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Everything posted by Delikatessen

  1. I posted last, which means I win!
  2. I have two characters, one female and one male (I hardly use the male anymore, though). Female: Scientia (Lat. for Knowledge). Male: Carolus Magnus (Charlemagne the Great). Both are Imperials, by the way. Latin names seemed more fitting.
  3. Unreal Tournament. I've played many games and liked them, but none got me addicted to gaming like Unreal Tournament did.
  4. I knew Blizzard would screw up after their merger with Activision... Hopefully they'll release patches that actually do something for the game, unlike patches certain other developers have released... I'm looking at you, Ubisoft.
  5. I heard "While you're in Morrowind, oh baby it's sick". Indubitably.
  6. An empty Coke can, a black light and an old monitor. Yep, I'm screwed.
  7. The High Court of Delikatessen hereby proclaims that Son of Zeus, Emperor of the Universe Delikatessen wins this forum game. I read Odyssey, and I've been speaking like that ever since.
  8. Here are some screenshots. To be honest, this looks generic and boring. R.I.P., Elder Scrolls franchise. It was a good run.
  9. Black Holes. Oh, and broken feet. Protip: DO NOT drop water heaters.
  10. Granted, but you accidentally create an AI that takes over the world of Skyrim and removes all dragons from the game, rendering the game impossible to complete without dragon souls. I wish Steam would just update and not crash for once. All I want to do is play New Vegas!
  11. Well... I was planning on buying an eigth-generation console. I'll stick to my seventh gen consoles and PC for now.
  12. I got Tiger Blood and Adonis DNA. WINNING!
  13. Granted, but as soon as we demilitarize humanity and we finally start accepting each other, aliens invade because of our lack of defense and enslave us for thousands of years until we have a destructive war with our alien overlords that eventually leads to the destruction of the planet. I wish this cup didn't taste like soap.
  14. I had three iPods (two Nanos and a Touch) and there was a hidden folder on the player called "iPod_Control". You have to show hidden files and folders (Google's your best friend...), but that folder contains all media on the iPod. The only problem is that the files don't seem to be sorted in any way, and the file names themselves are always four-character alphabetical codes. I don't know if you can do this with the newer generations, though. Oh, yeah: I had to set the Nano I did this with as a data device in iTunes before I did anything else.
  15. Granted, but they're transparent, completely undermining the purpose of them. I wish for a faster internet connection.
  17. Granted, but DICE goes out of business and no more Battlefield :( I wish I could sleep. Just to... awake to go to sleep right now :>
  18. Granted, but as soon as we demilitarize all nations, aliens invade and enslave the human race. I wish... for a Coke!
  19. SilverDNA, your doom comes in the form of... http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2688/4141719410_5a09bd992b_z.jpg?zz=1 Your argument is forever invalidated.
  20. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally don't win here at all :rolleyes:
  21. Does an SNES count? That thing's technically a computer... In the late nineties, I had a Windows 98 computer that I used to browse the internet. As for the games I had, Tomb Raider, Duke Nukem and Redneck Rampage, a game made by Xatrix, who also worked on titles such as Return to Castle Wolfentstein and the first Call of Duty games.
  22. The above person is addicted to blood magic, lives by a soldier's creed and is dedicating his life to a fallen brother in service.
  23. Granted, but it's universally praised by everyone but critics, effectively making the critique obsolete. I wish I had my own copy of Soul Calibur IV. I have to share it with people!
  24. Kick the zombies into the bathtub and plug the toaster in. - I'm in a different room now, and the object to my left is a Browning automatic 20 gauge shotgun that I keep for, uh, "deterring" curious trespassers. Seriously, a lot of people have tried to break into my house. But I never imagined it would be zombies!
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