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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. What form of archive invalidation are you using? Do you have (or did have in the past) any UI mods (e.g. DarN etc)?
  2. There is a bit of timeframe difference though Jimmy ... flu is for an entire year (we haven't had quite that long with this newest craze). Sure, but flu is seasonal and never lasts an entire year. Or it does, when you consider that Fall and Winter fall in different months in the Western and Eastern hemispheres. Summer in Europe is Winter in Australia and so on. Then there's the fact that all over the world, doctors can put 'Corona Virus' on the dearh certificate when there's even but a hint of a suspicion someone showed 'symptoms' of the virus before dying. That's why in Belgium, for instance, in homes for the elderly there's so 'many' deaths attributed to Corona. People who in normal circumstances would have died of 'natural causes' now all of a sudden died from Corona because they coughed a few times before dying. I agree that we have no reliable statistics to go by for gauging any aspect of COVID 19. In Ontario (the Canadian province I live in) we have had the capability to do 13,000 tests per day since about Apr 2nd (before that there wasn't sufficient testing available for reasons of lack of testing equipment or supplies so we had a backlog of tests). Since Apr 2nd it isn't until Apr 23rd that we have come even close to utilising the 13,000 testing capacity (12,295 tests run on Apr 23). From Apr 2nd to Apr 23rd we have completed about 137,000 tests out of a possible 260,000 tests ... that's about 123,000 data points that we could have gathered that we didn't (yup, nearly half gone forever unless you can time travel back and collect them). They were turning people with symptoms away because they didn't meet "the required criteria" for testing. If we had data maybe the experts could come close to knowing where we are at ... instead we are all in the same leaky boat no matter our level of education.
  3. Who is in charge of the Census of the Basement Dwellers, so I can report my change of status when the time arrives? Simply fill out the prescribed forms and bury them at least 1 but no more than 3 feet beneath the mean surface of that open place nearest to your dwelling! I'm alarmed such an old campaigner should forget this prescription! ..but alas - many great lineages pass into comfortable dotage before need of their wisdom is set aside. Anyhow, cheers my friend! ROTFLMAO ... you been peekin' in my window?? You have me nailed to a T!! - Edit - Nice recipe ... I'll be around at noon for lunch (should I bring my collection of heels from the bread loaves for toast??).
  4. If I want to use a mod that is only available as an OMOD download I just download the OMOD to a folder and then use OBMM to unpack the OMOD into a target subfolder (which I usually name "ExtractedOMOD" because I'm not very creative with names). If the mod came with a bunch of options (perhaps an OMOD install script) I create an install folder (yup ... you guessed it, named Installed) and transfer the required files and folders from the ExtractOMOD to Installed (Installed will always have a Data folder and then any required subfolders ... remember I'm a manual install dinosaur who only infrequently uses Wrye Bash to install certain mods). If it's not immediately obvious what optional parts to use then I examine the OMOD install script to figure things out. In your case once you got eveything all transfered to your Installed folder from the ExtractedOMOD folder you could just use 7-Zip to turn everything from the Data folder down into an archive and then use that archive to install with WB (for me it's a simple right click on ExtractedOMOD\Data and Copy ... right click Bethesda Softwork\Oblivion and Paste). - Edit - The point being you will only use Wrye Bash to install mods, so no confusion. - Edit 2 - And thanks for the vote of confidence Drake ... I appreciate that you have my back. I always say "It takes a team to troubleshoot". - Edit 3 - Oops, did it again ... :ninja:
  5. With Vilja?? Way back when I used her I recall some stuff from either the Companion Vilja comments or perhaps Emma's website but the details escape me. If memory serves I suggested to give her that single iron arrow you see in any vanilla archer's inventory but I don't know if that idea was ever implemented. My current character doesn't have Vilja in his load order. It's not a problem specific to Vilja though ... I still see vanilla archers who have plenty of arrows in their inventory shooting nothing. It could be related to some of the mods I have ... NPCs Yield Refined would be first in my list of suspects if I was going to look into it. That's not likely to happen as it is an infrequent occurance and even if NPCs Yield Refined did turn out to be the culprit I'm still going to use the mod (i.e. a whole bunch of troubleshooting for zero return other than going OK so that's why). The floating horse is common to the Legion riders and couriers as well ... again something that happens infrequently (same as NPCs swimming in the air). Magic is part of the game after all.
  6. There is a bit of timeframe difference though Jimmy ... flu is for an entire year (we haven't had quite that long with this newest craze).
  7. Now that was just plain mean Wabbit ... :laugh: - Edit - Sorry ... that should have been Waskally Wabbit!
  8. First step is always install the game and then run it. I suggest going through the tutorial dungeon as far as the point where you see the sewer exit in the distance (so before you get the CharGen finalization menus). Make a save ... this will be the save you use after getting your mods installed to continue the adventure. Next exit the sewer and go to the Imperial City (the Market District has plenty of NPCs around during the day). Make a save (not overwriting the sewer exit save) ... this will be your testing save (and you can have more than one of those). Note how the game runs with some load on it. Make any tweaks you may feel necessary to the game settings. Now you can begin adding mods, one at a time and test thoroughly in between. I suggest your first be Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) as you will find many mods that require it (including my recommendation for the next mods to install). With OBSE manual install is the recommended method. Download it to a folder and extract it to that same folder. In the resulting folder you will find a file named obse_readme.txt that has the install instructions. For your GOG install you'll need to copy obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll and paste them into the game's Oblivion folder. Next copy the Data folder found in the extracted download and paste that into the game's Oblivion folder (you should get a warning about there is already a Data folder ... you want to merge the pasted Data folder into the existing Data folder). The GOG version of the game requires a different obse_loader.exe so that will be the next download/extract. You'll copy the obse_loader.exe from the GOG extracted download and paste that into the game's Oblivion folder. I'm not familaiar with the GOG version, but you will need to change how it starts the game so that it uses obse_loader.exe and not OblivionLauncher.exe ... if it works off a desktop shortcut then edit it to run obse_loader.exe instead of OblivionLauncher.exe leaving all else exactly the same. Again the mantra is install and then test, so start the game, load your testing save and make sure everything works correctly. You won't see anything different with just OBSE so basically you're making sure the game runs. Make another save and exit the game. Two ways to know that OBSE is working. First look in your saves folder (found in the My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder) ... you should see that your newest save has two saves with the same base name but different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). You will also now find the file obse.log in your game's Oblivion folder. If OBSE is working you are ready to install the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP). Download the UOP to a folder and extract it to that same folder. Now you have a choice to make ... install manually or use a mod manager. If you decide to use a mod manager I suggest Wrye Bash (WB) for two reasons ... first it is the only way to get a bashed patch (important when trying to get certain mods working together) and second it has the ability to properly recover overwritten files when you uninstall some mods but want others to remain. For manualy install you will copy from the extracted download the DistantLOD, Meshes, OBSE, Sound, Textures and Trees folders and paste them into the game's Oblivion\Data folder (again merging if you get a warning about existing folders ... which you should for at least the OBSE folder). The Docs folder is optional (doesn't get used by the game at all). For WB install you'll copy the downloaded file Unofficial Oblivion Patch-5296-3-5-6a.7z and paste it into the game's Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder (assuming you have installed WB and have opened the Installers tab once and answered Yes when asked if BAIN should be initialized). To actually install the UOP you will select Unofficial Oblivion Patch-5296-3-5-6a.7z in the WB Installers tab and from the right click menu select Install. When you select it before the right click you'll see options shown in the Sub-Packages window to the right for you to select which optional parts to install. If your GOG version comes with any of the DLCs then you can use the same methods to install any of those you are using (but don't install any that you don't have).
  9. That's an awesome video Niph ... I was all of 6 years old when that machine was built. I remember doing the punch card thing at school probably 7 years later or so, just before moving on to high school.
  10. LOL ... to crib a line from L.J. in Resident Evil: Apocalypse "See ... I haven't been bitten or anything" but I do understand your adherence to proper protocols. And just for clarity ... the basement at the Striker Manor is far too cold an environment for these old bones in the non-summer months (even the gaming room could use more heat ... do you need to turn up the thermosat for that to happen??). This summer may well turn out to be the first in over a decade that the hapless Striker is forced to endure at the non-airconditioned Striker Manor (always opted for the fresh breezes of the North Channel aboard the yacht the SS "Old Girl"). Could be the gaming room will migrate, and Striker could join the ranks of the Basement Dwellers in the coming months. Who is in charge of the Census of the Basement Dwellers, so I can report my change of status when the time arrives?
  11. Now tell her she can't have any strawberries or sweetrolls and see what that "nets" you ... hehe.
  12. Market District -> Elven Gardens District -> Talos Plaza District -> out the Gate to City Isle (due west) -> cross the bridge and go through Weye and continue straight ahead -> keep to the right at the second intersection with the well to your left -> left at the first intersection just past Fort Nikel -> follow this road up the hill, through Fort Ash and past Odiil Farm and then Weynon Priory will be on your right after curving around and coming to the top of the hill.
  13. So back to my question ... are you up to learning some manual install skills? - Edit - And I agree with Oblivionaddicted below ... would be much better in the Oblivion Forums. - Edit 2 - So as not to leave you with nothing gained ... TesModManager is a later iteration of Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). I haven't any hands on with TesModManager but one of the shortcomings of OBMM was how it handled (actually didn't handle) uninstalling (it would remove files that were overwrites from a previously installed mod, breaking the previous installed mod afterwards). Wrye Bash (WB) has a feature called Anneal that takes care of replacing the uninstalled files for the previous mod. That's just one example of the type of things that WB is capable of. The problem with using WB (or any mod manager) as a base for your "modding knowledge" is that you will still lack the foundation of what modding the game requires, so even if you read through Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (Oblivion\Mopy\Docs) your lack of foundation will render 90% of it useless info that has no frame of reference. The same goes (perhaps to a lesser extent due to it's reduced ability) with TesModManager. If it follows how OBMM documents it's use it will be in the Help menu, and unless you have some foundation in modding Oblivion much of it won't have meaning.
  14. Are you saying I'm not invited over Jose ... hope that isn't so, I'll be crushed. Sourcing a pressure cooker in the midst of the current situation will probably be problematic, but that won't stop me from reading and dreaming of better days.
  15. Now for the second time I'm saying to myself ... "I gotta GoogleMap the route to Jose's place and figure out what time I need to get up to make it by supper". Wish I had something to share that doesn't fall into the category of one of my "one pot wonders" whose only redeeming feature is ease and speed of preparation.
  16. OK I'll give you a push ... but it will be towards the "old school" method of modding. Why the old school way? Well because you will not only get some essential mods into your game (such as the Unofficial Oblivion Patch) but you will learn something about how mods work in Oblivion. If I gave you a push in the other direction you will learn how to use the mod manager and will still have no idea how mods work in Oblivion. When things don't go as planned you'll be back where you are now. So that'll be the deal ... you in or out? If you're in I'll need some basics ... what version of the game (Steam, GOG or disk) and some idea of your skills in copying and pasting files, creating folders and basic computer stuff like that.
  17. Ahh ... cow pies. Leave 'em long enough and they can make a passable frisbee (it's just tough finding the right person to throw one to ... the ones you'd like to go a runnin' as soon as they see the windup).
  18. Just wanted to clarify that all of the later versions of Wrye Bash (certainly all of those since versions in the 300s) no longer support BOSS and won't recognise BOSS internally as a tool that can be run from within WB. You can still use BOSS to sort your load order but a couple of extra steps need to be added. First turn off Lock Load Order in WB. Next run BOSS from it's desktop shortcut. After BOSS has run you can close it and start WB and do whatever task you needed to do (e.g. Rebuild Bashed Patch etc). If you leave Lock Load Order turned off you can just run BOSS from the desktop and then start WB each time. Thank you for the detailed answer Drake ... for once I didn't :ninja:
  19. The most important part is ... install one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between. Or you could install a whole bunch at once, and have the game refuse to even start (at worst) and then hope that one of us can untangle the balled up mess. Yes Wrye Bash has some aspects that require learning, but so does Vortex from all I see reported around here on Nexus. You may be able to just install OBMM and stumble your way into getting it to work ... that was how I got my start. OBMM's use instructions are hidden away in the Help menu. Which tool will serve you best will depend on what tools you are already familiar with from other games, especially if some of those were Bethesda titles (maybe even older Bethesda titles).
  20. Well, thanks for giving me a stepping stone for my thought, to look forward to along my path and yours to the future. I am glad you can see someone like me in the future. I will wait patiently until you find the way to give my mind further instructions to the plan for which you have in your mind. Progress! That's the word of the Day, "PROGRESS" And what do we get as that day unfolds ... progression. Progression doesn't always equate to progress in the conventional sense that most would prefer (i.e. in a getting better sort of way). But as it unfolds whatever events were going to happen do happen, and if it turns out that on this day pigs are flying we'd best be all wearing funny looking hats with big brims (I see some are for sale just across the crick from me ... too bad the border is closed, maybe I could plead a case for "essential" traffic). Big brim hats? Just order online and have one of their delivery people on a Jet Water Ski skim by your boat and Frisbee it to you. :happy: One wide brim hat with a pointy top so nothing can leave a mark there. :teehee: LOL ... maybe with the pointy part added a broom woud be more appropriate (plus the water in that big crick is a bit chill still ... best to not chance a delivery "incident" that could result in major "shrinkage").
  21. Well, thanks for giving me a stepping stone for my thought, to look forward to along my path and yours to the future. I am glad you can see someone like me in the future. I will wait patiently until you find the way to give my mind further instructions to the plan for which you have in your mind. Progress! That's the word of the Day, "PROGRESS" And what do we get as that day unfolds ... progression. Progression doesn't always equate to progress in the conventional sense that most would prefer (i.e. in a getting better sort of way). But as it unfolds whatever events were going to happen do happen, and if it turns out that on this day pigs are flying we'd best be all wearing funny looking hats with big brims (I see some are for sale just across the crick from me ... too bad the border is closed, maybe I could plead a case for "essential" traffic).
  22. Issues with uninstalling and thus breaking UI mods has been discussed in the Bevilex mod comments. Use the forum interface for those comments (click the Forum Thread button at the top of the comments) and then use the forum interface search to find posts on the problem. - Edit - Sorry Drake ... :ninja:
  23. My most recent was what I like to call "Chucky Cheese Disease". I have fraternal twin grandkids who are now 17. Back when they were younger (maybe 5 or 6) they wanted to have a birthday party at Chucky Cheese. Grandpa was in attendance of course, and helping out with the different games and stuff ... mostly acting as "banker" for all the Chucky Cheese coins you had to buy for the games. A couple of days later grandpa was sick in bed. There was a period there where I was completely out of it with fever, can't even tell you if it was for a day or how many days it was. Obviously of the two possible outcomes (you make it or you don't) the more favourable one transpired (and I didn't). There were other Chucky Cheese birthday parties in subsequent years ... grandpa sent a card.
  24. Black Rock Caverns west of the trail leading north out of Chorrol.
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