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Posts posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. There is a lot of graphical clutter in Better Cities.


    Firstly, turn off the wine barrels in the areas that have them - that (on my system) is an instant jump in frame rate.


    Next, use the fps patches - it declutters the area so you are not rendering so many objects


    Also hunt down the 3GB memory patch for Oblivion ... it's a 32 bit game so it can't use the rest, but allowing it to use an extra GB is useful.

  2. Drake's mod is well worth a look I'm sure. My scripting ability is still at the "I can't find it anyplace in the CS" stage, so can be considered non-existant for all intents and purposes. The reason I mention TNR is that it's designed to set up ALL NPCs in the vanilla / SI game, so has to assign facial settings and textures to all of them. The situation is. obviously, a little different for random characters, but for them possibly some degree of regionality may make sense. Adding them dynamically to the ini file may make sense, although if you start a new game you'll tend to get familiar-looking bandits after a hwhile.


    BTW - in medieval England, people were considered "well travelled" if they had even made it beyond the next village. That tends to allow local gene pools to be VERY inbred and so localised colour variations in Khajiit might be more obvious than you think.

  3. Maybe a hotkey menu - as if you had different whistles to talk to your creature companion. I'm thinking sheepdog trials here. With 8 or so commands, you could get a dog or whatever to do most "trained dog" things. If you prefer, some of those could be animated as hand signals - though a "summon from a distance" would still need to be audible I think.
  4. I've only voted for the modular approach for one reason - it crashes less on my setup.


    For some reason, the full Better Cities mod, with full Unique Landscaopes and all the patches applied, falls over regularly in Anvil docks. The supposedly identical setup, using modular Better Cities, only crashes about 1 in 10 visits. This may be a memory restriction thing, but it's a significant reason to have umpteen esps cluttering up my load order instead of a single one.

  5. A suggestion for the BAB body. Someone suggested that people didn't percieve it as "as sexy" as the HGEC body because of the smaller chest size. So how about long, split skirts? If someone can get it right, a flash of a long elegant well-shaped leg every step can be VERY sexy - and it's something that has been neglected apart from one or two dresses.


    I leave that suggestion to you modders - and await the results.

  6. Lots - Try typing name contains "BBB" in the search box. The do a search in the animations section. Then redo the search in the "Oops I forgot" section. Remember you'll need BBB-enabled clothing for your chosen cup size to see anything - those should show up in the second search.
  7. I have the GOTY edition of both Morrowind and Oblivion. They are only as buggy as the same files obtained from any other source - add the unofficial patches and they are as good as you will get anyplace.
  8. I'm not really looking at "race" in Khajiits as being separate "species", worthy of their own unique body conformations, but, rather, more in the way of human "races", where all the races totally overlap with that regard. In other words, the different Khajiit "races" are merely color variants of a single species. I think getting too detailed with trying to give each color variant its own body conformation is going to be unnecessarily complex, will delay the project, and, ultimately, won't even be noticed by the vast majority of players. In other words, a lot of work tweaking the meshes for very little actual return.


    Possibly true. I guess something like TNR for the Khajiit characters could assign the subspecies textures. I suspect Drake's basic scripting is more capable than my brain is ... every time i think of a new angle, it seems that it's probably doable using that script as a basis. For random khajiit characters, assigning a texture based on their location might give an idea of "regional variation".

  9. The "different body for each race" is something clever Drake put in - that guy's a genius.


    The thing with Khajiit subraces is - they probably deserve mesh tweaks as well - a tiger-based one should be heavier-set than a cheetah-ish one, for instance. However, first get ONE decent texture available to all :smile:

  10. Summary Statement:


    Currently we have:


    Argonians: (Thanks to Drake the Dragon)


    Body Textures:

    Male fullbody textures for Robert's Male Body v3.x, v4, v5 and Breeze's Defined Male Body.

    Female fullbody textures for TFF, Exnem/HGEC, BAB and Robert's Female (all constructed from ShadyTradesman's IABT)

    Plus support for the vanilla bodies.


    Scripted self-fitting feet.

    Scripted body-type replacement and Scripted clothing-shape replacement for upper and lower body, but only one or two trial meshes for footwear.

    Spiked tails for those who prefer them.

    Morrowind-style heads for those who prefer those shapes.




    Body textures:

    Assorted nice texture replacements covering mostly Exnems/HGEC and variantsm or Roberts male/female only.


    (Thanks to JazzJR) Non-scripted wearable feet in at least one style, for one body type, plus (if we can find them) feet from another modder.

    No Scripted body-type replacement.

    No scripted clothing-shape replacement, no meshes for footwear.


    Not yet discussed:


    Body Type Support Full range as already covered by Drake's Argonian mods as a basis?

    Varied skeletons for Argonians and Khajiit based upon Reneer's Varied NPC Mod which allows npc's to each have a custom skeleton. Would "tweaked" skeletons for the Argonians and Khajiits help with their "more realistic" appearance, or just lead to problems with clothing and the like?

    Support for other Khajiit-type races - how simple/complex does it have to be to add a second race to use the same body and feet, but it's own texture?


    Modder Requirements:


    Mesh adjuster to make whichever feet are judged to be the best fit with more body types.

    Mesh designer to create footwear styles to suit for both Khajiit and Argonian feet.

    Texture Tweaker to take stock clothing and armor types and make workable footwear using the above meshes. Also to adjust at least one decent texture for male and one for female to suit all body types.

    Scripter to make it all work.

    Install script writer to make it all install as painlessly as possible.

    PERMISSION to make use of other people's mods where we are intending to combine them.

    Someone(s) to kick my ass if I forgot anything important.

  11. the programs really depend on the kind of bug

    if it's related to the actual game (like a quest bug, or something like this), than you can probably fix it using the Construction Set

    if it's a model related bug, then you may need to rework the model, requiring you to have a modeling program (like Blender) and NifSkope

    if it's a texture problem, than you'll need a photo editing program (like Photoshop or GIMP)


    the list above has about all the programs for making mods (at least as far as i know)


    Add paint.NET to the list for editing texture (.dds) files - it now has native support.


    And the translated and original Cursed armor mods have different plots - possibly the translator couldn't work out what the original plot was, or possibly it's just s/he preferred their own version using the graphical elements.

  12. Rawesyn - "Conflict" in the case of graphical mods probably means "About to change one texture for a different one, hopefully higher resolution". If you have QTP3 installed that has added new textures to replace some of the vegetation. Strangely enough, Enhanced Vegetation might just be trying to do the same. That's a conflict - two files named the same and one wanting to overwrite the other.


    If you have Better Cities, and Unique Landscapes, sometimes they both affect the same bit of ground. Again, that's a conflict. In the case of BC and UL, there are compatibility patches where the modders have got together and agreed a compromise, and made a patch to adjust the clash. That patch will, of course, conflict with both mods.

  13. Hi spelelogo,


    I guess if the Khajiit feet adaptation works, I can try and persuade whoever manages it to talk to you about doing the Roberts ones for BAB. Of course, we have to first agree on what we want the Khajiit feet to look like - it could take a little while :confused:

  14. I don't appear to have any mods requiring the patches themselves as resources or masters, so I'm going to see if I can bork my installation by combining them anyway - as long as the merged files have the original parent file name, it should all work ... and I get something like 15 ESP slots back!


    And, yes, I'm aware some installers look for the UOP files - if I find one it's a simple matter to reinstate the missing files from an OMOD back up of them, install the mod, then deactivate it and reinstall the OMOD of the merged esp.


    I'll report back on any non-predicted problems.

  15. theNiceOne - maybe a configurable "patience" modifier that drops the total experience gained for selling 100 as a batch by an amount based on the quantity - if set to zero then you get the full experience gain, otherwise a percentage is knocked off (0.1% x number of identical items = 10% reduction in skill gain or something like that - giving you 40 points for selling them one-by-one and 36 for selling a batch of 100). That way Ferryt could have her full experience gain, while others could have a "reduction for being impatient" factor.
  16. I guess I'm a bit of an interloper, but...


    I'm currently trying to pull together a set of body mods to put "proper" feet onto Khajiit bodies in the game. As party of this, we're aiming to include the BAB body as one of the options for the Khajiit race (my preferred look for a feline - slim and fit), even if it's not used for the other bodies in the game (and, yes, that DOES work. DrakeTheDragon has already done that option in his scripted Argonian feet setup).


    As part of this, are there any BAB using Kahjiit fans who can tell me which body textures they use, and whether they are good/bad/awful - and if there's someone who can do foot mesh modelling and can help us get the feet connected to the legs correctly for BAB (and other body mods) so much the better.


    There will also be a need for mesh replacement sets for all of the default game clothing and armor, and ideally all of the major mods (OOO/MMM/Frans), so any resource links would also be very useful (again, these are used on a racial basis).


    This is the discussion thread - please post any responses there or send to me via PM. Thanks for taking the time to read this offtopic post.

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