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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. What games are you playing? If you check the "Nexus Site Forums" sub-form, you will find a LONG list of games.
  2. HeyYou


    the question is who acts irrational. trump and his breitbart fans or the media. and it is not reduced to the national media it is the worldwide media phenomenon. they are all irrational you say ? since trumps inauguration the media (except right wing papers, some voodoo doctors and some climate disbalance ignorants) write fake news and trumps alternative facts are spreaded as the truth. it is the real america first trump news giving a s**t an what accredited scientists say. in my opinion there is no worldwide media and science change or fault since 2016 - it is without any doubt trump lying since day one as his strategy trying to discredit valuable information in favour of his own - easy to comprehend - breitbart influenced stuff. the really sad thing is that there seem to be many people in the u.s. who support or like this nazi like behaviour and attitude. and there is another big group of people who make some kind of profit since 2016 just ignoring the day by day lying nazi clown behavior. i do not understand why people praise trump for doing sometimes the right thing (and surely trump will always praise it like his wonderful two worldwars...). is this the qualification a capable national leader needs to convince an intelligent voter ? at lest 40% of the u.s. voters - maybe even more - think that! this is the sad reality. i must admit - at least his private tax deals seem to be great deals. it is a real wonder that a great deal maker like trump pays over years as much tax as a nurse. or is it (again and again and again...) just fake news as he says ? i say it is as most news at least no alternative fact - like the number of visitors during the inauguration. i'm sure we all know the truth - somehow. Or maybe, 40% or more... of the population really do NOT like what the dems are trying to stick us with. Sure, given my druthers, I'druther have some other viable candidate, but, we don't have one, and I sure as shootin' ain't gonna vote for ANY democrat..... So, what's left? To me, in this instance, Trump is the SIGNIFICANTLY less-evil choice. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
  3. And that is pretty much all we get from the major news organizations of late. Basically, for the last decade or so. I still remember when the 'news' was exactly that. News. No political bias, no editing of stories to support a particular political view. Just facts, all of them. Not leaving out little bits and pieces because they didn't support the message you were trying to forward. Of course, that was back when you got the news in half hour segments. 30 minutes of 'local' news, then 30 minutes of national news. With the advent of the 24 hour news cycle, all that went out the window, and ratings/political message became more important than truth, and facts. Sorry, I don't watch television. Newspapers, books, magazines, radio. Multiple and various opinions and different perspectives. Double checked sources, fact checking before publication. But I am sure that you will now tell me that the printed press is also "fake news" and biased. heavy sigh It's readily apparent that you have already made up your own mind, so, it really doesn't matter what I say, you will just chalk it up to MY bias...... So, I won't bother. I don't watch broadcast TV either though. I gave up on that years ago. I get my news from assorted websites, yes, each with their own bias...... but, if you check around, you can actually find the details that other places will leave out. What do you think guys ... any relevance ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/09/28 He would probably be more accurate/relevant. :D
  4. And that is pretty much all we get from the major news organizations of late. Basically, for the last decade or so. I still remember when the 'news' was exactly that. News. No political bias, no editing of stories to support a particular political view. Just facts, all of them. Not leaving out little bits and pieces because they didn't support the message you were trying to forward. Of course, that was back when you got the news in half hour segments. 30 minutes of 'local' news, then 30 minutes of national news. With the advent of the 24 hour news cycle, all that went out the window, and ratings/political message became more important than truth, and facts. Sorry, I don't watch television. Newspapers, books, magazines, radio. Multiple and various opinions and different perspectives. Double checked sources, fact checking before publication. But I am sure that you will now tell me that the printed press is also "fake news" and biased. heavy sigh It's readily apparent that you have already made up your own mind, so, it really doesn't matter what I say, you will just chalk it up to MY bias...... So, I won't bother. I don't watch broadcast TV either though. I gave up on that years ago. I get my news from assorted websites, yes, each with their own bias...... but, if you check around, you can actually find the details that other places will leave out.
  5. DEFUI replaces the menu .swf file, disabling it does not restore the original file. To test if that is the problem, you need to uninstall the mod..... and make sure all of it's assets are removed from the data folder.
  6. Can you scrap the terminal, and make a new one?
  7. And that is pretty much all we get from the major news organizations of late. Basically, for the last decade or so. I still remember when the 'news' was exactly that. News. No political bias, no editing of stories to support a particular political view. Just facts, all of them. Not leaving out little bits and pieces because they didn't support the message you were trying to forward. Of course, that was back when you got the news in half hour segments. 30 minutes of 'local' news, then 30 minutes of national news. With the advent of the 24 hour news cycle, all that went out the window, and ratings/political message became more important than truth, and facts.
  8. None of the news organizations are without bias, some more blatant than others. None of the news organizations are accurate either. Stories are always told from the perspective the organization wants to push. Facts, accuracy, simply don't factor in any more. Its is what is the most controversial, what generates the best ratings, or advertising dollars, etc. The news is no longer about informing the public, it's about ratings. That's it.
  9. Try completely removing the pip boy skins, and power armor skins from CC, from the data folder.
  10. What are your temps like when it crashes? (though, generally, when the system gets too hot, it simply powers down......) Anything interesting in Event Viewer?
  11. Yeah, I think your hardware is up to the task, gotta be a mod conflict, or some such.
  12. My problem was, there were a LOT of gunners in there. Probably two dozen..... truly difficult to pick out ONE problematic NPC from that crowd.
  13. Any pattern to the crashes? Specific place? Time of day? Any particular action? Not really seeing anything in your load order.... but then, I am by no means an expert in that arena. :D
  14. I *think* you need to add the ease-in time..... afEaseInTime = 1.0 That's in seconds. If I am reading it right, (and that's only a maybe.....) the numeric value is how long it takes the animation to play. I think.....
  15. And you could continue to refuse to use it if it existed, and those of us who would like to show appreciation for a comment or idea, could simply "LIKE" the idea, reducing the number of posts in a thread, instead of having a thread spammed with a ton of +1 posts. That's what the minimum character limit for posts is all about. :smile: But, if we get 'Likes', why not bring back 'kudos', or cookies as well? Kudos is still around, you can give them on a modder's page Indeed it is, but, only for mod authors apparently. Uh...I'm prettu sure I've given non mod authors a kudos, it's just a real convoluted path to get there to give them one that's for sure. Now that I think about it, I believe you are correct. :)
  16. Vortex should have a feature that will allow you to export your load list as a text file. I don't use it, so I don't know what the exact steps are.....
  17. Probably an incomplete uninstall. You may have to go thru and manually remove the associated files.
  18. And this is on a fresh load of the game, and windows? Have you tried adding an exception to Windows Defender for the Fallout 4 folder?
  19. Interesting. :) Does it give the ability to assign 'patrol areas' to Guard settlers? To prevent them from chasing enemies well beyond range of static defenses??
  20. Has it ran at 60 consistently outside the vault before?? Varying 40 to 60 really isn't all that bad. Pretty much anything above 30 is very playable.
  21. Stop using Buffout 4? It seems the problem you are encountering is fairly common, and a known issue at that. (problem with the dll file itself.)
  22. It only needs MCM..... Which is kinda nice to have, as a fair few other mods use it as well. Of course, then you ask: "But, what does MCM require?" :) Yeah, it can be a trip down the rabbit hole, but, you get a fun game in the end.
  23. Actually, Morrowind didn't do a half-bad job. The writing was better than later games as well....
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