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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. OK that time line and no updates blows my "MS is a bad guy" theory out of the water. You mentioned just moving some of the files related to the LAV thing, not doing a proper uninstallation. I seem to recall seeing something related to uninstalling LAV in my Googling (working towards the leftover registry entries angle now).
  2. Yes I was implying the possibility that the LAV solution worked before but not now because of some Microsoft update. Now in light of the fact that you are on WinXP two questions ... How long are we talking about between the LAV works it's magic days and the present situation (i.e how many months and/or years)? Even though MS turned off support for WinXP, do you still have automatic updates turned on in WinXP or is updates set to either off or notify me? Just because they aren't creating any new security patches for WinXP doesn't mean they won't go out of their way to automatically screw up your working setup with their random "improvements" (that Realtek "update" from Microsoft turned out to be a multiple version downgrade from what I could figure out when troubleshooting that issue ... granted years ago and on the POS OS Vista).
  3. I used EngineBugFixes back in my own WinXP days (and still do on Win 7). I didn't use the 4 GB patch because in those days as I was on 32 bit OS plus only had 2 GB RAM but EBF doesn't need anything outside of OBSE. EBF isn't a "performance" mod per se, unless you consider not needing to restart the game because of a crash a "performance" enhancement. My own box is just that same WinXP upgraded for Win 7 64 bit (so RAM and I splurged on a new video card) ... same good old Core2 Duo at 3.0 GHz. If they are fast enough the old CPUs offer some advantages over newer ones at the same speed (I think that for slower ones the advantage may shift back to the newer ones due to some of their new fangled trickery).
  4. Back when I had a laptop (non-gaming) with RealTek for sound I ran into a situation where a Microsoft update broke things. After resolving that little bit of typical MS mischief I would only use RealTek's site for driver updates. Where I'm headed with this theory is that in between the first time that the LAV "solution" worked and this time Microsoft has worked some of their "magic" ... ya, I love to hate Microsoft.
  5. Fixed it...thanks for the information, much appreciated! Google is of little help on digging into the LAV problem ... I take it you are using an onboard sound chipset, not a discrete sound card.
  6. You give no details on how you install ... info that will have some bearing on possible options for correcting the problem. Some base level information on things. For mods that conflict at the file and folder level (so both include exactly the same named file in exactly the same folder structure) install order controls what the game displays ... last installed wins, no contest. For mods that edit the same item with ESPs load order wins ... lowest on the load order is what the game displays. There is no way around the first situation other than changing the order you install both mods. Load order is the primary tool for the second situation but bash tags offer another layer of possibility. In the simple example of a single conflict there is no utility added by bash tags ... where they come into play is the real world situation of multiple conflicts. Most conflicts can be resolved through a combination of load order and bash tags. Those that have conflicts and both mods use the same bash tags can present a situation where a manual patch is required to pull the desired winner from the mod that would have lost due to load order and put it into a patch ESP that loads last or lower if it maintains the bash tag (when two mods use the same bash tag then the lower load order rule applies again). Textures use glow maps for the glowing problem you describe and those texture files have _g at the end of the file name (right before the file extension ... for example eyeargonian_emerald_g.dds). OCO v2 uses glow maps for all Argonian eyes, the single Dremora eye texture, some Orc eyes and the eye texture for both Saints and Seducers. If you download your conflicting mods to a folders outside of the game folders and extract them to those same download folders you can easily look for overwrites between them.
  7. No idea on the LAV problem but what I do when pasting something copied off a web page is I paste it into Notepad first and then copy from Notepad and then paste into the forum page (pain in the backside but Notepad strips all the extra coding stuff that tagged along with the web "copy" step so you're just pasting plain text into the forum page).
  8. Oblivion:Console ... look down in the Other Commands section.
  9. Ahh, now Jimmy is getting us closer to the crux of the problem ... How will we even recognise this mythical "Last Poster" when/if we see him/her? What criteria can be employed to establish beyond doubt that any purporting to be this Last Poster are in fact the real deal Last Poster and not just Another Imposter? Tough questions, surrounded by nothing but slippery slopes. Plus the really really BIG problem ...
  10. Yes it's the right version. To the point raised by HadToRegister ... what are you using to sort your load order?
  11. Lower left corner of the main menu screen ... should say 1.2.0416 (and I'm sure that the GOG version would say that).
  12. Only other thing I can suggest is see what the console command getstage DLCFrostcragSpire returns ( should return 40 from what you are describing).
  13. LOL ... I have this picture in my head now of when you take and draw some eyes and a mouth on your closed fist and then move your thumb enough to make the "mouth" speak: Paga's left (spoken to Paga's right) ... "So you think you're gettin' lucky ... PUNK!!" Paga's right (spoken to Paga's left) ... "Go ahead, make my day!!"
  14. Can't say for certain about the Vile Lair DLC but with the Shivering Isles that DLCShiveringIsles.esp is only there so that the DLCShiveringIsles.bsa is loaded by the game (so the actual meshes, textures etc). Oblivion.esm from the vanilla game is replaced by a new Oblivion.esm when you install the Shivering Isles DLC. The Alocasia Fruit will be Player.additem 1ae7a 1 (if you only want a single one). So are you saying that Player.additem 0c009bfe 15 doesn't give you fifteen Chokeberries?
  15. I have know Idea ... if you feel it is a copyright issue I will change it to say " Signature" Not to worry Mk ... it was specifically "The Sig" so you're in the clear with "Sig" (I think there was one season where it was Niki Lauda).
  16. You know how in YouTube they put all those other things to distract you over on the right side while you're tryin' to stay focused on what you were there to see?? Well you gotta' be careful what you click on ...
  17. I use Blockhead to apply some "optional" textures on a PerNPC basis to a few of my favourite Shivering Isles guardians (well along with a few hundred other NPCs in the game) ... but then again I am known to be a faithful servant of the Godz of Variety. If you know how to copy/paste and rename files and create folders you have all the skills required.
  18. Well in shadeMe's Blockhead picture he has assigned a bench mesh to a head. The problem might be that minotaurs have a single mesh for their entire body and head while Blockhead supports/expects individual body parts (head, upper body etc). Not certain how you might work around that ... maybe figure out how the minotaur mesh is rigged to the skeleton.nif and use that as a guide on which body part to assign it to (obviously out of my pay grade here ... where's Drake when we need him)?
  19. Look back in the mod comments for Magicka-based enchantment limits to a post on Feb 5 2012 by FinalGrimoire and Kuertee's replies and see if it has any relevance with what you are seeing.
  20. First off ... is there a particular reason you are using version 4 of Roberts Male as opposed to RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52? Just to give a check on the whole Steam issues thing, in OBMM the correct steps are ... click Utilities -> select Archive Invalidation -> make sure BSA Redirection is selected -> click Reset BSA Timestamps -> click Update Now -> close OBMM (I believe that OBMM doesn't commit it's changes until it is closed). The screenshots look a little like vanilla textures on a Roberts body mesh to me, but I've never tried that "experiment" myself. I do know that version 5.x of Roberts Male has new higher resolution body textures and normal maps for Dark Seducers and Golden Saints (I have seen the version 5.2 Saints and Seducers textures but have never laid eyes on the version 4 textures for them). That's where I'd start troubleshooting.
  21. Often when I see Shepards Pie on a menu I wonder ... does the shepard go willingly into the pie or do they need to clunk him on the head first. Now if I see Old Farts Vegetable Stew on the menu I will know the answer.
  22. Uninstalling UI mods can cause the problem you are having. I'm no expert but I have seen instructions on how to fix the problem in the Bevilex mod comments. To make finding what you need easier use the forum interface to those comments rather than the Nexus Mods interface. Open the Posts tab and click on the Forum Thread button just above where the comments begin. At the top right of the forums mod comments page you'll find a search box which will search just those comments (says This topic beside Search...). Put in your search terms and click the magnifying glass. I did one with DarN UI fix and it returned 7 pages of relevant posts. Hopefully you an find something that helps that way. The only method of archive invalidation to use is BSA Redirection ... the other two methods both have problems that can result in a broken game if not done absolutely perfectly. BSA Redirection is a do once and forget about it solution.
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