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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. i agree a $7k PC being boring? in terms of spec wise, my $1400 PC isnt even "boring" yea i cant play a triple monitor set up at crazy high resultions on ultra, but i can play what i play maxed out, or at the very least on High/Ultra mixed. so no way a $7k in hardware PC would be boring.


    if youre talking all around $7k, meaning custom water loop, custom fabricated case, etc, where every little detail down to screws was changed and altered, then i could see how it could cost you $7k, but even then it wouldnt be boring.

  2. I don't think you'll be noticing a 3ms difference. If its even possible. The only times I've seen trays where people could tell the response time difference was for TVs where the response time could be more like 20ms or more. (sometimes much more lol)


    I can't compare to a TN personally but the viewing angle on an IPS are basically 90. And the colors are awesome. But im no videophile and I've never used a TN monitor.

  3. Just looks like cheap plastic to me. But this is opinion not fact or anything.


    And im sure many PS3 games will eventually come out as a download on PSN for the PS4. I just wanted him to know that buying a PS4 would not mean he could play Skyrim right away. Plus there's no guarantee that you won't have to repay for said games even if/when they come out on PSN.


    Plus as Vagrant said the PS3 is still a major console. Still releases coming out for it. Plus All the games you don't have. There's still several games I have yet to buy for it that I want. Some coming out and still some that I own but haven't touched. So ya, PS3. :-)

  4. PS4 won't play Skyrim. Just FYI. The system isn't backwards compatible and as of right now there's no way to play PS3 games on it.


    PS4 is however only $400, not $600 (not including games ofc)


    PC woukd be your most expensive option. So as others said id grab a new PS3. they are selling for $199 now. Try to pick up one of the older slims. The newer ultra slims just look a little cheap to me.

  5. I'm on my phone so I didnt click the links. I have a Dell 23" monitor that I love. I got it because when I was reading a lot of people seemed to go towards 16:9 over 16:10 (which is the 24" model) saying games stretch to fit it or have the black edges. Neither of which I wanted. There's whole debates out there about it really only culminating to 50/50, whatever your preference is. But yea I love my monitor
  6. I've done the plenty of times too. Sometimes all you need is a breather to come back and beat a game. Then you sit and wonder why it was so hard in the first place. Maybe it's time to give MGS4 another try to lol.


    And about memorizing. That's why the souls series isn't hard except the first play through. You can literally memorize the entire game. I havent done so with Dark Souls because I don't enjoy that game very much, but with Demons Souls I can run through the entire game in a day and not die once because I've mesmerized where enemies are, what they do, and how to beat them and the bosses.

  7. well so be it then. but it may just be your play style that gets you frustrated with certain games. but thats all thats left that i can say about that. im not trying to change the way you play games, or even comment on it. obviously you play games the way you want, no ifs ands or buts. and i hope you can get passed any portion of a game thats blocking your path to completetion. :P :thumbsup:

  8. maybe you should play games not on the hardest difficuly setting first, then play them on hard for a subsequent play through. thats what i do, because when you jump to hard right off the bat, then what happens is exactly what is happening to you, it gets too hard and you stop enjoying the game. play it on an easier setting first. enjoy the game, learn the game, etc. then play it on hard. then when you hit those spots you already have some strategy going in.


    for example, thats how i platinumed Mass Effect 2 (on PS3) i played several playthroughs. first on regular, then hard. once i had the game mechanics down, and i had explored the game for what it was worth, explored both paths, done all the side planets and missions and stuff, i went back on easy, beat it to level a character and then took that toon and beat the game on Veteran for the platinum. Had i jumped straight in to Vet or even Hard, the game would have lost its fun long before I finished it. I wouldnt have had previous knowledge on certain fights. hell there were definitely certain side missions I would never have beaten on Vet, I didnt even attempt, so thank god i completed them on Normal and Hard first, otherwise my OCD to finish everything would have overtaken the fun of the game had i attempted it in Vet.


    basically it sounds like you are ruining the game for yourself by jumping in too hard too fast, and trying to bust through the game. at least in your example for Batman.

  9. Just throwing it out there. Vamp is an easy fight. I've beat him 4 or 5 times on multiple different difficulty settings. if you wanna hint read on.







    All you have to do it attack him until he drops. Then run over and inject him with your nanobot injector. You do this like 4 times and eventually you'll pass that part of the fight.




    ****END SPOILER****

  10. yea, orange was my original want, but like i said, K90 keyboard is blue only. when i was first building my PC i hated blue. but now its kinda grown on me.


    you can get RBG fans, but youre better off getting RBG LED lights. i have this and i like it. i like the front controller. i couldnt find anything that let me change lighting via software. the front panel is very slim too. was designed to fit behind the NZXT case doors on the Phantom and kin, so they dont protrude much at all. the strip is plenty long too, goes around my mid tower almost 1.5 times.


    if you really want orange fans though, id recommend these. but id still choose the RGB LEDs over fans. its nice to have the option to change colors.


    then theres Bitfenix LED Lights. and a review so you can see them around @19:00 he talks about the red ones and around @25:00 he talks about the orange. and youll see the previous mentioned fans really quickly too for each color.



    oh and ofc on top of everything, the h100i is RGB customizable too, for the little light it has. which is nice.


    hope that helps some :smile:



    EDIT: just looked on newegg, the h100i is out of stock (probably indefinitely) seems its been replaced by the h110. havent looked into it, so idk if its little LED is RGB as well, but my assumtion would be yes........and a quick seach revealed that the H110 has no LED lighting and no software (unlike the H100i) and is bigger 280mm vs 240mm. just as an fyi to anyone reading lol.

  11. i just wanted to post that i finally got my mouse. didnt buy it as soon as i had wanted, instead got it on Cyber Monday for $20 less (still $60 though lol) and while ive only been using it since today, so far i love it. it feels amazingly comfortable in my hand. the buttons press easily and are easy to find, but i couldnt ever see myself accidentally pressing them. the 3rd G-Shift button has cause no problems, in fact it acts as a nice ring ringer rest. i have smallish hands and i can reach every side button easily, and easily find which ones i need. my pinky doesnt drag, but hangs on the side instead, but thats more attributed to my smallish hands more so then the design of the mouse.


    ive been playing GW2 all day with it, and set up several of the buttons in it replacing my 6-8 keys on my keyboard (rather being an alternate to them) adding in target switching to one of the side keys, as well as a button for Vent. and i find it all easy ti use, granted im not used to having all those buttons, so i find myself not clicking the replaces 6-8 keys and still clicking them manually on screen with my mouse, but eventually, once i get used to having them there, i hope to be able to stop manually clicking attacks on screen, and use my mouse instead


    ill say this mouse is slightly expensive at a regular price of $80. im glad i got it on sale. i like the LEDs, they can be any color and have multiple settings. they match my Corsair K90 quite beautifully. the software is relatively straightforward. i have my DPS settings adjusted, and have two of the buttons designated to switching between those. not that i ever switch. im not super picky with DPS settings, nor mouses in general, but im very happy with this so far, and as the original debate, id choose this over Naga any day, as i had said after being able to hold them both.


    deff a +1 for the Logitech G600 mouse. (btw i came from a Lofitech G500)

  12. i know this is a slight necro, but i figured id weigh in. i use a Dell 24" IPS, and i have no eye strain what so ever. ive sat in front of this screen for several unblinking hours with no eye watering of discomfort. ive spent those hours gaming, reading, watching TV/Movies/Youtube, etc, so an assortment of things, and no problems what so ever, i think the quality is amazing. i dont notice input lag, though im not so sure i would. and ill be honest, not so sure i would really notice a PQ difference, but yea. i dont play CoD or anything, and the couple times i went on BF3 and died, it was from me sucking, not input lag lol.


    i love my IPS monitor.

  13. i get what you are saying, but youre taking the few and making it the large. Hasty Generalization as it were. CoD, Battefield and Assassins Creed are what you are referring to. everyone knows those games and what they do. coming out with more with little changing. does this mean every game does it? no. Actually, of all those games i listed i wouldnt say any of them were the same old same old. nitpicking aside, in the least its not as bad as CoD, BF, or AC. so not wanting to play those games, id understand. zombies are whatever, if youre into them, then play the game, if not, then dont. the only "Zombie" games ive played are the Telltale Walking Dead Games. and Plants vs Zombies lol. never played L4D or Dead Rising or Resident Evil and kin and im apart of this new zombie craze fad. though there are a few zombie games on the horizon that have piqued my interest.


    my point being, yes, it is you being narrow when you think every game is another game where you fight zombies in a new city in the middle east with new guns.


    if you have a console theres games like;


    Demons Souls


    Metal Gear Solid

    Ratchet and Clank

    Dragons Dogma


    Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

    God of War


    The Last of Us

    Halo and Gears of War (if you had an Xbox)


    what about games like:


    Devil May Cry




    The Darkness


    I Am Alive


    Sacred 2

    Saints Row

    Grand Theft Auto


    Sleeping Dogs

    Two Worlds Two

  14. i find it ironic though, that you defend him saying companies just tack a number at the end of the game and reprint it abd are afraid to make new games. however his interest are Elder Scrolls, which have what, like 5 games, DLC and an upcomming MMO?, FallOut which not only has its couple games that are near identical, plus DLC, its also a reprint of Elder Scrolls in terms of engine and gameplay mechanics. then theres Bioshock, which is up to 3 and DLC.


    its not that there are no good games anymore, its like Vindekarr said, you just have what you like, which is a narrow slice of gaming, esp todays gaming. im going to recommend some games, but i wont follow your criteria, instead im just going to spout some of the better games out there. maybe, in order to find the good games, you need to take a look at them, and not assume they are crappy because they arent what youre used to. that said, i understand liking what you like, there is nothing wrong with that. gaming is gaming after all, and you cant have fun playing what you dont enjoy.



    Dark Souls

    Far Cry

    The Witcher

    Mass Effect

    Dragon Age

    The Walking Dead (Telltale Games)

    Guild Wars





    Half Life



    and ill stop there. those are some of the bigger titles out there and thats why i named them, all games im sure youve heard of. and yes, most of them go against your criteria, im aware. damn near all of them have sequals, and for good reason.

  15. They won't be using charactets you already know except Jack Marcus and probably Moxxi and claptrap. Other then that it's new characters.... This won't be an RPG in the leveling up and choose skills sense. It'll be an RPG in the role play a character sense. Telltale said there will be shooting but in their may. Meaning quick time events im sure.


    As the article said if you want a billion guns and looting go play the original borderlands. This is a spin off of sorts done by telltale with little gearbox help. I did one an excited. I fully expect a walking dead clone with a borderlands skin. I hope they do something more unique then that though.

  16. Yea never seen that show. Only experience I have with it are the latest south park episodes lol.


    But I think a borderlands telltale game will be cool. Wonder if it will be like the waking dead but borderlands or if they will do something different with it

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