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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Which they have to do anyway - after they got banned :D just kidding.^^ (The TOS is neither an Emperor, nor a Chinese.) ... and the show goes on afterwards as if nothing had ever happened? Naaa - this'd be no disciplinary measure at all, and thus no learning process. Well, imagery is not everyone's cup of tea, np ^^
  2. Those hooked on public approval after having tasted its sweetness already - they will do the kowtow.
  3. @ Vagrant0 :thumbsup: no further comment needed.
  4. To compare Michelangelo with the local Muppet Show is rather too-too ... :wacko: No, the fine art is not what we're talking about here, unfortunately :thumbsup:
  5. In a virtual world that is very fond of 'thumb sucking' the loss of a measurable, hurting amount of thumbs or AP in the case of breaking the rules would probably be answered by a deep kowtow for the rest of the user existence, I guess
  6. I'm guessing you're talking about the fact that I mentioned A TYPE2's rank. I just felt like throwing that in since it's a new thing; I wasn't trying to justify anything by it. Thanks for the reply though; I always enjoy your input. My pleasure. It's not the first time that someone that has reached a minor peak starts with a mental hovering... always followed by a crash landing.
  7. Having no taste isn't really one taste among others, one might state. In so far the car example fails to meet the criteria...
  8. Activity is no measurement for intelligence. Already realized? So, what is understandable in the case of a rookie that has signed in last month is somewhat problematic in the case of a " he does us all good" ... when he doesn't, conciously, or has he won his credits of old in a lottery where there is just one rule?
  9. Hell yeah! That's ol' school witchcraft :woot: Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gifinside
  10. The witch goes porn - I've posted my first two images in the supporter section, both hq remakes of known stuff with (musical) emphasis on their erotic allusion. Me looks somewhat alien over there though... ^^
  11. The first will be the last! So you all are dismissed, I guess ^^
  12. Morrowind faces are still worth trying out :wub: http://www.abload.de/img/messiah03uy2l.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  13. The registry might look like a scrapyard and what about defragmentation of the partitions involved? _Hannah
  14. So this, then, is the kernel of the brute! Once the guys are experienced enough to make a paradigm shift in their animalic interests from boobs with a kind of Duckburger cube on top towards more beautiful faces with boobs everything would be fine and the question dressed or undressed wouldn't be at issue here, isnt it? I wish... :thumbsup: till then: away with it! :woot: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  15. Yes, that was generally my sentiments on the matter, if however not voiced quite as strongly. Whatever these sentiments may be - we're in the minority as is to be seen above... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  16. Since the Dutch War of Independence from Spain (1568–1648) none of us is afraid of the Spanish ^^ *Hup Holland Hup* http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Let's have a party!
  17. ...or vice versa! :woot: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  18. Ask the known members with a failed counting for a re-rating. This works! If you don't know the user names of those responsible the cards are stacked against you. The problem as such is known since long, and when it happens it always tends to accumulation, i.e. the error repeats itself, the faster the more it happens already at the start of the to be rated object. The chance that someone indeed has caused a failed rating by cut & paste endorsement is almost equal to zero. As a rule it's caused by the counter.
  19. I've started with MW in 2002, added OB in 2006 and FA3 in 2009. What I play today depends exclusively on my current mood, there is no such 'better'. Every game has its strengths and weaknesses.
  20. Wir fahren zum Finale... ohne Duitsland! ;)

    Hup Holland Hup

  21. Yup amnis *froi*

    Wir fahren zum Finale... ohne Duitsland ;)

    Hup Holland Hup!

  22. Nobody knows, thus to bother oneself about it is a waste of time; it could yet still have ended 2:5 or somethin' for Germany... England was simply as paralyzed as Germany was tonight vs Spain 0:1. The winner takes it all, the loser has to fall. His fate is sealed. For the Germans a few words of comfort. It was probably already a tactical error to call up those guys that had already tasted the defeat vs Spain two years earlier, e.g. Schweinsteiger. These guys played like old men tonight and exercised a negative influence over the team... from sheer fear. tot ziens, _Hannah
  23. I'll see what I can do for you :) Original size here was 1024 x 786 (Notebook shot); however, I'll try to avoid a pixelish impression. Gimme a few days, Aurasoma, okies?
  24. We've still some time left for party till the damned BP oil spill will reach our coast here :)

    Football is kinky sports, esp. for the horny cheerleading squads: Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh! *lol*

    Gimme the required image size and we'll make yer step bro a bit nervous, what think? ^^ *g*

    (Actually it's a random vanilla idle shot during a glacier tour in NW Cyrodiil and no pose)

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