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Everything posted by Deleted3507349User

  1. Some people want to lock in their SPECIAL stats for roleplay reasons, yet still collect them (I'm one of them, which is why I made a mod to disable the things).
  2. You change the Z plane with the beam router, not the individual redirection blocks. I'm talking about the constructs that take the beam in in one spot and spit it out somewhere else. You can spot 'em by the green line of solid blocks.
  3. I suspected that, the more I thought about it...looks like an update fixed it :)
  4. Like the title says, the (rather LOUD) cricket noise in Far Harbor seems to get stuck playing. It even kept on playing when I fast traveled to DC. Shutting down and restarting the game fixed it...until the next time. Any ideas?
  5. It's not your setup, this has been an issue for years. I suggest Alt-Drag.
  6. Make 'em read it before they download...and give a comprehension test.
  7. I had a great time with it. I didn't find it difficult at all. Heck, I only fell twice (and the first time was on purpose to see what would happen).
  8. So far (at least on the mod comments) I've found the users on bethesda.net to be fairly well-mannered...can't say that's always been my experience here. People are people.
  9. Merlin's Shop Of Mystical Wonders also featured an evil clapping monkey. Watch the MST3K version if you can :)
  10. Working fine here. I did notice that it was automatically put at the bottom of the esm order (naturally) so I just moved it up where it belongs.
  11. Remote-controlled miniature vertibirds that can be called, loaded with all de lootz, and dispatched back to the settlement they came from. Basically build a miniature vertibird pad in your settlement for it to sit on, and a holotape to call it. When it gets to you you can stick stuff in it and when you close it's inventory menu, after say a 5-second delay it returns to it's base. Maybe have the holotape bring up a list of drones you have built by settlement so you can specifically choose. EDIT: And for the love of all that's holy, make it essential, invulnerable, immune to attack, and friendly to everyone and forego the silly 'lolz yer thing gotz kilt and you has 1 day to find it in the weeds afore ya losez yer loot'.
  12. I'm starting to warm to survival, but the lack of saving is huge no-no. I get around this with a camping mod with a portable bedroll...still can't save unless you're out of combat but I'm fine with that. I also use a pack brahmin mod, helps to get loot back to settlements...especially since I generally don't use companions (because they suck for everything but being pack mules). Camping Supplies Personal Pack Brahmin I also use a couple of my own mods, Special Randomizer and Perk-Free Workshop, that removes all bobblehead effects/randomizes your SPECIAL stats, and removes perk requirements for workshop items. The key here is that I never ever add any points to my SPECIAL stats. Whatever they randomize to is what I play with. I put points on perks, of course (if I can), but not on the stats themselves. I've rolled some incredibly nerfed and handicapped characters with it. As an example, I'm playing one character with the following SPECIAL stats: S - 1 P - 2 E - 1 C - 3 I - 2 A - 9 L - 1 _____________ Total Points = 19 He's a pain, but at least he can sneak (note that he has less SPECIAL points overall than a level 1 vanilla character right out of the pod). In general, I'd say that finding or making improved armor and weapons is critical (bear in mind I rarely use power armor), along with farming crops, hunting for meat, and building radiation cleaning arches and clinics in your settlements. The one thing that keeps weirdos like me coming back to Bethesda's TES and Fallout games is that no matter how goofy a character is, there's always a way (if you play smart enough). Also, don't be ashamed to RUN AWAY from too-tough enemies if you must (leading them to someone else is always favorite). I've made practical use of super mutant suiciders many times. EDIT: I forgot to mention that you don't want to EVER sleep unless you have the 'tired' icon showing. You're much less likely to get insomnia and other such silly 'diseases' from just sleeping...and don't sleep more than eight hours unless you're fatigued (then you sleep ten hours).
  13. I didn't post that because I was annoyed, I posted it because 'Skyrim 2' is hilarious to me. To me 'Skyrim 2' sort of automatically implies that the poster isn't terribly familiar with the Elder Scrolls franchise. Combine that with the sourceless rant and...well...
  14. Use a mod that makes 'em mortal and let the invaders thin the herd...maybe you'll get less whiny replacements.
  15. I have no idea at all how to make a dll for F4SE, much less if this idea is even possible to begin with. Here goes anyway... Is it at all possible to make an F4SE plugin that provides and adjustable dB boost for in-game music? Specifically, the ability to adjust the 'dB Variance' property for MUS sound descriptors? EDIT: Even better, if it were possible to provide normalization as well.
  16. With a previous mod I had been adding the Local Leader 1 perk to the player via script. I've since found the Player character page in the CK and was able to add the perk directly there, in the spells list IIRC. It's not really what I wanted but at least it does away with a script. I suspect you're correct about these being hard-coded into the game. About the perk points thing; there's a console command to add perk points, I'd hoped that using that console command with a negative number would remove them. Sadly, that didn't work and it leads me to believe that trying that method via script won't either (but I'm going to try anyway).
  17. Console users asking about modding info has been verboten due to the fact that console modding itself was never allowed. I suspect that since console will be allowed to have mods that restriction will be relaxed as far as FO4 mods are concerned. Even though the Nexus won't be distributing mods for consoles many of the same mods will be on all systems.
  18. 1) Is it possible via the CK to change the number of perk points awarded at level-up? I know there's an F4SE plugin that does this, but for what I'm planning I'd like to do it in the CK. 2) Anyone know how (if possible) to remove the Local Leader 1 perk requirement for establishing supply lines? I'm gonna keep digging and poking around, of course, but if someone knows these answers I'd sure appreciate it :)
  19. I don't have any real trouble with an ASUS ROG G750 laptop. Of course, it IS a gaming laptop but it's hardly top of the line by today's standards. For example, about the best FPS I can get in FO4 is 45.
  20. That custom ini is created by the game itself (or you can create it yourself). Since it is not packaged with the game itself, when there's an update or you verify the game cache it doesn't get overwritten...dig? That of course doesn't mean that an update couldn't potentially break whatever you have settings for, but that's probably unlikely.
  21. The main reason to use Fallout4Custom.ini is that when there are game updates or you have to verify your cache that ini file won't get overwritten.
  22. Quite frankly, I fail to see the problem. The only real noticeable effect now in regards to mods is the mechanics of adding them (which admittedly has been bit of a mess while Bethesda figures out how to implement console modding).
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