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Everything posted by RGMage2

  1. It doesn't matter how right you are, there's always someone out there who's going to tell you you're wrong. It's a lesson I learned. It's why I try to avoid giving any technical advice unless I'm actually asked, even on things I know like the back of my hand with absolute certainty. Because there is always someone who will come along and try to undercut you and make you look stupid, putting you in the position of having to defend the advice you gave. I don't mind being called out when I'm wrong, and that happens. But when I'm not wrong... it's just not worth it.
  2. There's a lot more to modding than just modding. Time is a big deal, taking the time to do something that you might want to do but have no real need to do. Motivating yourself is easier said than done. Finding it in yourself to see a project through to the end. It's a lot easier to start a modding project than it is to finish it. Anyone can start something, but few can finish. And learning, learning isn't something to be taken for granted. Having the willingness to learn and put the effort into acquiring the knowledge you need to do the things you want to do... that might be the deal breaker for most people who try modding for the first time. And if you can get it all together, then you need the confidence in yourself to release it to the public when you know in advance that a certain segment of that public is going to pee all over what you did.
  3. In my opinion The biggest problem going forward with the obesity battle might be the currently in vogue idea that fatness is something we should all just accept as normal and something that can't be helped, as if it were akin to race or gender. No more calling fat fat any more. No more caring about physical fitness, no more striving for a 6-pack - unless it's a case of beer.
  4. It definitely wont crash your game. At worst you might get noticeable seams or gaps at the wrists and ankles. On a very skimpy armor you might notice that the texture doesn't line up in some areas, but if you're not showing too much skin then it wont be noticeable.
  5. It sounds to me like the problem here is not that the items are not there, but that you simply can't find them, which really isn't very surprising when you consider how many thousands of items there are in the game, and perhaps your new items aren't where you think they should be. So a couple of tips here: When naming new scripts or objects add a unique prefix to the new name to make it easier to identify in CK. In my own case I usually use "RGM" as in RGMNewArmor or RGMLightScript. In your case I would suggest using "Scd". Then when you want to find one of your items in the object window use the filter in the top left corner and type in Scd, then scroll to the bottom and select "all" and all your new items should show in the list to the right.
  6. Alrighty Open 2 nifskope windows, one with your nif and one with the default nif and do as shown in the image below.
  7. As someone who grew up on Science Fiction I've always taken it for granted that we are not alone, and not only is there a universe out there waiting to be discovered, it is our birthright and destiny to step into that future. However, as the years go by I guess I have become more practical in my outlook. Where once I saw colonies on the moon and mars as the natural next step for Humanity, I now see that idea as ill conceived and foolish. Those worlds are nowhere near habitable, and if we had the capability/knowledge/technology to terraform those worlds, they would not be our priority. We will terraform the deserts of earth before we terraform Mars, and we will live in cities on or underneath our oceans before we live on the moon. Research stations and mining operations on these Barren worlds - certainly, but full blown colonies would be a waste of our resources unless we were really desperate. The moons of Saturn and Jupiter intrigue me more than our own moon or Mars, Titan in particular. If it were up to me most of our focus would be on Titan, though I have to admit that Mars does occasionally capture my imagination. My mind wants to interpret this image from the Mars rover as the crumbling remains of a pillar of an ancient temple with the outlines of carved human-like figures still almost perceptible. Going beyond our own solar system will require a major breakthrough I think, which we probably can't even conceive of yet. Something tells me we wont figure it out until we are actually out there. Some force of nature, some basic scientific fact that we will never see while sitting here on earth, but will become obvious to us once we are truly out there. My fear is that we will reach a ceiling which we can not reach beyond. We may not continue to get smarter and smarter, advancing our understanding of science. We may in fact devolve. Perhaps pollutants in our environment will have a cumulative effect over generations and we as a species will actually dumb down. There could even be some ironic twists in our devolution. I've read theories that suggested human intelligence only started to takeoff after we became meat eaters, and it might not be so far fetched - carnivores do seem to have greater intelligence than herbivores. It would be quite ironic indeed if in trying to save our environment we all became vegetarians and dumbed ourselves down to the point we could never get off this rock. I also wonder about the natural evolution of our planet. Our research suggests that Mars at one time had a much more dense atmosphere and surface oceans of water, but over time the atmosphere was burned off and the oceans were lost. What if this is just something that happens to all worlds, that over time due to solar winds and radiation they just naturally become less hospitable to life, eventually becoming lifeless. What if this is happening to all habitable planets throughout the universe, and where once there were thriving civilizations there are now only dead worlds. What if no intelligent life ever survives long enough to reach beyond it's own world? Edit: I just realized I probably should have put that in the other thread. Oh well... what's done is done and I'm not undoing it. As for the actual question here Some people have no imagination.
  8. Hi! Can you please post the picture again? The post is missing the picture. Thanks sorry, I don't seem to have the picture anymore and I'm not sure what was in it. What did it show? Was it just the procedure for overwriting the NiTriShapeData from one nif to another? If that was all it was I could re-do it.
  9. The more I think about it the more I think this whole thing is just a misunderstanding. What they probably said was Video Games are for Chillin
  10. Hard drives are pretty cheap and most desktops can hold 4 internally. I currently have a little over 2 terabytes, of which a terabyte is taken up by movies. My problem was that I have another hobby I wanted to use the computer for and I wanted a clean install for it, so I saved the movies on one drive and wiped the rest. What I should have done was buy another drive and setup a duel boot but I was too impatient. Anyway, no regrets other than losing a couple of my unreleased Oblivion mods. The Skyrim stuff is actually backed up elsewhere, but it would still take quite a bit of effort to get it all working again.
  11. Admittedly, 53 years of nexus experience could be a strong indication of senility. :laugh:
  12. There are a lot of different ways of looking at this. The convenience argument seems to favor the console. Here is my situation: I've got Skyrim on PC and Fallout 4 on console. I haven't played Skyrim in a couple of years and I'm getting the itch to play it again. Problem is it's no longer installed. I also have to reinstall the steam client (cringe emoticon goes here), and I need to reinstall CK and python and nif scripts and blender and nifscope and compressionator and dds plugin for photo shop and unpack all the BSAs. And yes I really need to do all that because on PC I'm not content to just play the game, I want the whole modding experience of being in total control of what I'm doing. So I can do all of that and start playing Skyrim again, or I can pop the FO4 disk into my XB1 and do another mindless play-through of Fallout. Playing on PC can be a major commitment, where as playing on console is very casual, and sometimes casual and mindlessness is exactly what I want. There is no right or wrong here. It's just a matter of where you are in your head or in your life at any given time.
  13. So... 5 members with a combined 53 years of experience of posting on Nexus forums confirm they have an issue with this... that's kind of interesting.
  14. I know exactly what you are talking about. On a short thread like this one you would think the quote button is obvious and no one could mistake it, but on a longer thread I find my mind interprets it differently. It has become my routine when quoting in a long thread to scroll to the top of the page to get my bearings as to which quote button goes with which post. It's not a big problem - minor annoyance. I'm guessing it doesn't effect everyone the same way and may be a slight bit of dyslexia on my part, but yes it would be nice to change it.
  15. lol :laugh: Personally I like the ones with a filling which is probably why I'm usually full of it. :D
  16. Name: Cassiopeia of Dragon Claw Age: Ancient - age uncertain Race: Breton Description: Coven Witch - last Reverend Mother of the Black Marsh Coven. Province: Summerset Isles Wealth (scale is 1 homeless - 10 wealthy): Irrelevant, only power is wealth. Strength: 5 Perception: 10 Endurance: 5 Charisma: 5 Intelligence: 10 Agility: 5 Luck: 0 Other details: Cassiopeia was my Oblivion character who was born again in Skyrim. She actually came to Skyrim twice. The first time when she fled Black Marsh just after the Oblivion crisis, and the second time when she was born again in Skyrim with no knowledge of her past or her true identity. In young and innocent Cassiopeia's wanderings across Skyrim she came upon her own dead skeleton, still sitting in the chair in which she had died as a very old woman, and still clutching the diary which she had written. In the diary the old witch had explained the ways of the Coven and outlined The Ritual to be followed to become a witch of the coven and gain the dreadful powers of the circle. Young Cassiopeia embraced the diary and followed the ritual, and in doing so the old Reverend Mother, the dark dread witch of the Black Marsh Coven was reborn. An excerpt from Cassiopeia's diary: My name is Cassiopeia of Dragon Claw. I was first born on the 7th day of First Seed in the 2nd year of the Merethic Era, in the Crystal Tower of Summerset Isle, northwest of Cloudrest. I was last born on the 7th day of first Seed in the 414th year of the 3rd era. I have always been born on the 7th day of First Seed. It is then that I am found and marked by the Seer of the Coven. At the age of five, on the 9th day of First Seed, the Day of Waiting, I am gathered by the Seekers. Taken from those who raised me, sundered from she who bared me, and returned to the Coven. On the 18th day of Morning Star, the Waking Day, I am given the Waters of Life from the Pool of Radiance, and all that was known is known again, and a Sister of the Coven is reborn. Such is the ritual as I have known it to be. I am Cassiopeia of Dragon Claw, last Reverend Mother of the Black Marsh Coven. I am power incarnate, animus invictus, god made flesh, and I fear nothing... nothing but the future. The power of the Coven is broken. The Seer no longer sees, the Seekers no longer gather. Cruelly hunted down and killed. Such sorrow befalls us. All of our knowledge will be lost with my passing. I fear a future where I may yet be reborn but never again knoweth my true nature. To live and die and live again, infinitely reborn never knowing my name or who or what I am... a greater curse I have never giveth another. In the year 008 of the 4th Era, with the passing of the Most Reverend Mother Andromeda, I ascended to leadership of Black Marsh Coven, and it is I who have led them to ruin. It was my decision to bring back the feast of flesh that so enraged the Argonians, but that was not my mistake; my mistake was not being prepared for their rage. It is not wrong to sacrifice the beasts, that is why they exist, but they are no longer the primitives we once harvested, no longer the dull minded creatures who lived in fear of our coming. Andromeda was no doubt born again at her appointed time, but without a Seer to mark her she could not be reclaimed. She would have lived a mortal life, perhaps with children of her own. By now she will have been reborn and died many times without ever knowing the glorious nature of her eternal flame. First Seer Vanaris is long since gone, the second Seer and the third Seer as well, all of the sisters and brothers have passed from the light into darkness. They will still live but scattered across Nern in the darkness of mortality, they are sprinkled like salt upon the meal, adding to the flavour but with no sustenance. Cassandra and I left Black Marsh for Cyrodiil and then made the perilous journey to Skyrim where we believed the forbidding cold would keep the Argonians at bay. I told Cassandra that when she died I would find her and bring her back into the light, and when I died she would do the same for me. But when the time came for Cassandra's passing I could not mark her. I am not a Seer. Now she lives alone, her name is unknown, and I too live alone. With my passing, all that was will be gone, all that was light will be in darkness. It is the 142nd year of the 4th Era, my aged hands are brittle, my fingers crooked and gaunt as I write this with my tears and my blood. Now I be very old, I have used all of my knowledge and all of my powers to maintain this life for far longer than I would have thought possible, knowing that this will in all likelihood be the last meaningful life I will live. My life here will soon be at an end, I cannot sustain it much longer. I have so little time left but perhaps just enough to do what must be done. In my countless years I have blessed so few and cursed so many, but to you dear reader I leave a blessing, the greatest gift I have to give... I will lead you into the light. I do not know that you are worthy of what I am about to give you, but that matters not, you are here and that is enough. I am going to lay out a path for you to follow, and as you follow it I will teach you our craft. You must follow the path exactly as I present it to you, in the order in which it is given. If you try to jump ahead and do things out of order then the path will lead you nowhere. Patience is rewarded, haste is punished. You must understand the way of the Coven; it is not about the acquisition of power - though you will acquire much - it is a way of life. The essence of your being and your way of thinking. Everything is a ritual, that is the way of things. You will start down your path with a journey to Solitude. In your journey you must acquire a single silver ingot, 2 leather strips, 3 diamonds and a red ruby. In Solitude you are to visit a high class clothing store where you will purchase clothing that only a low born person would wear. The black mourner's robe and black mourner's hat is what you must wear, black boots as well. Wear these clothes as you walk among the people of Solitude and remember that though you be special it is not something these people need knoweth. As you walk among them you must come to know that you are not one of them. Though you be with them you are not of them. The path you walk they can never follow, they will live out their lives in darkness while you will traverse to the light. There will be a smith in Solitude with a powerful forge. Take your silver ingot, leather strips, diamonds and ruby to the forge where you must craft the Witch Blade. You will need silver smithing skill to do this. The blade is as I have drawn it below. The blade you have crafted has no special power; don't be disappointed, there is much to come... New Reverend Mother Cassiopeia and members of the Coven morn the death of the Most Reverend Mother Andromeda
  17. It looks like un-weighted vertices. Hypothetically, something like that could happen if the armor were weighted to a skeleton that was different than what you had installed in your game. The vertices flying off to infinity would be weighted to a bone that did not exist in the in-game skeleton. I've also seen that happen with nifs that were improperly exported with 2 skeletons. However I am just guessing, and I'm not familiar with 3ds Max so I can't help you with that.
  18. I've got free SE in my Steam account and haven't even bothered to download it. I still have an LE installation on my laptop and when I eventually play Skyrim again it will be LE (oldrim). I don't see any issue with releasing a mod for LE. Mod the game you play, that's what makes sense to me. But if your oldrim mod turns out to be popular, then be prepared to be hounded by people wanting it ported to SE.
  19. Your nif is missing a BSDismemberSkinInstance, that is probably the problem. Other than that everything looks normal. You should try doing the same thing I outlined above in post #6: copy the NiTriShapeData from your model and paste it over the NiTriShapeData of a vanilla/default head nif, in your case I would paste it over the NiTriShapeData of the femalehead.nif. The reason I choose the female instead of the male is: malehead.nif Number of Vertices = 898 femalehead.nif Number of Vertices = 996 your head nif Number of Vertices = 996 this suggests to me that your model is a variation of the femalehead nif.
  20. RGMage2


    I would add a complicit press to the list, whether it's journalists not doing their jobs or the result of concentration of ownership, they are part of the problem. Democracy's greatest weakness is how easily it is corrupted by money. We need a reset on the democratic process, to find ways of keeping the money out, and ways of allowing normal ethical good people to compete for high office.
  21. RGMage2


    I would almost buy into that, (hidden strategy) if it actually worked out that way. The whole idea for bush going into Iraq was exactly that.... get the oil. After we were done doing the 'destroyer of nations' bit, no US oil company wanted anything to do with Iraqi oil..... Mainly because there was no guarantee of security. It was, in fact, quite the opposite, if you were american, in Iraq, it was pretty much assured someone would be along to shoot at you/blow you up in relatively short order..... True enough. American foreign policy certainly hasn't been making the world a safer place for Americans. It makes no sense, trying to understand it is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle with half the pieces missing. I'm usually torn between the idea of incompetence or ulterior motives, but maybe what it really is is some of these people are just downright delusional. I still remember in the run up to the invasion of Iraq, watching some of the Sunday news shows where a Bush accomplice (Dick Cheney?) was explaining how the Iraqi people would be throwing rose petal parades for American troops.
  22. RGMage2


    Perhaps they're not actually doing nation building, and that's just a cover for their true intentions. It could be a divide and conquer strategy - wreaking havoc on small resource rich countries and leaving them vulnerable for corporate vultures to reap windfall profits. Maybe we're not giving them enough credit for competence. "America, Destroyer of Nations" has a nice ring to it don't you think? Very exceptional. in a master race kind of way.
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