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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. There aren't any that I am aware of..... I use most of the StarUI mods, and the fixes required for some of them, and don't have any performance issues with them...... The ship builder can take some time populating some of the menus, but, that's about it.
  2. I think its in the ship menu, crew, and there is a tab for outposts. Not sure if you can select them for travel from there though..... On the star map, systems you have outposts in will have the little symbol next to them....
  3. When I add mods mid-playthru, when I go to load my save, the game asks me if I want to use the load order from the save, or the current load order, if yours asks you that, tell it 'current'.... see if that works.
  4. No Clue on that one..... I just can't find much in the way of info on that error.
  5. Is that a 'windows' error? Or NVSE reporting it?
  6. Uninstall the game via steam, then, delete the install folder (in steamapps) and any other folders the game creates. Generally, those will be in My Games, and AppData\Local.
  7. You have mod issues. Your best bet is to start over again, with a fresh, clean install of the game, make sure it runs...... Then start adding mods one or two at a time, and again, verify the game will start.....
  8. Or just have the mission description mention where it is......
  9. Does it happen with every ship? I have had issues with a few of 'em, but, usually, getting a different ship solves the issue, and then I can modify to my hearts content.
  10. That would actually make sense..... After all, his suit has "Mantis" in the name, so, it IS specific to the mantis..... And if the pirates/spacers run from a single ship, when they outnumber it 5 to 1..... you would think that might prompt them to think twice about engaging with the mantis him/herself.
  11. Not only that, but the Frontier is made by Nova Galactic, Constellation doesn't have a Stroud-Eklund ship.
  12. Just deprive them of power. They'll stop firing.
  13. This one? If it's the same mod, post on the mods comments page on nexus..... The lack of any way to contact authors on beths site is going to be a continuing problem...
  14. File explore is the folder icon that should be on your taskbar. appdata is a folder, not a file. Local\Starfield is in appdata folder. If you have pipelinecache, you are likely in the correct folder. Folder path should show in file explorer...... Should be as listed above.
  15. Appdata is a hidden folder, you need to open file explorer, go to View, Show, hidden files and folders, and make sure it's check. The files will be in: C:\Users\YouUserName\Appdata\Local\Starfield. Or, in the search bar (windows 10 or 11) type in: %appdata% And hit enter, that will open the appdata folder, and you will find starfield in there.
  16. If you have an ad/pop-up blocker, it may be preventing the download window from opening. Some browsers also do this natively.....
  17. This is what forums are for. No need to apologize. There is no such thing as a stupid question here.
  18. I would imagine that the same methods used to increase tolerance in-game, should work for the CK as well.... I.E. an ini edit?? Worth a shot anyway.
  19. Exactly. And if that should require booting whatever spacers/pirates/zealots out, all the better. One could even make an argument for taking over settlements occupied by colonists. Not precisely a legal act...... could prolly come up with several ways to handle that aspect.
  20. Power Armor already kinda/sorta exists. The Mechanized, or Fastened legendary attributes add carry capacity to your space suit.....
  21. If you were running mods on the previous install, you need to take additional steps to made sure all the leftovers are gone. If you use a mod manager, you need to purge all your mods. Then uninstall the game, then physically delete the install directory, the directory in My Games, and the directory in yoursusername\appdata.
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