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Everything posted by Themisive

  1. First, do you have the Morrowind Goty? if not this is the correct install sequence - also remember you'll need all the relvant patches from the Bethesda website for it. Morrowind.Tribunal.Bloodmoon.The reason I asked if you have the Morrowind Goty is that disk DOES tell you the correct install, and patches each game accordingly. As for hard drive failures, I can sympathise as I've had two, the first only wiped the data on one drive - no real loss, as the only data kept there was the O/S registry and drivers but the second was much more serious, as it wiped some of the data on EACH of my other two drives!
  2. Sorry about that, I was looking at your list of mods and didn't realise that you were already at the max for Windows XP! Anyway, As far as I can see, there seems to be no mod problem with your listed mods. However I have found a frame-rate stabiliser. Unfortunately it's for Oblivion, you can find it here. I've just finished playing Morrowind (including Trubunal and Bloodmoon), but I never saw a reference to a frame-rate oprimizer, so as far as i can tell, the link I gave you is the only one I know of.
  3. Try adding at least another 1Gb RAM. That should clear up the frame-rate problems. As far as I can see, the mods seem to OK. One other thing do you use OMOD and/or OBSE? They can help.
  4. Unfortunately, I've looked at Cobl in the past, but all I can see is it requires mods I DON'T have such as Shivering Isles. In addition all it seems to be is a set of scripts, and surely any sort of mod that I need will have those scripts involved already. As I want to make a mod that' any-one can download and use, not just people who can and want to have to find other programmes such as Wrye Bash. The only exceptions I'm making are OBSE and OBMM though it does not need to rely on OBMM. Although I CAN convert tga files to dds files, what about the _n.dds files? As far as I know, the _n.dds files contain an alpha channel, and I don't have any programme capable of making one! In fact if someone could let me have a script, I could paste that into the script portion, but I can't write one (yet) hence my asking.
  5. Hi I wonder if anyone can help on this? I want to put some ingredient jars into a mod I'm making, but don't really want to use the small Ayleid casks. What I had in mind was the blue jar that was available in Morrowind, I would also like the script for the sorter (I can put that in place myself - it's just writing it that's the problem). I do know that ALL the jars will have to be marked as persistent reference for the script to work. There only seem to be two mods that have this sort of system and both of them use the Ayleid Casks! In fact, if anyone knows of a way to port the jars over from Morrowind, the nif files are named _dm_pot_****; where **** is the ingredient name, these come from a modders resource I found called "Alchemical Ingredient Pots and an Automatic Sorter" Unfortunately, this set comprises ALL of the ingredients for Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon, and the pots would need to be re-textured. Not only that but the other files are in tga format, so you would get Tx_B_pot_b****.tga where *** is the ingredient name, and there don't appear to be ANY NORMAL FILES!
  6. It all depends where you live, if in America for example the ~ key is beside the figure 1. However you'll find that in the UK the ` key is beside the figure 1, in each case they are the keys to open the console! Just remember that you may have to edit the .ini file (the one in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion), but before you do that open the file, then save its all files and save it as Oblivion.ini.bak, that way you'll be able to go back to the original setup if needed.
  7. This is a silly thing to ask, as I know I've done it before - however I've just spent a few weeks re-playing Morrowind and to be honest I can't remember how to drop unwanted items from my inventory. any ideas anyone?
  8. I stopped playing Oblivion a week or two ago, and re-loaded Morrowind - there's a lot of "back story" in Morrowind that is not really explained in Oblivion. However, I have finished Morrowind (I used the GOTY), now I'm about to begin Oblivion again, hopefully with a better understanding of the game. After that - well we'll see.
  9. One thing you should remember is that I have NONE of these things and Morrowind is still stable! Apart from this advice, remember defrag ALL your drives regularly, I use two defrag programmes, one is very fast and is used after I have finished modding for the day, the other is slower and I use it at night just before shutting my computer down. the result is that my programmes are all in peak condition. Another thing, make sure you are using anti-virus and anti-spyware systems, both up-to-date. It doesn't mater if your router has a hardware firewall, your still better off with a software firewall as well (there's no conflict - just do NOT use two software firewals at the same time, there is a conflict there!) make sure you get one with real time protection as well. Anti-virus again make sure that the one you select is capable of: monitoring incoming and outgoing e-mails. has real-time protection.monitors ALL you downloads, from any sourceOne thing you WILL need to do is to run a full scan of both systems at least one a week, other than that you should be fine
  10. One thing you should remember is that I have NONE of these things and Morrowind is still stable! Apart from this advice, remember defrag ALL your drives regularly, I use two defrag programmes, one is very fast and is used after I have finished modding for the day, the other is slower and I use it at night just before shutting my computer down. the result is that my programmes are all in peak condition. Another thing, make sure you are using anti-virus and anti-spyware systems, both up-to-date. It doesn't mater if your router has a hardware firewall, your still better off with a software firewall as well (there's no conflict - just do NOT use two software firewals at the same time, there is a conflict there!) make sure you get one with real time protection as well. Anti-virus again make sure that the one you select is capable of: monitoring incoming and outgoing e-mails.has real-time protection.monitors ALL you downloads, from any sourceOne thing you WILL need to do is to run a full scan of both systems at least one a week, other than that you should be fine
  11. What type of game do you have? I use Morrowind GOTY, I have had this trouble but a re-install way well be what is needed. I've seen where the MGE was added, and made it impossible to use the ALT+TAB, likewise the Morrowind Patch Project seems to interfere with this as well. My advice is uninstall the game then reinstall but DON'T try to use MGE or the Morrowind Patch Project, you should find it works OK this time. another thing you could try before uninstalling is this - defrag your drives, it may well be that one - or more of you files have become corrupted. Just because modern drives are very large DOESN'T mean files will not be corrupted!
  12. I wonder if any other member can help here? The problem is I'm in Solsthiem (the Bloodmoon expansion) and I want to try to add a few more Snow Bear Pelts to my inventory. I do know it will start "player->additem" (without the inverted commas of course, but I do not know the code for the snow bear pelt, any ideas anyone?
  13. Just as I've always said, you can't beat the PC for versatility! In fact as far as I know, the xBox can't be upgraded (I may be wrong there but I'm only going off an xbox 360 my son owns and from what he's told me about it) but the PC is easy to upgrade, anything from RAM and CPU to even the motherboard, as well as any expansion boards fitted. I've been using a PC for 17 years now, and I still get astonished at the sheer versatility of it. Of course you do need a good O/S as well, mine is Windows 7 Professional x64 (that is the 64 bit version), yet I can still play games and run programmes that were bought for 32 bit systems! Now that is what I call versatility! In fact, Windows 7 is supposed to be what Vista was not, it is stable - OK there are upgrades but that's a minor detail - it uses less memory than Vista, as well as a few other things. In fact, I was told NOT to upgrade to Vista because it was so unstable, instad I waited until Windows 7 was released.
  14. I know what you mean, my son has an xBox 360, but he rarely uses it, much for the same reasons I think.
  15. What I want is a map similar to Morrowind map, that I can put on my hard drive, rather than staying connected to the internet all the time. At the moment I'm using the interactive map of Solstheim prepared by Google, but whilst it is good, it isn't what I really want. My broadband connection, though fast, has two different computers using it at present, Added to which there is alsways that ever-present danger of viruses downloading unseen (and I may add unwanted).
  16. Because Morrowind was not made for Windows 7 it seems you'll have to disable the UAC, but still maake a separate folder as I mentioned. Go to Control Panel\Action Center\Change User Account Control settings (this last is in the side bar); it may be a good idea to move the slider to the bottom of the scaale - I know it says it's not recommended, but by the same token, you should be able to play the game now. Also, if you have a spare hard drive or two it may be worth doing what I do, us C drive for the O/S and things like the printer and any other drivers, also for programmes like Java that MUST be on C drive. Use D drive for games and program files, and if possible use yet a third disk for all your personal data, like e-mail copies (those you can easily get from Roaming), and things like Microsoft Office files. I use that layout because if the O/S goes down, at least I have all may other data safe. If you do this or not, it's still worth turning that UAC off, as it can really stop programmes, especially pre windows 7 and Vista programmes: (both Morrowind and Oblivion fall into this category).
  17. To mynameistooshort. I see you problems, you're looking in the wrong place! Morrowind saves are not in the .As I said, and assuming you're loading onto C Drive, you'll find them in the root folder of Morrowind. The best way to tackle this is to look at the following: make a separate folder for all games (just title it games) on C drive, and load Morrowind in there. This stops that pesky UAC control interfering, and this may well be the cause of your not being able to save the game. I got around that as my Morrowind copy is on a DIFFERENT drive altogether. Anyway you should be able to find the saves at this location - X:\Games\Bethesda\Morrowind (where X is the drive letter). Don't look in Roaming as they are just not there!
  18. Remember Morrowind was made about 8 years ago, and was only really intended for Windows computers. Since the 360 came out only a couple years ago (I think), it seems that unless you can get a patch to allow you to load and play Morrowind on your 360, you'll just have to use Windows machine.
  19. Is there an interactive map of Solstheim available - not on the web. The only one I can find is the one on the UESP. For Morrowind proper, I downloaded a useful interactive map, I didn't worry about Tribunal as all the action takes place in a relatively small area, however Solstheim is a relatively large area and although it is only less than a quarter of the size of Morrowind itself, there is far more action to be had. I don't really want an online map, I would much prefer one that I can use to find various areas and places without having to resort to an online map, much the same as the Morrowind TES Map.
  20. Morrowind saves are made to the root of Morrowind - that is C:\Bethesda\Morrowind, NOT to one of the libraries as in Oblivion. A good thing to do here is to look at the following: Are you trying to play the game on anything other than a Windows computer?Are the specs within limits - by this I mean the game requirements - RAM, CPU and such?If the answer to 2 is yes and to 1 is no,(f the answer to 1 is yes, try loading Morrowind onto a Windows Computer) then I suggest you uninstall Morrowind, then clean your registry.It's easy enough to do, first make a backup of the registry, then in the run box type regedit and go to the Edit menu, and click on Find. I'm going to assume you have no other Bethesda games loaded, if that's the case just enter bethesda (case doesn't matter) and press run, it will find all keys relating to Bethesda, delete them all as it finds them. If however you do have other Bethsda games loaded, type in morrowind, again it will find all the keys relating to Morrowind, again delete them all. If you have a good registry leaner you may want to run it after you've closed out of the registry, that may find any keys you missed, now re-load Morrowind and try again, see if it works now.
  21. Often when I'm browsing the forums, (at the moment I'm re-playing Morrowind and the expansions prior to resuming Oblivion), I will answer a post then a few moments later will try to answer another post and get a messaage saying somthing like "Error - please wait 60 seconds before placing a new post". Is this something a moderator has imposed or what, or am I just trying to go too fast for the system? If you wish you can PM me with the reply.
  22. Try the compatibility options, remember, Morrowind came out around 8 years ago and was mainly for Windows 98Se! so try the compatibility for that, or for XP Home. It may also be worth finding your temp file (probably C:\Windows\Temp) and deleting the Morrowind temp file there, send it to the recycle bin then delete it. You programme should now save, according to the wording in that error. Please remember Morrowind was made for Windows, so if you're tring to play it on X-box or similar you may have problems.
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