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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Yeah, that'd be a great party ! Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh ! :woot: Directly after the Mexico match the above Dutch chearleading squad was put in an Afrikaanse prison for a night... as a cooling due to scandalization... gee! :wacko: Do the boys perhaps look scandalized ? Nope! :woot:
  2. WE :woot: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  3. Nederland is in the final!


  4. Nederland 3:2 Uruguay Phew! Hup Holland Hup! :wub: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  5. Actually it is the temp. feeling to be a winner, for the loser has no success...
  6. At least he has one ... I have none ^^
  7. Ciao Stefano ;)

    And keep up your good work.

  8. No, I don't feel myself bored by the hard to follow internal Italian contradictions. I live in the Lowland where we already can see the weather of the day after tomorrow ^^

    However - Forza Italia!!! wherever this may lead us to! ;)

  9. A typo - Genova, yup.

    Dad thinks that at least sometimes there'd be local economic interest behind as well. Hope he's wrong.

  10. Between Geneva and Marseille? Already again?

    We have a cottage in Bussana Vecchia *ummh* :(

  11. No problem, sonk2 :) "kinky" was my middle name at school. It's been a while... ^^
  12. No problem, sonk2. I love great images :)


    Yup, Aurasoma - in this way already whole landscapes were burnt down together with the fauna for decades... just for a few sick minutes of "fun".

    Here in Europe the Mediterranean coast is often target of such freaked out fire-raisers :(

  13. Guess it's neither prudery nor mundane alienness that has caused a growing internal rejection over the years - it's the ongoing successful disappearance of beauty as such (something that is not in the blind eye of the beholder, but to be learned). So it comes to pass that we're in a daily competition on a kind of public scrapyard with :sick: Muppet-stuff on an infinite loop. The consequence is a closing of the ranks, the retreat to an increased importance of products exclusively from the respective friend list, sometimes seen by outsiders in an utmost negative fashion as "thumb-up clubs", although we can exist without any thumb-sucking. Now, both action and reaction have to lead to a breakdown of any sharing of images in the future and I guess we who we're still aiming at beauty (surely without ever reaching it), we will die out first, one frustrated image maker that has lost interest after the other... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  14. It has to do with a fundamental shift in the expectations and relations of the today players to the games as such and a rapidly dwindling acceptance for an original playing concept of the game designers that was and still is everything but a soda pop book. Times have changed for the people have changed. I'd almost say: The age of the players of old is over - the time of the consuming users has come! http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  15. You feel it. So, field you talents, walk the talk and never look back! http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  16. What a lack of consistency! These poses of the other kind are ALWAYS part of a mod, a pose mod, never standalones. So, if you host them here you directly become an accessory to the problem here, so simple is that. No flimsy excuses, please! I'm sorely disappointed by an internal cleansing that anxiously takes care not to touch the banana roots of the self-made problem. Be it! Have a nice week, ya eternally lonesome guys :laugh: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  17. Stuff is brilliant, James *congratz*

    Love the Fangorn and Misty Mountains images.

    Can't wait for a workable re-installation here. Time to give MERP a try.

    We should discuss the diff. regions in detail via PM during the week.

    See ya, Thorin :)

  18. Howdie Lautrec :)

    Should we have to fight Mordor in the Football Cup, we'll show them the real McCoy, for Robben is our King of Numenor and the ancestors are with us... *lol*

  19. Would you please be so kind to re-read what I've written, Vagrant0, and then argue again on the alleged necessity of the heap of "prefab static pose stuff" - exactly that's what is always used in connection with the treated problem, simply because idle shots out of an in-game motion with a defined, e.g. sexual message are by far more difficult, i.e. too professional in the making for an unknown Billy the Kid on the periphery of the image maker scene. Who among you needs a prefab doggy style pose and alike for a mere hoped-for happiness in a public image sharing section? I'm curious about it... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  20. Howdie, James :)

    I'll be fond of checking the images tonight when I come back from the beach party where everythin' is damned hot, not only the sun and the beefsteaks... ^^

    See ya!


    Happy Weekend to all y'all!

    For the love of arts, may your brushes never run dry!

  21. Happy weekend from the merry lowland next door to Mordor where the shadow lie ;)
  22. Happy weekend from the merry lowland next door to Mordor where the shadow lie ;)
  23. I miss the fans of the teams that by chance have lost in the cup. Especially the English. It can't be true that in the end perhaps a few Germans still have a word with a single Dutch woman! Running off men - that's not what a football cup is designed for :wacko: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  24. Your comment is very interesting and not without relevance, Surenas. ... That's perhaps because I'm User ID 2.304 and not User ID 1.230.400 or somethin'... :woot: However, we'll see what the final outcome will be. Let's hope for the best, yup! :yes: Happy weekend out there! http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  25. For me as an image maker that is focused on idle allusions and facial expressions it is crystal clear that the prefab static pose stuff is the clue to understand the actual rejection of trash by the veterans in the image scene as well as by all those lurkers that had already a friend or a few more in real life: It brings you to everythin' but in the mood ! Now, stuff that leads to its very antithesis is to be annihilated, immediately, simply not to find oneself in a Catholic monastery, a Protestant prudery club, a militant peace party or somethin' in response to the felt problem on one day or another, if ya understand what I mean. Remarkably enough, here exclusively the supply determines the demand, for especially young ppl tend to try out everthyin' that is within range in the download section - that's the not to be reproached curiosity of the children, the magnetism of the "forbidden things". And none of us was ever born as an adult... with a philosophic mind. So, why the hell is the mod stuff produced by brains of the other kind responsible for the problem not target of the supporter idea but the resulting images that are caused precisely by this mod stuff ? The mod poo is a sacrosanct taboo, right? Wow! Don't offer the impression of talking with a kind of splitted tongue, folks. At the moment I really feel myself in the somewhat strange situation apparently to support the wrong end of the right matter. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
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