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Everything posted by Delikatessen

  1. Those are all just Unique weapons. The only weapon in there that could be considered "GOTY" is the Novasurge, which is actually included in the Mothership Zeta, which is packaged with the GOTY edition. Yes, all DLC weapons will be included in the Ultimate Edition, including the preorder-only weapons (Courier's Stash) and Gun Runner's Arsenal.
  2. The faction ID for the Powder Gangers is just "PowderGangerFactionNV". Try that one and see if it works.
  3. http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/1/19810000/ngbbs4a84e87eadc62.jpg I reposted a picture of the BLU spy. Your argument is invalid.
  4. Maharg, your doom comes in the form of the real-life PHASR: http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/attachments/modern/22811d1299763955t-new-phasr-weapon-soldiertech_phasr_502.jpg
  5. I win because I IZ AWESUM. My immature moment of the day is over.
  6. Someone referred to me. I feel special ^_^ Another thing I do to protect my computer is Xubuntu (Ubuntu with XFCE). When something is too sketchy to open, I boot into my Xubuntu installation on my separate hard drive and open it with WINE. Since Xubuntu doesn't really get infected with windows viruses, it's like a sandbox for me. And it's free, so I don't have to buy something that I only use once every couple months.
  7. The above user is... depressed over dead threads (and possibly J.R.R. Tolkien).
  8. Granted, but someone gets too smart and divides by 0, destroying the internet universe in the process. I wish December 21st would get here already. The wait has been driving me nuts.
  9. First Awesome Picture of 2012: http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/6022/awesomeness.jpg
  10. How did three of us miss that Thor posted before us?
  11. Why are you a random sheep thingy?
  12. Happy New Year! Do svidanya, 2011, kon'nichiwa 2012.
  13. Why are there monkeys in my bedroom?
  14. Why didn't your question make sense (again)?
  15. Isn't that what I just asked?
  16. What is the point of saying nothing at all?
  17. I hereby declare that I am winner in perpetuity.
  18. And I respond to your Sparta Remix with... WINDOWS ERRORS! But Silver, I'm not Calliton D:
  19. Woo! Finally got my own copy of Skyrim and a copy of Battlefield 3. See you next year :D
  20. This isn't new at all, it's just a redraft of previous bills. Bills that failed. But the House is determined to pass this one, and it probably will. Hopefully, Google and their partners (Mozilla, Facebook, others) that are against this bill will be able to at least put a longer hold on it. There's also PROTECT IP, which is just as evil. If you look at the details, both of these bills are basically kicking freedom of the internet in the butt and censoring it. If either is passed, I can only other countries don't follow the US' mistake.
  21. I'm using Malwarebytes and, honestly, that's it. I don't download anything outside of EA Origin (for BF3) and Steam, wallpapers (I collect them) and iTunes/Jamendo. All I do is run occasional scans to make sure everything's OK. The best virus protection is a smart PC user. I've never picked up a virus, even without an anti-virus installed. Oh, I also use AdBlock and NoScript (like the other users), but I disable them on certain websites, like this one.
  22. I'm usually listening to symphonic metal or nu metal or some type of electronic music, but I found this guy on Jamendo (a Creative Commons music website) and thought it was awesome.
  23. Merry Christmas from Ohio! But today, the 23rd here in the EST zone, is Festivus. I got my pole out and everything. Soon, I shall light the lights on my Christmas tree I cut down myself. And by that, I really mean I drove to the nearest store and bought a fake one.
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