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Everything posted by Olurum

  1. I miss playing Settlers 2. I never tried the newer ones much but found Settlers 2 to be awesome. The whole 'venturing into the unknown' made it so exciting for me to play. I loved how you had to organize and instruct your blacksmiths you make more of certain tools according to your current needs. Forester plants trees -> woodcutter chops them down -> carpenter makes them into planks -> archeologist checks out the site for a new building -> stones are received of quarry workers -> workers carry stones/wooden planks to the building site -> builder makes the building -> you make tools for the person to occupy the building -> etc etc etc I also miss the old Age of Empires (1 and 2/Age of Kings). The newer Age of Empires and Age of Mythology games simply didn't appeal to me. I would like to see a medieval Age of Empires again.
  2. I'm playing Call of Duty 2 at the moment and making a walkthrough for it. Yes, the game from 5 years ago, not MW2 or any of this recent fancy stuff. ;) I've also been playing Silent Hill 1 (ye olde silent hill from 1999) that most young ones might not remember. Such a brilliant game.
  3. If you're aiming for HD quality videos when using VirtualDub then you can download the x264 vfw codec from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/x264vfw/files/ It will now appear in your list of codecs to choose from when selecting the 'compression' option in VirtualDub. I'm pretty sure I left all the settings at their default (you can slide the quality bar around a bit to experiment though). Example video of how the quality looks on youtube (this was a 277MB file for 10 minutes worth of video @30fps): But remember to record in either 1280x720 or 1920x1080/1920x1200 to get the 720p/1080p options to show up in youtube. I use 720p instead of 1920x1200 because the extra increase in filesize doesn't seem worth it to me. Please note that the popular program 'malwarebytes' used to report the installer as a 'rogue installer', this is a false positive: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=58800. It has since been fixed though. Just thought I'd mention that (even though it might scare people off from using it) just incase someone hadn't updated their definitions in a while.
  4. Another trick is to rename the individual files. If you have 5 files, you can rename them to 01.avi, 02.avi, 03.avi, 04.avi, 05.avi. You now only need to load in the 01.avi and then append 02.avi. Video files 03, 04 and 05 will automatically be added to the end in order (providing they are all in the same folder). This is useful if you want to join a large amount of video files, you just need to rename them (which I find easier than appending them one by one).
  5. Win 7 Pro 64 here and it works fine. I installed it to the default directory and everything is working flawlessly (modding/stability/etc), but other people have reported an inability to install mods (probably due to the 'UAC' system in Windows 7), so you should install it to another folder outside of program files. For example, C:/Games or something.
  6. Decided to play it again and ranked up to Captain ( ). Got 100 hours in Engi too and got the Expert Repair badge the same day... I thought it would be harder to get. 8vs8 on Dragon Valley with a decent enemy jet and helicopter pilot does it (though you need a server that doesn't have tons of stupid rules so that they can attack the Essex). Then loaded up special forces and got the expert combat badge on none other than Warlord... well, mostly because the other maps are pretty dead nowadays. My stats. ^^
  7. Most of the times horses are slower than my character... But I used them when I first got the game and noticed that horses actually have an easier time at climbing steep hillsides and mountains. There is the 'keep-jumping-when-on-foot' technique to get up a few hills, but the very steepest are only scalable by horse. You need to ride at an angle towards the hill to get up them.
  8. There is a news post on the main page: You will just have to wait and re-upload it later when it's fixed. ;)
  9. I like the mountains/high up places, a place with a good view of the area. But any place can look great (which for me is usually near sunrise and sunset). Eg: Colovian Highlands: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Olurum/colovia_cyrodiil.jpg Eg. Even the simplest locations can look great. Check this credits video I made to see the area around Verona House: EDIT: Ugh, the forums automatically convert a youtube url into an embedded player... the time tag doesn't work either now. So, you'll have to skip to 5min20s to see what I'm talking about (and the grand finale at 7:00).
  10. They should be in Voices1.bsa and Voices2.bsa in your Data folder. Use Oblivion Mod Manager for its 'BSA Browser' utility. The sound files are all called "generic_attack_" Eg: generic_attack_0018d2bc_1.mp3 is "I'm just warming up, you pathetic worm!". The path for the above is "\sound\voice\oblivion.esm\high elf\m\generic_attack_0018d2bc_1.mp3" I think all instances of "I'm just warming up, you pathetic worm!" will have the filename "0018d2bc_1", but you'll find them in other folders for the other races/gender. Note that you won't find folder for races like orc or wood elves since they share their voices with nords/high elves, etc...
  11. I've just noticed this in all articles on the site: If you look at the bottom of an article at the 'About the Author' section, the link to the authors nexus profile is wrong. At first it's seemingly random but then I noticed that the article index number decides where you get sent to. Eg: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=10 It's written by LHammonds, but if you click on the name link you get sent to someone else's profile! That's because that user's id number is 10, just like the article index. The only time where it's correct is for the first article ever written by Dark0ne: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=1, since his ID number is 1! I can't help but think that's how this bug was missed. :P
  12. Might not be wholly appropiate for someone just starting out with modding, but here's two videos I made: (this is one slightly older and might contain some outdated mods) So you get a bit of a preview of what you're installing... though be aware that some mods might require the Shivering Isles Expansion. All music/mods/whatever are listed in the video description, so it's probably best to view them on youtube. EDIT: Argh, the recent forum upgrade converts normal youtube links straight into the embedded format? Nice... Was messing around with the [media] and tags wondering why they wouldn't work. ;D
  13. The Colovian Highlands up in the mountains at sunrise and sunset. I like the place so much that I started one of my videos there to let others catch a glimpse of how I see it: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Olurum/colovia_cyrodiil.jpg
  14. Olurum

    IRC Chat

    Considering how a chat room that didn't require any form of installations or setting up to do was near dead, I suppose an IRC channel would be even more deserted. :/ I would like to see a channel though, I've always been on IRC for the past 10 years. It just totally negates any need for all this social networking mumbo jumbo stuff and IM programs... there's like a new facebook/twitter/something every year. Err... anyway, enough promoting irc. ;) Which network were you thinking of using? Personally I would choose rizon.net as you can get free BNCs there which would be very useful for people to have. With BNCs you could catch up on any convos in the channel while you were offline, plus the channel would seem a lot more inviting and in use due to the BNC taking up your spot when you go offline. A lot better than looking at a room that says "current users online: 1".
  15. One thing I liked about AoE2 is the menu, it was just so relaxing. The nighttime scene of a village... hearing horsesteps and stuff. I've actually been listening to the soundtrack (both AoE2 and Conquerors have a 50min odd track), just put the game CD into your cd player and enjoy. One funny thing is that microsoft identifies it's own game music as some single from Jennifer Lopez through windows media player. :blink: or at least it did back in the days. My CDs are a bit scratched up though so there's a few short hiccups. Easily ignorable though. I never bothered with AoE3 since I tried Age of Mythology and wasn't that impressed. I actually got that game for christmas and it came with a fairly large 500 page thick mythology book (Bulfinch's Mythology Age of Fable, Age of Charlemagne, Age of Chivalry) written in fairly difficult english. I spent more time reading that than playing the actual game. The OST CD that came with that special edition was fantastic too. The music was really nice for this game, extremely soothing stuff. Wow, this makes me feel nostalgic. 8 years already... I was still thinking of AoM being relatively new. ;D Anyhow, time to find out if Windows 7 can play AoE2. ;)
  16. I'll just get to the point: I'm looking for a complete idiot-proof tutorial or article that explains how to make simple scripts for use with FOMODs. Of course, I don't know if my idea of a simple script really is simple... I'm thinking of having a dialogue popup after activating the FOMOD asking if you want to install all files or just some. The mod is a texture replacer (this mod if you must know) and I want to give the user an option to install either all 3 components or only just the ones they want. So for the mod in the link it would be: Posters and/or Billboards and/or Lamplight Billboards. I've tried looking around for quite some time. I saw the 'Premade FOMOD Pack' mod but couldn't really reverse-engineer it, found one or two articles on another site but they left me equally confused. Then I found another article telling me to practice by looking up C# beginner tutorials and it all quickly went downhill from there. I suppose it's safe to say that getting my head around coding isn't one of my strong points. Any pointers or help is appreciated. :) EDIT: Nevermind, after much trial and error I think I've got it working. :turned:
  17. A very basic solution that doesn't involve editing the mod itself is to use a charm spell on her. Then she might accept your yield... try then immediately raising her disposition in the mini-game. If there isn't a mini-game then the mod might have included some dialogue options to make her like you/raise disposition. But we probably need more info on what mod it is that you're using.
  18. When uploading a file to the Fallout3Nexus there is a link next to the long description box that says "Accepts BBCode"... but that link directs you to an article titled 'Adding Material Controllers to Objects in Nifskope'. Though, I see that the real article it wanted to send me to is: www.tesnexus.com/articles/article.php?id=251 instead of www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=251 Just a little oversight there I suppose. :thumbsup: EDIT: Oh, and the link to the new rules right at the bottom just sends you to the main page of the forums. :P
  19. I used to play as Goths and get the technology allowing Huskarls to be built at your barracks. So, I'd just get a few barracks and mass them. I remember spending a lot of time making custom maps and missions though. I think I made a 6 stage campaign with a ton of scripts and triggers... with some dialogue and 'unique' characters. Wasn't related to the history of the world at all though.
  20. It seems the same problem from yesterday is back. Connections to the Maidenhead server time out and the US servers are very slow. Noticed a few people complain about it in the chat... so here's a thread that people failed to make yesterday. ;)
  21. I've noticed that the bar doesn't seem to resize itself. If the window is resized (or if you use a small resolution) then most of the bar's icons will be off screen. Also, the 'turn off' button only appears on the nexus site. It's not present on the forum toolbar. Other than that, it's great! Been using it for the last 2 days.
  22. I'm not sure what you mean... :/?
  23. It seems that there's a little bug in the search function. I'm using the latest Firefox (3.6.3) and seem to be getting this for a few search results: http://i44.tinypic.com/2lpfe1.jpg A '$i' instead of the page numbers. It seems this bug is only encountered if you search for two terms. Eg: 'Female Armor' or 'Weapon Pack'. Single word searches don't encounter this error. The links are still functional however. :)
  24. Glarthir... he's usually my first visit for all my new characters; He's my entry pass to the Dark Brotherhood. Loot his body, get the coins stashed in his bin and you're character's got a nice little kickstart. :thumbsup: And the Fighter's Guild does seem to be akin to a 'Courier's Guild'. Most quest are a 'fetch this item (that just so happens to be in the last section of a cave) and return' job. It would've been cool to have slightly more unique quests. For example: A pompous rich citizen/noble has hired a bodyguard since his attitude seems to get himself into trouble. You could observe funny dialogues of his while resting in several inns that always trigger huge pub brawls from which you have to save him. That took 10 seconds to think up. Bethesda could've been more creative. :/
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