In response to post #82016448. #82018443, #82038358 are all replies on the same post. I'm not really sure what you're getting so upset about. If you don't like the notification, I've explained how you can disable it. The feature is a convenience function, so you can disable it entirely in the "Extensions" tab if you like, it's called "Script Extender Installer". This is how it works: 1) Vortex's "Script Extender Installer" extension knows that the latest F4SE's latest version at the time of release was 0.6.20 2) When you manage Fallout 4, Vortex checks if f4se_loader.exe exists and gets its version. 3) If you don't have F4SE installed, Vortex will recommend it and if your version is lower than the known latest version it will inform you that there is an update. (Both of these alerts can be blocked). If you wish to run an older copy of the game that's fine. Unfortunately, it isn't currently possible to compare the script extender version to the game version. So Vortex doesn't know if you have the correct version for your current game, it only knows it isn't the latest.