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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. If the installation path of the game is C:\Programs\Betheda Softworks\Fallout 3 you'll eventually get problems with the security feature UAC - that goes for Win7 as well as for Vista. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  2. This. I love it. Fine, but a finished game is no longer of interest, it fails thus the criteria. I'd prefer "Come in and find out"
  3. You're talking about the simplicity of using a pc, evilneko, and that's similar to driving a car or having sex. The longer and more often you use or do it the better it seems to work. Though that is not what the topic implies. Not everybody that is able to shut down a pc is necessarily able to boot up at all times... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  4. Skrit based stuff, Dark0ne? *Congratz*. I already see the shadows of the past :woot: Packmule rulez... at least so long as there's no Bone Warrior squad out there with an AI above the own IQ *g* I'll give it a try short before the annual meeting of GPG's Hall of Fame cos a few guys are still alive. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  5. If "computer ability" is to be understood as informatics or computer science, which is actually the normal case, then high math skills are required to manage the university education. Low skills lead to nothing but a no go here. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  6. Don't set the own claim tag too high in the beginning, folks. Only time will show you if you're talented or not to produce interesting new stuff of great value for all or just workable little things for yourselves. And please keep in mind that not all of you are chosen to enter the game specific Hall of Fame, or you'll end up in migraine and frustration, finally leaving the field as such. Those among you that indeed have a certain talent, and I know what I'm talking about, have to face the fact that such a talent doesn't cover everything within the range of modding a single game language (not to mention different languages), and that's why you'll have to specialize yourself in an specific aspect of the whole or you'll fail. Folks with capabilities in mapping and designing just seemingly have it 'easier' than you, for either you can stitch a map, create animation, e.g. in 3dmax, or you can't. And if you can't do it for a specific game, which isn't a shame, you can't do it for another game either. Hope this helps :thumbsup: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif User ID: 2304
  7. The Secret of Monkey Island, cos there's a quote I love in dealing with guys: "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  8. Groetjes terug van hier aan de Grote Anduin (Rhine) *g*
  9. uuhh yeah! :woot: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  10. Yup, echt mooi.

    Groetjes & doei


    Soundtrack of Mutant Chronicles changed & 8th image added: 'Bad Moon Rising'

  11. Your impression is even more wrong... already due to the lack and negation of the own remembrance. Funny situation. But okay, patronizingly you've launched the 2nd and 3rd privilege of the old... But sometimes even the younger is wise enough to stop reasoning where there is absolutely no more platform, the classical generation problem appears on the horizon.. Be it! The ability to learn was never ever the trademark of the age. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  12. I don't want to repeat myself, but I get the strange impression here as if over the years the remembrance of the own youth is already lost. The privilege of "the old", so it seems. The only circumstance is the youth as such, the rest - the ability to learn fast - is inherent, not vice versa. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  13. Guess the reason is simple - folks that have no own real, esp no own real sexual experiences (or not enough) try to live out their fantasies virtually. This would happen in any game that offers a chance for it, independent of the given lore or storyline. These things actually play no role at all herein, it could be thus Super Mario as well. Keep in mind that esp. image makers heavily depend on feedback, and that's already the only workable mechanism lore-friendly people have to defend their game successfully. You see, nobody is forced to endorse or comment stuff he really doesn't like, by means of whatever. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  14. The Mating Kagouti, what else? :woot: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  15. Disagreed, esp. by means of own experiences as freelancer for Gas Powered Games at the age of 15-18. Retrospectively seen both schooltime and following studies (interrupted here by military service) are indeed a job, a mental one, or working actually would mean learning nothing new but repeating the already known for money until retirement. Inherence in the matter is thus already given by the fact that only the youth has the ability to absorb special knowledge (important or not doesn't matter) within a short time like a sponge and to develop mushrooming stuff of perhaps just temporarily common interest, the brain of elder people can't, for it has turned to superficiality caused by a necessary and time-consuming social broadband lifestyle (job, family, hobby, society on its different stages etc.) and ... is consequently almost full if one is no candidate for a Nobel Prize, or otherwise we'd better introduce schooltime first after retirement. The interesting fact of mental supremacy of youth over adulthood concerning learning new things isn't that new, for it was ever the case, only the object of juvenile interest has logically changed over the ages - for the generation of my parents, the 68er, it was e.g. politicizing on a high level... ad nauseam. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  16. I don't think so. You wrote "Why do people try to upload viruses here". Pls do us a favor and don't convey an impression that is unsustainable, at least without any evidence. Panic is hardly welcome here, I guess. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  17. It would be much appreciated if you could provide evidence... files and uploaders. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  18. Got nuked by nasty aliens from the Whirlpool Galaxy... had to reformat the root partition :(
  19. @kidwitthafro In absence of a personal address (see above), on the web "you" is always to be understood in the 2 pers.plural, okay? My question was thus not directed to a individual who's opinion is anyhow just a social singularity and in so far not representative, but to "us" as networked collective, something of importance we all have to think about, for we're living in a medial world that clearly excludes if not denies old age (as well as being fat). http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  20. My pleasure! http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  21. Howdie Lautec :) Greetings back! Keep up the good work; may the brush always be with you! *g*


    6th image added to the Celebrity series (Oblivion) above:

    "Big Whoop" - "The 2nd biggest banana I've ever seen".

  22. What makes you believe that anybody would be still interested in what you know of life when you're old... in the absense of a common respect by family and society? The'll say: shut up and drop dead, old crock! I bet!
  23. Tell me - who wants to live forever ... when even love must die? Do you still love your parents as it was the case in the days of your childhood? And they - do they still love the grandparents, far from eye far from heart, deported as it is usual today into a frakkin almshouse of the displaced, for they got already their beloved patrimony?
  24. You're talking about the [media] line. The to be implemented soundfiles (e.g. mp3) are to be hosted by yourselves elsewhere first - at your own risk, for they're usually copyrighted, at least if they're no remixes. Keep that in mind before acting, cos ignorance is no excuse in law. Finally, forced sound, perhaps even a couple of competing sounds in a thread would be totally inacceptable in any case, but that goes without saying.
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