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Everything posted by Themisive

  1. I am writing a book that needs different colours in it. I did download some hex colour codes recently, however they don't seem to work . Are there special codes just for Morrowind - and if so where can I find them?
  2. Prior to the site update,I could download archives of my messages. However, since the update was sompleted, I see that that option is no longer there, could you please look into it?
  3. Thanks to both of you for the info. As you'll have guessed, it's been a good while since I played Morrowind et al. That being said, it wasn''t Dram Breto I wanted, but the knight of the dragon, who's beside him! Anyway, that's sorted now, and again, thanks to both of you for your help.
  4. I've just completed a quest for Fraild-the-White, however, though he says I'm ready for advancement, I can't find Duke Vedam Dram! Believe me when I say I've looked all over Ebonheart, though people (including guards) do know of him, they won't tell me where to find him, and believe me when I say I've looked all over Ebonheart! I'm playing the Morrowind GOTY, with all 3 sections enabled, but no other patches - I had a problem with the Morrowwind Patch Project - but that seemed to be a fault with the patch NOT the programme. My O/S is Windows 7 74 bit (from what I've read on these forums it should pose no problem - indeed, until this incident I was doing OK, I'd finished the,.Fighter's Guild and the Mages Guild Quests (OK I still have a little to to with the Mages guild, but I'm already Arch-Mage) The problem here is finding Duke Vedam Dram to advnce me before I continue with Fraild-the-White's quests Can anyone please help?
  5. I know it's relatively old, but remeber, there are things that are better explained in Morrowind, and then when you go onto Oblivion you'll have the background to the game.
  6. OK glad I was able to shed some light on the problem for you, but remember anti-aliasing doesn't seem to work with Oblivion either. Anyway I'm glad you sorted the problem out.
  7. At present i'm involved in writing a long book for Morrowind, however some of the text has to be red or brown, and whilst the main part of the text will be black, could someone please point me in the direction of the hex codes required - for instance, I know that Black is 000000, but as for the rest I'm stumped. I would like all the colour codes please, as there will be other books to write, and I may need them then.
  8. From what you say it sounds like MGE is at fault. try uninstalling and clean your registry befor you install again (remeber to back up your registry first), that way you'll get all the keys relating to Bethesda and Morrowind off. I use Auslogics Boost Speed, wheich does this automaticaly. Reload the game, just rely on the patches supplied, if you load all 3 sections (Morrwind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon) I think you'll find it's pretty well patched anyway. Load what other mods you use and then start the game, and check off the esp's in the Data Files section, let the game load and then pause it -before you name your character - (I use the [ESC] key), go into options choose your key settings, adjust the audio settings and vidio settings. In the general settings make sure the mouse pointer is switched on otherwise you won't get a pointer. In fact that could be why you aren't getting a mouse cursor. You can go iinto the options at ANY point in the gameplay, so it's worth checking it and seeing if that's what is preventing your mouse cursor. I would certainly save unloading fiddling with the registry and then loading again. By the way, I too run Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, and it runs fin on my machine,
  9. What I'm doing is writing a LONG book of ALL the various poitons and the ingedients needed. In Oblivion, the max page limit seemed to be about 15, but again I'm not sure if you can increase THAT. Whilst I'm prepared to plade itructions in a separate book, I would prefer to keep them all in one book. By the way, until recently I've been playng Oblivion, which seems to have a set page limiit per book. However I decided to play Morrowind (and the expannsions) since this seems to be set about 400 -500 years before oblivion, and gives some really nice pointers to the game.
  10. I wonder if anyone can help. I'm writing a book for Morrowind - it promises to a faily large volume and wonder if just changing the weight of the book will increase the number of pages available?
  11. Re the malware issue, see the Dark0ne's blog on the first page.
  12. Thaaks, that does shed a bit of light on the problem, but I would like if possible to make a door oonly openable with the key made for it - in other words pick-proof. At the sme time, do you think it would be possible to make a door "owned" by the player to give an even greeater level of security?
  13. I wonder if anyone can help; there are 2 things really as set out below, but really the jumping is more important:: What basic skill do I need to increase my jumping ability?There used to be a dungeon 1 /2 way between Ft Moonmoth and the North path from Balmora, for some reason I cannot find it now though, although the game is correctly installed!Any Ideas anyone?
  14. I'm on a second round of Morrowind (I ianve the Goty this includes the other 2 expansion packs as well - Bloodmood and Tribunnal) since I decided to leave Oblivion and re-play Morrowind - there is quite a lot of detail there that acts as a foundation to Oblivion! If you have a save BEFORE you kiled those 2 ordinators, go back to that and start again, this time leave the ordinators alone! If you don't, you'll just get a repeat of the situation you're in now! Don't fall into the trap of "because there are only these two here it's OK to kill them" - it's just as if you kill a guard anywhere, all guards will attack on sight, the same goes with ordinators. Also you may want to bear this in mind for the legion soldiers, kill on and all attackk om sight. Basically the best thing to do is leave ALL of them alone. So far as I know, there is NO console command or anything else that would stop this, so look at it this way, LEAVE THEM ALONE to start with, this way the problem doesn't arisse.
  15. Believi it or not, I managed to get the Morrowind GOTY; it helps considerably, There is no patching involved as the latest - Bloodmoon is already patched to the max. I know about the Morrowind patch project, but it just does not work so I contacted the author about it. Otherwise the the game runs fine.
  16. Could you please tell me what is the lock level for doors - specifically if you want it to have a key? When I arranged door locks in Oblivion, I had a choice, and usually it was to select a key. Unfortunately in Morrowind, this principal does not seem to apply.
  17. I have had similar probllems, but not with that particular mod. If you use your PC for long periods without de-fragging, the nif file in question becomes so fragmented the gme cannot find it, thus it uses the default nif. The best way do correct this is to use a good disk defragmenter - I use Diskeeper 10 - regularly, and by that I mean after avery session playing the game. Whilst you may feel this is not needed as you haave a large hard drive or drives, it is not true, it doesn't matter how big the drive, it will still need defragmenting on a regular basis. In fact if you haaven't defragged your drive for a long time, then be prepared to spend at least an afternoon[doing just that. I can assure you that you will be pleased at the result, and you'll find your computer will run a bit faster as well.
  18. Thanks, that was the data needed. I had an idea that I had part of the answer, but the key to use was the bugbear. still, it's all sorted now (and working well). Many thanks again for you help.
  19. Hi I assume you're using a wireless system and a laptop. You have to remember that the farther away from the wirless modem you are the lower the signal strength is - just like that in a mobile phone. At the same time, when you are indoors, you will probably be using an adaptor to top up your battery, which you can't do outdoors! That also limits the amount of signal you receive, as the power needed to operate those wi-fi gadgets is quite a lot, and most of the power your battery gives out goes to the actual computer NOT to the wi-fi device. The result is that you get porr signal strength no matter which way you go about it. In fact, the only way you'll get some slightly bettr results is to use a long mains extension cable and top up your battery continuoously, just as if you are in the house. However that is not the whole solution, as you will find anyway that the farther away you are from the transmitter, the weaker the signal will be.
  20. To LegoMan!Am94 I see what you're driving at, still I should have made my question a bit clearer. What I really meant was Ihis: Is there any way of cutting down that intor title sequence, or do I get that each time I start the game? In addition I should have asked about the Screenshot, there are 3 seperate lines in the config file, these are: Screen Shot Enable=0Screen Shot Base Name=ScreenShotScreen Shot Index=0 Obviously, it seems that line 1 should end in a 1 to enable the screenshots. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any mention of a key that can be bound to act for screenshot, any ideas?
  21. Hi I am about to start Morrowind, then go on to the other add-ons in this series Tribunal and Bloodmoon. However, before I begin this, I would like to clear up some problems first. these are: Is it possible to remove the long title sequence from the game?I think I know where to go to enable screenshots, but I'd like confirmation; andWhere are the saves kept?I grant that I have played this game before, but it was many years ago and on a different windows platform (Windows 98SE if I recall).
  22. Thanks to all who replied to this query, I have loaded Morrowind, and started to set up the key configurations. I wintend to play ALL of Morrowind, then Tribunal and then Bloodmoon (at least the disks are in that order). As you will know the events of Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon are set many years BEFORE Oblivion, so it will form a good background to the next time I play Oblivion.
  23. Dear Sir I have Morrowind and the two seques - Bloodmoon and Tribunal as well as the necessary patches. However I am curious to know if it will run on my machine, . The O/S is Windows 7 x64, 2Gb RAM DDR2, the graphics card is nVidia GeForce 9600 GT with 256Mb DDR2 RAM, Soundcard is Soundblaster Audigy2ZS, CPU is an AMD Athold 2.2GHz (440+) dual core. As for disk space there is ample room, well over 200Gb space. Will I be able to use the present OBMM version and the present OBSE version, or would I have to use a different version of each?
  24. Prior to the update of the site a while ago, I was able to archive my messages and download them to my computer. However, I have noted that since this update, the archive system had vanished, and though i have repeatedly checked my settings, I can't find anything along those lines. Is there any way to download these files, as it's no use deleting them, most of them though they are months old, contain information which is germane now!
  25. I seem to remember seeing a modder's resoource of tapestries with birthsigns on them a while ago. and wrongly assumed they would stay on the site. I've got to the stage when I need something like that. If tapestries have to be made with birthsighns, they're just the vanilla ones.
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