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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. deleted134460068 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  2. spidersgeorge12 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Important links: Our terms of service
  3. You can move the mod staging folder (per game) and the downloads folder (globally) in your Vortex settings. All the other data there should not be directly edited.
  4. Those errors seem fairly easy to understand. The file downloaded from the site but the resulting archive was corrupted. This is usually due to connectivity issues. You can try downloading the mod directly from the site and then drop it into Vortex. If that works something on your PC may be corrupting downloads from Vortex directly.
  5. Go to Categories on the toolbar above your mods a click the button to fetch them from the site. Categories added since you first managed Starfield are not updated automatically.
  6. Thanks, we're aware. It's nothing to worry about as a user. Just something we need to sort on our side :)
  7. @InDarkestNight - This thread has been a bit derailed. Do you still have questions about the forums or would it be worth closing it?
  8. Nagev had to leave the business for several months due to health concerns (as mentioned here). We also lost Tannin not long after, so Insominious has been trying his best to get back up to speed with all the different game extensions we support. The good news is Nagev is back now so we've got the original author of the extension again and I've made sure it's on the Vortex team's radar to update. I understand that we dropped the ball with it a bit, but that is - in part - because a lot of these grumblings about Vortex happen outside of our community and the people posting them don't think to report the problem to us. For example, I've been acutely aware that BepInEx updated (as we have a lot of Unity games on the site) but not that Vortex was pulling the wrong version and that was causing problems with the game. We should be able to get back to working on the extension soon, so if you have any ideas for other changes or general constructive feedback we'd love to hear it. One thing I will say is that the Vortex extension is fully open source, so if we ever go get into a situation where it desperately needs an update then a member of the community is welcome to step up and either make a MR on GitHub or push out their own, updated version.
  9. WoodyWosborn banned Reason: Sharing malware disguised as a real mod again. Attempting to trick users into download from dodgy external links. Reference post
  10. I too am unsure if this has always been what it showed, I had thought it showed the game ID number at one point too.
  11. I'm pretty sure the "Auto load plugin" option doesn't actually work, so that might explain it. Try adding it to another option?
  12. Glad you worked it out. Security apps tend to do weird and impractical stuff sometimes. An extra thanks for coming back with your solution, it will be helpful to others searching the forums.
  13. I'd wager the tooltip is getting it's info from a different source, will raise with the team.
  14. wesker2066 banned Reason: Posted a whiny and childish rant about how much you hate people with different opinions to you on the forums. "After browsing these forums I notice that any thread/topic that says anything negative about the ideologically driven woke agenda infecting our world, quickly gets locked, and or, the thread owners getting banned I also notice that your "DEBATES" forum, that certain debates are obviously not allowed and you lock the thread :facepalm: seriously?, can your woke, pansy/leftist mods get any more pathetic?? It is quite apparent now that Nexus Mods has been taken over by the Trans activists/LGBTQ community There are ONLY 2 genders you morons, so all this gender pronoun nonsense you are supporting is enabling a mental illness. I have no desire to be part of any forums or group that is ideologically driven by the woke narrative, so consider this my "HOPE TO GET PERMA BANNED" thread. And no, this is not a bluff, I am urging the f@!t/TRANS/FEMINIST/LEFTIST mods and admins here to ban me from Nexus Mods, as I'm done with this site, I never needed your services here anyway hence my lack of any activity recently I'm looking forward to seeing my name on that list you have with all banned members :smile: Goodbye and good riddance woketards :wink:" Reference post
  15. We're in the process of doing a major upgrade which will update the forums to the latest version of Invision Community and as part of that we thought now is a good time to really look at the structure/layout of the forums to see if there's anywhere we can improve them. The structure of the board has been pretty static since they first opened and it may be time to retire/merge/rearrange some things. It's definitely quite intimidating as a new user to be dropped into the forums and know where to post. Here are a few changes we're thinking of making: Game Communities using Clubs Invision Community comes with a feature called "Clubs". We think this will be a great addition to the site and will allow discussion about specific games within a siloed environment, somewhat like a Reddit sub. This separation will also allow us to empower volunteer Community Champions to give them more influence over how these clubs are moderated and allow them to promote relevant content to their audience. (More on Community Champions in the future!) Smaller communities will start out using a shared modding discussion section that uses tags to allow for better searching/filtering of the topics but can be spun off into new club if there's a enough enthusiasm around the game or members of the community come forward as champions. Due to the update, a new forum will no longer be automatically created when a game is approved on the website. Reshuffle the board index There will be some consideration around simplifying the board index to have less options visible at the top level. This may involve merging redundant/inactive forums. What that looks like can be guided by your feedback. We're hoping to have the index feature a clear distinction between 3 types of chat: Support with Nexus Mods (website and applications), Modding Chat and general social discussion. Featuring the best content Conversations that are particularly positive or relevant will be featured on the site making them easier to discover. We hope this empowers users to post more and get involved in topics that interest them. Better Theme We've put together a new theme for the forums to make it fit in with our website and branding. This old forum skin has it's charm but making it look like part of the website seems like a win for everyone. A clean separation As the veterans on the site may know, the current forums and website are tied together in some ancient, spaghetti coding that is a large source of technical debt for us. With the upgrade, we'll be cutting all direct ties between the website and the forums. Anywhere the two services share the same databases or infrastructure. In the short terms this means some of the social features of the website may be temporarily unavailable, but in the long time it allows us to innovate both the forum and the website more quickly without worrying about a change to one part of the system causing a cascade that degrades the other. There are a few more benefits that you may be interested in too: No more BBCode - The new forum features a much more powerful editor. More secure - Having the latest version of the software means we're always up to date with the latest security patches and have the most modern protection against spammers or other malicious actors. Better search - The new search will be more robust and produce more relevant results. So my question to you all is this "What do you like or dislike about the current forums? If you could change anything about the layout or features what would it be?"
  16. PapaJohnsForever banned Reason: Uploading malware disguised as a real mod
  17. Can you explain the steps you take? If Vortex can't log you in even with the fallback method that's usually related to something on your PC breaking the process.
  18. This is a fault with your GOG Galaxy install. Reinstall Galaxy and it should work again.
  19. Please see https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do
  20. There's another similar thread right above this one: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/13331676-vortex-with-mods-crash-cyberpunk/ Perhaps the solution there applies to you?
  21. This isn't something that is particularly easy to do. The forum only knows if you're Premium or not, it doesn't have the context beyond that. The other thing that occurs to me is that you do not have any different benefits to current Premium members so a separate badge may be confusing.
  22. You should have had a response from Happybara today via a site notification telling you the mod page was removed. This is because when you uploaded the mod you suggested a new game (GTA5) when we already have it on the website under Grand Theft Auto 5. It's not necessarily your fault you didn't see this though, the game search doesn't have the ability to look for "alternative titles" rather than just what we've named it - it is an improvement I've added to the feedback board here. We don't have the facility to move games added to the wrong section across to the correct one so you will need to create a new page for your mod at https://www.nexusmods.com/gta5/mods/add where it won't require approval as the game is already on the website.
  23. cs3274609 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, cs3274609 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot upload images to the Image Share for 7 days Important links: Our terms of service
  24. You can start the game via Steam itself if that's easier. Something in your setup may be broken for this error to appear.
  25. deleted98052718 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
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