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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. :laugh: All you need to need to know to be a man or to understand one. All answers womankind is searching for.

    I would rather go with this song form H. Grönemeyer.



    Yeah, well... :devil:


    In the meantime I'd to change the track by request of my bro. We've

    participated in the Love Parade and he's still a mere bundle of nerves.



    Take your protein pills, boys


  2. So it was always the same file >40 MB (from different servers) that has failed, right? If so, you have to delete the corrupt one from your temporary folder first - after having checked that the file is not perhaps finished in spite of the 99%. Allegedly it's a Firefox problem. Then try again with a new to be specified download folder...
  3. Thanks for listening, grannywils :)


    On Rammstein's Amerika or - 'demand and reality'

    Nobody is perfect. And only the perfect one is always right.




    In Memoriam

    Duisburg Love Parade 7/24 • 21 dead and more than 500 injured


    Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



    Böhse Onkelz - Nur die Besten sterben jung (only the best die young) - Cover Morrowind (mine)



    Take your protein pills, boys


  4. A "life long war experience" implies that you are a veteran of many conflicts, I am aware of your dual citizenship Surenas but are you not currently residing in Holland? The Dutch have not been at war since 1940 and it must be difficult to conduct middle eastern operations from such a removed distance.

    Having fought three wars I still would hesitate to advance my credentials to that level. The point of service is to get home alive, sometimes that means knowing when to run and when to stand and fight. A veteran is someone who knows the difference. There have been times when I knew that it was time "to get the hell out of Dodge " before I ended up in tiny pieces.


    Are your kidding? I am no ancient tactitian, hello, even if I am a few years longer here on the Nexus than you. And my name is everything but Tyrtaios or Homer. Be so kind to read first before you post humbug. Thanks.

  5. Well, Surenas, you've done it again. Great music, and I love the cover art.

    Your avatar. I always wondered where you got that. It's beautiful.

    Thanks for listening, grannywils :thumbsup:

    Well, guess MHM has sniffled in the comments on my About Me page

    - the image shows me



    Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



    image mine




  6. Personal habits are open to debate elsewhere, as you might remember, Vagrant0


    Thus I'm surprised, thought it would be an easy-to-understand message; however, I'll offer the reverse:

    Cowardice of rookies in battle is one of the typical causes of their death aready in the baptism of fire.


    NB The greatest losses in battle those units have to face that are on the run.


    All this is e.g. clearly stated by all ancient tacticians (two of them I've quoted), who btw had a life long war experience. To reject their fundamental knowledge for modern military history by means of whatever, especially if one has no own combat experience at all, is thus not to be taken seriously; actually it's a bad joke.


    So, if I'd have to choose with whom I have to share a fresh shell-hole I'd always vote for a veteran. A rookie is a heavy, often deadly load.



    Take your protein pills, boys


  7. Marginal note

    Well, grannywils et al., I'm hardly an ideologist or missionary with a universal message, not even an active homo politicus, more likely an observing profiler (that's why I love RPGs) with a certain repertoire of own roles and an understanding of the role of others. Moreover, after more than a decade online I really don't expect a consensus on the internet where from the very beginning on almost everybody is already convienced by the own perceptions and preconceptions (if it's no 'help me' or how-to thread). Sad but true. And that's why I easily back out of circular discussions.

    At the moment I'm somewhat unsure what the actual intention of the thread might be or will be within a short time.

    I'll thus restrict myself on reading what you have to say, at least for a while. Keep it up.



  8. I studied the proletariat in college, minor in sociology. Surenas you'll have to go back a bit further than that to find the etymological roots / original meaning of proletariat, as Ginny points out with her reference to studying latin, but in fact politically the meaning has changed, with the advent of modern philosophies. If we're going to discuss Marx, by name then lets discuss the philosophy authentically.


    Karl Marx's classification scheme following Feuerbach et al. laying aside, the literal Latin meaning (!) of the root word is not to be questioned, neither by you nor by me nor by anyone else. However, I'm pleased to meet a homo sociologicus here. So, should you ever introduce the theories of Popper, Dahrendorf or the Frankfurt School around Horkheimer, Habermas and Adorno... drop me a line.


    Have a good one! :thumbsup:



  9. You do realize that "proletariat" is literally "the workers" the working class.


    We're no longer living in the days of the Paris Commune 1871 and that's why the proletariat [literally 'those who have (nothing but) children'] of today is the 'class' (an ambiguous term btw ) of the workless and no longer that of the workers. A paradigm shift of an old terminology.


    Have fun!



  10. In war the chief incalculable is the human will.

    _ E. H. Liddell Hart


    Should be clear that a rookie (suicide activists are an exception) usually has no own will except one:


    To reverse and to run away in the terror of battle, offering his back, a tempting mark for the spear from behind.

    _ Tyrtaios 11.17-18


    The skin of the coward changes colour one way and another

    and the heart inside him has no control to make him sit steady,

    but he shifts his weight from one foot to another, then settles firmly

    on both feet, and the heart inside his chest pounds violent

    as he thinks of the death spirits, and his teeth chatter together.

    _ Homer, Iliad 13.279-83


    Not to have been a coward in the past, to be still alive, that's one of the criteria that makes out a veteran.

    A certain weapon might be a fetish at the homefront, but that's absolutely no guarantee for survival at war.



    Take your protein pills, boys


  11. Marginal note


    Actually verifiable user insights (different from individual impressions) in the special case of Bethesda are predominantly a function of dwelling time here on the Nexus and the Bethesda forum. So it was e.g. already clear in 2002/3 what's up with the AI in Morrowind. That's nothing new.


    Sorry to say but the statement “the times a game is downloaded is no indication of popularity nor enjoyment of the game” is everything but serious cos the absolute download times of a mod or modlet are the sales and only that is the marker of popularity. No sales thus prove the absolute lack of it - unpopularity, the bankrupt in visible trade. That’s one of the basic principles in economy and not to be questioned, neither here nor elsewhere!


    Right MonsterHunterMaster, but it's always a matter of be invested time and necessary effort...


    So, the way is again open for an animated discussion of AI beyond the sphere of our main interest - viz gaming. Thanks for your patience, Vagrant0 et al. Have fun! :thumbsup:




  12. It's already late here, so I've to answer in brief without being able to go into the details. Sorry.

    The existential error quote of the AI is up to nil; thus the advantage is always on the side of the machine. Regarding the minority of masochists that doubtlessly need a high set bar I'd like to point to the a larger faction - the winner types that always run with an unspoken hurray into the terror of the battle expecting quite automatically an enemy that acts as expected, i.e. that is unable to seize the important initiative in the conflict, holding the ground and that knows of no stratagems at all, for these players haven't yet experienced the opposite, being overpowered was always sufficient (and a god mod does nicely as well). They need a lower set bar not to become acid.

    NB The AI development of the TES and Fallout series seem to stagnate on the level of 2002 imo. - the AI is as dumb as ever.

    Guess I've set the bar just slightly too high for the kids in 2003, for otherwise the high download rate is not to be explained.

    3:00 a.m. See ya!



  13. To a certain degree of probability human reactions (and actions) are likewise preprogrammed, Before we try out new combi-ways to find a solution for a new problem ( e.g. a hostile environment) we at first uncoil the standard and the individual empiric repertoire. That means for gaming, the more intelligent the maker is the more intelligent the AI can be set up within the frame given by the repective 'language'. On the other hand, the lower the intelligence of the average player is the lower has the bar to be set up. And that's already stage one of the adventure, the world of scripting.



    The result of the too high set bar was ambivalent: extremely high D/L rate and almost more negative than positive criticism, as already mentioned above - the young apparently outnumbered all others in the gaming scene 2002-2006.



  14. Actually such an AI-system as I've mentioned merely forces the player party to review the own strategy and tactics - to operate more carefully in the terrain. Consequently the faction of people who liked it belonged, as far as my experience goes, predominantly to the generation of the 20-50 year-old (who could take a defeat from time to time more easily). Negative criticism came almost exclusively from the younger players who, for example, called it ridiculous that archers directly start with a retreat (the 'running away') whenever the player group tries to enter the close range (to initiate a close combat), or, when it by chance appears to be impossible to keep the player group constantly at bowshot distance, change their weaponry from bow to sword for example, always supported in battle by 'even more nervous' mages in the rear with emphasis on healing - to mention just a very simple basic scenario without any advanced nasty trigger effects or attack / defense preferences related to the skill composition of the respective player group. The key is to tell the program not to react as usually expected and to choose the most effective variant 'to stay alive', i.e. to win. That's kinetic Darwinism, the survival of the fittest or something ^^



  15. Sorry, for me your argumentation sounds somewhat helpless old-fashioned.

    Perhaps rowing against the mainstream gives you a good feeling, who knows.

    Or it's just patriotism. Be it. We have already reached an endless loop where

    nothing new is to say. We should let it go at that!

  16. So here's a discussion about computerized Artificial Intelligence (AI). BIG rage in the computerized RnD realms. Everybody wants to build a smarter computer.

    Some, to the point of creating an artificial interactive personality.


    What are the opinions, how far do you folks think it should go?


    I can only argue for games:

    When the AI appears to be more intelligent than the average user, e.g. in combat - that's too far,

    cos PCs outmaneuvered by NPCs (esp. in online RPGs) is the last adventure the user would ever hope for.

    Although it's really a funny big-game hunting, at least for the maker :laugh:

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