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Everything posted by RGMage2

  1. I understand the march of progress, but it can still be frustrating. I bought a hard copy of Fallout 4 on the day it was released, cost about $90 with tax as I recall. I made the foolish assumption that the box contained multiple disks. I did ask the clerk and he didn't really know anything. I put on my glasses for small print and read every word on that box looking for clues, and yes it did say it needed an internet connection. But that was to be expected for validating the game on Steam, and of course I would have to download part of the game just as I had with Skyrim. But 80% of the game? That is not something I would expect when buying what is supposed to be hardcopy - alternative to digital download. My problem - and yes it is my problem and not their problem - is that my internet is exclusively DATA. No home phone line and no cable, just me, my cell phone and my rocket stick. Money isn't the issue, it's expensive but it meets my needs. When it no longer meets my needs than I will change my setup. What it would have cost me to download that 80% would be $400 on top of the $90 I already spent. I actually considered it because I do have the money, but having the money isn't the same thing as being willing to throw it away. Also considered returning the game and paying the extra for a XB1 bundled with the game, but decided I didn't want to give up PC gaming. So I still have the game in the box and it will wait patiently until my situation changes, and some day I will play it. If they had sold a true hardcopy and charged extra for it I would have been willing to pay double. If they released it on blu ray I would have upgraded my drive, which I would like to do anyway, I just need a reason. On a side note one of my laptops had a hard drive failure. I need to buy a new HD and an OS for it so I've been shopping around to see my options. I see windows is available on a USB thumb drive which is the obvious choice for this small laptop that isn't much more than a netbook with no optical drive. Now it occurs to me that the optimal solution for PC gamers who still want Hardcopy would be if the games were available on USB at whatever price was appropriate. Well, dream on I guess... (edited spelling)
  2. Isn't this a contradiction?? Does't the turtle also benefit from existing? Which it would do for longer was it not being exploited so. A symbiosis? I share a lot of your sentiment, but I think there is something in the sustainable and considered use of resources, rather than simply using of them as quickly as possible till they are gone... what is the point of the science and technology if you are no longer able to use it, for example? If it is literal it is a contradiction; if it is not literal then it must mean something else. Or perhaps it means nothing, only words with no meaning. The truth is often found in the middle of two extremes. You said all roads lead to Rome, and I respond all roads lead away from Rome. In a literal sense which of us is right? Or are we both wrong? Or perhaps your phrase was not meant to be taken literally. Two maggots infested the flesh of a dead elephant. One maggot said to the other "we should temper our indulgence in this creatures flesh, we must make it last or we will surely starve and not live long enough to grow our wings." The other maggot responded "if we do not eat well then how will we grow strong enough to fly away from this creature's dead carcass?" Or was it a dead mouse? I don't remember. I apologise for my intrusion. I know my words add nothing to your debate, so I will respectfully withdraw and trouble you no more. Carry on debating.
  3. We are but dust mites on a turtle's back, with grand delusions of our own importance. When the turtle inevitably dies we will be swept away. And the turtle will die, not by our hands but by natural causes. The logical course of action for the human race would be to exploit to the maximum every available resource and keep our science and technology moving forward no matter the cost to ourselves or the planet until we find another turtle. It is better to exist than to not exist.
  4. Those laws were brought in primarily to be used against holocaust deniers. If they were used now it is more likely that the bleeding hearts would use them against me for my intolerance toward the jihadists who preach death to us all.
  5. I don't know about the UK, but here we have laws against hate speech and spreading hatred against an identifiable group (that's us, western peoples, we are an identifiable group now), I'd like to see those laws enforced against any Imam or Cleric inciting hatred. Don't just close the mosque. lock them up and after they've done their time deport them.
  6. Well, it just so happens that mod authors now have the ability to totally lockdown their mods. I'm not a console user/owner so I'm just going by what I've been told. As I understand it, please correct me if I have this wrong, a mod downloaded to a console can never be accessed in the game editor or re-uploaded, all you can do with it is use it in your game. If this is true then you can totally protect your content from thieves or unauthorized redistribution by making it on your PC but only releasing it for console. Of course we know where this will lead - end of PC mod user community and end of Nexus. Full disclosure here: I am a bit of a conspiracy theory junky. After the paid modding fiasco when we were all offering our opinions about where we thought things would go, I recall writing something along the lines of "looking at this (paid modding) from Bethesda's point of view they will likely see their biggest problem as being the modding community not being within their control, and one of their priorities will be to take back the modding community." Well guess what, that is exactly what they appear to be doing. Every mod that gets ripped off from Nexus and reposted at Bethesda.net only re-enforces the idea that in order to protect your rights as a mod author you need to post your mod yourself at Bethesda.net; posting your mod anywhere else will leave you vulnerable. It's all about paid mods for consoles, that's what it has always been about. Having their own site will allow them to pay a higher percentage (50% ?) to the authors, which answers one of the grievances we had about paid modding. Modders who were serious about paid modding releasing only for console would eliminate pirating of paid mods. Having more authors releasing (even for PC) only on Bethesda's site would bring the community effectively under Bethesda's tutelage allowing them to shape the future of the modding community. Just as Iraq was all about the oil, Bethesda.net is all about paid modding.
  7. Going by what you say, problem when zooming out, I would have suggested looking at the NiAlphaProperty threshold setting. I've created that issue myself when experimenting with the threshold setting; having the threshold set too high caused a mesh with transparency to disappear when zoomed out beyond a certain distance. I don't know if that was your issue but it is what I would have suggested. Also it is possible for a mesh to have Vertex Transparency that I believe can be turned on or off in the BSLightingShaderProperty Shader Flags 1 SLF1_Vertex_Alpha. I'm not that familiar with Vertex Transparency but I have seen examples of it on some Skyrim vanilla meshes, so that's something to think about.
  8. Happy Canada Day from Torono :D Of course any day I don't have to get up at 5 in the morning is a happy day. :laugh:
  9. What a lot of people are missing with Trump is the age factor, it's why he will never be a Hitler. If he were a younger man he might be dangerous, but as we get older we are less ambitious and less likely to have dreams of conquest, and more willing to embrace compromise. Incidentally, it is his willingness to compromise on ideology that has so many conservatives against him. I've come to the conclusion that for Trump, becoming President of the United States is going to be his retirement hobby, and a chance to give something back. Of course the ego has a role to play in that as well. Can he win? Well sometimes in life you find yourself in a situation that almost seems like it's been scripted by a really bad writer, and when that happens you can usually predict how it's going to turn out. If this were a movie you would already have figured out that Trump will win. And if his first term goes badly then we already know the headlines in the morning papers the day after his failed re-election bid.
  10. Nifskope does play a part in the process but most of the work is done in a 3d modelling program like blender. Although porting the armor is not difficult it does require a fair bit of knowledge in using the software and that's where the learning curve can be steep. On the plus side once you learn how to do things like that you will have almost complete freedom to do what you want with clothing and armor. Whether or not this is really something you want to do you won't know until you try. Some people find it intuitive while others end up hopelessly frustrated. All you can do is try.
  11. If you are doing it only for yourself and never upload it anywhere then there is no problem. However, Bethesda does not allow porting from any of their games, even from Oblivion to Skyrim. Nexus respects Bethesda's wishes in this and if you upload it here you will be banned from Nexus.
  12. It seems that German feelings have been hurt. (no offense meant) I'm not going to pretend to understand technical issues between Britain and EU, for myself this was purely an emotional thing. I was very pleased and not too surprised that there were enough English people with the courage to vote leave. But as the son of Scottish immigrants to Canada I'm a little bit disappointed that there weren't as many Scots with that same courage. There will be some rough seas ahead, but nothing Britain can't handle. There is a whole world out there beyond the EU with many opportunities for trade. A lot has changed since 1973, great distances are no longer the barrier to trade they once were. Some things of course have not changed, the Commonwealth is still out there and maybe someday it will be important again. I think I would like that.
  13. I don't know if this is the issue or not but I will just throw it out there. If you baked new normal map in blender it has an issue where one of the channels is inverted which reverses the shadowing - lighted back of the model, shaded front. I can't remember which channel is the problem but I know it can be fixed with photo shop by inverting the channel or channels. I had this issue which looks very much like yours when I baked the normal maps for my Na'vi races head, ears, hands, and feet. I was able to fix it after a lot of trial and error inverting the channels in photo shop. if you google 'blender invert normal map problem" you will find some info on it.
  14. My understanding of American foreign policy is admittedly limited, but I am under the impression it is still guided by The Wolfowitz Doctrine and The Project for the New American Century. Which essentially aims to retain America's position as the sole Superpower in the world, and advocates taking pre-emptive action against any other nation that might rise up to some day challenge American global dominance. The people who are pushing this see the world as a giant chess board and themselves as players in The Great Game; they are not looking 5 to 10 years into the future, more like 50 to 100 years. They are not overly concerned with the Russia of today, it is the Russia of the future that frightens them. How this relates to Ukraine is their belief that a Russia someday reunited with Ukraine would have the population, industry, and resources to again become a true global superpower, where as a Russia permanently separated from Ukraine could never again rise to such a position. American policy toward both Russia and China is Containment, or in other words box them in and keep them down. The problem I believe is that it isn't going to work. There is a natural ebb and flow to our world, as great powers rise and they fall, and other great powers rise in their place. When you try to resist the changing of the guard that is when you get a war and probably a nuclear exchange. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime so I'm not overly concerned, but the prospect of anything approaching a 100% effective anti-ballistic missile shield on Russia's borders will probably lead to Orbital Nuclear Weapons platforms over our heads, currently prohibited by treaty, but treaties can be broken just like when America withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. How this relates to a Trump presidency is the belief that Trump might clean out the neo-conservatives from the State Department, which might delay a nuclear 3rd world war by a hundred years. I think it is more likely that if he tries to remove them he will be killed
  15. You just have to BELIEVE, ghosu. Also, has anyone seen OP since this thread began? :whistling: Dunno. Maybe making this thread was a mere elaborate, but simplistic, troll. i second this seemed to good to be true lol I'm thinking that maybe he had a few too many. It's never a good idea to post and promise when you've been drinking. Now that I said that, he will probably release 150 new armors just to prove me wrong, story of my life. :laugh: But honestly, If he even did one or two of the armors posted here I think that would be fantastic, and I hope he does and more power to him. :smile:
  16. This thread is like a bunch of wide eyed little kids lining up to sit on Santa's knee, and no one wants to be mean and tell them that Santa isn't real. :devil:
  17. If you post your exported nifs and your blend file someone might take a look at it and figure it out for you.
  18. Just curious but when is the last time we have had demonstrations where we burned the Iranian flag and chanted 'Death to Iran" ...never....and the last time the Iranians have done the reverse..a week ... a month? US and Iranian foreign policy interests are antithetical to each other so if by 'time' if you are thinking in geological terms then maybe. I was thinking 10 to 20 years with a very gradual thaw that could start as early as 5 years. It depends a lot on what happens with the Saudi. If that relationship goes south fast then the US might want to have a beneficial relationship with Iran. Nations act out of self-interest, it is in US interests to have partners they can work with in various parts of the world, and it would certainly be in Iran's interests to work with the US, even if their leadership can never openly acknowledge it. Another factor is the Sunni Shia divide. America is mostly friendly/aligned with Sunni nations, yet some of these nations are believed to be supporting ISIS (Sunni). Most terrorist attacks against the US of late have been perpetrated by Sunni. 9/11 hijackers were Sunni. It's not too far fetched to speculate that America might want to move closer to Shia Iran. Ideas can change over time, though some hatreds will only end when old people die and new people are born. A lot of people can die and be born in 20 years. Obviously I'm no expert on any of this, just a guy who likes to read and tries to figure things out. I can't count the number of times I've been wrong, but I'm not always wrong.
  19. So are you saying you actually live in Iran . yes …i do . Pleased to meet you. :smile: I too hope for all sanctions against Iran to be dropped and normal relations. As for Trump I hope he is only blowing smoke with his anti Iran message. Trump is a business man and there is good business to be done with Iran. Keep in mind that Obama for all his words has not removed all sanctions and Hilary Clinton is unlikely to be a friend of Iran. This is just my opinion and I could be wrong, but I think that as America's relationship with Saudi Arabia continues to deteriorate, America will slowly move toward an informal alliance with Iran. But slowly is the big word, it will take time.
  20. In defense of Trumpfrom a Canadian, he has some wiggle room on the wall. It doesn't need to be the Great Wall Of China. It could be an electronic wall that can't be penetrated without detection, with rapid response forces ready to interdict trespassers. I don't recall him saying he's against immigration, just illegal immigration. His anti Mexican comments were aimed specifically at Mexicans crossing the border illegally, which seems to be something a lot of Americans are against. I wouldn't be surprised if Mexicans who have immigrated legally to the US are also against illegals. I've found that people who jump through all the hoops to immigrate legally can be the most resentful of other people jumping the cue. His call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US was made in response to the San Bernardino attack. It was such a senseless and incomprehensible act, and Trump was basically saying we need to step back and figure out what's going on here. If his position was extreme, it was in response to extreme circumstance, and I believe it may have resonated with many Americans as a call for common sense. Whether or not it really does make sense is something he will have to deal with. That's the disadvantage of a politician actually speaking his mind and telling us what he truly thinks, instead of having every word vetted for political correctness by a team of backroom consultants. Trump never called for carpet bombing, that was Ted Cruz. He did imply that if you go to war you will fight to win. His support of extreme treatment or torture of prisoners simply falls into line with policies of previous presidents, Suggesting going after the families of terrorists is something that already happens, though perhaps inadvertently, as drone attacks have killed families, not just the intended target. Trumps only misdeed here is that he called a spade a spade and publicly acknowledged the obvious. Trump seems to lean toward pulling back from foreign entanglements. Less of a world policeman and more of a stay at home dad, rebuilding America at home instead of building a world empire with American hegemony over all. Parting company with Bush the 1st's proclamation of a new world order, and accepting that the world is in fact multipolar, and other great powers do indeed have national interests and spheres of influence. So perhaps a less belligerent and confrontational America and a more stable world. Calling for punishing woman who have abortions was nothing more than a logical answer to a hypothetical question, a question he clearly did not want to answer but was badgered into answering. Logically speaking if you do something illegal does it not normally follow that there is some form of punishment for committing an illegal act? If abortion is illegal then what would be the consequences of that? That is a question the anti-abortion forces don't want to deal with, bit it is something that really does need to be discussed in the open. My reading on Trump is that he thinks "it's complicated" and he doesn't have a definitive answer and would prefer not to be the one making the decision, which is probably inline with what most people think on abortion. On gay issues the real Trump will probably come as a surprise to many of his detractors who can only see the worst intentions in anything he says or does. There was a very informative article in the New York Times a couple of weeks ago, Donald Trump’s More Accepting Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in G.O.P. It surprised me, but it also didn't surprise me. The man is after all a product of New York, so yes New York Values, it really does mean something. Now those who say Donald Trump is not a true Republican may be on to something. It may be that he is neither Republican nor Democrat, but rather a Pragmatist who chose to launch his campaign on the Republican beachhead because it was the least defended. In an America that seems to have lost it's way and become polarized and paralyzed it just might be that a pragmatic President is exactly what the doctor ordered. prag·mat·ic praɡˈmadik/ adjective adjective: pragmatic "a pragmatic approach to politics" synonyms: practical, matter-of-fact, sensible, down-to-earth, commonsensical, businesslike, having both/one's feet on the ground, hardheaded, no-nonsense; informalhard-nosed "she remains pragmatic in the most emotional circumstances" relating to philosophical or political pragmatism.Donald Trump
  21. ... Well of course we're just talkin' about toons, dude (which have certainly improved over the few past decades). And more specifically, just what's ascetically pleasing in a video game - and it's all relative anyway. In real life I've had the pleasure knowing plenty woman who were VERY sexually attractive, but who weren't necessarily "pretty" or "beautiful" in the conventional sense. But we're talkin' about female characters in games, no matter how "pixel" deep. And I've certainly seen and created more than a few "hot" ones over the years. In hind sight I would rather not have made that post, my apologies. I do think we could agree on aesthetally pleasing. :)
  22. I just gotta say, having seen hundreds (thousands?) of pics of players showing off their female characters, I have never once seen a hot chick in a video game. Just pixels and polys and oddly freakishly bending parts. What ever it is that makes a person sexually attractive has yet to be replicated in a video game character. Nothing wrong with trying to create a hot chick character, but it's like a quest for the holy grail, and try as you might you will never get there.
  23. Try removing the Game.ForceThirdPerson() I did this in Skyrim Vanity Mirror and forcing 3rd person wasn't necessary because ShowRaceMenu did that automatically. Different game but it's still Bethesda so probably works the same.
  24. If any one is interested in an alternative perspective of American policy toward Russia you might find this short article worth a look. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44573.htm
  25. You seem to be echoing a good chunk of Trump's platform. An elitist government owned by special interests and ignoring the will of the voters. So maybe not so much of a Hobson's choice for you. It seems to me that the very sentiments you express are what is pushing people to support Trump, to fix the mess it has become, and if he can't fix it then at the very least he can burn it down.
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