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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Happy Weeking, Lautrec, and whatever had happened to Les Bleus - it's a good team, no doubt!
  2. Dankeschön amnis *froi*
  3. Happy Weekend *wink*

    Schätze du kriegst Schocki für den Swiss Support. Ich fang dann auch mal an für unseren Käse zu werden, nech? *g*

  4. Thanks for coming by and Happy Weekend ;)
  5. Thanks for coming by, Netwit2008. It's pleasing that ya like my images from 2003-2010. The avatar is just me and it helped to finance my studies, was thus advantageous.


    Happy Weekend to all y'all, folks, and good gaming, less posing and still less déjà vu ;)

  6. Hollehiii & Jollidüüüü or somethin' ;)

    Thanks for the visit. Möge dir das Käsefondue niemals ausgehen :)

  7. Bedankt, amnis *froi*

    Yup, ich bin Patriotin bis zum Ende, und dat is noch lange hin, hoff ich mal. Die D.... sind wieder zurück auf dem Boden und Les Bleus zeigen le crêpe de deuil. So ist das in einem Turnier. Poo happens ^^

  8. In the meantime the Germans were brought back to earth - by the Serbs as well as by the strange over-interpretation of the football rules by a Spanish FIFA referee and his understanding of a combat sport as a lovely ring-a-ring-o' roses. And Then There Were None appears on the football horizon...
  9. Have you, has your girlfriend or wife already made a HIV test that you call for safety and health of a business beyond your own bed that is as old as the first hunter clan some thousand years ago? Or are you still virgins, untouched? I guess not. So you have much faith, eh? And again we have to face the double standards of remote-controlled men, the dualism of religious founded ethics - the artificial taboo that has declared women for unclean per se - and that of the often unclean banana that speaks quite another language... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  10. Normal? What is normal? All I said is that climate change doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things; it was going on 4.5 billion years before us. Your ancestors were already driving a car 4.5 billiion years ago, taking planes quarterly and working in the industry etc. pp., right? Or are you a Mormon still living in the pre-industrial epoch and thus indeed dismissed as complice, as one of us? Normal is the change in climate caused by planetary means, the cyclic shift of the poles, the streams and so on. Our blame is to have negatively influenced this natural course of events since the midst of the 19th century, no more, no less. Ignorance is no strength, my friend.
  11. If wind turbines were indeed as inefficient as it is said above I wonder why almost every farmer in Danmark, Northern Germany, Holland and Belgium has at least one if not many... First look around then talking.
  12. SImple question. How? Due to the omission of double standards ppl avoid a latent inner conflict that has to be managed externally - in public. Probably only Mother Theresa had no such conflict, the rest of the show has seen demons on the edge of the bed acc. the lore...
  13. The mentioned negative reaction in real life, and only that's what we're talking about, is exclusively founded in religious education - the lying morals to do/use "it", if ever, exlusively and sometimes even intensively in the secret shadows of darkness, after the sermon of chastity... with the sneering demons in the neck - and to reject it vehemently in Saint Peter fashion in the light, thrice. And that's already the end of the thread, I fear, a thread that leads to nothin' but a more or less religious revelation of the different stages of denial of the own lust. I for my taste don't like liars with double standards. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  14. Guess he means "all animals have lust, but some animals have more lust than others"... or somethin' :woot: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  15. Unfortunately, the modern man has heavily influenced the natural cycle of climate change. And the effect is accumulative, the result irreversible. Trivial ostrich policy in the sense of "everything is quite normal and God-given" is here... huuh ... close, but no banana! http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  16. ,,, in the shadow of the church, cos both are closely related, as is usual with antagonisms, esp. of the flesh http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  17. Sorry, but I have to disagree. Let me tell ya something: A good image maker always starts with a bmp, already by means of quality. First after a possible image editing the 32 bpp file gets converted, usually for uploading or storage on a medium - to jpg as a single image or to gif in the case of an animated image. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  18. Blitzkrieg tactics are always just a short-time phenomenon and easily to be adapted by the others. I wish the Germans have to encounter the Dutch in the quarter finals, cos for us here in Holland that's always partytime and food for years of common laughter :woot:
  19. Yeah, and that's probably all-too-human. Remarkably, people love to watch trouble of all sort, today on TV, steadily followed by cracker-barrel spiel without ever being directly involved. That's the eternal circus phenomenon of the gaping crowd, always horny for terror against others elsewhere, no matter if a witch is burnt or an ex-leader is hanged, though once seized by the own collar nothing is left but the silence of the lambs. No backbone present when the fear comes close, but much faith in the success of an ostrich policy - the cup of wrath may pass by, preferentially to the neighbors of the Kingdom of Far Far Away ... alongside the Gulf Stream.
  20. In later years... perhaps, but surely not yet today ;)

    NB I’m very fond of the guys from the Ivory Coast – they look sooo sexy *g*

  21. Just a sniper rifle, a suicide knife for the worst-case scenario and a trained watchdog ... after being torched numerous times by a dum-dum "Need some help here!" companion :blink:
  22. I got plenty of birthday wishes simply due to the fact that my birthday shows up in the My Information block on the profile page. Those who never visit the pages of friends and ppl of interest and thus don't maintain these relationships would probably miss the day... and a reminder on the main page as well, but that's in real life quite similar, isn't it?
  23. Pleased to meet you, Mal my man. Smootches back, wet as usual ;)

    Hope everythin' goes well with your toon series, important stuff in a virtual world of the déjà vu.

  24. Now, the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol is the conditio sine qua non for any discourse on the matter that claims to be more than a mere clash of cracker-barrel opinions based upon shortsighted impressions a posteriori of the one or two generations everyone can overview for himself and an even a more shortsighted five-year plan view based upon nothing but a classical cui bono thinking exclusively for political and economical reasons. I thus fear that we'll read much about contrarieties and less that's consensual... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  25. I recall the later shift in the mentioned paradigm: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others!" This has made at least the pigs of the Animal Farm happier... for a while or two. The only remarkable American ideal I'm aware of follows from the proud answer given to me by a good friend on why he has bought a Motorola Handy and no other: "I have to support my country!" Ummh! Okay... :woot: tot ziens http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
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