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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. If you've emailed [email protected] from the email address linked to your account we'll look into this for you during work hours. At the moment emails are only monitored Mon-Thurs and there will be a backlog from Friday onwards for us to get through once work resumed Monday.
  2. Mod comment search is being worked on. We had to shuffle some things around in terms of priority but it definitely hasn't been forgotten. The original plan was to move mod comments to the new system used by collections, but that's going to take longer than we thought so we're going to look at a quicker to implement (temporary) workaround.
  3. The issue has been explained a few times in this thread. There are two main mod types for Bethesda games, one that deploys files to the game root and one that deploys files to the data folder. You have (somehow) got a mod in your loadout that is deploying to the game root but it includes a file that is ALSO being deployed to the data folder directly by a different mod. If you show the "Mod type" column and look for anything that isn't default/blank you'll dramatically narrow down the possible causes.
  4. The issue preventing download from starting has been solved. If your speeds are just slow, please see this post https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do Please keep in mind that in most cases it's your ISP or bad routing causing the slowdown.
  5. This issue is 100% caused by a bad mod setup, but you can now disable the alerts/auto-purge under "Settings -> Workarounds - > Cross-ModType Conflict Detection". This will potentially cause issues with your mods and you will likely see the "External changes" dialogue for the files that were causing this conflict in the first place.
  6. I'll pass this on to our team, we're tracking issues like this in the thread below
  7. We've deployed a fix for this issue today. Please let us know if it continues to happen.
  8. I've installed this Collection without any issues, which means it's almost certainly something in your setup. We'll probably need your log file (which ideally you'll grab right after it crashes) so we can see what was happening in your PC. Have you tried reinstalling .NET 6 and/or the C++ Redistributables?
  9. You can't make the staging folder the root of the drive. Make a subfolder and select that.
  10. Can you confirm it's only this collection causing the problem?
  11. You have something in your setup that is causing web requests to break at a fundamental level. Make sure you have update your PC and check any security software that could interfere with the basic operation of other programs
  12. Go to the games tab, find fallout 4 and use the little menu on the tile to manually point it to another game folder
  13. This is likely to be a bug but I HIGHLY recommend installing SFSE via Vortex it makes it loads easier to update/manage/uninstall
  14. That's what I was thinking too, I'm just having a bit of a problem with the forum templates. I may need one of our developers to help me.
  15. We've made some config changes which should address these issues.
  16. If you post something related to a game we have a community page for it'll get moved over. We are looking to make the need to join a bit more obvious!
  17. I've merged a bunch of threads talking about the exact same issue.
  18. Oh I see now, you're getting confused by the columns.... that's worth mentioning to the designers (@mfPixel). The monthly/annual selector is completely separate from the rest of the form below it. The subtotal, tax and total reflects what you'll actually be charged. You will only be charged the amounts shown in this section. In order to add your payment details you need to fill out the 3 fields above the "Continue" button.
  19. You can buy a single month by starting a 1-month plan and then cancelling the renewal immediately. You will only be charged for an annual subscription if you select that option. To be safe, make sure you read amount at the bottom of the page before confirming the purchase.
  20. @RS0371@EvObsessioN88 You both posted on someone else's thread about a different issue so I've split the conversation here. We are currently testing a dedicated server in Asia - so if you're based there it might be related. I'll pass this link to the devs
  21. Maybe you're just clicking the wrong thing? It's working here. It's a bit weird but download history appears twice in the navigation. The one under your profile icon is for all games and the one under "Mods" on the top bar is scoped to the game you're one. E.g. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/users/myaccount?tab=download+history The link above shows only my Starfield history. If you take Starfield out of the link, it shows everything
  22. Can you provide a screenshot of what you mean? For refunds, please send the refund request to [email protected] - however, depending on how many mods you've downloaded at Premium speeds you may not be eligible for a refund.
  23. What is crashing? The game? Vortex? Your PC? If it's the game crashing, you'll need to ask the curator of that collection. For other issues please provide a screenshot of any errors you see, if possible.
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