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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Who can say what will be changed tomorrow? You? Me? The weather frog? It should be clear that an artificial 2-class understanding as it is in the case of the nude question won't last that long and that the first flood is usually not the last but the sign for the floods to come - the classical dam break. In so far I understand the regrettable reaction as consequent, and this without being involved.
  2. Outside of the Anglo-American world nobody on earth is interested in the outdated imperial system. So you better stay in with such antiquated traditions not to get laughed at by chance.
  3. I love to play custom figures instead of off the rack stuff, and this one was probably the most important of all. Its a random shot made in 2002 in my siegelet to Dungeon Siege called Steelsworld, and I still remember Viet Minh and the two guys from France and Germany next to her as if it happened yesterday. http://www.abload.de/img/ds_sw2.032ia.jpg
  4. Eggs are sold by unit and grade (even in Jack London's novels) - dunno what strange kind of fowls you have out there ^^
  5. Well, that are four cubits according to the prophet Ezekiel - much easier to remember, eh? ^^ Forget what once you've learned and start with the metric system, it simplifies the communication, really.
  6. The rest of the world refers to it as obsolete. The Brits have an exceptional permission to run the old stuff parallel to the metric system. Dunno where the problem is, cos according to Josephus (1st c. CE, contemporary of Jesus Christ) one simply has to do 400 cubits of 6 palms or 600 feet of 4 palms to make a stadion... and 150 stadia ôr 360.000 palms was the average day's march of a Roman legion... ^^
  7. Please don't mistake apples for oranges. Taken by itself gaming doesn't lead to education, reading does. This includes e.g. chess strategy books as well, cos nothing comes from nothing. Back to topic. Make your partner happy, for only a happy partner loves to share. Selfishness is the privilege of a classical single (in a shared flat) and not that of a workable relationship.
  8. Hell yeah - the metric systen isn't that successful! The remaining three countries that use a no metric system http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/Metric_system.png/350px-Metric_system.png
  9. A cabbage leaf might hide Fufu's private carrot *g*

    Thought he'd always shoot from the hip ... and then return sooner as expected by the trolls and others... ^^

  10. Surenas


    The belief in an afterlife isn't contradictory to to the denial of death as a final stage - it is one and the same :) So, once afterlife is understood as a myth based upon hope there will be no more ghosts from the afterlife hovering on earth either. What more could one want?
  11. Hehehe, Aurasoma. Yup, knock yourself out! ;)

    And it would be nice to see a nacked Fufu and Dog dressed in swimsuit one day as well *g*

  12. Also, man zahlt 1 Pfund in das Nexus Sparschwein und dann darf man auf der Supporter Site ein Bild-Schwein sein.

    Da ich ja drei Oben-ohne Bildchen habe, hab ich das mal gemacht zur Sicherheit und um ein Beispiel zu setzen für die Kids, um zu zeigen wo der FKK Strand ist.

    Eigenen Support hab ich aber bislang noch nicht erfahren da, Noa ist halt kein Pornostar ^^

  13. Jollidüüü!

    Also das mit der Supporter Site ist mal voll daneben, weil - also ich hab da noch keinen gefunden, der mich supporten tut ^^ *pf* ;)

  14. Um, well, I didn't ask for a self-justification... nor for a semi-philosophical discourse. I don't belong to the theoretikoi in the field; or in other words: we're neither alone, nor unique, more likely replaceable in a relationship with defined behavior patterns that are known since long. And whatever relationship is - it is no combat sport... Howbeit, thank you :)
  15. Actually it's an utmost simple philosophy (I have a bubble brain, no babble brain *g*') - it's the basic axiom of any combat sport... ;)

    See ya!

  16. I wouldn't reduce the other sex to a single role just to please me now and then. That's in its last consequence nothing but the inversion of the beloved old role allocation of possession, now the emancipated woman in the former dominant role of the man calling for body service. "As you command!" A kinky one-night stand is actually a relationship only in the world of the day-flies, btw., nice but irrelevant here. The first step in the right direction in the real world is the to be trained ability to see the opposite in the first place as unisex and equal to come to friendship on the horizon of conversations, i.e. not to think exclusively with the private parts. "Hello boys!" Once you have found a friend your perhaps outlandish hobbies are no problem at all, for otherwise the friend is none! If you have to face problems in a relationship these problems get manifest and finally destructive when you both do not talk about your needs and the needs of the other. And friendship dies first in the war of the roses.
  17. Surenas


    :ohmy: That's not stupid, just . . . ... philosophical. Guess I've already point to the soul as a parameter of (higher) life, it's vital breath, located in the blood circulation for the ancient. Once the blood stops circulating and the last breath is made, the living turns into the dead. Now, the idea of ghosts directly starts in the very moment of death, when life ends in smoke ... and that's why ghosts are understood as "incorporeal-smoky", half-visible and bloodless afterlife manifestation of the Hebrew ruach, the breath of the once souled living. Actually the ghost idea is nothing but another religious denial of death and final fading away of all living - a popular backdoor of folk religions.
  18. Not per se. I know of one exclusively based upon sex - a long-term affair, collapsed and/or dried out in its 12th year. She's back to her husband and he to his wife, both to their grown-up children and both are looking back at a big hole in time now, I guess ... ^^
  19. I don't see that the platform (or the cultural axiom, if you prefer that) is already realized here in the debate - the type of civilization. As long as this is not the case everythin' sounds outlandish, Ptolemaic centered on the West where most of us are living. Unfortunately, in toto we're everythin' but most... we're the few...*lol* The age of high adventure of Western colonialism (thus of the export of systems as well) is over, the time of the East has come together with a diligent patriarchal ant statehood without anarchy (sounds Bakunin, eh?)... Would be not that bad to have already read Samuel P. Huntingtons' Clash of Civilizations.
  20. Ho sonk2!

    The team, they were actually on a par. But there always has to be a winner when two men enter thunderdome... and one man leaves ;)

    The profile pages look ugly in the moment ^^

    See ya!

  21. Hell yeah, Mal my man! You’re not in Kansas anymore, you're in Shelob's lair now... *g*

    And there is no hunting like the hunting of man. Suckin' bubble brain smooches back! :)

  22. Good day sunshine!
  23. Ditto, Stefano. We have a cold lake close to the house, and this helps against any critical overheating in these days ^^


    Happy weekend to all y'all, wherever you may be. If we'll lose vs Spain by chance this would have absolutely no impact on the barbecue here and the great party :)

  24. Outside the Nexus there is no public discussion in the West on a definition that is at hand for all that have left primary school, if not already much, much earlier. If one really doesn't know what nudity is how is it that one loves to upload precisely this, eh? :teehee: Wonder why people try to question decisions when e.g. in Germany one has to blanken all sexual characteristics of TES figures already since a year! And over there there was no discussion, if memory serves, not even to some extent... no debate that aimed to water down administrative decisions on the matter... and no such language problems in the likewise multi-cultural game societies... ^^
  25. Rules are not set to be broken by provocateurs. Actually this is somethin' we all learn already in kindergarten....
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