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Posts posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. The standard OMOD installer I downloaded offered the lite version as an option when installing.


    A suggested mod if you DO use OOO is NOT to install Living Economy, but install enhanced Economy instead - it's a more recently updated mod which does similar things, and is easier to configure

  2. If you are at all worried, download them now and burn to DVD just in case. I've only ever had problems with mods where the author decided to withdraw them - luckily they have both made them available elsewhere but that's never guaranteed especially when one of them is a self-hosted site - the owner may decide to stop paying for bandwidth at any time.
  3. The question is - WHICH body replacer did you grab, and which textures are you using with it.


    There are three or four female body replacers. Slof's BB is designed to work with ROBERTS female body, NOT Exnem or HGEC or BAB or any other one. If you search for "Roberts female body replacer" you should find version 12 easily enough, and that works with slof's textures.


    I would post links but I'm typing from a not-so-smartphone

  4. I can't think of anything specific to Vilverin that may cause a crash - there's only one linked quest - unless you have a mod which adds more quest items to Vilverin for some reason. It's possible one of your other mods has played with something that you find there, but it's kinda hard to diagnose. However, it's not listed as a known "crash point" so the chances are that the crash is due to something other than vanilla Oblivion.
  5. Hi Razorpony,


    The "mesh deformation" would require separate tow "bones" I think, as you'd need them to "spread" slightly when they hit the foot-down position. We'll leave that as a "maybe/someday/never" part of the ideas I think! (Too many bright ideas at my end for them ALL to be possible).


    As an alternative to the "feet as an ability" idea, Drake's scripted feet have a facility where they check whatever you try to put on your feet, and if a substitute mesh has been made then allow you to equip the relevant footwear, otherwise they are unequipable - both by yourself and by NPCs. This means, of course, that part of the conversion for both races has to be replacement meshes for those boots which are quest-related items, or we've effectively broken the quest. The downside is that you cannot "remove" the feet to wear human boots. Alternatively we could script a dexterity and speed penalty for a Khajiit wearing human boots, I guess.


    I've been having a look at the feet in question again, and JazzJR's foot shape is closer to what I had in mind - if you look at a cat standing on its hind legs (as I do often - our male cat can JUST get his paws over the edge of the kitchen worktop when I'm cutting cheese!) you'll see where the "heel" ends up is a lot higher than on the feet you uploaded - that's the difference between digitgrade (standing on toes) and plantigrade (standing on sole of foot and heel) footshapes. Maybe some kind of compromise between the two would work, but you really need that "heel" to end up as high as possible. There should be a corresponding shortening of the other leg bones to adjust for the increased foot height. so possibly a slightly modified skeleton would give the best attempt, but I'd need advice from someone who has tweaked skeletons before deciding that.


    I LOVE the hand meshes though, so we'll HAVE to put those in :) I also like the replacement head mesh - maybe we could offer that as an option?


    I spent a while looking at tiger feet this weekend - they are slightly blunter clawed than I remembered, but the claws still look more cat-like than the ones in JazzJR's feet, which almost look dog-like. The ones on your feet may be closer - it's a little hard to tell.


    The other thing which is distinctive about cat feet is the pads underneath - again, tiger feet is the reference point I think.


    I'm hoping to have internet access at home back again by Wednesday, then I can do more than squint at my smartphone screen to make out details.

  6. A few additional ones:


    - One-handed swords that are larger than a greatsword, being swung by a petite elven character with no regard to weight or inertia (mostly mods, but it gets silly even in the vanilla game)

    - The mix of creatures in the tutorial dungeon - wtf is a zombie doing in there? There's no evidence of a grave anyplace...

    - Sewers that don't actually perform a function - no water cascading out of the outfalls after rain.

    - Super-rain - falls straight through rocks and stones.

    - No clothing requirements for different weather conditions - you should bake in full plate in a desert, sink like a stone in full plate, and freeze unless in furs if you head up towards Skyrim.

    - Conversation topics - why on EARTH would a city full of people spend their whole time discussing mudcrabs and goblins? Once the Emperor is dead, that should be high up. Then the invasion should add conversation topics. But, no... "I saw a mudcrab the other day..."

    - Clothing - does nobody ever CHANGE their clothes?

    - Tides - or lack of them.

    - Ships at the IC waterfront - which sailed up a small stream under low bridges?


    OK, so there are mods for some of these - but I REALLY hope they do better in Skyrim.

  7. If you are just after visual tweaks to Oblivion, QTP3 is the biggest visual overhaul. There are things like Slof's Oblivion robe Trader that tweak one specific area, but they need searching for by category (and Slof's file is hosted offsite).


    If, however, you want to push your computer to the limits, and add to the world, try installing the full Unique Landscapes compilation, and THEN a texture pack on top.


    There are also night sky replacement mods (several), water replacers (several), weather replacers (All Natural seems to be recommended most often) and vegetation tweaks.


    If you want to add to the cities too, add Better Cities and the compatibility patches.


    Improving the "feel" of Bravil can be done by installing Bravil Blood and Mud Anglais.


    Beyond that, it's adding in individual additional castles. villages, etc.


    Body mod wise, it depends what you are after. The Roberts Male body is excellent, as is the Roberts Female body. If you are after the "surgically enhanced" look, the Exnems/HGEC series of eye-candy bodies have the sucked-in waist and inflated boobs some people prefer. Remember you'll need to add a stock clothing replacer for whichever you choose, and some custom armors may not be available to suit your chosen body. You can, however, improve vanilla faces immensely by installing Tamriel NPCs Revised (and possibly Hotter Younger NPCs - female)


    Have fun

  8. "Simple" huh? I suggest you hunt down a few animation tutorials and find out just how simple it is. You are asking someone to make a replacement for every animation file that the player can use, as ALL of the player animations are wingless. Take a look at Drake the dragon's anthro dragon race - he is the only guy I am aware of who is actively modding a winged race
  9. Hi razorpony,


    The feet you did are likely to be our starting point as they are the best we have. I'm offline til Wednesday so can only join in via smartphone til then. Part of the plan is to use Drakes script as a basis as this allows you to choose a different body for Argonians, so that should hold true for Khajiits too. Ideally i want the feet to look a little less thick- clawed - whether that is doable maybe you can advise. Drak uses Slofs claws as a resource fot the reptiles but they look too bulky to me for khajiit - again maybe you can advise. Also if there's a way to make the mesh flatten a little when "stood on" just to make walkinh look more natural. I await your inpit eagerly.

  10. Sean Connery as a dragon? Hmmm... rings a bell :)


    Maybe one of the modders could make a npc replacer - Oblivion the Hollywood version.


    You'd have to drop Lynda Carter in as one of the character she voiced - and how about Samuel Jackson as Baurus?

  11. Re the question of tides - I don't know whether water level settings for a cell can be altered by a script. Could add a whole new dimension to dungeons if you had to race a rising tide or drown...


    The problem with "extreme weather" like hurricanes is the aftermath - how do you save "damaged property"?

  12. If the snow never thaws, it's even easier than the grass...


    Which reminds me - with two honking great big moons - why are there no tides in Cyrodiil...?

  13. Has anybody toyed with making Cyrodiil seasonal - a proper winter, spring, summer, autumn cycle. Obviously there would be trees to work on, but also plants would become seasonal too, so alchemy would become ...er...more interesting. Then there's a knock-on effect on weather types - and cloud cover at night - maybe even the star map. Not to mention temperature.


    And, no, a "leaf fall" mod isn't quite what I'm after - although leaf colour change / genuine fall / bare trees / new leaves IS

  14. On the plus side - it's easier


    On the minus side, you're working with someone else's selected addons for FCOM, which you may not agree with.


    But it's a fairly simple thing to try, and if you don't like it, just uninstall and start again

  15. On a quick glance through:



    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH:Graphics,NoMerge}}

    Note: For Vanilla, do not use with OOO/MMM/FCOM, use that version instead.


    FCOM_Cobl.esp [Version 0.9.9]

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH:Delev,Relev}}

    Requires: 'Cobl Glue.esp' and 'OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp'.

    Note: Do not use COBL and Tamerielic Ingredients at the same time.

    Note: Do not use with latest MMM/FCOM/COBL - superseded by MMM_Cobl.esp


    Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp [Version 3.05]

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH:C.Owner,Names,Invent,Factions,Actors.Stats,NPC.class,Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Graphics}}

    Note: MAY cause CTDs. Cause uncertain despite extensive debugging. Disable if experiencing a persistant crash.


    Plus you may not have done this:


    Scribe Supplies.esp

    Note: Not Better Cities compatible. Already included in Better Cities IC Market District.

    Note: Or use the replacer esp in from the BC package (same name).


    That's the first set of things to check. Also try the bashed patch settings on the installation page of the FCOM Superpack forum - they worked for me with FCOM


    Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp [Version 4.7.0] can also cause problems if your graphics card is at all stressed - try disabling it and see.

  16. Firstly, have a read through the "How to..." thread for plugins and mods in the Mod Talk section.


    It's possible that you are missing a step which the author didn't put in his readme, which is "Archive Invalidation" - try downloading and activating the mod called "Archive Invalidation Invalidated" as this is often the easierst, if not the technically most perfect, way to achieve this

  17. I think there is a scripted "torch as a weapon" someplace, but I suspect that's done using OBSE and something very clever too. It always struck me as odd that the default torch wasn't a club + fire damage as well. I'm making the assumption in the suggestion above that it's easier to make a torch that looks like a sword, and add damage, than to make a working weapon act as a torch too, but if you've already done a script to do the latter then doing the former may be redundant.
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