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Everything posted by RattleAndGrind

  1. Enclave. Brotherhood of Steel. Enclave. Brotherhood of Steel. Enclave. Brotherhood of Steel. I have a wonderful idea. Let's lets go back to 2242 (before the NCR-Encalve War) and have the Enclave kill off the floundering Brotherhood of Steel. Then the NCR can kill off the Enclave in 2252. Then we can debate something really important. Raiders vs Children of Atom. Its a game. Not a Religion. In 100 years, nobody is going to give a ... ah ... fish. From the History of the Brotherhood of Steel (canon) "By 2242, the Brotherhood was no longer the power that they once were. And with the reemergence of the Enclave, they were no longer the most advanced organization in the wasteland. Knowing this, the Brotherhood was intimidated. Without the proper resources to deal with the Enclave, the best the Brotherhood could do was keep an eye on them" From the History of the Enclave (canon) "Enclave scientists and engineers stationed at Adams Air Force Base sent a reinforced combat-model eyebot, ED-E, to Navarro to be serviced and repaired there, seemingly uninformed of the assault on the outpost. ED-E's programming contained a message saying that any repairs needed on the way were to be made by Chicago Enclave personnel, indicating that there are Enclave outposts there. The Illinois license plate bolted to ED-E's side is just one more fact that supports the idea that other Enclave outposts or holdings still exist elsewhere within North American Wastelands."
  2. And with that; common courtesy becomes uncommon, ingratitude becomes acceptable and the Golden rule looses it luster.
  3. <snip> Whoops, wrong place. Sorry 'bout that. After thought. I miss X-play and Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb. Pew-Pew is Morgan's "gun sound" and the Pew Pew weapon is an honorarium to Morgan.
  4. Which I'm already running. And you are still getting spawns inside the build limits? If you are, contact scary666scream; a fix may be needed. Note that he says most settlements, or something along these lines in his description. Tenpines Bluff is in the list of settlements which is identified as fixed in the description.
  5. Which I'm already running. And you are still getting spawns inside the build limits? If you are, contact scary666scream; a fix may be needed.
  6. The best mod is http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12892/?
  7. Just as the BoS left chapters behind in their moved from West to East, I suspect that the Enclave did too. Who knows what might lurk in the Appalachians or along The Missus Hip or around the Big Puddles or out on the Great Plains. Who knows what might exist in the silos left behind in Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana and Wyoming. Additionally, if one looks closely at the journey through the Crawler, there is at least one "impure" human who has been recruited by the Enclave. And this person (Stiggs) survives the attack on the crawler and escapes with a couple of robots in tow. This implies that the Enclave Recruitment standards have fallen and; just like the BoS, they have begun recruiting "savages". And I respect the Enclave . They are openly deceitful while the BoS is covertly deceitful. The Enclave is disposed to ignore the plight of the bulk of the "savages", while the BoS is disinclined to allow the 'savages" a peaceful existence. The Enclave obtains and preserves technology by studious exploration, while the BoS is more "aggressive" in their pursuit of tech. The Enclave treats the BoS with disdain while the BoS deals with the Enclave with a profound hatred. I would LOVE to see the Enclave again. BTW, I believe that the BoS in the East acquired their Vertibirds by stealing them form the Enclave.
  8. We won't count The Pitt. In Fallout NV, the BoS demands that the Courier destroy the Van Graffs as a demonstration of his loyalty to the BoS. The courier actually does the BoS dirty work and destroys an entire organization. When Cassidy Caravans and other traders are attacked by energy weapons, the first suspect is the BoS. Cassidy comments that the pattern does not fit the BoS, because the supplies were destroyed and not stolen. Her statement clearly implies that the BoS has a pattern of attacking caravans and stealing the supplies. The Courier himself comments to Veronica about the danger of using technology in the presence of the BoS and Veronica does nothing to dissuade him from that opinion. No matter which path you take through FO4, the BoS attacks Bunker Hill to destroy four synths. Why attack Bunker Hill just to kill four synths. That is nonsensical and there has to be another motive. Given that the Knights are shouting, "KILL THEN ALL!! KILL THEN ALL!!"; I suspect the people which are helping the synths "integrate into society" are the targets. And I was talking about Elijah, Elijah's motivation and how Elijah exemplified the thinking of the BoS and their insane drive for the acquisition of technology. What I said has absolutely nothing to do with what the BoS did as a response to Elijah's insanity. Disavowing Elijah does not negate Elijah's motivation or his thinking. And sending Christine to kill him implies only that they want him dead. It does not say why, but I suspect he was just an embarrassment (which Veronica confirms during I Can Make You Care). If you read my comments carefully you will see that nowhere did I state that the BoS needed to be destroyed. In fact, why would I put any effort into destroying an organization that is bound to destroy itself. You need to stop putting words in my keyboard and stick to what I actually write. And finally, your arguments start to disintegrate when you start applying negative appellations and resort to insults.
  9. The weather id's are also documented in the Fallout 4 console commands wiki : http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands
  10. First, there is the bland combatants. Raiders, Gunners, Rust Devils and Trappers have identical tactics, and strategies. And past a certain level, the same weapons and armor. These four groups are distinct without distinction. Second, combatants are limited to specific areas. In 3 and NV, it I encountered a combatant I could lead them from one end of the map to the other, as long as I let them see me. By this method, you could lead a death claw into the middle of a raider camp and watch the blood fly. In 4, if you travel too far from a static point in an area, combatants will break off pursuit and return home. Third, combatants are limited to specific areas. In 3 there were roving bands of Raiders, scorpions, Super mutants, Death Claws and others. You never knew when you might literally bump into a fight. In 4, you know exactly where combatants are living. You can engage or not, but there is never any surprises Fourth, the implementation of some of the weapons it ridiculous. A .50 caliber rifle is sudden death. The concussion of the bullet can kill if it passes within inches of some body parts. If it hits the body, the impact is always catastrophic. It kills. But a Raider/Gunner/Rust Devil/Trapper can take three .50 caliber bullets to the head and keep fighting. Then there is the issue of range. In RW, the range of a .308 is 800 M and a .50 caliber is 1500 M. In 4, they are identical. (I use the .308/.50 example because these are both variations of the same weapon. But there are other such weapon disparities.) Fifth, you are limited on the effect of the SPECIAL attributes. One Example. In 3 (Micheal Masters) and NV (Great Khan Armor), there was always a vendor who had he best prices. If your Charisma was 10, these vendors would fair trade (cost=value=price). In 4, there is no such vendor. In fact, if your Charisma exceeds the 10 value max, the prices start going back up. I have noted similar drop-offs in Agility, Strength and Endurance when their value exceeds 10. Sixth, there are no dastardly deeds. Most of the moral choices range from do-gooder to goodie-two-shoes. There is no real conscious stretching choices. Quick example. A moral choice with no consequence. Seventh, the Perk system is backwards. In order to get a perk that is desirable, you must first take a perk that is undesirable. Example. In order to get the perk which allows fast-travel when over-encumbered, you must take a perk that allows you to run when over-encumbered. This perk drains you AP every time you do more that W, and it drains it exceedingly quickly. If I had to rank these issues in order of importance to me. I would put the weapons first, followed by the combatants and the special/perks issue. If a game is to be truly immersive, these things have to be right.
  11. Putting in a "ownership" message is permissible, but damaging saves or game play or crashing is beyond the pale and could cause your mods to be considered malware. I would rather the thieves be considered a criminal than become one to stop them. I used to mod during the Oblivion days and did some Warcraft modding also but quit because I just couldn't handle the massive waves of hostility from strangers who I had just worked many hours to give them something for free. =) Sound familiar? I really wasn't suggesting to do anything that would damage console games, only provide a measure of control for the mod creator as to when and where their mods would be released. I wasn't suggesting that anyone do anything criminal either and really don't see blocking unauthorized use as criminal act. The news of the bethesda.net policy changes coming up sound very encouraging though and I hope it is a step in the right direction. Sorry, I see what your saying. I'm a UNIX sys admin by trade and the idea of killing something really means terminating a process. So yes, I was suggesting something that would either not allow the game to start or would crash the game if a unauthorized mod is used. On the PC side of things if you load a mod and then your game wont start. You remove the mod and go back to playing. Does it not work that way on consoles? I really don't know. If there is a way to actually damage the console then I apologize and thats not what I meant at all. I thought the worst case scenario on a console is you have to reboot it but no permanent damage takes place. I spent 45+ years as a Mainframe System Programmer. In that world, we cancel tasks. The only "killing" we did was when we did something really stupid and killed squirrel which kept the machine running. Back to the issue at hand. First, consider you audience. Console players are reading this. They see the phrase "game killing" and they see the game dead forever. I would find some terminology that is less industry specific and more "user friendly" (I hate that phrase, but it is appropriate). Second, tell the user what is happening and why. Give them a message which identifies the Mod and the original author before stopping play. But to just stop the game and not tell them why is counter productive. Especially if the user just put on more than one or two mods. Is it one mod? Is it a combination of mods? Is it the order the mods are in? And even one mod can prompt these questions. Is it the new MOD. Is it the load order. Is this mod incompatible with another mod? It isn't always as simple as "just take off the last mod and start again". I say, tell them why. ED: I read this and had to smile at myself. I still think in terms of users and clients. I am stuck in a rut. Somebody throw me a half stick so I can blast my self out.
  12. I don't even feel Elijah was "insane" he was the mirror held up in front of the Brotherhood and reflecting it's core tenants unhinged. "Collect Technology, and use it for their own ends. No other considerations needed." If anything Elijah represents the Brotherhood at its most base level, something of which scared the ruling council enough to order his death. Elijah's whole attitude was one of "We shouldn't care who we have to step on, or what we do to obtain it, the technology ends justify any means." I hadn't considered that perspective. You may be correct. Either way, the BoS I not a rational organization: they are a rationalizing organization.
  13. I have seen the splash of bullets after they have passed through a target several times. I thought it was realistically cool. Today, two Raiders were in file coming over the little hill on the north end of Spectacle Island. I aimed at the one in front and fired. After riding the recoil, I attempted to re-acquire the targets, but there was none to be had. I went to the top of the hill and there were two bodies, stacked together. I did not see the kills, because as I said; I was riding the recoil. But I only fired once and what was two Raider combatants became two bodies. After 1957 hours playing FO4; a miracle has occurred. I am certain that I got a double blammy (two kills with one shot). Okay, it's a first for me. I got excited.
  14. I do not see the BoS as good guys, The BoS are nothing more than bullies in Power Armor. The BoS wants to gather all technology unto themselves and they have no moral limitations on how they get it. They are perfectly willing to destroy entire communities just to get their hands on an interesting piece of tech. They will summarily kill people and groups they see using any tech they wish to control. I cannot quote the couriers comment, but the bottom line was that the BoS is dangerous if you use any tech in their presence. Furthermore, the BoS is perfectly willing to destroy everyone "not bound by steel" in some misguided belief that these subhumans must be "protected" from any and all advanced technology. Worse, in the vocabulary of the BoS, 'kill' and 'protect' are semantic equals. Which BoS character was it that compared the 'savages' to children playing with matches when tech was involved? And Veronica is correct. The BoS will destroy itself unless it abandons some of the more constrictive sections of the Codex and starts engaging with the rest of the world. But to engage with the rest of the world, the BoS must first abandon their Codex inspired belief that all technology belongs to them alone. They must abandon the Codex inspired belief that those "not bound by steel" are 'savages' and can be killed with impunity. They must abandon their Codex inspired belief that they are permitted to acquire tech at the expense of the rest of humanity. But alas, the BoS is wedded to their precious Codex. They will never abandon The Codex and its over glorified principles, even to save themselves from extinction. That is unless you look a little closer. What was it the Codex says about using pre war tech or nuclear weapons? Oh yeah, it forbids it. But wait now, I am having a vision, I see a big robot named Liberty Prime which is pre war tech? And look there, it launches tactical nuclear devices? And I see the BoS using Liberty Prime in their war against the Enclave in the East? I see the BoS violating the Codex and using pre war tech AND nuclear weapons in war. So at it's best, the Codex is a document of convenience. It is followed when the BoS needs to justify their killing and destroying to collect technology from the savages, but it is blithely ignored when it suits their needs. Typical BoS hypocrisy. Oh yeah, about the infallibility of BoS leadership, I have to look no further than Elijah. He may have been insane, but his insanity was fueled by the BoS' overwhelming desire to get the ultimate tech. The BoS personified.
  15. I reached the same destination and was able to get to a peaceful resolution. With one exception. Tektus had ordered two people to "prove" their loyalty to the CoA by killing the other person. A mind capable of doing such a thing wasn't a mind I wanted on the same planet. I shot Tektus without a moments hesitation, was grateful for the opportunity and didn't miss a single nights sleep.
  16. Without the ability to actually see what you are doing, I and going to have to guess, If I get it wrong, it is because I had to guess and guessed wrong. The simple answer is build a generator and wire it to the "builder" and any other conveyor belts you have installed. Then power the Terminal from the same generator. This should work. If it doesn't, I will guess again.
  17. As promised, I went to the NMM developers and I am half right (which means I am half wrong). The 255 limit is a deliberate restriction, but the restriction is on Game side. Bethesda has imposed the limit. And had I been thinking clearly, I would have seen the truth earlier. The ReferenceID of any item is in the format xx000000 (where xx is the load sequence and 000000 is the number of the item). It is the xx which is the clue. That xx corresponds directly to the load sequence. And as I said above, the max value for xx is FF16 or 25610. 0016 is the base game. The four DLCs are 01-0416. Sometimes I just take the long way to get to the answer. And FYI, this same issue came up in Skyrim. Here is a link to that thread: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1001661-mod-manager-255-plugin-limit-is-there-a-fix/. Pay special attention to the comment by bben46. He is the resident pro.
  18. Actually, 255 is only eight bits or one byte (FF16). The limit is most probably a design constraint or a development limitation in NMM which limits the number of plugins to the value that can be stored in one byte. If you doubled the size of the data element to 16 bits or two bytes you could have 65,536 (FFFF16) plugins at which point you would need a mainframe to load them all. So I come down on the side of design constraint. I will ask the NMM designers/developers.
  19. Which doesn't seem to come into the equation in any case. I leave a lot of settlements, the ones that don't show potential for development, pretty much in their vanilla state without recruiting or sending people there, or building anything besides defenses, for that matter. Red Rocket just contains Preston, since I wanted to get rid of him, and a provisioner. And yet it's in the 80ies region of happiness. I have found that fewer settlers seems to make it easier to get happiness moving in an upward direction. I have one settlement which I created as sort of a home base. That settlement has only 3 settlers (one to tend bar, one to man the artillery and one to harvest Mutfruit), Cait and the Shaun synth. Happiness there hangs about 98% and has hit 100% a couple of times. Hmmmm. I may have figured to get Starlight off of 12%. Off to test. "I'll be back".
  20. The AI is really horrible. It even has problems finding a bed. I bounded one side of a settlement (the side most attacks came from) with the big solid foundation blocks, built a barracks on top of the blocks and then topped that off with turrets. Knowing the vagaries of the AI, I put in four stairways to get to the beds. Still, I have three settlers who walk around the blocks and attempt to get into the barracks from the outside of the wall (where I can't build). New subject: Why is there no emoticon for 'shaking my head'?
  21. Ahh sorry if you felt that way. The only first paragraph was quoting you. I guess it would be better clarifying that I wasn't specifically calling anyone Angry Neckbeard. Even if do so, it is not an insult in this field. Just as how gamers often make a good laugh by joking on developers(like OP made fun of it in no harmful way), we also use that term for good laugh. Angry Neckbear is like a Cute Piglet to us. Perhaps that's only possible because they have zero effect on the business. Maybe it will be also better clarifying my intention. I wanted to offer a different point of view from development part. Modern games can be underwhelming in story development. It will be more. More resources get forced to being used on epic graphic and spectacle thingies. To keep the business, a front war maintaining the majority of customers at the same time recruiting more of them, developers have little choices. I saw some pun about VR in this thread. To provide a view, many companies are actively pioneering that field to survive in the future. I am not Beth but ours is also onto that. Video game industry has grown too small and competitive for the investment we put in. Apologizing for how I felt? Really? How deliciously dismissive. You get to make it my fault. You insult me and it's my fault. You REALLY are good. However, i choose to ignore your insulting non-apology and I am moving on. Please consider; I am angry, I have a neckbeard, and I don't like the phrase. In the future you may refer to me as an OLD FART. Angry Neckbeard just has too many hard consonants. And I (and the rest of us old farts) have more impact on the market than you seem to understand. I will grant that approximately 70% of the gamers playing are between 16 - 25. But there is an interesting statistic that gets ignored, 9-12% of games are bought for little Suzie or Johny by grandparents. Additionally, 8-11% of gamers are over 50 years of age and we buy our own games. Granting crossover, the conservative number is that us old farts make up 15-20% of the market that actually buys games. So please reconsider your comments about the impact that us old farts have on the market. Finally, I am not a game developer. You tell me that developing "story" is more difficult than than developing landscapes and buildings and NPC's, so I have to believe you. Maybe you all could explain in excruciating detail why that is. Oh ok, keep it simple for the noob.
  22. It's not like 1:1 exchange but the visual has became more winning factor than stories for the majority in the market. It can be Ironic but console is actually helping us buying that time. Graphic is progressing too fast so we need console barrier to fix this. Sometimes it feels like a chicken race. The demand is going only onward while the profit is more or less the same. Angry neckbeards do nothing for us but bashing their own keyboards. Luckily they serve a zero factor to the market. We have ten more customers to deal with. What a wonderful discount of my thoughts. You completely dismissed my three simple statements and went off on a totally unrelated tangent. Cool. To top off the utter discarding of my comments; you managed to insult my age, my typing skills and my spending power in the space of two sentences. You ARE good. Now if I may bring it back onto the issue which the OP raised for me. As gaming progresses, different people will have different priorities. Some want really pretty pictures (as illustrated in the OP). Some want a FPS. Some want NEAT weapons and armor. For me, all that is wasted without a good story to drive it along. Please feel free to ignore my comments again and go off on a different tangent. I enjoy watching the grandbabies play.
  23. I don't play for pretty people and graphics are one of my lower concerns. I even find having to kill my way across the map kind of annoying. Maybe by 2022 Bethesda can return to good storytelling.
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