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Everything posted by TheWilloughbian

  1. Still, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Percentage wise, the frame drops you are seeing look about normal for the game with the settings gassed. If your not falling below 40 fps I wouldn't sweat it. I mean, you could try upgrading your PSU, see if that doesn't give it the kick in the ass you are looking for, but that can get pricey. Looking at your system specs though, that looks to be where you might get your bottle neck. Your GPU could be starved a little for juice.
  2. I always though it was expected than an ENB would halve your framerate. If you're getting 50 fps with an ENB, I'd say that's quite good. If my game goes a frame or two over 60 fps veggies and cheese wheels start bouncing all over Whiterun.
  3. You have a lot of mods that are making edits to NPCs. So it hard to tell which mod or combination of mods is the culprit. Best I could tell you is load up all your mods in the CK and make your own Facegen patch ESP. Also Apachii has race edits in just about all his mods, so plan on making new facegens whenever you install one of his mods. Don't get me wrong, Love his mods, but I'm always patching my vampires whenever I try out a new one. BTW you need to switch #5 and #6. USSEP should always be right after Dawnguard.
  4. Once you get the hang of it, SSEedit is really easy to use. The place to start, I would say really, is pay attention to what different colors on the text means. That's how you find conflicts and can tell what mod overwrites another. As for the edits you are wanting to make.... Load up all the mods you want to change and under "Form ID" just right click on the NPC you want to delete and select "remove" from the dropdown that pops up.
  5. Looks like that's the edge of the road mesh meeting the textured land.
  6. Also... In theory if you do the edits in SSEedit you shouldn't even have to merge the mods, unless you want to. So, you can test it out before merging.
  7. Awesome, I didn't think of that. So I figure what, just delete the references to each character in all the mods except the version I prefer? That should work. Just make Backups! :D
  8. Says right in the description page not to run nif optimizer on your entire meshes folder. I tried it once it was bad. Had to reinstall the game.
  9. Giving this a bump for having the answer as to why combat music wasn't playing. skyz10 gets a kudos.
  10. Glad I did this. None of my DLL plugins would work with the new version. Thanks for the good advice.
  11. I'm not sure why, but some dds file won't work with any of the dds converters, gimp or paint.net. Anybody know why? Thanks
  12. Q: What model are you retexturing? A: Halofarm's Computer Screens from Aether Suite. Q:What compression settings are you using? A: BC3/DTX 5 Q: Are you importing then generating mipmaps for the new dds file? A: I've tried, but it doesn't seem to help. Q: Finally when exactly does your crash occur? A: When I try to load the model with the texture into the CK. Yeah. I tried that one. Didn't work. Thanks though.
  13. I been trying to convert a png to dds for SSE, using gimp, but the resulting texture crashes the game/CK. Having the same problem with a few jpegs as well. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
  14. Sorry to have to resurrect a long dead thread here, but I'm having the same issue. Here are my questions..... If do what is suggested here will I have to reinstall all of my mods and should I uninstall the previous version of NMM? Thanks.
  15. I like the absence of moss on the texture. Makes it a little more flexible.
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