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Everything posted by Undeadbob666

  1. I really like adding these types of standalone weapon mods, as it gives enough variety in my game to keep things interesting. Looking forward to seeing more.
  2. A simple retexture can do that, especially if the mod has dirty edits or the mod in question may have altered things you were unaware of. However it could also be that asset you used, if deleting said unique item copy does not work you may have to deactivate the mod and see if that does anything. The most long-winded step you can take is deactivating all your mods and then activating them one at a time (loading the game each time you activate one mod) until your game starts to mess up then it was whatever mod you last activated. You can also try using the Loot and/or Wyrebash programs, as they are pretty good at detecting any sort of errors or conflicts caused by your load order. If it was the updates throwing monkey wrenches in the works, I have no idea how to fix that. Hope my limited solution works out.
  3. Could be a vast majority of issues, have you used wyrebash on your load order? It will usually tell you there is an error with any of the mods your using. If that it is still happening I would see if the textures are in the right folder. If even after all that, it is still happening I would disable all my mods and then activate one, start your game and see if everything works. Keep activating one more mod and starting the game until you find the mod thats causing the error. If your lucky someone more knowledge in ini's or an actual person with modding experience will come along and give you further advice. Also please bear in mind none of these mods are built to work together (well except for maybe a few), you may be better off using a bigger mod collection (like weaponsmith extended) where all the various guns work together nearly-seamlessly (remember i said nearly).
  4. Sadly the real reason they use leather is two fold, it looks cool and they are too lazy to research.
  5. Well sorry I figured that would help your case, and was also hoping someone more knowledgeable would come along (they typically do when I comment lol). You'll have to try deactivating all your mods and activating one at a time until you find the culprit perhaps? Sorry wish I could give an easy solution, but oft times using mods is like wrestling a drunken hobbit in a wet potato sack.
  6. Your F4SE version must match your version of Fallout 4, then you must make sure you download mods that also match the correct version of F4SE.
  7. Not entirely sure if I understand what your saying, do you see a scope screen and then just black all-around it, if so thats normal and maybe this mod will be more to your liking. If not then I probably need more sleep haha.
  8. I'm watching this movie from the 70s called the Ultimate Warrior and I just keep thinking, oh look they are living like in fallout. Wall of ruined cars with a church bell on the top (ie a warning siren lol), random cookfire in the middle of the settlements entry way for no apparent reason, random npcs hammering on crap for no reason. Even the dude at the cookfire is chopping up way too much meat for a stew. Nobody eating pancakes, yep its a fallout movie apparently. The funniest part is the "lone survivor" standing on top of a car for no reason so everyone can see him, like he's taking a fallout selfie. Then get this the two "gangs" in the movie both approach him and give him a quest, which he stays silent for each group pestering him. The last gang to ask for his help walks off only to get attacked by a group of psychos, then he comes to the rescue like any player worth his salt would. Must be the howards favorite movie.
  9. I never said replace leather or never replace leather, just noted it was a stupid material to use for a post apocalyptic game the only reason it is even used is because Fallout 1 was trying to pay homage to the original Mad Max movies. I also argued that leather is more flame resistant than comparable lighter armors (kevlar, silk or linen). Leather was typically only used in ancient times and then once again, as you note, for buff coats during the age of the musket. In medieval times however, linen or similar cloth was used for armor for a variety of reasons: more resistant if layered, cheaper (you don't need to raise cattle for the sole purpose of its hide) easier repaired and it makes you sweat less than leather. No linen is not the omega, but cloth armors have been used for Bulletproof vests which where originally made in 1888 using Silk. Its from this that kevlar was developed. Lorica can also be translated as body armor, in addition to leather coat/armor (I have seen all three as translations before). In my opinion I think it may have originally been leather, and then adopted as their catch all term for body armor overtime - since you have lorica segmenta which is scale or mail armor I'm guessing. Yeah I'm not sure why I stuck with the linen comment, kept thinking i was on the skyrim forum maybe lol. Silk is a much more realistic and lore friendly option, but kevlar would also be a thing. Silk for the civies and kevlar for the military maybe?
  10. Leather is pointless, even early "bullet-proof" vests are made out of linens. Its heavy and does not provide, in the real world, enough resistances for that weight thats why they typically went with lighter & more effective armors. However for the sake of fairness, and less of a headache, you could assume leather has 1 DR and just scale the armors from that point.
  11. Leather is more flame resistant than a gambeson, however a gambeson is much better at resistance to swords and arrows. Alls a gambeson is made of is layered pieces of linen, however it is far superior to leather in many ways except fire resistance. So media makes no sense in general when talking about armor, according to most media a gut stab while in mail is sufficient to kill a foe. In all reality Power Armor should just be able to wade through gunfire, with the only real thing that penetrates it being tank cannons or artillery. Why wear all that armor if a pipe pistol could kill you?
  12. Sweet there's bukkake in 76? I'm a little bit more interested in it now.
  13. I think its a Neuromancer reference. Either way I'm stealing it, "Have you hacked the gibson today?"
  14. When they add immersive pancakes I'll be all over it.
  15. No problems, often its always the simple solution we never see due to frustration.
  16. Answer #1: The soul of your first born house cat. Do not use a lynx, just trust me on this. Answer #2: Yes, but such subscription request need to be written in the blood of your grandmother, you should also wear a hat while doing so.
  17. My skepticism is quite high with this statement, weird.
  18. Post your modlist via a spoiler and someone will help, most people will ignore a request for help without some sort of mod list.
  19. Turn off automatic updates for fallout 4, roll back your fallout 4 install, add the mod HadToRegister mentioned and bam no more woes and threats of deleting fallout 4 screamed from the mountaintops.
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