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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. We can talk, too. :yes:


    You have to prove it in real life, not here :thumbsup:

    Actually a gamer / non-gamer relationship isn't a big problem, as long as the gamer doesn't sit mummified in front of the keyboard, the face directed to the screen with a total of just a few spoken sentences per day :wacko:

    For those who feel heavily disturbed whenever the partner asks a question or somethin' it is almost too late :devil:

  2. Hi guys,


    life is to short to be shy :laugh:

    Girls won't bite if you talk to them (i think most of them). If a girl stands around alone on a party do you think she wants to be there alone or have a buddy for a little chat. And what will happen if she won't? You won't die or loose your soul. You are afraid what others are thinking? What do you think of a boy who tries to talk to a girl? It isn't that bad, believe me :laugh:


    You guys have just to give up the figment of the imagination of women as pure sex objects, ready for submission, or you will end up in the realm of mama. Try it out :)

  3. No mixture with odd stuff is possible, for we're not living in the 19th century when everybody cooked his own national soup. The worldwide networked trend always goes to more comfort and speed, thus harmonization of the systems, esp. in the multilateral interaction, and two parallel systems just for the glorification of a provincialism are everything but comfortable, modern and fast for the consumer. What you need are metric inter-sizes in clothing. That's all. Think it over.
  4. I'm still reading the Dead Sea Scrolls, just for fun. It's the umpteenth time now, for if you read just one translation you're already fooled after the introduction cos every translator interprets the texts different according to the respective preconception. Too bad. Time was when I thought I'd understand the people behind the scrolls, at least a bit, but now I think they had more likely a few things in common with today babblers on the internet - much ado about nothing, to refer back to Shakespeare.
  5. I think I'm having some kind of deja vu reading all this here....

    ....sound similar to this topic : Did aliens play a role in human civilization?


    I believe mainly in science and if the phenomena isn't in the grasp of science, then science isn't on the proper eye level of understanding the phenomena.


    Partly yes, but this is just a mini debate within the debate, so we are still firmily within the original question.


    That's the moment when the circular argumentation begins and the known merkabah / ufo stuff turns out to be nothing but a religious backdoor for the faithful.

    Gosh, the flying throne chariot theme is as old as ages and I guess we've already shot down a vast number of these flying objects since the days of Ezekiel... with the customary fly flap, unwittingly of course, but that goes without saying.

    You must believe in whatever makes you happy.

  6. There's no such option, for the rookie will quite automatically raise his head when he hears somethin' new and loud - and that's already the moment when he takes the bullet in his brain. Warfare one has to learn first, i.e. gathering experience and surviving events - or one is fish food of week one. So it's for example a high adventure of its own to fight against light-armed Afghan mujaheddin whose war experience is often equal to their age minus six... ^^
  7. Aye.


    I mean, some of the cover art on the games themselves is worthy of feature. A bit unsubtle, but Diablo for example had a fitting, individual, and generaly cool looking cover. yet when it was reviewed by many magazines, rather than the skull-and-flames, they chose to you "soft core" pornography instead. Yes nudity and sexuality have avery valid place in art. But putting nearnude images up everywhere is just grating, boring, irritating, and any other negative -ing you can think of to mention.


    I wouldn't call that what we've seen lately in the image section 'art', not by a long chalk.

  8. Birth Control - Gamma Ray (Album Hoodoo Man 1972)



    Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll




    1972: The Easter Offensive begins. Equipped with Soviet Tanks, Vo Nguyen Giap’s North Vietnamese Army launch a large-scale assault across the DMZ into the Quang Tri province. The logistical base at Long Bien is turned over to the South Vietnamese, marking the near end of direct U.S. Army participation in the Vietnam War.



  9. If one emails numerous times a simple "Please come back", officially or not doesn't matter, and gets no answer... then the maker is heavily pissed off by means of whatever and perhaps even lost forever. So, even though nobody hopes for it, it is possible that you flog a dead horse that is no longer interested. Try it out. Talk to him - not about or past him, for that's probably the biggest mistake ever.



    This never happened.-myrmaad

  10. "There is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter. You will meet them doing various things with resolve, but their interest rarely holds because after the other thing ordinary life is as flat as the taste of wine when the taste buds have been burned off your tongue."

    __ Ernest Hemingway, 'On the Blue Water' in Esquire, April 1936




  11. I really appreciate this! Even though it's all..."virtual nudity" and stuff, it felt pretty akward to browse around with so many pictures of this kind around...


    For me it never ever was a problem to browse around - usually I see only what I want to see for I know of no animal magnetism in the virtual world. The real problem was to be forced to sit with the own stuff in midst of a repetitious 3rd class muppet peep show like an alien in New York wondering what the hell I am doing there. That fruitless situation has come to an end now, hopefully. Thank you staff.



  12. Before the highly improbable making of Double Coconut Balls any uploading of modifications without permisson by the author is illegal, I fear. Still in 2006 I've erased some of my mods that were hosted unasked and against my will on Russian and Korean warez servers. So, there might be a lot of trouble in the air if you don't consider possible consequencies.



  13. The music interests change only partly over the years, for in the end you will see that you are more or less 'calibrated' on that what you've identified as being up to date in the late days of your puberty. That's why elderly people love military marches or folk tunes, you parents hard rock and your younger siblings loud noises without any rhythm. Left and right of your individual 'calibration' almost everything sounds like the horror...



  14. Surenas: I must tell you I don't always understand everything that you say, but I absolutely love the music you listen to.:no:

    grannywils: Glad you like the music. Thank you :)

    Actually I’m no great speaker, for almost every sentence is enwrought by emotional imagery and each of my images is just the snapshot of the music behind. This piece of music refers to the half-nomadic Sami people of Lapland, an Alaska-like region in Northern Scandinavia that I love so much. Longing for an early return to the beauty of the tundra befalls me every time when I listen to their wistful songs called Yoik :sweat:



  15. The Secret of Monkey Island


    "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see us?"

    - The Cannibals to Guybrush Threepwood



  16. Guess we’ve never talked about GIRLS - or we spell the term totally different for some time past. Moreover, we shouldn't repeat the strange actions of former smokers now, that is - to mutate into mad dogs at holy war, for that really looks more than just irritating. New rules are established and already soon we'll know if they come up to expectations or not.



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