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Posts posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. I have a set of help files for people who are not computer geeks and are new to mods. They include downloading, extracting (unzipping) installing and activating mods. I have included a simple mod to practice on and instructions for installing and using 7-zip. If you are interested, click on the highlighted link below to be taken to the site where they are kept. I recommend starting with #1 and working your way through them.




    If you use them I would appreciate some feedback as to what needs improvement and what works for you.


    Er ... would an update to this post be in order to announce the board is currently offline?

  2. I may not have been 100% clear here - I was going to merge EACH DLC with the relevant UOP patch and SM Refurbish patch, and store under the DLC ESP name.


    So, for example, I would take DLCThievesDen.esp, and merge it with DLC ThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp and DLS ThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp, and maybe DLCThievesDen Vwalk UOP.esp and save the result as DLCThievesDen.esp


    That way anything conditional on the DLC file would till have it, while I gain back 2/3 esp slots per DLC file.

  3. I'm thinking of learning how to merge ESP files. I have a few obvoius candidates, and I am looking for advice on whether they are a suitable starting point for learning.


    Currently I have all of the DLC modules on my install. I also have the Unofficial patches for them, and the SM Plugin Refurbish patches. Would it be sensible to attempt to merge the ESPs (which I have backup copies of) with the patch files and the SM files?


    Advice please.


    Oh, and would there be any advice on what bash tags to use, or just stick with the default ones for the DLC mods afterwards?

  4. Since you can have only one body replacer in effect at a time, that would go a long way to making our mod "play nicely" with the best Argonian remake.


    Er ... that ain't necessarily so...


    Drake's mod handles that too - you can have a different body for each race covered. And given that Reneer has a mod to change skeletons too ... I think that statement is pretty much wrong.


    With Drake's scripted feet set up, I have one body (HGEC E-cup) for my female Humans and female Khajiit, and another (HGEC AA cup) for my female Argonians - but I could have installed any body mesh. I may well choose the BAB body for Khajiit females, and not yet decided for males, as slim and wiry suits my own interpretation of female felines. You have to install a matching clothing pack as well, but that didn't take much effort :thumbsup:


    Actually, thinking about it, apart from data storage space, there may be no reason why you couldn't give EVERY race its own body type - Muscular for Orcs and Nords, average for Imperials, slender for Bretons and elves, etc.


    Help! Anyone got a replacement can to put these worms back into?...

  5. The lowest hit versi9on of Qarl's texture Pack is the Reduced and redimized version. That has four install options depending on the reduction of texture size you select, so grab it, and start with the highest compression and see how that affects the game. Install the less compressed textures and try again, and so on. If it gets laggy, go back to the previous selection. If QTP3 reduced won't work for you, the full thing CERTAINLY won't
  6. If you put stuff in a folder marked Data, and the structure for the files looks right afterwards, then OBMM makes less mistakes when creating OMODs. If it goes wrong, you sometimes get a "Data" folder INSIDE the real "Data" folder and the contents of it have no effect.


    If in doubt, assume the PC is an idiot, and make it as simple as possible for it to do its job


    From looking at the files, the core components look like they are supposed to go into the main Oblivion folder. The other download stuff looks like it should into into the Data folder, as you have the usual Textures, etc, folders. I could be wrong, I don't use it myself yet. Hunt down the install instructions and read them.

  7. I quite agree on the body mods. Drake's Argonian mod covers several body types and the Khajiit should cover the same as far as I'm concerned. Limb structure on the HGEC actually looks better on the AA body for the Argonian females, but for "real" chests it can look a little ... er ... "enhanced by surgery and photoshop" shall we say?


    From Drake's readme...


    "Male fullbody textures for Robert's Male Body v3.x, v4, v5 and Breeze's Defined Male Body

    and female fullbody textures for TFF, Exnem/HGEC, Bab and Robert's Female, all constructed from ShadyTradesman's IABT"


    Plus support for the vanilla bodies.


    Sounds like a good target mix to me.

  8. It looks like a memory error - if you have two mis-matched RAM sticks in the PC it MAY be trying to run one of them at a faster than design speed. Also, have you overclocked the PC? That can sometimes cause memory glitches. Hunt down and try a memory stress test utility to see whether you have a glitchy RAM chip.


    I had a similar problem - at one point I had a PC-5300 stick and a PC-6400 stick and the motherboard was trying to run at the faster speed. Normally I was fine, but sometimes up popped the error.

  9. You'd need to use something like 3DS Max to take the existing animations and make them take more frames - currently 1 second is thirty frsmes. Importing and exporting them is apparently not too hard. That would give you more realistic speeds.


    Tossing boulders needs a custom animation (obviously) which goes from slow to very fast, or maybe something more like a Bugs Bunny cartoon tree-catapult action in the movement.

  10. How to answer the question yourself:


    Look in the readme and the downloaded folder structure.


    (1) If the files are already located in a structure that starts with the data folder, then yes - just make the OMOD.


    (2) If the files are all designed to do into a subdirectory of Data, then yes but you'll need to create the Data folder and the subfolders, move the files, THEN make the OMOD.


    (3) If the files go someplace else outside the data folder, then probably NOT good to try and make an OMOD.


    That should answer the question.

  11. Once you have turned off Lock times, you need to run BOSS to adjust the load order to the latest recommended order. (BOSS = Better Oblivion Sorting Software). Then you may need to build your Bashed patch (There's a pictorial tutorial someplace but I don't have the link to hand).


    ... and my cats BOTH try to eat MY cheese - and cats are more vicious than rabbits!

  12. This is from Koroush Ghazi's tweak gude for Oblivion (http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html). In your Oblivion.ini file find the following entries (they'll be in the Graphics section)

    iSize W=1280

    iSize H=1024


    The above two values determine the screen width and height in pixels respectively - you can specify a custom screen resolution (in Windowed mode only) by changing these values.

    Note that for this to work you will need to run Oblivion in windowed NOT full screen mode. Maximize the window and the only thing you'll need to live with is the slight borders.



    Ah OK thanks for you help, I hoped it will work in full screen mode but it seems there is no other way, I will have to live with the slight borders ^^.

    Thanks again ^^


    BTW Still searching for mods ^^


    The settings work fine in non-windowed mode IF it is a resolution your monitor can support. The comment about windowed mode is for setting a non-standard resolution - hope that clarifies things a little

  13. A Re-download might be the best bet. If that comes as a single file you then install, back it up onto a DVD if you don't have spare hard drive space, so you can reinstall again later if you want.


    I currently have five installations of Oblivion, and use a (slightly buggy) program called mTES4 to swap between setups. One is my "Vanilla" setup, one is "Eye candy", one is "serious quest mods" and two are for testing mods out to see if I want to add them - one is currently testing out auto-equipping feet for Argonians and Khajiit. If i want another installation or setup, I just clone the Vanilla game and start modding. 1 TB drives are cheap now, so space isn't a problem. I keep EVERY mod I download on either hard drive or a DVD so I only download once. I'm also looking at swapping over to BAIN installation for mods - but having well over 300 mods downloaded it'll take a while to swap over.


    Alternatively try and get a DVD copy of the Game of the Year edition of Oblivion and use that for installation, depending on how much you pay for data downloads that might be cheaper longterm if you think you'll end up re-downloading a few more times.

  14. Bashed Patch CAN cause problems if you try to integrate everything in it, so I suggest starting with no patch, and building it by adding one section at a time til the crash happens. Then untick all the bits in that section, and add them back one at a time, isolating the one or combination causing the crash. Repeat for the remaining sections. If using FCOM - try the Bashed Patch settings in the FCOM Superpack install page in the superpack forum - it worked for me.
  15. Reconfish - You've got something else going on if you're getting major crashing with Frans - possibly low memory or other system related stuff. I had no more crashes with a full FCOM setup (OOO, MMM, frans, War Cry, et al.) than with Vanilla, apart from graphical related stuff where my card struggled. I suggest you try FCOM to help them get along - it doesn't add anything much, just helps the other major mods play together nicely.
  16. hellchosen - I agree, Khajiits get very little love from the modders - too many want to give them human faces and turn them into manga characters. I want to make them more like the Kzin (Larry Niven / Star Trek Animated) or Caitian races from SF (M'Ress from Star Trek was nice!). The former especially weren't a "human with fur" look, they had a different body posture and movement - but that would be a second generation mod. Firstly I want to get them up on their toes, nice looking paws, good textures, and (ideally) no silicone chests. Face improvement mods are a possibility, but only if they are optional. AlienSlof does some great textures but I don't hold out much hope of being allowed to port those to a HGEC body for this set of mods.
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