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Posts posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. At a guess you are on Vista or Win7? If so, you may be being affected by the dreaded UAC in Windows.


    Recommended install location for Oblivion is c:\Games\Oblivion, NEVER in Program Files, as Windows stops you from writing data to ini files if they are there.


    There's a how-to guide for the DVD install Oblivion HERE - steam has one or two quirks such as needed a different .dll for installing OBSE but is otherwise very similar I believe

  2. There is one around on certain other sites. It's part of another mod, amd I (having Googled "Oblivion pregnancy mod") don't wish to research further, but you may.
  3. Sounds interesting. You would presumably disable all initial fast travel icone, and then the map would add in (for example) Anvil and surrounding area icons for one purchase. I'd suggest having an underlying sepia tinted map with bare details on, and then each purchased part adds in a coloured, topograhic map with icons to show what you have purchased, and what you have explored yourself. It should also, ideally, add "new maps" for any game mod which comes with a map addon.
  4. Longest fight ever? Probably doesn't really count, but...


    I had a full FCOM install setup, and had fast-travelled with a level 1 character to Bruma while testing a mod. Ran out to Dragonclaw rock, set in God mode, and was surprised by an ogre colossus. Now, having got OOO/MMM/Frans/Warcry/kitchen sink installed, I'd picked up some handy gas arrows on my way out of the tutorial dungeon (shot a night blade a few times in the dark). Well, the arrow took him down - 500 seconds paralysis

    Started hacking

    450 secs later - no health bar change. Shot another arrow, switched to the level 1 Flash spell - that actually started to nibble away at his health. 8 arrows later, he finally expired. Oh, and just for fun one of those dratted conjurers turned up after a couple of arrows, and he and his imp were blasting it too - when it died they both turned on me instantly - one arrow and >gone<


    at 450+ secs per arrow, that was about 1 hour 15 minutes targeting a stunned heap to kill it, WITH a "companion" conjurer and summoned imp!

  5. Hi Urrl - great tutorial.


    You obviously know your way around the whole process, so can you answer me this - why you need to make a new playable race to put this face onto a npc - wouldn't a combination of the techniques used in TNR and NPC Tex Tweak allow you to put the face onto (say) an imperial? Or are there other problems?

  6. If you want to switch between Nehrim and Oblivion, take a look at mTES4 - a teeny biy buggy but VERY useful.


    I love the feel of Nehrim, and many of the texture overhauls for Oblivion worked with it so the graphics start out at QTP3 level. The quests make you THINK unlike Oblivion in many cases.

  7. Now THAT was spooky <cue Twilight Zone music>.


    As I clicked for the second page, I got a site error. To test the connection, I typed another web address - got a typo, and IT didn't load. Thought I was infected for a moment!


    All OK now


    Regarding MS Security Essentials - it MAY slow down your Oblivion (and other games) since by default it scans all processes and all files you open. There's a work-around, but it DOES reduce the security in narrowly defined ways. I have a PDF I picked up with a walkthrough if someone wants a copy to vet it before I post it.

  8. I have three characters running at the moment, all pretty new


    Aliona is a cute(ish) red-headed Bosmer - she's a young ranger turned adventurer who loves a good dungeon drawl. She's a chaotic good kind of character, who has her heart in the right place but loathes rules and regulations. Currently clearing the area around the Imperial City to build up a better set of armor and weapons before trying to get to Jauffre. Very much a loner, she'd like a companion to talk to at home, but far prefers to solo dungeon-crawl.(Full FCOM install, plus a few additional quest mods which I hope to start at some point)


    Astra is a red-headed Dunmer. She's another stealthy type, but somewhat more amoral than aliona, as she only has herself to please. Just left the ship in Sedya Neen (running Morroblivion).


    Walks-on-Tiptoe is a trial character - a female Argonian using DrakeTheDragon's scripted feet and body mod. Again a stealthy type, but likely to specialise in underwater exploration.

  9. Aha! That sounds like the classic "Windows vista/7 default install path" bug. If you have Vista or 7, uninstall and reinstall in something like c:\Games\Oblivion. That stops the UAC in Vista and 7 making your life almost impossible by blocking access to the files for modification.
  10. Hi hellchosen,


    There's this funny thing that every language I'm aware of does called "punctuation" - please use it? That mass of text is neartly unintellegible!


    TNR adjusts the facegen settings, yes. There's a NPC Texture Unlocker to do the other part, allowing unique facial textures for each npc and, I suspect, body textures too.


    The mesh trackes the skeleton underneath, so if we change leg bone proportions the armor will follow. Reneer's varied npc mod does that enough to see the effect. All the script has to do is point all Argonians to use the Argonian skeleton, and all Khajiit to use their one.


    The animations should be capable of being applied based on race, so that's not a problem once we HAVE the animation files.


    The A-cup replacer exists for both Stock clothes and for Stock arnor - I know, I'm using it :)

  11. Nice addition to the game! I look forward to it!


    Re the "sugar" ... you could give the highwayment a % chance to be gay ... then a male player could flirt and "offer" something too. You could also give them a % chance to be female as well.

  12. sounds like you are busy editing out all the defining weaknessos of being a vampire - tends to ruin the role-playing experience somewhat IMHO.


    A suggestion - maybe a racial ability to "disguise nature" - temporarily clears the vampire flag to allow conversation to start, so you'd cast it and then select the npc to talk to. Good luck with whatever you come up with, but I think I'll stick to "straight" vamps.

  13. Astymma - thanks for the input - it's been very helpful for my poor brain.


    Having thought about it a while today, the animations would end up having to "grade" across three stages of armor - nothing / light / heavy. I suggest leg armor is the item to choose if one can detect it separately - if not, then armor WEIGHT would be my choice. That may mean the occasional oddball enchanted plate item, but it adds at least some hint of "realism" - it would be darn hard to sway sexily in a full plate suit, whereas leather or chainmail should allow SOME movement, and leather trousers or a skirt should allow more.


    Of course, graded animations means some poor soul of an animator would have to invent new "in-between" animations - or "overloaded" ones. If, for example, the "unencumbered" character used a "sexy" walk, adding light armor should trigger a more subtle walk - maybe one of the "feminine" ones, while sticking the poor girl in iron boots and greaves would end up with a "manly stomp" due to sheer encumbrance. Unless I can come up with a sensibly small list of new animations, I think that practicality alone would kill the idea off for the moment. I reserve the right to pop back with a resurrected list later if I can boil it down to something manageable though.


    What you would end up with is, taking the sensual walks config as a basis, a list of the "unencumbered" animations for the characters, with the armor class then modifying that walk towards something more sensible for heavy weights. Of course, what to do to allow for the high heel mods is anybody's idea to play with (maybe add a random chance of falling over if the character is walking outdoors on cobbles?), but if we keep ANY hint of sense about it, plate mail won't come with six-inch stilettoes!!


    Thanks for the input - any bright ideas are welcome but I think it's likely to be a dead duck unless inspiration strikes.

  14. Yes, I'm aware of the setup section - once I worked out how to drive the selection process (not instantly obvious and the selection box doesn't give much of a clue what/why you are selecting). Great for npcs who are always armor clad, 24/7/365. However, for the player, and companions, the armor is going to change dynamically as the game progresses, and having some way to track this and adjust walks would make sense. The third category of character to track might be quest-specific characters who may be scripted to alter clothing for different scenes.


    Of course, if a mod adjusts npc clothing on-the-fly for some reason, maybe an immersion mod of some kind, then the script would be come more general again as people changed in and out of "work clothes", "day civilian clothes" and "evening clothes" - but that's a whole new can of worms.

  15. This morning I decided to bite the bullet and try doing my first BAIN install. Completely new vanilla setup of Oblivion, with SI, patched and UOPd. Archives were extracted correctlty BAIN installer tab opened after a fair bit of checksum calculating, built installer correctly (the results matched the video help file for the mod I was doing, anyway). Resulting item had several thousand files and took up 2.7GB (well, it WAS a big mod, but the figures matched).


    Then came the install. I right-clicked the installer and selected "Install" at 6:55 am. The information box to tell me the mod was installing popped up, and my hard drive light went on. And I waited.... and waited.... and waited... No increment to the time display - it sat stubbornly at 0:00. Hard drive whirring furiously. Plenty of HDD space free, and defragged before I started.


    At 7:30 I had to leave for work, so hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and killed the process. Apparently wxPython was "not responding".


    Was I being too hasty? Do I need to set the PC to install BAIN packages overnight or something? An OMOD install of the same mod takes about 15 minutes.


    Advice please

  16. Be even more careful if you use OBMM expanded - it also plays around ghosting inactive ESPs like Wrye Bash does,and you can end up with a slightly confusing setup if not careful. Seems to behave like the original in all other ways though
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