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Everything posted by greyday01

  1. If you are making as opposed to just using mods I would really recommend MO2 instead of vortex. All your mods files are kept neatly packaged in it's own folder. It almost packages your mod for uploading all by itself.
  2. Don't know if it counts as A.I. but Zork Grand Inquisitor had a text editor where you could ask the people questions about anything. Typed not chosen from a list. Part of the fun was trying to figure out the question you needed to ask or the request you had to make to advance the plot. Some of the replies were hilarious. It was from the 90s so it didn't take much computing power. Don't see why that couldn't work in Skyrim, though possibly not with a console.
  3. Oblivion had a mod of that name. In city exteriors and houses housecats would spawn as well as very tiny harmless rats. The cats would chase and kill the rats who would run from them. The cats would also go indoors when it rained. It was fun to watch the chases and gave some life to city streets and houses. I really wish someone would recreate this mod for Skyrim.
  4. Another glitch in AE. At Chillfurrow Farm the mill, hay piles and sacks are all floating above the ground. Honestly, I bought AE out of curiosity but so far the CC content isn't worth the glitches and mod breaking by updates. It was said that it was more stable, but I still get occasional crashes. My LE game was stable and did not have these new glitches. I'll finish this playthrough just to see all the CC content I paid for, but I'm really unimpressed. After finishing, I'll probably uninstall SE/AE and go back to the legacy edition. And what was the idea of having all the CC content automatically install instead of simply marking them as paid for and allowing users to download only the ones they wanted after reading comments and bug reports on each? Bethesda needs to be slapped upside the head to get their head on straight.
  5. You could make a mod, putting the one missing shrine back where it belongs and put it at the bottom of your load.
  6. I am still on the old version, I managed to prevent the update so that is not the problem. I looked at the cell in the CK and the shrine is definitely there. Only Skyrim, Update, and the 3 DSLs checked. I did not check the shrine to see if it had the starts disabled check box set however. And I did not have all the CC masters checked when I looked. It might be one of those. Is there any way in XEdit to check your entire mod list to see if any mod touches some particular reference? Some handy search function? Can't click on it in game and check the consol because it is missing.
  7. The entire Boethiah shrine is missing. The post in the middle is there, there are some rugs apparently floating in mid air. But the entire statue, spiral top and stairs are not there and there is a deep hole in the terrain where they should be. I have a lot of mods, too many to easily find the culprit, so I advanced the quest with set stage to the point where I need to go to Knifepoint Ridge. At least my follower didn't need to be killed and I sent him away. But has anyone encountered this before?
  8. I made a mod Haunted graveyard that is somewhat similar. The source code for the scripts and a readme saying how I set it up is included. I only posted the LE version but the scripts would work the same in SE. Essentially when you entered a graveyard at night the ghost appears. I did it by having a holding cell for the ghost and moving it to a marker when the trigger was entered. If killed I moved it back to the holding cell and resurrected it. I used RegisterForUpdateGameTime and Event OnUpdateGameTime to time when it could be spawned again. For a larger time frame I might use RegisterForSingleUpdateGAmeTime instead. There are only 3 scripts. You might look at them to see if a modification of one of them might work for you. I would spawn the bandits behind a rock or bushes so you couldn't see them appear.
  9. Could someone tell me what from a users viewpoint the update does? Better graphics? New spells? More CK abilities? Fix scripts?
  10. The effects of alchemy seem so limited. Just a few effects over and over again. How many ingredients have restore stamina for example. CC mods only have three additional I believe Light, nighteye and Absorb spell. Surely they could have used more imagination? Change size, water walking, become ethereal, turn into a rabbit, dance uncontrollably, become drunk and fall down a lot. Alchemy is just boring. And going through the list of ingredients pairing them so the "unknown potion" isn't shown. Why if all the effects of each ingredient is known is the resulting potion shown as unknown just because you haven't mixed them before?
  11. Terrible idea. I try so many mods most of which I shortly remove as I don't like them. Not that they are bad mods or full of errors, I simply don't care for how it changes the game or it conflicts with another mod I prefer. If I had to buy it I wouldn't try many mods at all. Most of the CC mods I got I really don't much care for and as single mods I wouldn't have bought.
  12. PlaceActorAtMe like was said, along with a muffle and invisibility spell put on the player. The running you would have to take care of yourself. Maybe have the actor set to be reckless and have a package that would cause it to run at and attack any enemies in a certain radius.
  13. With all the variety of lighting mods and ENBs what is a way to make your player home have lighting that is neither too dark or light with any options. Is it even possible?
  14. I was looking at Rudy for cathedral weathers. It requires water for enb but I'm using water 2. Does it matter?
  15. Just select all the triangles then while holding the Z key drag them all up.
  16. I haven't been able to find a combo that works well in SE unlike in LE. I used the STEP guide but I don't care for their choices so I'm looking for alternatives.
  17. In Riverwood sometimes Riverwood trader door is not visible, hidden behind strange flat wall textue but is still activateable. Some smithy pillars are strange looking. In Whiterun I can be walking waist deep in strange flat road or stair textures with the real textures visible near my feet. Some walls look strange and flat also. Whiterun in the distance is only partly showing with some visible pieces floating above empty space. All this doesn't show all the time. Comes and goes.
  18. Thanks, IsharaMeridin. I was planning some markers that could be placed by the player in any cell. I was trying to find a way to use a messagebox with buttons to give the player a choice of which to remove. I wanted to have the cell it was in be shown instead of item 1 through 4 in the buttons. I might have to leave that bit for more thought later. oh well. There are only 4 buttons. Can't be that hard to remember which one was where.
  19. Thanks, IsharaMeridin. I was planning some markers that could be placed by the player in any cell. I was trying to find a way to use a messagebox with buttons to give the player a choice of which to remove. I wanted to have the cell it was in be shown instead of item 1 through 4 in the buttons. I might have to leave that bit for more thought later. oh well. There are only 4 buttons. Can't be that hard to remember which one was where.
  20. Is there any script that can get the cell name as text to be put into a message? I'm looking for something that changes as the location of an item changes. Activate something and get a messagebox "I am in wherever". I can't seem to find anything in the WIKI that looks likely to help.
  21. Does it need to be a real bound bow? Couldn't you make a bow and arrow that just looks like a bound bow and arrows? To mimic unlimited arrows have a script that when a fake bound arrow is removed from inventory another is added.
  22. If you are making a player home that has some staff I would set the player home as a public area. I had a problem in a home I made with a housekeeper in that she started telling me I didn't belong there. Simpler if the house is unowned and public. The bed can still be set up to give a well rested bonus.
  23. I have a spell with a scripted spell effect. It's a fire and forget spell that when it hits the target checks conditions to see if it will take effect. Currently the Hit Effect Art is HealTargetFx and the Hit Shader is HealFX. I could leave it like that but the effect plays whether the spell takes effect or not. I could remove both Hit effects but then nothing would show. Is there a way to have the HealFX and HealTargetFX only play if the spell hits an appropriate target?
  24. Does it happen when no mods active? Does it only happen in certain cells? I had a problem with a bad custom mesh once. To fix it I had to select the cell in question, but not double click so the render window of that cell didn't open. Then in the reference list for that cell I deleted the custom items that were causing the problem. After that the render for that cell would open.
  25. You could put all the vanilla potions in a formlist and then check to see if the added potion is in that list.
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