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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Track Art of my image Lust Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gifinside
  2. What's up with the German modesty? Hmm? Actually nothing... I live in the borderland. And so it is here in Holland. Nobody that hasn't yet lost his marbles is at war because of football.
  3. Nice mashups, love it :)

    Keep it up!

  4. Howdie Aurasoma!

    I have no bra on tap to wave at the moment ^^ So I'll perform the bunny hop for you, okay?

    Hop, Hop... Hop... Whew... Hop... ;)

  5. Let the dead bury the dead, folks, we can't change the past... by chewing the cud. In the meantime the quarter finals are just around the corner and still there are a few teams left to have great fun, Paraguay for example :woot:
  6. Paraguay vs Japan 5:3 PSO Quiver ladies, quiver! What was that honey? It was BAD! It had no fire, no energy, no nothing! So, next time from 4 to 6 pm will you Paraguayan PLEASE act like you have more than just two crippled legs. It must be green! Green?! http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  7. ´ Nobody had said so. The English played bad, but yet they're good guys. Try to understand that in a cup even the best team can catch a lemon... Look at Brazil on Friday *rofl*
  8. Surenas


    Elsewhere is nowhere... So, for the love of God, don't let us turn this thread again in one of these hot-air discussions without any rhyme or reason. Thank you.
  9. Surenas


    The wish is father to the thought, always. Excursus. The soul was originally understood by the ancient as the mystery of life located in the blood circulation, and was a such a taboo, and that's why we still let bleeding white the animals ready for slaughter - the Jewish kosher and Muslim halal slaughter. Ghosts, demons and the chimera are the products of our not worked up fears (usually acquired by the parents and others) and events that might happen, had happend and will happen again - the killing of a girl alone in the woods by night, for example. There must have been a big bad wolf or somethin' .... Problem is - all these things, which are as hard to leave behind as a drug, were used in earlier days as instruments for thought control. Todays we are free to be controlled or not. An individual decision. Have fun.
  10. Surenas


    Before I'd once again believe in the acquired mental humbug from the days of my early childhood I'd probably first have to face the unasked return of my ex-lovers from the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie... :wacko: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif You cannot pass! Go back to the Shadow! You shall not pass!
  11. Count on extra time if not penalty shoot-out. I recall a final 5:3 for Brazil after penalty shoot-out. But that was long before the coming of Arjen Robben... :teehee:
  12. Hehehe MonsterHunterMaster. That means Holland has already won the match long before the kickoff :teehee:
  13. Yup MonsterHunterMaster, I've indeed meant the lil macho man, hardly a good choice, neither for Argentina nor for the women of the world watching football :woot: Well, the Germans are indeed a lil surprise, cos they don't play any longer acc to the old battle tank tactics, as it was still in the days of their coach "Grandma Schoen" and the defeat by the English in Wimbledon 66 :teehee:
  14. "Sancho Panza" is probably the weak spot of the team La Selección :woot:
  15. Yup, old dudes of the leagues often show a critical lack of team spirit, hanging around waiting for the ball, trying to use the crowbar when they get into panic, babbling on TV about the faults of others - they're are thus almost expendable in modern football matches. My crystal ball not by chance shows the USA and Africans able to work in a young, zealous team in the finals of the cups to come. And now - Netherlands vs Slovakia :woot: *Hup Holland Hup* http://www.ztilbruch.de/SMILIES/Cheerleader.gif http://www.abload.de/img/nl80x60auvg.gif 2:1 van Persie showed off with a strange egoism; Robben and Sneijder did a good job. Next task in the quarter final - Brazil, presumably :sweat:
  16. ...ending in provocations? If so, Pollsmoor Prison in the Cape Town suburb of Tokai would have welcomed them with open arms... South Africa is still a somewhat nervous country, esp. the police is nervous in the service. Don't give it a try. For my part, I'm satisfied with the acceptable quality of the match and the peaceful ending.
  17. Yes, and different from the 60s the European countries have more or less closed ranks. The old identification friend or foe, founded in the WWs is already obsolete today (or should be). So, whatever European team might reach the final, we here will wave their flag, you understand?
  18. Yes, but that will be the next-to-last time you'll see them, I guess... Amazon is calling :laugh: Hup! Holland! Hup! http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  19. So it is with a curse - you'll never know whose turn it is next :wink: Well, the English have now 44 years time to re-babble the German what-if woes. Myth will tell us later that England would have been the clearly better team, but that goes without saying in football.... *lol* Anyway! Holland Wint De Wereldcup! :laugh: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  20. England thrashed 1-4 by Germany. And the Curse of Wimbledon 1966 goes on ^^ However, this was the fairest match in the cup up to now with just one yellow card on both sides. And no frays between the fans up to now. Congratulations to both teams. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  21. Howdie, Mal my man!

    You're the lucky winner of the 1st prize in our weekly tombola:

    The wonderful blue wonderbra in size 50 entitled 'Hello boys'! :)

    That's great, eh? So, let's hear it for Mal! Yeah!!! Hope it fits... ^^

    (smooches back!)

  22. Shabbat Shalom, Mal my man *g* *waving with the wonderbra* ;)
  23. If ye love to play a certain game at the age 15 and still with 23, and perhaps even beyond thy prime of life, well, that's probably because of the brilliance behind the brilliant Morrowind boxing... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  24. Shabbat Shalom all y'all !!! *waving with the wonderbra* ;)


    Guess the Afrikaanse ball has gorged somethin' that is not kosher, cos all this ain't no football but poseball... and the best diver team probably wins due to arbitral decimation of the opponent, gee!



    Gimme hope, Jo'anna!

    Hope, Jo'anna!

    Gimme hope, Jo'anna!

    'Fore the mornin' come... ^^

  25. Please try AA in combination with Fraps. Stuttering is the prize for the forced increase in quality and as such quite normal for cards of fair quality. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
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