (likely a member of that exclusive 10% club from before bedtime) the first and only job is preventing her from completing her mission at all costs (there is a very good chance she has "refueled"). If I allowed her to escape she would make a beeline for those back bays ... and her boys would hear her coming. After a "little horizontal bop" action she'd be laying her end game in the quiet spots back there, looking to escalate the war. Sorry ... was that a bit too much detail. Kinda' easy to see I'm in "The Mosquito Zone" (and so far I haven't even been bitten once ... just wait until that happens, then you'll see!!).
  16. Hit ... back in my younger days. These days I'll give you a miss (who wants to see what the younger body has "evolved" into anyway). The next person has never had a "CAF bite" on one of those areas that would normally never be seen.
  17. It is not widely known that here in the wildest reaches of North America (an area also known as Canada) we have two Air Forces. There is the one that most are aware of, called oddly enough the Canadian Air Force (CAF), with bases across our country in places like Trenton, Ontario and Cold Lake, Alberta (now isn't that a name that just begs you to visit). The second is also called the CAF, but for it you don't need to make much in the way of travel arrangements/preparations. Depending on where you live you can get an enhanced version experience by doing a little travel, and if you haven't experienced the "full meal deal CAF experience" I wholeheartedly encourage you to give it a go. No, all you need is a bit of shade, some nearby standing water, and a little exposed skin. Yes the summer months seem to most to also be required, but my own experience is that while those months do provide the fullest enhanced experience they aren't an absolute requirement. Case in point ... a number of years ago we had an unusually warm spell for a few days in February (as in between 5 and 10C, so almost spring temps to you degrees F people). Was a nice occasion to do things we normally don't get to do here in the Great White North in February. I chose to wash the Jeep. After a long afternoon of playing with the water hose and car wash bucket it was time to put the toys away and prepare for calling it a day, which meant a number of trips up and down the basement stairs from the backyard with various Jeep washing toys. The afternoon's excitement had left Striker a bit dirty and a bit sweaty so a little more water play seemed to be in order so yup ... into the shower with me. Trouble was I wasn't the only one who wasn't finished playing around with water. I was joined by a single member of our "other CAF". Unfortunately for her (that CAF employs only female pilots) she didn't get to fufill her mission or RTB. I left her squished on the bathtub tiles for a while as sort of a victory insignia, not that much unlike the iron crosses or rising suns decorating a sucessful WWII fighter. There are plenty of good places for the full meal deal experience ... one of my favourites has always been Fox Island Harbour. Go fishing after supper and if your trolling takes you too far from the boat to get back before dusk no worries. The CAF will airlift you back.
  18. I've tried comparing the Coronerras version skeleton.nif to the Growlf version in NifSkope but it's all way above my pay grade so I wasn't able to see anything (and quite possibly NifSkope isn't the proper tool for that job ... Blender and I decided a long time ago that we didn't need to work together).
  19. Those steps apply to an old depreciated method of archive invalidation. As TomLong pointed out the only method of archive invalidation to consider is BSA Redirection. The most common reason for having trouble getting BSA Redirection to work is caused by Steam's insistence to change the dates on the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa) to a modern file date. OBMM provides a simple way to fix that ... start OBMM then it's Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> select BSA Redirection -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> close OBMM -> done. A note on the OP's problem (which may or may not apply to you) ... if you are wanting the nude lower body with trimmed tackle you will need to rename the file lowerbodyCircumcised.nif to lowerbody.nif after you have copy/pasted it into Data\Meshes\Characters\_male (so you wind up with Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\lowerbody.nif NOT Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\lowerbodyCircumcised.nif). Miss that step and you'll continue to see your good old underwear.
  20. There are no dumb questions and there's nothing wrong with being skeptical. However, you're asking if the money is real at one of the biggest banks around. I've downloaded over ten-thousand mods and never ever encountered a virus or malware or anything of that nature. Oh just great Jimmy ... now you having me looking at my Donation Points and scatching my head wondering if they are worth the virtual paper they're printed on. LOL ... stay safe, good to see you out and about.
  21. Just an FYI ... NMM is used to refer to Nexus Mod Manager, the mod manager developed by the site before their latest mod manager Vortex. I answered the download safety part of your question in your other thread.
  22. Miss ... chocolate ... yuck ptooie ptooie Can I have strawberries with that vanilla? The next poster will have an allergy to strawberries (and has my sincere sympathy, even though that means more for me!!).
  23. As far as possible virus or malware the Nexus downloads are all scanned (you can view the scan results by clicking on the green check mark next to the download's name in the Files tab). I suggest that you read the mod descriptions and at the least the latest mod comments to get an idea of the specifics for installing any mod (e.g. script extender requirements etc) as well as the type of problems that people have been running into. My rule of thumb is simple ... if people are running into trouble with a mod but I understand what they are having trouble with and know how to aviod the same problem I'll consider using a mod. If I don't know a way to avoid the issues and if any of those that are offered via the mod comments/mod author's advice seem beyond my capabilities I'll pass on the mod. That doesn't mean I'll never use it, but I'll wait until my own experience is such that I understand how the fixes work or I see for certain that the mod author has solved the problem (confirmed by numerous comments, not just one). Keep in mind that it is normal to want all of the latest and greatest right away. I use the illustration of wanting to run a marathon (and win) before knowing how to crawl. Unfortunately that way is fraught with failure and frustration. Find some simple to install mods that don't have a long list of "requirements" and learn how to get them working. Then work your way up. Asking questions is a great way to learn without getting bruised up ... you're off to a great start. - Edit - Plus 1 :ninja: for M48
  24. Striker879


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