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Everything posted by Deleted3507349User

  1. A fun and entertaining description is OK, as long as an accurate non-BS readme is available. Something that annoys me also are authors not giving their esp a name that reflects what the mod does, which makes checking load orders a nightmare. I deal with the issue by not using mods that do that.
  2. ...and when it comes to the wetness shader NOTHING counts as a proper roof unless it's an actual interior cell.
  3. If you use borderless windowed mode alt+tab works just fine. However, using that mode usually means you have to do some ini tweaking to get resolutions of 1920x1080 and above. Go into Fallout4Prefs.ini in your Documents/My Games/Fallout4 folder and in the [Display] section change the following lines to whatever you want your resolution to be... iSize H=xxxx iSize W=xxxx
  4. The thing about Dogmeat is that he'll hang out in doghouses, so the trick is to make sure you store or scrap every one of them except the one you want him to hang out in. The downside is that if you buy a dog, even if you build another doghouse they'll all try to use one of them.
  5. To the OP's question; yes and yes. It's both ridiculous AND not fun.
  6. Just to double-check (not to be a pain) but you have a Fallout4Custom.ini in addition to Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini?
  7. Have you followed the instructions; 'How To Enable Fallout 4 Mods'?
  8. That ini file goes in your Documents/My Games/Fallout4 folder along with the rest of the ini files.
  9. Down with corporate greed and all that, but in this case I think you guys are grossly overreacting. The post registrator2000 linked lists a number of perfectly reasonable steps to follow "When running into compatibility issues after a patch update while running with mods installed from third party sites". The uninstalling are re-installing of the game is a bit much and probably unnecessary, but everything else is actually a good idea. That's especially true for users who don't really know what they're doing, which is probably most of the people who need to read that post. I have this post from the mod authors forum fresh in my mind as I say all this. If you can't access that forum, the post basically complains about the high number of users who installed UI mods that are now incompatible with 1.5, and who don't know how to clean up loose files and solve the problem. I think you are really reaching if you see that community representative's post as evidence of Bethesda moving to monopolize modding. Awww, you broke the chain...
  10. Might be something from Fah Hahbah.
  11. I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing that Beth would be so incredibly stupid that they would attempt to cut off modding sites like the Nexus. Surely they know that any attempt to do that would result in mod authors immediately pulling all their mods from bethesda.net.
  12. *sigh* Bethesda is NOT forcing ANYONE to use their site exclusively. ...no really, they aren't. You can download and install mods from wherever you like. You can upload mods to wherever you like. The CK just comes with the ability to upload to mods.bethesda.net if - and only if - you choose to.
  13. Mods made with the CK are not forced to be uploaded the bethesda.net. It's entirely optional.
  14. A general rule of thumb from what I've seen is that any given mod will have, at most, endorsements from roughly 10% of the people actually using it. For example, SkyUI for Skyrim has 447,940 endorsements and 3,560,56 unique downloads. That's 12.58%.
  15. Actually, you should create a CreationKitCustom.ini and put the value in there like so: [General] bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 That way, when the CK gets updated you won't have to do it all over again. I'm going to update the OP post on that thread with the correct info.
  16. I suspect it won't affect the Nexus much, if at all. Most of the traffic there will likely be console users when that goes live. Personally, I hope bethesda.net succeeds in a big way and Bethesda makes improvements to the site.
  17. The whole custom ini thing (for both the game and the CK) is also new for FO4, isn't it?
  18. For some reason, changing the load order or messing with mods with NMM causes mods to be unchecked when you close NMM. Until they fix the bug, after you close NMM launch NMM AGAIN and re-enable your mods. That works.
  19. So, I'm assuming that just like Fallout4Custom.ini if there isn't a CreationKitCustom.ini just go ahead and make one? May be a silly question, but it's best to nail these details down.
  20. NMM is complaining you have no Fallout4.ini? The solution to that is that NMM is actually expecting Fallout4Custom.ini, to make it happy all you need to do is create an empty file named Fallout4Custom.ini and save it in that folder. Since you need to add a couple of ini lines, that's the one to add them to anyway. See the section 'How To Enable Fallout 4 Mods' in the following link. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation
  21. Setting the CK up to work with multiple masters is done just like in Skyrim's CK. 1) Create a new text file called CreationKitCustom.ini in your game folder. 2) Add the following lines: [General] bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 3) Save the file.
  22. It's a disease. Many infectious diseases can have lethargy as a symptom. The idea is that you slept on a dirty mattress in a post apocalyptic wasteland, it's probably infested with bedbugs. You got bitten and picked up a disease. One of the symptoms of the disease you picked up is lethargy. It makes perfect sense. Except it was a nice clean brand-new bed in my own house.
  23. It's a bug, all you need to do is create a file (even if it's empty) and save it as Fallout4Custom.ini in you documents folder along with Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini THAT"S the ini file that NMM is looking for that it can't find.
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